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Theron's Hope (Brides of Theron)

Page 20

by Pond, Rebecca Lorino

  “Good Morning, my love. How did you sleep?” Zane asked her.

  “I haven’t slept this well since I met you. What are you doing out here? It’s freezing.” She said as he scooped her onto his lap. He reached under the blanket to see that she indeed was wearing nothing under the blanket.

  “Gracie, are you crazy? I am about to burst out of my pants here.” He proceeded to kiss her on her neck and see where that went. “You are an amazing woman Grace. Say the word and I will have you right here, right now.”

  She turned her head and observed all that surrounded her. “I have never made love on a terrace before and my reputation is pretty safe. It is very likely that I will never see any of these people again.” She turned to face him on the chair as she straddled him with a devilish grin on her face. She undid the fly of his jeans and he held the blanket around them to keep her warm as she sat on his hard and ready cock.

  He kissed her and held her close to him as she rocked up and down pressing him deeper and deeper inside of her. She was insatiable and he couldn’t get enough of her as well. He pulled her face toward him to kiss her passionately. She took the kiss deeper and deeper. He was under her spell. He couldn’t help himself. She had a way with him that drove his need. He cupped her breast with his hand and explored her body with his fingertips. She started to move slower so he reached around her, placing his hands on the smooth skin of her rear and helped her movement as she rose and fell in a rhythm. He felt the pulse of her reaching her peak of desire and he let go of his seed and planted it deep within her. They stayed like that for a bit. He looked into her eyes, the eyes of his soul mate. “You totally rocked my world just now,” he said in jest, trying but failing to keep a straight face. They laughed aloud when she realized that he was repeating what she said after the first time they made love. His face suddenly became serious, “I love you, Grace”

  “I love you too, Zane.”

  It was hard for her to finally release him. It was getting to be that time to get dressed and if she knew Michael, he would be making an appearance before the meeting to make sure Zane was fully prepared for what was about to happen. They went inside to get ready. She couldn’t get enough of this man. They hopped into the shower together to save time. He shaved with the supplies that he brought with him and they both brushed their teeth. Zane looked over at her when she started to apply her make-up. “You know you are so much prettier to me without all that stuff on your face.”

  She smiled at him and said, “Thank you! But I have to dress the part and wear all this because it is expected of me. After we leave here, I don’t have to wear it ever again.”

  “Good, because I love the way you look without it. You are so beautiful.” He hugged her from behind.

  The spicy smell of his aftershave was intoxicating. She had to squirm away from him. It was way too much for her to take. “Zane, I would love to have you once more before we leave but we really must get ready. If I could, I would push you down on that bed out there and have my way with you. It was hard enough for me to keep my hands off you in the shower.” She giggled and he laughed with her.

  “Promise me that you will follow through with those plans at the first available opportunity,” he said seriously, as if he agreed that later was just too long to wait. He left the room looking for the suit and pants that she laid out on the bed for him to wear today. He put on his socks, underwear, and pants. He swung the unbuttoned shirt around him and matched and fastened the buttons, tucking the tails of the shirt into the waistband. He was not quite sure what to do with the rest so he figured he would wait for her assistance. He slipped on the shoes. Grace wasn’t lying about the shoes. They were very comfortable despite their rigid appearance.

  Grace made her way into the bedroom to find him holding the black leather belt in one hand and the tie in the other. She smiled and went to assist him. “The belt is fed through the loops on the pants like this.” She said as she threaded the belt through and buckled the clasp. With that done she took the tie from his other hand. “The tie is worn around your neck like this. I don’t have the time to show you how to tie it now, but if you are interested I can show you later.” She put the tie over his collar, checking the length on each side, and through a series of tucks and knots she tightened it around his neck. “You look very handsome dressed like this. Why don’t you put the jacket on and see how it fits.”

  He swung the jacket around his large frame and inserted his arms into the sleeves. It fit perfectly. She walked around him, her heels clicking on the wood floor in the bedroom. She tugged at the back of the jacket a bit and returned to face him. “The suit fits like a glove. You can’t get a fit like this in the store. Let’s go get some breakfast. William will be here in 45 minutes to pick us up.”

  They made their way out into the kitchen. On the bar, Jo laid out some freshly cooked breakfast. It was fried eggs, sausage, toast, and hash browns. It was hot and steaming. She placed two coffee cups in front of them already sweetened and milk added. “Good morning, you two. I hope you are well rested. You have a big day today.”

  “Don’t remind me, Jo.” Grace said as she ate her breakfast. “Yum, this is good. I just wanted to say that we really enjoyed your company last night, I hope Miguel had a good time as well.”

  “Yes, he wanted me to thank you for inviting us and to tell you that it was fun and that he missed you.” She turned to look at Zane a big grin on her face, “He really enjoyed meeting you Dr. Zane.”

  “You have a wonderful husband Jo. Not to change the subject but, Grace is right. This is delicious.” He started to eat and Jo excused herself as she went about her duties of cleaning and laundry.

  “She is a wonderful woman. I see why you admire her so much,” he said to Grace. “I have a question, what are these things here?” He asked pointing to the hash browns.

  “It is similar to your ugula. It is a tuber that grows under the ground. Here, add some salt and pepper to it. It is good.” She said as she took a bite of her freshly seasoned fried stringed potatoes.

  Michael arrived just as he took his first bite. “Good morning, I hope you two are ready for this morning. I called my mother and prepared her for what should be an interesting day. She will support us in every way and try to help us diffuse Agatha.”

  “I knew I could count on you Michael. How did Emily take it, our current situation I mean?” Grace asked as concern clouded her eyes. It took everything she had not to call Em to check on her last night.

  Michael said, “Believe it or not, she took it a lot better than I did. I think she had a gut feeling that she wasn’t going to see you again just a few days ago. She has been working like a mad woman on a project and that has kept her mind occupied most of the week. She even called Jillian to work the weekend.” He placed a hand on Zane’s back, “Are you ready for today? Did she warn you about Grandmamma?”

  “Yes, we talked about her yesterday. She is quite an eccentric woman, huh?” Zane replied.

  “That she is.” Michael agreed as he made himself a cup of coffee. “I think that after the meeting a very strong drink may be in order.”

  “I am going to go change out my purse. Please, excuse me guys,” Grace said as the men nodded at her.

  Michael sat next to Zane taking a bite of Gracie’s breakfast. “Do people from your planet have a last name?” Michael asked him.

  “We do but it is unpronounceable in your language. Is that a problem?” Zane asked.

  “Well, we might want to make up one for you. What’s your father’s name?”

  “My father’s name is Arden. Do you think we can use that?” Zane asked.

  “Yes, I believe we can. From this point forward while you are staying on this planet, your name is Dr. Zane Arden. Unfortunately, I know that you want to carry on this rouse that you and Grace are married. I think that with no legal documentation to prove this and our inability to obtain such documents to make your marriage legal and binding, you need to refer to her as your fiancée f
rom this point forward. If anyone cares to ask, you are planning to marry soon and I am drawing up the prenuptial agreement, or so we will say.”

  Grace came in and asked what was going on. Michael did a brief recap of Zane’s name and their marital status. “I think that is an excellent idea.”

  “I have been thinking about the companies that have family ties to them and this is the only business you will discuss with anyone today. You will not mention the trust or property transfers that are not included within the family’s interests. They are yours and yours alone to deal with in any way you see fit. The vineyard is a perfect example of this. Most importantly, you need to let me lead the conversation in the board room. I will let you know when you need to proceed with your argument. Look to me for cues alright?”

  Zane and Grace nodded their approval of his plans. He must have been hard at work with all this careful strategy since going into outer space last night. Everything he was saying made perfect logical sense. The less they told Grandmamma, the better.

  “Do either of you have any questions about anything I have just said?” He waited a second and turned to Zane, “Zane Arden, you will not add anything to the conversation except when asked, understood? You are a doctor and worked in Florence until recently. You and Grace met on the plane to Italy and you both fell in love. You just recently asked her to marry you. Try to be as vague as possible. The less information we offer, the fewer questions we are obligated to answer.”

  “I will do as you ask,” Zane said, admiring the brilliance of Michael’s plan.

  “Grace, do you have any questions before we go?” He asked, taking her hands in his.

  “No, I’ve only a statement.” She couldn’t be prouder of him at this moment. “I know exactly what my father saw in you all those years ago. I know I have his full support in the decision to put the firm in your complete control. I am proud of you Michael.”

  He gave his favorite cousin a hug. “I am proud of you too. I am really going to miss you.” He looked at Zane, “You better take good care of her and protect her. This woman is one of the most important people in my life along with my wife and children. You need to promise me that she will want for nothing.”

  “I promise, Michael,” he said as he looked at the clock on the stove. “William is probably waiting for us at the front door now so we had better get going.” He looked at Michael, “Are you going to ride with us?”

  “Sure, I will just catch a ride back with you when we leave so I can get my car. Grace said that you would be getting some evidence for me this evening. We will have to discuss that later.” Michael said as the three made their way out of the lobby and into the car.

  Grace was not looking forward to this. She and grandmamma Agatha never saw eye to eye. Grandmamma always blamed it on her mother’s influence and was very quick to criticize Grace on every decision she made. It always came back to the vineyard that her mother purchased. She could hear the voice of her grandmother saying in her irritating aristocratic intonation, “That woman was always frivolous. Buying a vineyard, and some of her other investments, need I say more? The only thing I can honestly agree with is her dedication to the arts.” Zane gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, bringing her back to the present.

  They made their way into the building and straight up to the board room. She could hear the banter of the board members all guessing the reasons why they were called to this meeting in the first place. Grace left Zane standing by the wall as she took her seat at the head of the table with Michael at her immediate right. Michael was putting his papers in order. “Let’s get started, shall we.” Grace brought the meeting to order. “Michael will start the meeting with an overview of the firm’s current issues and investments.” She looked to Michael to continue.

  Michael gave the board a rundown of the expenses and income earned noting that there was a rise in profitability this quarter and that it looked like the trend would continue into the next year, and so on. Shortly after, it came time to drop the bomb. “I want to let the board know that I have agreed to buy some of Gracie’s stock in this firm. She no longer wants to sit on the board. We are ready to transfer enough stock that I will have 51% ownership.”

  The room got quiet for just a second as Grandmamma Agatha stood up and glared at Grace. “Grace you are a stupid, stupid impertinent girl! Do you know what you are doing to your father’s legacy? It is bad enough that he had to die along with your brother and sister, but now you are selling all your stock to someone that is not one of his own children?”

  Grace stood up and glared back at her grandmother, “I think that the board would agree that the firm has done well under Michael’s leadership. I would like to remind you, Grandmamma, that my father saw great potential in Michael’s abilities and was grooming him for a leadership position in the firm before he died. He has worked for Abernathy and Associates in the summers when he was in high school as well as during college. When my dad was gone, he was given key positions within the state prosecutors office and showed great potential there as well. He is a family member and a very well respected man in his field.”

  The board nodded in approval of Grace’s assessment. “The reason that I can no longer sit on the board is that I am soon to be wed to Dr. Zane Arden. He is standing over there.” She pointed in his direction. “Don’t worry Grandmamma. Michael is working on the prenuptial agreement now.” She nodded in Agatha’s direction, giving her a scathing look to let her know that she would not win today. “After I am wed, I will not be able to dedicate the time and effort required to run this firm as I have in the past. I will be leaving the city and moving to be with Zane in his home town. This decision also applies to my stake in several other family businesses as well. It is my belief that my father would fully support me on the decision to make Michael the controlling owner of the firm and I intend to do this with a clear conscience. It is going to happen whether any of you like it or not. I just wanted to make sure you were fully aware of my intentions. After Michael takes enough stock to give him 51% ownership of the firm, the rest is to be divided equally among the family members that sit on the board. If you choose not to purchase any of the stock, the pool gets smaller and so on. All of the other businesses I am involved in will be sold equally to all family members on the boards associated with them as well, following the same scenario that I mentioned before.”

  Aunt Marion stood. “I move to approve this. Michael has done a wonderful job revitalizing the firm. I say this regardless of the fact that he is my son. I think that everyone in this room would agree with me. I think that Johnny would have wanted it this way, having Michael in his stead. He did think highly of him.” She returned to her seat.

  Grandmamma never did sit down from her previous outburst. She just stood there gaping like a fish out of water. Her husband ran the firm before he passed away and it was no secret that her eldest son Johnny was their favorite. Aunt Marion gently took her mother’s hand and helped her find her seat. The motion was seconded and approved. The board meeting concluded with no further outbursts from Agatha.

  Grace and Zane stood together by the door with Michael nearby saying goodbye to the board members and accepting their congratulations for their upcoming wedding as they left the room. Agatha was supporting herself on Aunt Marion’s arm as Uncle Harold followed close behind. Agatha was not finished with Grace. She wanted her feelings about her granddaughter known before she left the room. “Grace, you are a big disappointment to me, to your father even. He would roll over in his grave if he had one. I hope you know what you are doing, you stupid, frivolous girl. I do not support you on any of this.”

  Aunt Marion gave Grace a glance. She wanted to know what the hell was going on that would cause Grace to sever all the ties with the family businesses because she was about to tell her mother something that she just might regret. She was positive that her mother would not fail to mention what she said to her every waking moment for as long as she lived. “Momma, Grace did the right thing.
It is in the firm’s best interest to have an active board member running the firm. I know that you would have wanted to have Johnny’s own children run the firm, but Grace is clearly not interested. My son is interested and he is an asset to the firm. You need to lay off Michael. I will have you know that Johnny would have wanted it this way even if John Jr. or Rachel had lived to this day. He told me so himself. He knew that his own children did not possess the ability of leadership that Michael did even before he died. Your attitude to your Grandson, my only son, is reprehensible.” She looked to Uncle Howard to have him take her mother’s arm as she walked away infuriated at the way her mother treated Michael.

  Grandmamma was left speechless twice in one day. That must have been some kind of record for her and Michael looked thoroughly pleased. He couldn’t have put it any better than his mother did. Grace would have to call Aunt Marion later and check in on her because she was clearly upset. Besides, Grace needed to offer her thanks for her help today. She couldn’t wait until the day that Aggie was told that Gracie was selling her stake in the Hampton’s house.


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