Book Read Free

War Zone: Homefront

Page 36

by Thomas A. Watson

  Leaning close to Nathan, “The Pollock?” Rusty whispered.

  “The one that looks like Emma’s finger-painting,” Nathan offered, and Rusty nodded. Glancing at Jasmine, he saw she was scowling at Nathan. “No, the picture of the dogs playing cards stays in the living room.”

  “It’s a rug with a picture on it,” Jasmine grunted.

  “Guys, like the rest of Jeremey’s stuff, if they show up, we’ll give those back,” Nathan told them, and they all nodded.

  Stepping away from the ammo cans, Janice knelt down to look at the paintings. “Damn, I’m glad you got these from Jeremey’s, since they’re real,” she blurted out.

  “Thank Jasmine. They’re just paintings to me,” Nathan shrugged.

  Looking up with a sigh, “Thank you so much for sending Jasmine,” Janice said. “You answered many prayers.”

  Pointing at Janice, “Bill, control your wife,” Nathan snapped.

  “Screw that. I said more than one prayer with her,” Bill scoffed.

  Pointing at a line of gun safes along the right wall, “Guys, I want you to stack your stuff between the gun safes. Each of you have a space till you have a spot to put it at your house,” Nathan told them. Looking at the group, Jasmine couldn’t help but smile. None were greedy and were happy with the arrangement. Granted, that’s what she’d expected, but still just enjoyed seeing it.

  Bending to start moving his stack, Rusty stopped and stood back up before turning to Nathan. “What else?” he asked. “Don’t. I know that look,” he told him when Nathan rolled his eyes.

  “Guys, when we hit places, I want us to concentrate on gear, ordnance, and gold. But I want to build another bunker to store ordnance beside Rusty’s. We all have cinder blocks and some concrete, and my bunker’s full,” Nathan told them.

  “We can use mine,” Bill offered quickly.

  “No!” everyone barked just as quickly.

  “We’re using your bunker to store weapons and gear,” Nathan said, and everyone nodded.

  Turning away from the paintings, “Who let my husband raid a Forestry shed for explosives?” Janice asked.

  “I did it,” Bill snapped at her.

  Giving a long sigh, “Janice, we didn’t think he would take so much, and we never dreamed he would try to use all of it at once,” Tim admitted.

  “Bill, I told you, you aren’t to touch explosives,” Janice said with a snarl. “I’m truly amazed you’re still alive, but you aren’t blowing yourself up and leaving me to deal with this alone.”

  Dropping his head and looking at his boots, “They took everything,” he mumbled like a little boy.

  “Anyone else know about this?” Aiden asked, waving his hand at the cans.

  “Yeah, I put a note on the board in the dining hall,” Nathan scoffed. “Hell, no. This is ours. I’ve been keeping count. We each do six patrols for every one of any other person in the compound. If you take out Lanny and Greg, who’re next in the most on patrol, it goes to ten for every one we go on. If we’re going out, we’re the ones who say where the shit we gather goes.”

  “And that’s the way it’ll stay. The posse decides who gets what we bring back,” Janice informed everyone.

  Sherry moved over to Jasmine. “We need to work on dresses,” Sherry told her. “You’re still sure you want to get married the day after your birthday?”

  Jerking her thumb at Nathan, “I told you. He decided the day, not me. I would get married on my birthday tomorrow.”

  Everyone turned to Nathan. “I’m waiting till she’s twenty and that’s final. I offered to wait further from her birthday, but… Let’s just say, Jasmine was somewhat hostile,” Nathan told them.

  Tim gave a snort. “She made everyone wrestle Nathan to the floor and grabbed his right foot, telling him she was going to bite his big toe off if he changed the date.”

  The women moved over to Jasmine. “I know where Aiden keeps his stun gun,” Penny whispered.

  “Let’s get to work,” Libby chuckled, walking out with the others.

  When they were gone, Aiden looked at the stack at his feet. “She could’ve helped move this,” he moaned.

  Wrapping an arm around Nathan’s neck, “I never would’ve believed we’d be throwing you a bachelor party,” Rusty laughed.

  “Yeah, on my fiancé’s birthday,” Nathan grunted.

  Grabbing two ammo cans, Rusty gave a grunt when picking them up. “What’re we doing after this? Because I’m not helping with dresses,” Rusty informed them.

  “Oh, you’re going out to the Warthogs and giving us all a class on that mini gun mounted on them,” Nathan answered.

  “I still can’t believe you haven’t even loaded the damn thing,” Rusty said, stacking the cans. “You’ve read about them. You didn’t mind reading a pamphlet to use a Javelin or a claymore.”

  “Hey, I’m not Bill. I have a fear of weapon systems I haven’t seen others use. A gun I’m holding that can shoot six thousand rounds a minute gives me pause. I didn’t want to use the claymore, but I was pressed for time. And the Javelin launches away from me,” Nathan countered.

  “It’s not that hard,” Rusty laughed. “You tell Jasmine?”

  “Nope,” Nathan replied. “When she found out why I never even loaded them, Jasmine almost took them off and left them in Wyoming.”

  “Have to say, they make a great equalizer,” Aiden grinned when they were finished. “But we need to remember, we don’t have mountains of ammo to feed those beasts.”

  Giving a grunt as he headed for the stairs, “Let me show you Jeremey’s storage container of ammo, then we’ll see if you still feel the same way,” Nathan told him.

  Going outside to the garage, Nathan climbed up on the first Warthog. The mini gun was stored in an airtight box on the roof just behind the gunner’s seat. The box was flush with the roof and it wasn’t until Nathan had started studying the Warthog when Amanda and Casey were recuperating that he’d even found it. Since he didn’t know how to use it, and they already had belt-fed machine guns, he’d left them alone.

  Opening the container, he pulled out the mounting pole and bolted it on while Rusty climbed up to help. If Nathan would’ve gotten out of the way, Rusty could’ve done it much faster, but they had it mounted in twenty minutes.

  Jumping off, Nathan turned and looked at the transformation. “Okay, now it looks like a Halo Warthog,” he nodded.


  At Rusty’s, Nathan looked at his reflection in the mirror. “I’ll never forgive Tim for bringing my tuxes and suits,” he sighed.

  “Tim didn’t bring them, bitch!” Tim snapped behind him. “Sherry brought them, and said she would leave me if I didn’t help load them, so you take it up with her!”

  “Children, play nice,” Bill said, walking in dressed in a suit. He walked over to Tim and straightened his tie. “I don’t want to separate you two.”

  Pointing at Nathan, “He always blames me for what Sherry does!” Tim whined.

  “Duh,” Bill moaned, stepping back. “He’s not going to blame her, dummy.”

  Dressed in a suit of Bill’s that’d been altered, John waddled in while holding his arms and legs rigid, and appeared very uncomfortable. “Why do I have to wear a suit?” he whined.

  “Don’t start,” Nathan warned. “Bill gave that suit up to be altered, so be thankful.”

  Turning to Bill with a scornful snarl, “Thank you,” John said.

  Scoffing as he walked in also dressed in a suit, “Bill didn’t give shit,” Rusty chuckled, walking over to Nathan and pinning a rose to his tux. “Robin got that suit, and asked Bill when she carried it out if John could have it. I was there, and Bill never answered her.”

  “I think he looks great,” Bill grinned, walking over to John and adjusting the jacket and tie.

  “Um, Mr. Bill?” John stuttered. “Can I ask you if Robin, um… Could be my girlfriend? She always wants to hold my hand, but it doesn’t feel right unless I ask you if she could be
my girlfriend first.”

  Throwing his arms around John, Bill smothered him in a hug. “My God, do I love you, boy!” Bill cried out.

  With his face buried in Bill’s chest, “Mr. Bill, I’m asking if Robin could be my girlfriend, not you!” John’s muffled voice rang out.

  The others gave snorting coughs as Bill let John go. “Oh, yeah. I’m just glad Robin is with such a fine young man,” Bill nodded, straightening out John’s suit.

  Glancing around and then looking up at Bill, John whispered, “Would you tell her, I’m not ready to kiss yet?”

  When Bill hugged him this time, John saw different colors as his vision started to fade from the tight embrace. “Mr. Bill!” he gasped.

  Bill let John go and he staggered back to the wall, gasping for air and blinking the stars from his vision. Spinning to Nathan, “He’s Robin’s! Do you hear me?!” Bill snapped. “You let any tramp near him and they’ll disappear!”

  With his mouth hanging open, Nathan nodded dumbly. “You’re weird, and Jasmine has to approve of the girls the boys date.”

  “You need to talk to her, then,” Bill told him with a smile and then spun on his heel, strutting out of the room.

  “I remember Bill being much cooler before this,” Aiden said, staring at the door.


  At Nathan’s, Jasmine was sitting in a chair in the living room while Janice and Libby worked on her. “I don’t want to wear a dress,” Amanda whined, coming down the hall.

  “Amanda!” Jasmine shouted, and Janice and Libby stepped back. “Nathan wanted you to wear a dress, so drop it!”

  Cocking her head to the side, “He does?” she asked in shock.

  Letting out a sigh, “Yes,” Jasmine answered.

  “Oh, well, that’s different,” Amanda beamed, and bounced down the hall.

  Moving back to Jasmine, “I’m wondering how Nathan fathered Amanda,” Libby mumbled.

  Working on Jasmine’s hair, “I’m telling you, Nathan fathered them all,” Janice said. “I just can’t figure out how.”

  “I’m still trying to figure out how to cut the umbilical to Emma,” Jasmine said, closing her eyes when Libby worked on her lashes.

  “You can give that up,” Janice laughed.


  When Jasmine opened her eyes, she turned to the wedding dress. It was Nathan’s mom’s and he’d wanted her to wear it. Well, Nathan’s mom had been six inches taller, broader at the shoulders, and wasn’t as gifted in the ta-ta’s. Looking at all the pictures, Jasmine could see Nathan was built like his mom because his dad had been the size of a tank. When Ruth had said she could alter the dress with Sherry, Jasmine told Nathan she wanted him to wear his gray tux. She was surprised when Nathan had scoffed because she was wearing a dress, the wedding dress he’d wanted her to wear.

  When Nathan had seen her reaction, he’d immediately said he would wear the tuxedo. Robin walked in wearing a nice summer dress and her hair fixed. “How do I look, Mom?” she asked, spinning around.

  Glancing back and nodding, “Thank you for not putting on the makeup,” Janice told her. “I’ll do it in a minute.”

  “I can do it, Mom,” Robin moaned, rolling her eyes.

  “Baby, the last time you put your makeup on, you looked like a circus clown. I don’t think John would find that too funny.”

  Letting out a gasp, “I did not,” Robin said.

  “Robin, go help the other girls,” Janice sighed.

  Spinning around and heading toward the hall, “I’m only helping Gina, because Amanda, Casey, and Natalie scare the crap out of me,” Robin informed her mother.

  “Your daughter is very smart,” Libby chuckled.

  Stopping her work, Janice looked into Jasmine’s eyes. “Your daughters scare the shit out of me,” Janice admitted.

  Shrugging, “Don’t know why. They’re sweethearts,” Jasmine told them.

  Nodding, “Yes, that’s why I’m scared of you as well,” Janice said, going back to work.


  Walking out of Rusty’s, Nathan put the strap to the shoulder bag over his shoulder and held his AR in his right hand. He really didn’t want to sling it and get grease on his tux. Hearing whining, he turned to see Ares and Apollo sitting side-by-side. “Hey! I had to get dressed up too, so drop it!” Nathan snapped at the two. Both were wearing dog t-shirts printed to look like a tux.

  Tilting his head back, “AWwwaahe,” Ares groaned.

  “Keep on, and I’ll find you a dress!”

  “Don’t put a dress on them, please,” Tom moaned, walking out and carrying his rifle. Nathan noticed Tom was moving like he’d worn suits before. “Athena chewed off the tutu Amanda made for her, and I was so glad. A dog shouldn’t have to wear a dress of any type.”

  Chip ran out the door and Nathan reached out, gently grabbing his arm. “Don’t even think about playing in the dirt,” Nathan warned. Chip wasn’t wearing a suit, but was wearing dress pants and shirt with a tie.

  Tilting his head back to look up at Nathan, “Play,” Chip said, pointing at the pile of dirt in the yard.

  “Later,” Nathan promised as the others filed out.

  Grabbing Nathan by the shoulder, Bill led him down to the road. “We need to get to the hall before Jasmine comes out.”

  “Fine,” Nathan moaned.

  When they reached the hall, everyone hung up weapons as Lanny came over. “Nathan, I think this is the first time I’ve seen you dressed without gloves on.”

  Stepping back, Nathan reached inside his tux and pulled out white, soft leather gloves and put them on. “Always protect your hands. Besides, I’m not a barbarian,” Nathan scoffed, taking them off and putting them back in his jacket.

  Turning to the hall, Nathan was shocked to see it was full. “Everyone came?”

  “Except those on duty, and we put Anita and Floyd on gate guard duty, so others could come,” Lanny grinned.

  The door opened, and Amanda bounced in on her toes. “I wore the dress, Nathan!” she cheered out.

  Turning to Amanda, Nathan smiled at seeing the blue summer dress and noticed Amanda’s hair was fixed rather nicely. “You look stunning,” he smiled and pulled her to him, hugging her tight. He saw Casey and Natalie come in wearing dresses as well. “My girls,” Nathan said, letting Amanda go and hugging Casey and Natalie.

  After Nathan let them go, they ran off with Amanda as the posse stood beside Nathan. “Nathan, why are you so bothered by Jasmine’s age? Hell, Patrice was like twenty-eight,” Bill asked.

  “She was twenty-nine and, Bill, you really have to ask?” Nathan grunted.

  Looking to the others, then turning back to Nathan, “Um, yeah, I do,” Bill told him.

  “I’ve known all of your kids and had them over at the house at least once a month…” Nathan stopped.

  “Yeah, right,” Rusty chuckled. “After each one was five, it seemed like they always stayed there. The only time they came over ‘once a month’ was when you were out of town for the rest of the month.”

  “Exactly,” Nathan nodded, turning back to Bill. “Jasmine isn’t much older than Tyler and Robin, and I changed their diapers. But I never once remember wiping their butts when they assumed the position.”

  Shrugging, “So? Jasmine is older,” Bill pointed out.

  Giving a long sigh, “Bill, what would you say if Robin were marrying me?” Nathan asked. “She’s only four years younger.”

  Instantly, Bill’s face flushed red as he stepped nose-to-nose with Nathan. “You can marry Tyler, but Robin is going to marry John. Are we clear?” Bill growled.

  Spinning on his heel, Bill stormed off.

  “Guys, one of you have to get a handle on him about John,” Nathan moaned.

  “Nope,” Aiden sang out, shaking his head. “Rant, whine, and stomp your feet all you want, but I’m not even going to touch that. I know how you act like a bitch. I have no desire to find out how Bill will act like a bitch.”

  Thinking about that, Tim nodded
. “I’m taking Aiden’s side on that one.”

  The door opened, and Robin and Gina walked in with Penny holding Emma. Nathan grinned when Emma reached out to him. “Hey, doodlebug,” Nathan grinned, taking her. He looked down at the white summer dress and pigtails on top of her head, and admitted she looked cute. The only thing he didn’t agree with was the color of the dress. Emma couldn’t walk across the floor without getting dirty.

  When Nathan handed her back, Emma gave him a look of hurt betrayal, followed immediately by a coo of interest when she discovered the beadwork on the top of Penny’s dress. The sparkling beads refused to let go of the fabric, but Emma found she could get them in her mouth if she pulled. Penny noticed, but decided it was a small price to pay. Gina had been the same way.

  After a moment, Bill’s wife cocked her head and turned, beaming at Nathan.

  “Jasmine’s coming,” Penny told him.

  Lanny and Regina came around and gathered everyone up, moving them to their places. Rusty took his place as best man. Aiden, Tim, John, and Tom were the groomsmen. Holding a silk pillow, Chip stood beside Lanny with the rings on the pillow. At the door, Bill waited to escort Jasmine, since he was the oldest of the posse.

  Hearing the wedding music and pulling the veil over Jasmine’s head, “I can’t believe you wore cowboy boots,” Sherry whispered, then grabbed the door.

  “Nobody can see my feet,” Jasmine told her. “I didn’t wear my combat boots, hiking boots, or tennis shoes, so be happy.”

  Carrying a basket, Emma led the way with Amanda, Casey, Natalie, Robin, and Gina. Well, Amanda steered Emma while she tried to eat the flowers in the basket she was carrying. Then Janice, Libby, and Penny joined them as bridesmaids. Sherry followed as maid of honor while Vince moved around, snapping pictures like mad.

  Putting his arm in Jasmine’s, “This is the only door that’s not locked, so Nathan can’t escape,” Bill whispered to her, and Jasmine busted out laughing. “Aiden has his stun gun and Rusty has pepper spray, so we can pull him back to the alter if he tries.”

  Laughing so hard she had to lean on Bill, “Oh, man,” Jasmine gasped, then noticed everyone had turned around when they’d heard her laughing. “Thank you, Bill,” she said, reaching up and dabbing her tears away, trying not to smear the makeup.


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