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Ensenada Escapade: Destination: Desire, Book 6

Page 5

by Crystal Jordan

  He blinked, but didn’t hesitate with his answer. “I keep some in my toiletry kit.”

  “Are they expired?”

  He dropped the duffel onto his bed, dug inside, and handed over the small case. “Check for yourself, if you like.”

  Well, she’d asked for it. She rifled through his toiletries and pulled out three rubbers. One was expired; the other two were only a few months old. “This one can be tossed.”

  “Okay.” He took the offending foil packet and lobbed it into the trashcan by the toilet. He nodded to her hand. “Those two are fine?”

  “Yes.” She paused. “I made this awkward.”

  “A little.” Taking his kit back, he offered a lopsided grin, flashing that deep dimple again. “Does this mean you’re willing or that you just wanted to see if sex was feasible if you decided to sleep with me?”

  She swallowed. “Feasibility.”

  His expression became unreadable. “You should shower. It’s been a long, stressful day for you.”

  “Okay.” And she took the coward’s way out, grabbed her bag, and bolted for the bathroom.

  Unfortunately, she’d never been one to linger in the shower—too many years of sharing a bathroom with too many sisters. By the time she’d brushed her hair and teeth, she still didn’t know what to do. She donned a tank top and loose yoga pants and went back out.

  He lay on his bed covered by the sheet, hands folded behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. His gaze snapped to her when she stepped into the room.

  What the sheet didn’t hide was his erection.

  Whoa. “Um…”

  “Sorry.” Though he didn’t appear the least embarrassed by his flagrant arousal. “I was thinking about our…feasibility.”

  Her mouth dried and utter want punched through her. She remembered how big and hot he’d felt rubbing against her, how close she’d been to coming on the side of the road. Her body responded to the memory and the sight of him spread out like a banquet before her. Her nipples went tight, her thighs quivering.

  His gaze focused on her breasts. “Damn, Nora.”

  “I-I want…what I shouldn’t want.”

  He rolled to the side of the mattress, sitting up to face her. The move left about ten inches of space between them. “We’re both healthy, consenting adults. Horny, consenting adults. Why shouldn’t we want to explore this?”

  “We don’t even like each other,” she pointed out.

  He hooked a finger into the waistband of her pants, drawing her forward until she could feel the heat of him. “But we want each other.”

  Her breathing sped, her heart racing. “Ben.”

  “I want you naked, Nora. I want to slide inside you so deep I can’t tell where I end and you begin. I want to know how tight you’ll squeeze around my cock. I want to fuck you until neither of us remembers our own names. I want to see the look on your face when you come for me. I want you.”

  “Oh Jesus.” Her knees nearly buckled at the mental images his words evoked. She wanted all those things. Her sex fisted on emptiness, aching to be filled. Her hormones screamed with need—need Ben had offered to fulfill. Somehow, she had no doubt whatsoever that he could follow through.

  “Say yes,” he demanded in that black magic voice.


  He snapped an arm around her waist, tumbling her to the mattress in a quick rush. Her head spun, but his mouth crushed down on hers and all rational thought fled. She shoved her fingers into the damp silk of his hair, holding him close, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. He groaned, sliding on top of her. She cinched her legs around his waist, trying to get his cock where it would do the most good. He rubbed himself against her, the ridge of his erection riding over her clit. Each roll of his hips made her whimper with need. Fire danced over her skin, a building inferno that threatened to engulf her.

  Never breaking the kiss, he leaned up on one elbow and cupped her breast with the other hand. When he pinched and twisted the beaded tip, her breath caught. A lightning strike of pure lust went from chest to loins. Her pussy clenched, and she could feel how wet and ready she was. It was shocking how quickly he got to her, and all her body wanted was more, more, more. If he didn’t fuck her right this second, she might die from the consuming need.

  She tore her mouth from his. “Ben!”

  “I love when you say my name like that. It’s so fucking hot.”

  “Stop talking,” she ordered from beneath him, pressing her sex into his. “If you’re not inside me in the next thirty seconds, I’m going to come without you. Hurry. Up.”

  “Jesus.” He scrambled for the condoms with gratifying speed, and Nora took the opportunity to strip. He did the same, staring at her with such naked want it only turned her on more. He donned the protection and then came back to her, melding his mouth with hers. Damn, he could kiss.

  His hands stroked over her curves, kneading her buttocks, sliding up to cup her breasts, his thumbs zeroing in on her nipples. A moan spilled out of her, sensation piling on top of sensation until endless quivers ran through her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, arching her body into his. Digging her nails into his shoulders, she tried to communicate her desperation.

  He wedged between her thighs and hitched one of her legs high on his hip, which gave him all the access he could desire. The head of his cock probed at her entrance, and she thrust upward, forcing him deep. God, he was big. If she hadn’t been so wet, it might have hurt to take all of him.

  He groaned, shuddering over her. “Fuck. Me.”

  “I’m trying,” she whispered.

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “Let me help you with that, then.”

  He withdrew slowly, then pressed forward again. The slow drag of his flesh in hers made her choke on a moan. It felt so good. He picked up speed and force as he went, and she moved with him. She closed her eyes to savor every moment of the experience, the creak of the mattress beneath them, the beads of sweat that slipped down her skin and made their bodies glide together. She could feel climax rising like a tide inside her, waves of sheer pleasure making animalistic noises break from her throat.

  “Nora, look at me.”

  She did as he bid, meeting his vivid green gaze. His face was flushed with lust, the skin pulled taut over his sharp cheekbones. He drove into her over and over again, and she bit her lip to hold back a scream. So close. She was so very, very close. He ground his pelvis against her clit, which was more than enough to send her hurtling into oblivion.

  “Yes, Ben,” she gasped. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  Bliss exploded through her, and she couldn’t hold back a low cry. Her sex milked the thick length of his cock as he continued pounding into her, driving her to greater heights of ecstasy with each plunge. She undulated beneath him, loving the tingling that broke over her skin and the way the hair on his chest stimulated her nipples.

  “Nora.” Her name sounded like a prayer on his lips, and his cock pulsed within her, then he shuddered with his own orgasm. “Oh God. Nora.”

  He hung above her for long moments before he sank down on top of her, still gasping for breath. Her eyes drifted shut and she sighed with sweet contentment.

  “Nora?” he whispered.

  “Hmm?” She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so relaxed. But the dissipating tension meant the exhaustion she’d been holding at bay for hours swamped her suddenly.

  His lips brushed over her forehead, and his rich voice rumbled, “Sleep now, sweetheart.”

  “Mmm.” She couldn’t suppress a huge yawn, and within a few minutes she was drifting into dreamless slumber.

  Chapter Four

  Nora woke with a man’s arms around her. The feeling was unfamiliar enough that it jolted her awake. Her eyes flared wide, she took in her surroundings, and the events of the day before rushed through her mind.<
br />
  Holy Jesus. It was Ben Hudson who held her, his warm chest pressed to her back, his breath ruffling her hair. He shifted a bit, and she froze, not sure she was quite ready to face the consequences of her actions.

  “I know you’re awake,” his voice rumbled in her ear.

  Well, damn. She blew out a breath. “Good morning.”

  “G’mornin’.” He rolled to his back, smothering a yawn.

  She peeked over her shoulder, noting that he looked charmingly disheveled, while she felt like something had crawled into her mouth and died overnight. Awkward. Also, she had no clue what to say to a man she’d known—and disliked—for most of her life.

  Because she’d boinked him. Yep…awkward.

  “As unromantic as it is, I need to take a leak.” He patted her back, rose from the bed, grabbed his duffel, and headed for the bathroom. “Be back in a bit.”

  A quiet sigh escaped her, and she was unsure if she should be relieved that he’d given her some space and time to regroup, or annoyed that he was avoiding the inevitable talk they’d need to have. And that just showed what a hot mess her mind was this morning.

  On the one hand, she’d just slept with someone she really shouldn’t have. On the other hand, it had been, without a doubt, the best sex of her life.

  Mind. Blown.

  She could tell herself she’d been exhausted last night and hadn’t been thinking straight when she’d decided to hop in the sack with Ben, but that wouldn’t be fair to either of them. She’d known exactly what she was doing, she’d enjoyed herself immensely, and they’d probably be at each other’s throats again within the next hour. That was the reality—sex changed nothing. Ben was still Ben.

  But she wasn’t looking to have a relationship with him, was she? She’d rarely had no-strings-attached sex, and only in college when she was still experimenting with what she preferred. She’d found she liked bedroom antics to have some emotion involved. With Ben, there were emotions, sure, but not usually the positive kind. So, this left her in entirely unfamiliar territory.

  She sat up and wrapped the sheet around herself, feeling the delicious aches that only came from really amazing nookie. On that score, she had no regrets. It would be a damn shame to regret something that good. As she’d suspected, Ben had absolutely delivered on every one of his promises.

  Checking the clock, she saw that it was almost 9AM. She’d expected to be on the road by now. Shit. Grabbing her phone, she sent a text to Hazel. Hey, are you guys up yet?

  Nora had coiled up her phone charger and stowed it by the time her cell buzzed to let her know she had a text. She checked the screen and saw her sister’s reply. We overslept. Damn! We’re packing up and heading downstairs to check out. Meet you in the lobby in 20 minutes?

  She didn’t even have time to reply when another message popped up. The guys are STARVING and insist on eating before we do anything else. So…meet in the hotel restaurant in 20?

  Nora snorted and tapped in a response. Are Tweedle Dumb and Dumber going to be whiny pains in the ass the whole way home?

  Another quick answer from Hazel. Yep.

  Nora sent back, Outstanding.

  Her phone vibrated and another message popped up. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE you for coming to rescue me?

  Shaking her head, Nora typed in, Love you too.

  Ben came out of the bathroom, dressed and ready for the day. “What’s up?”

  “I need to do a quick shower and change.” Nora tucked her phone in her purse and picked up her bag. “We have to meet everyone downstairs for breakfast in twenty—no, eighteen—minutes. We check out right after that.”

  “Sounds good.” He stepped out of her way. “It’s all yours.”

  “I’ll hurry.” Her skin tingled with awareness as she passed him, but there was no time to think about that now.

  * * * * *

  They sat at a tiny table in the equally tiny restaurant, and Nora’s right side was plastered against his left. Every little movement she made had her shoulder, arm, or leg slide against his. It was a sensual torment the likes of which Ben had never known before. His cock was rock hard, throbbing painfully, and he was intensely grateful for the cover the table provided.

  Every few minutes she tried to inch away from him, but there was nowhere for her to go unless she wanted to sit in Jeremy’s lap. Considering the annoyed looks she cast the grad student any time he opened his mouth and made a clueless statement, Ben was going to assume she hadn’t developed a sudden attraction for Tweedle Dumber.

  Her behavior this morning left him…uncertain how to proceed. Did she want to discuss what had happened or pretend her moment of madness was just that and forget about it? That wouldn’t work, of course, because they still had family connections, but…for once, he didn’t want to provoke or upset her. They’d finally connected, and he wanted to keep that good vibe going so badly it actually hurt. It wasn’t even just about the sex—which had been as spectacular as he’d always fantasized—it was about the sliver of an opportunity for more than the verbal sparring and mutual antagonism they shared.

  Maybe that was what he’d always sensed about her. Chemistry, yes, but also the potential for so much more. Relationship more. No woman had ever gotten under his skin the way she had, and he’d tried damn hard to find one who did.

  And, if he couldn’t have more, maybe he’d finally be able to put this jones he had for her behind him. Unlikely, considering last night had only increased his craving for her. There was fantasy and then there was knowing that reality was even better.

  “What do you think, Ben?” Hazel asked before she shoved a huge bite of huevos rancheros into her mouth.

  He smiled. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

  Jeremy crowed with delight. “See, it’s not just me who spaces out from time to time!”

  Great. Now he was in Tweedle Dumber’s category. The morning was off to a thrilling start.

  Thankfully, Nora didn’t take the golden opportunity to mock him. “Little sis was asking what you thought about the Mexican legal system. How is grand theft auto dealt with here?”

  “I’m afraid I’m not sure. The law can be different from state to state, let alone from country to country. I passed the California bar exam.”

  Priya leaned forward. “No international law classes, then?”

  “It wasn’t where I specialized.” He shook his head. “I took a course on politics and law in the European Union when I studied abroad as an undergrad, but nothing about Mexico, I’m afraid.”

  “It doesn’t matter how they deal with auto theft here,” Chuck stated. “They’re never going to find out who stole the car in order to prosecute. Kiss your ride goodbye forever, Jerry-boy.”

  Privately, Ben agreed with him, but he kept his thoughts to himself because Jeremy immediately launched into an argument about how his very distinct purple Jetta could definitely be recovered. And he wanted the perpetrator thrown in jail.

  After a few minutes of listening to the tantrum, Ben decided he’d had enough and broke in, “What did the police say?”

  Jeremy went silent. Priya finally replied, “They said to come back today and they’d have someone who could translate. At least, I think that’s what they wanted. I don’t really speak the language.”

  “My Spanish education ended in high school.” Hazel shrugged helplessly.

  “Okay, let’s go.” Ben signaled the waiter to bring the tab.

  “I can cover you. I have pesos,” Hazel said. “I’m guessing you guys didn’t have time to exchange currency.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? My credit card has no international transaction fees.”

  “Breakfast is the least I can do,” she insisted.

  He lifted his hands in surrender. “Far be it for me to argue with a Kirby.”

  Nora huffed out a small laugh
and elbowed him in the ribs. He reached over and tugged on a lock of her hair. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to brush a kiss over her lips. He was pretty sure she wouldn’t be interested in public displays of affection, especially not in front of her sister. As far as he knew, she didn’t even want another private display of affection.

  And wasn’t that a crying shame?

  Instead, he smiled at her. “Hey, I can turn over a new leaf.”

  Some emotion flashed across her face, too fast for him to discern what it was. Then she set her napkin on the table and reached for her purse. “Okay, we should figure out our game plan and get going.”

  Well, there was a dismissal if he’d ever received one. He sighed. It was going to be a long trip home. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he fished it out to see who was calling. His mother. Damn—he hadn’t even gotten a full twenty-four hour reprieve.

  Rising, he moved toward a quiet corner. “I need to get this. Don’t hurry finishing your meal. After my call, we’ll do the police station, then hit the road.” He tapped the button to answer. “Hi, Mom. Yeah, I’m good. We made it just fine.”

  He’d update her, but he’d have to edit out the X-rated content of their adventures. For both their sakes.

  Then he got to deal with the Federales. That was another detail he neglected to mention. Better to leave that for when he got home so she wouldn’t worry. Much.

  * * * * *

  Ben spoke Spanish. Nora did well enough to get through a basic medical exam with a patient, but that was about it. But he was fluent, and she remembered that his year of foreign exchange had been in Spain—something he’d neglected to mention at breakfast. Apparently, the language skills had stuck with him. Or maybe they came in handy as a lawyer. There was a pretty large Spanish-speaking population in California.

  The exchange with the police officer was rapid-fire. Too fast for her to keep up, but it was clear Ben had turned on the charm. She hadn’t known he had any. He’d certainly never used it with her.


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