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Page 29

by Wegner, Ola

  Once in his basinet the baby closed its eyes and fell asleep.

  “He should nap for some time,” Amy said as she smoothed the blanket over the baby. “Jake,” she turned to her husband who stood behind her. “I’m so happy that you’re back and I should’ve told you a long time ago ...” She lifted her eyes at him. “I love you.”


  Amy woke up when she heard her son’s outraged cry. She’d quickly learned to recognize his cries, this one meant I’m hungry and wet.

  She glanced at the bedside clock. It was after five o’clock. They were lucky he’d slept most of the night without interruption. Careful not to disturb her husband’s rest she moved away from Jake’s arm draped over her. She found her slippers next to the bed and padded to the nursery.

  Her son stopped crying the moment she entered and smiled when she leaned over his crib. She smiled back and took him into her arms. She was right, his nappy was wet, and his hand tugged impatiently at her pajama top.

  “Will you go back to sleep now?” she asked as she placed the dry, fed baby back into his crib twenty minutes later. Her son yawned and his eyes dropped slowly. There was a chance that he would nap some more.

  “Was he wet?” Jake’s sleepy voice rang at her ear. His arms wrapped around her.

  “Yes,” she said as she placed the blanket around the baby.

  They stared for a moment at their dozing son and then tiptoed quietly from his room.

  Back in their bedroom, Jake tried to pull her towards the bed.

  “Let’s nap some more,” he murmured, kissed her neck, his hands began to wander over her pajamas clad body.

  “No.” She freed herself from his embrace. “I want to take a shower while he’s asleep,” she murmured and quickly walked to the bathroom.

  In the bathroom she closed the door to their bedroom and let an involuntarily sigh of relief. It was getting harder and harder to keep Jake at a distance. He’d been patient and he hadn’t even suggested anything more than cuddling and kissing for the first three months after the delivery of their baby. But lately he’d tried to touch her more intimately and asked her a few times whether she felt fully recovered. He hadn’t said it but she knew that he wanted to have sex.

  It was nearly five months since their boy had been born and she was perfectly aware that most couples would have started lovemaking a long time ago. But she dreaded the moment. She was very careful not to show Jake her after pregnancy body. Though the scar from the c-section was very small and placed very low just above the line of pubic hair, it was red and visible. What was even worse was her tummy retained the unattractive flap and the skin was stretched in places. It didn’t look nice and attractive. Not to mention there was those ten additional pounds she still couldn’t lose despite her efforts with a reasonable diet and daily exercises.

  She stepped into the cubicle and adjusted the water temperature. She didn’t hear Jake step inside until she felt big warm hands on her shoulders.

  She shrieked.

  “Easy,” Jake murmured and pressed her against his chest, his arms wrapped around her. “It’s only me.” He tried to turn her to him but she resisted.

  “Please leave me alone and let me finish my shower,” she said in tight voice.

  “Amy, what’s wrong?” he crooned as he stroked arms. “You won’t let me touch you or see you.”

  “Because there’s nothing to see.” She tried to back away from him.


  “Please leave and don’t look at me,” she pleaded.

  He stepped in front of her decidedly, and waited until she lifted her embarrassed eyes at him. “My tummy looks...” She didn’t finish, just averted her eyes.

  “As if you were pregnant and carried a child,” he said as he pulled her tightly into his arms. “You may call it male chauvinism but I like to see those ... marks, imperfections on you.” Jake stroked her tummy.

  “Right,” she snorted into his hairy chest.

  “I would be a total fool to complain about a little bit of stretched skin caused by the fact that you nurtured and carried my child. Now, I feel that you are even more mine than ever before,” he whispered.

  She lifted her still unsure eyes at him. “I want to make love,” he said straightforwardly.

  She smirked. “I figured as much.” Amy lifted onto her toes and whispered, “But I’d prefer to be in the bed this time.”

  He grinned and started washing both of them quickly. They stepped out of the shower and Jake handed her a large towel. Amy wrapped it around herself. She started to dry her hair which had managed to grow back almost to her waist since the last haircut.

  Jake toweled himself in record time. Amy squeaked unexpectedly when he swept her up into his arms, carrying her to bed.

  “I only hope that our son will give us enough time,” he murmured and with one movie-like move tugged the towel off her.

  Little Thomas behaved, and slept soundly until seven o’clock, allowing his father to take proper care of his mother. Amy needed much longer foreplay than in the past, until he’d aroused her until she was wet enough to accept her husband without discomfort. She didn’t derive as much pleasure from the experience as her partner that first time, still she was relieved that they had talked and resumed the intimate side of their marriage.

  * * * *

  “What are you going to do today?” Jake asked when they sat together at the breakfast table later that morning.

  “We must go to the mall and buy some winter clothes for Thomas,” she said as she poured freshly made coffee into his cup. “No!” Amy cried. At the last moment, she managed to take the toast out of his son’s hand before he put it into his mouth.

  “You know you can’t have that.” She frowned at the baby and then glared at his father. “And you keep an eye on your food.”

  Jake looked at his son, who sat in his highchair. “I think he wants to eat what we eat.”

  “He’s too young for solids,” Amy said.

  “I don’t know...” Jake stared at the baby who in turn seemed to stare hungrily at the contents of his father’s plate. “He’s almost five months and seems to want to.”

  Amy looked down at her son. “I’ll ask the doctor. We have an appointment next week.”

  Jake stood up and walked to Amy. “I’ll try to return earlier today.” He nuzzled her neck. Amy lifted on her toes and started the kiss.

  The intimate moment was interrupted with Thomas’s loud squeaking.

  “I think he’s jealous,” Jake murmured.

  Amy moved away from Jake’s embrace.

  “Have a nice day at work,” she said as she picked the baby up into her arms. “We’ll walk you to the door.”

  “Say bye-bye to Daddy,” Amy tried to encourage the baby to wave at his father when they were at the front door.

  “I’ll be home early.” Jake leaned to kiss his son’s dark head. “Or perhaps you’ll drop by my office later?”

  “Won’t we interrupt?”

  “No,” Jake said staunchly as he wrapped an arm around his family. “I love you both,” he whispered.

  “We know,” Amy acknowledged gently and stepped out of his arms. “Now go or you’ll be late for your first meeting.”

  The door closed behind Jake and Amy started walking to the back of the house. She put Thomas into his playpen, gave him his toys, and began to clean the kitchen.

  The doorbell rang. Amy looked down at the baby. “Who can that be? Stay here and I’ll check.”

  When she opened the door at first she didn’t recognize the young man with long hair and bushy beard.

  “Yes,” she smiled. “Can I help you?”


  “Oh, my God! Peter!” she cried and hugged her brother. “What are you doing here? Where have you been for such a long time?”

  “It’s good to see you, Amy.” Peter murmured as he hugged his sister back.

  “I can’t believe it!” She shook her head. “But come, let’
s go in.” She pulled him inside.

  Peter followed Amy inside the house. He stopped at seeing the baby, peeking into the playpen curiously.

  “I couldn’t believe it when Dad told me.” He leaned to the baby who stared at him with wide eyes. “You have a kid.”

  Amy bent down and picked up little Thomas.

  “You’re a mum,” he said disbelievingly.

  “Which means that it makes you an uncle,” Amy pointed out.

  “An uncle...” Peter murmured and touched the baby’s small hand. “He looks just like Jake.”

  “Yes, he does.” Amy cooed at the baby. “Just like his daddy.” She kissed the chubby neck, making the baby squeak with laughter.

  Peter shook his head. “You are really a mum,” he said slowly and if he had tried to convince himself about the fact.

  “Come to the kitchen,” Amy said. “You’re hungry? You must tell me where you’ve been all this time. We’ve been so worried.”

  “You mean you don’t know where I’ve been?” Peter asked.

  “How can I know? You haven’t phoned or emailed since...”

  “Jake and Dad didn’t tell you?” he interrupted her with frown.

  “Tell me?” she gaped at him. “About what?”

  * * * *

  Marcia’s face broke into a smile when she saw Amy walking out of the elevator. Little Thomas was supported on her hip and he looked around the place with big curious eyes.

  “Hi.” Amy smiled at the older woman who walked out from behind her desk to greet her.

  “Mrs. Barry...” Marcia started but Amy instantly interrupted her.

  “No! Please... do not call me that,” she said, “I feel strange when people call me Mrs. Barry. I’m just Amy.”

  The other woman hesitated. “I’m not sure.”

  “I know Jake wouldn’t mind.”

  “Well... if you insist,” Marcia agreed. “But just when there are only two of us.”

  Amy smiled. “Great.”

  “Now, he is so handsome. Such cute clothes,” she praised, looking at the baby.

  Thomas wore jeans, striped green sweater, matching hat and real athletic shoes.

  “I know. I’ve gone crazy about buying stuff for him. Jake says that Thomas has more clothes than he and I together.”

  “Well, he looks great,” Marcia assured her. “And every time I see him he resembles his father more.”

  “My brother visited us today and he said exactly the same.”

  Marcia smiled. “I’m only afraid Jake’s in a meeting.”

  “No problem, we’ll wait.”

  “I can tell him that you’re here,” the older woman proposed.

  “No, that’s not necessary. We’ll wait.” Amy walked to the comfortable sofa in the sitting area.

  It took another fifteen minutes before Jake’s meeting ended. Amy thought it was just in time because Thomas started to get cranky, probably wanting his late lunch.

  Amy waited till Jake said goodbye to the men and walked them to the elevator, before she stood up and let him notice her.

  He walked to them immediately.

  “How long have you been waiting?” he asked as he took the baby from her. “You should have told Marcia to inform me you were here.”

  “We didn’t want to interrupt,” she explained. “But I think he’s hungry now and probably wet.”

  Jake looked at his son’s displeased frown.

  “See, he looks just like you when there’s nothing to eat,” Amy remarked quietly.

  “Very funny,” Jake lifted the boy higher. “Mummy thinks she knows us so well, doesn’t she?”

  The baby growled in response.

  “Come, we’ll have privacy in my office,” he said, gathering his family. They walked together towards his office.

  “I’m not here for anyone,” Jake said when they passed by Marcia’s desk.

  When the door safely closed after them, Amy settled the baby on Jake’s desk, then began undressing the child, taking off his shoes and pants.

  “We had a guest today,” she said, passing the soiled nappy to her husband.

  “Really? Who?” Jake threw the nappy into the bin.

  “Peter,” she said as she cleaned the baby’s bottom with sure moves.

  There was a moment of silence. “I didn’t know they let him go,” Jake said slowly. “How is he?”

  “He’s really good. He’s going to work for father again, but this time just as a carpenter.”

  “That’s good. Manual work can prove to be good for him.”

  Amy finished changing the baby. She took off her jacket and opened her blouse, settling down on a cushioned chair near the desk. Thomas’s eyes shone with interest at the sight of his mother’s breast. He tried to pull himself up to get closer. Amy helped him, and arranged him against her chest. He instantly started to suckle noisily.

  “Why didn’t you tell me he was in rehab?” Amy asked in a quiet voice after a moment.

  Jake stood by his desk, his gaze flickering between Amy and his son.” Your father got the news just before Thomas was born.”

  “I see,” she nodded. “It was that unexpected business trip to LA.”

  Jake took a chair next to her. “Look, we thought it was for the best not to tell you then. We were afraid that stress could harm you or the baby.”

  “I understand,” she said as she shifted the baby a bit to make herself more comfortable. “But why didn’t you tell me about it later?” she asked calmly.

  “I kind of forgot about it. You were so preoccupied with the baby and... I thought that perhaps your father told you, or Claire.”

  “But they didn’t.”

  “You’re angry?”

  “No, of course not.” She gave him a long searching look, before she rested her gaze back on the baby. “It’s just I misjudged you so much. I was so stupid and blind from the very beginning.”

  “No...” he wanted to protest, but she interrupted him.

  “Yes,” she leaned over the baby to place a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for everything,” she said, her voice trembling as she blinked her tears away. “For my father, for Peter, for giving me the baby...” Her voice caught in her throat.

  Jake hugged her to him, careful not to crush his son.

  The baby started to squeak and kick in protest at his personal space being invaded. They both laughed.

  “I think he doesn’t like to have his dinner interrupted,” Jake remarked as he pulled away.

  “I think so, too.” Amy brought little Thomas closer, and the baby again concentrated all his attention on suckling.

  “I love you.” Jake kissed her gently on the lips and then his son’s hand.

  “We love you, too,” she replied.

  About the Author

  Ola Wegner is a teacher from Poland, English being her second language. She writes contemporary stories as well as Jane Austen Regency fanfiction.

  Contact her at:

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