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Army Beasts Resurrection

Page 3

by Dahlia Rose

  “I feel better than I have in years,” Stavros said, and ran his hand up the curve of her thighs.

  The simple action gave her a delicious shiver, and she pulled his head down for a kiss. “You should change into your tiger and enjoy the sun. Soak it up and get stronger.”

  “Are you sure this doesn’t creep you out?” Stavros asked.

  “I think you’re beautiful in both forms.” Amari admitted. She rose up and kissed his shoulder. “That was part of our plan in coming out here.”

  He cupped her cheek. “Amari Montgomery, you are one amazing woman.”

  “I’ll expect flowers for that very reason then,” she teased.

  Stavros got up slowly and stretched. She lay back against the blanket on the soft bed and grass and drank in the muscular beauty of him. Even after his long battle with his injuries the man was cut and toned. He winked at her before closing his eyes, and she watched his change come over him. She wondered if it caused him pain the first time he shifted. But watching him embrace the animal that shared his body, she knew it was a natural progression in his life. Skin, muscles and bone shifted in his body. Unlike horror movies where a human’s shift to animal sounded and looked painful, Stavros’s looked almost graceful. At the end of it, a huge white tiger stood in his place with a beautiful coat of fur. He lay beside her, and she rested her cheek against his soft coat and ran her hand along his lines. He purred and she laughed in delight. Her life had taken a completely strange turn, but she wouldn’t change a thing.

  Chapter Three

  “No shot, Nurse Amari. Please!”

  She looked at the five year old Inuit boy whose bottom lip was already trembling in response to hearing he needed a shot. She always felt sorry for any child when they feared their immunizations. But it had to be done and she made it painless as possible. Her job was both nurse and physician’s assistant because they were so short handed.

  “Matthew, remember what I told you about making your body big and strong so you can go out fishing with your dad?” Amari asked gently.

  He sniffed. “Uh-huh.”

  “Well, this will help and we’ll sing the song while I do it. So you’ll just feel a little stick, okay?” she said. “How about you start out.”

  “Okay.” Matthew took a deep breath. “There was an old man who swallowed a fly. I don’t know why he swallowed a fly…”

  Amari sang along with him while she prepared the needle and his mom held him in her lap against her breast. She gave him the shot as they sang about the man swallowing a spider to catch the fly and his breath only hitched on a few words. By the time they were getting to the bird, she had a Band-Aid on his arm and a lollipop in his hand.

  “All done, Matthew. You did a great job!” Amari said with a smile. “Now if I recall, the orange is your favorite flavor right?

  “Yes it is, Nurse Amari, thank you.” He beamed up at her.

  “Now how about a hug and you get on home to play?” she said.

  He threw his little arm around her neck and she knew exactly why she was a nurse―to bring comfort to everyone. And days like this, her job was great. She took a bottle of Tylenol from the medicine cabinet. Most of the clinic patients were not able to even pay their bills. The doctors in charge always kept a supply of medicines that could be handed out to those less fortunate in the small town.

  “Mom, you give him some of this if he gets a little feverish overnight, okay?” Amari handed her the bottle. “Follow the directions on the back of the box, and fill the measuring cup to that amount every four hours.”

  “Yes, Nurse Montgomery. Thank you.” Mathew’s mother took the bottle and slipped it in her bag.

  She walked them out of the patient room, and the receptionist at the front desk buzzed them out the front door. They had to have security in place because many of the men in town were addicts and were known to try breaking in the doctor’s office and pharmacy to fuel their addiction. Alcohol was illegal, and sometimes they even drank Listerine to get the affect that liquor would give them. She leaned over the front desk and snagged two pieces of chocolate from a jar that the receptionist kept near her phones.

  “You’re going to spoil your dinner,” the older women said with mock severity.

  “Chocolate can never spoil anything, Madge.” Amari opened the wrapper and popped the candy into her mouth.

  Madge chuckled. “You’ve been in a perpetual state of happiness for the last week. May I ask whose the lucky man? I know it’s no one in town. I would’ve already got the scoop. So it must be that elusive gentleman who bought the old Brooks cabin. Your truck’s been over that way a lot.”

  Amari’s jaw dropped. “Holy crap. Does everyone in this town know everything?”

  “Honey, this isn’t the big city, it’s Hiko” Madge smiled. “But at least it’s not none of the scuzzballs who frequent the bars in town. They are all either married or just plain dumb as a box of rocks.”

  Amari laughed. “You don’t pull any punches, do you, Madge?”

  “My mister will tell you the same thing,” Madge replied. “It’s five and we’re closing up. I’m taking that you won’t be at your place tonight. If not you could come over and have stew with me and the hubby.” Just then the phone rang and Madge picked it up. “Hiko Family Physicians. How may I direct your call?” She listened for a moment and then handed Amari the phone. “It’s for you, sweetie pie.”

  “Hello?” Amari said into the receiver. No answer, and she repeated the word. There was still no answer, just the click as the person on the other end of the phone hung up. It made her uncomfortable, but she shrugged the prickly sensation in the back of her neck away and gave her friend the phone back. “They hung up.”

  “Probably just a dropped call. In this area the phone service isn’t the best,” Madge said with a smile. “Get out of here and go find that guy, bring him over for pie sometime this weekend.”

  “I’ll do that,” Amari assured her. “You have a good weekend.”

  “Getting my bulbs in the ground and our veggie garden is the priority this weekend.” Madge replied. “You enjoy your days off, sweetie.”

  The call still rubbed her the wrong way and it wasn’t the first time. She pushed it away and pushed it off like Madge had said. Probably just a dropped called from Stavros or something. She thought about the way he touched her and a smile crossed her lips. Yeah she wanted to get her weekend started with him. She got out of the clinic with minimal fuss. Usually someone came in after the door closed, and no one had the heart to turn him or her away. On the weekends one doctor took in any emergency calls and even drove out to patients homes. This weekend it wasn’t her. Amari drove along the familiar route to Stavros’s cabin. She hummed the tune that played while the warmer breeze lifted her hair away from the nape. By the time parked, she was in a very good mood.

  He stepped out from the door and stood on the patio wiping his hands. He looked happy and his greens eyes twinkled with merriment when she climbed the few steps. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her senseless.

  “You taste like spaghetti,” she murmured.

  “That’s because I’m making it for our dinner,” Stavros replied and rocked back and forth with her in his arms. “It’s meat sauce from a jar, but one uses what one can get.”

  “Does one?” she teased. “I’m good with that and in my bag I have a few movies for us to watch.”

  “The nights get chilly. I’ll get a fire going for that and I think I have some of those pop corn things for over the fire you brought last time,” Stavros replied. “I think we should call this Friday night date night.”

  “It’s not the city, but in Hiko I think we’re a party waiting to happen.” Amari grinned and then asked about the call that was plaguing her mind. “Hey, did you call the clinic looking for me before five?”

  “Nope, not me. I would call your cell first. Why do you ask?’ Stavros took her hand and led her inside.

  “I’ve had a few hang up calls and they just f
eel off, you know,” Amari admitted.

  “Amari, you should tell me why you’re in this town in the middle of nowheresville.” Stavros’s tone got serious. “If you’re in trouble, I can help.”

  She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his waste. It was something that gave her comfort. Being in his arms made her feel safe and secure. His concern endeared him all the more, and she wanted to ease his worries.

  “I’m not in trouble, Stavros,” she said while rubbing her cheek against his hard chest. “I testified against a doctor in the hospital where I worked in Boston. It went to a mistrial and his family was on my back. I got fired and left because I was being harassed. The DA from Boston is supposed to fly me back when the trial comes up again. Things keep happening, and it’s getting pushed down the schedule each time.”

  “Do you think anyone could be after you?”

  “I’m sure I’m the least of their problems right now.” Amari reached up and rubbed his neck. “Let’s not let it ruin our date night.”

  He kissed her gently. “Okay, but I want you safe. I can start shifting and keeping an eye on you at work if you want.”

  “Great, let the people in Hiko go into panic mode when they see a white tiger around the town,” she teased.

  “I wouldn’t be seen, dollface,”

  “Let’s not push fate.” She pulled him toward the kitchen. “Now come, man–beast. Feed me.”

  “Your wish is my command.”

  The serious mood was broken, and while he finished dinner they teased and tempted each other. Stavros insisted on feeding her forkfuls of pasta, and she dipped her bread in the leftover sauce and held it to his lips. Who knew in a small winter town she would find the best relationship in her life? Later that night, while it was dark outside and the sound of crickets and night animals filled the air, they were snuggled inside on the old couch in the middle of his living room. They shared popcorn and watched one of the newer movies, and he critiqued along the way.

  “I don’t see how people can like these cars turning into robots and having personality and intelligence.” He pointed a hand full of popcorn toward the TV. “If there are life forms out there, I sincerely doubt they are robots.”

  Amari snorted. “Uh-huh, and men who shift into animals are really an everyday thing.”

  “But it’s more plausible that this,” Stavros replied. ‘The truck with big guns is cool though.”

  Amari used a haughty British accent. “That’s why is called fiction, darling.”

  She let out a squeal of surprise as he flipped her beneath him on the sofa and popcorn flew everywhere.

  “You caused a mess.”’ Laughter laced her voice.

  “I’ll clean it up later, but now you must be punished for being sarcastic,” he murmured. His gaze settled on her mouth before he gave it a nip. “You are so delicious.”

  “I think I like you’re kind of punishment. I want more.” Desire curled in her belly while his hands cupped her thighs, pulling her against the hardness of his cock. “Take me to bed and give it to me good and proper.”

  He closed his eyes. “The things you say take me from zero to eighty in seconds.”

  “I like a car with a good engine.” Amari bit the side of his neck and he growled. He lifted her and moved toward the bedroom. “Let me walk, Stavros. You’re still healing.”

  “I’m healed enough to carry my woman to bed.” He kissed her hard. “Enough talk. I’m going to fuck you until you scream my name.”

  “Oh yes, please do,” she murmured and let her worries go.

  When you fell in love and found the perfect mate, it was imprinted on your soul forever. Amari looked back at her past relationships and knew nothing compared to what she had with Stavros now. She was meant to be there in Hiko at that time when he was at the end of his rope. Together they made the perfect whole, and her heart felt full and complete.

  He held her against him and slid her body down his until her feet touched the floor. They undressed each other with sure hands, touching and caressing every inch of exposed skin. Her hands slid up against his chest that was hot to the touch. For a while she thought he had an infection and was running a fever. Then he explained shifters like him always ran hotter than normal humans.

  “You smell like outside. I swear I can smell the grass and spring on your skin,” she said. She rose up on her tiptoes to press kisses on his shoulder and neck and inhale his scent. “I love everything about you, do you know that?”

  He cupped her cheek and kissed her gently. “Amari, you make me feel like a better man. I don’t know what you see in me.”

  “This entire world is flawed, and you’re better than most men,” she said, thinking of the gleaming white smile of the doctor who made her have to leave the only home she ever knew. He was handsome as sin but carried so much evil in side him it made him ugly. Stavros was sexy as hell and his scars made him sexier. She kissed him once, then twice until they both were breathing hard. She looked at him and said, “Trust me, a sexy smile can hide the truth in some people for only so long. With you I know exactly what I’m getting. Now, I thought I was going to be punished for being such a naughty girl.”

  The last few words were a seductive purr, and for her remark she got a swat on her bottom. She laughed when he picked her up and tumbled her onto the bed. Amari curved one of her thighs over his hard body and ran her toe up and down the back of his calf. A hint of the popcorn they were eating remained on his lips as he sampled her mouth. He moaned as she moved beneath him sensually. She raised her hips and rubbed against him, and she felt his cock hardened in reaction. Their tongues tangled and she sucked on his gently. He slipped his hand between them and rubbed her clit until her body shuddered at his touch.

  “I want you inside me,” she whispered against his lips. “Fuck me, please. Make the ache go away.”

  “God, I want to take you so hard.”

  Kissing her hard, he let himself sink into her and she was mesmerized by the way his eyes held her captive in his gaze. His cock buried so deep inside her, yet he didn’t move. Amari took the initiative and undulated her hips. She was rewarded by a low growl in the back of his throat that reverberated through her body. He rubbed her nipples against his palms before rolling them lightly between his thumb and forefingers. The friction caused her to arch just as he moved and thrust hard into her. A pleasure filled cry escaped her as he began to pound himself inside her and then went back to a slow teasing rhythm. He lowered his head and gently bit her nipples and it made her moan his name.

  It was as if something broke free the tight rein he had on his control, and he kissed her senseless. They were suddenly ravenous for more, tasting, nibbling each other’s lips and neck. She could feel him trying to touch every expanse of skin on her body as if wanted to imprint her to his memory.

  “I want your cock in my mouth,” she said in a fevered tone.

  She pushed him back and rolled on top of him in one smooth move. She vaguely thought she heard him suck in his breath, but when he pushed her head lower to his cock she let that thought slide away. Amari filled her mouth with him and he thrust himself deeper between her lips. They became carnal in their lovemaking. His body strained against her lips, and while she was on her knees he reached between her legs and sank his fingers into her snatch. She took every inch of him, moaning hungrily as she took him in her mouth and rode the fingers that were deep in her core. She was burning for him, her nipples so tight they ached.

  “I want my taste too,” he growled.

  He lifted her across his body and pressed his face between her legs. He lapped at her and sucked at her clit before penetrating her with his tongue. Locked together a tight sixty-nine, rolling and twisting, each trying to get more. She wondered if the heat of their coupling would burn them both alive. “Oh sweet Jesus!” The thought flashed through her mind when she felt his fingers join his tongue. He was taking her to the edge of reality and beyond each time he sank his digits inside her or sucked at her cli
t. She pulled away from his cock until she was kneeling over his head with her pussy spread wide over his face. It was then he let loose and drove her to madness with his mouth. He pulled her down so his tongue was pressed against her clit. She rubbed herself against him wantonly, and she felt her orgasm built and crest. She moaned, and to her ears the sound was like her begging for more

  “Ride me,” he ordered.

  Amari moved and took him into her sex. He squeezed the cheeks of her ass with hard fingers as she rode him, and he pulled her down against him until she screamed and came again. Still, it wasn’t enough. She wanted to wring every ounce of pleasure from his body just as he was doing to her.

  “Take me, please. Take it all!” she cried out in earnest.

  “Open your eyes. You know I love to see the desire in your eyes.” His voice was a harsh, passionate command. He grabbed her waist and flipped her under him. “Open your eyes, now, don’t hide from me.”

  “You belong to me, always and forever. Say it.” Stavros growled as he pounded into her body deeper with every thrust, and pushed her toward another orgasm.

  “You, Stavros. Only you,” she moaned in sweet agony.

  “Yes, Amari. God yes!” he shouted. “Ahhh, I’m going to come.”

  His words flowed over her like honey, and she couldn’t hold back any longer. With his hands tangled in her hair and their eyes connected. Her body exploded and shattered in ecstasy. Rolling waves of release kept going, and she could hardly catch a breath. Then she fell over the edge into the arduous abyss. He pistoned in and out of her wet snatch until his body tensed and he filled her with his hot seed. He sagged against her and she took the full weight of him with delight. Her limbs felt like they were made of liquid, and she sighed in contentment.


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