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Ensenada Escapade: Destination: Desire, Book 6

Page 12

by Crystal Jordan

  He was easy to follow, and managed to make her feel like she knew what she was doing when he whipped her into a quick turn. After he dipped her again, she came up giggling. Maybe it was the rush of blood to her head, maybe it was the way the people around them had gotten into it, maybe it was the knowledge that she was never going to see any of these folks again, maybe it was the giddiness of being pressed so close to an incredibly sexy man, but she let herself relax, cut loose, and have a ball.

  “You’re good at this.” She turned her head to speak in his ear, and he smoothed a hand down her back. She quivered, desire beginning to seep through her. And there was the complicating factor—now that she knew how good it was to have him touch her, she couldn’t turn off the craving for more.

  He hummed. “Karen wanted to learn one summer when she was a freshman or sophomore in college, so she dragged me along to the dance studio as her partner.”

  “Mean older sister.” She tsked.

  “She bribed me, so not that mean.” At this point they were just rocking slowly to the beat of the music, wrapped in each other’s arms. It felt good.

  Chuckling, she amended, “Smart older sister.”

  “Very.” His warm breath rushed over her neck, making her shiver. The song ended and they pulled away from each other slightly. He met her gaze, hunger reflected in his expression, and for a moment she thought he’d kiss her. Longing lodged in her throat, and she leaned forward.

  “The two of you are the most adorable couple.” An elderly woman, who looked as chirpy and fragile as a small bird, broke into their reverie.

  Nora jolted, and forced a smile. “Oh, we’re not a couple, but thank you. That’s very kind.”

  The old man sitting next to her snorted. “If you aren’t a couple, I’ll eat my hat.” He tugged on the brim of his fedora, turning to the woman. “These young folks don’t know anything anymore.”

  Ben wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her away. “Come on, sweetheart, you’re not fooling them.”

  A loud harrumph came from the man and the woman said, “I told you. I knew it.”

  Nora just laughed. “I wasn’t going to win there, was I?”

  Clasping her hand, he wound through the other dancers back to the table. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to argue with cantankerous old people?”

  “I argue with them all day long.” She brushed a lock of hair over her shoulder and sat down. “They don’t want to take their meds, they don’t like the pillows, they hate being stuck with needles, they don’t want to have an MRI, their hips or knees or muscles hurt and why can’t I fix it?”

  “What?” His eyes widened. “You don’t come with a magic wand you can wave?”

  “They teach nursing majors to use stethoscopes, not magic wands. I can sprinkle some glitter around if you think it’ll help.”

  He tipped his head toward the elderly couple. “Want to go over and ask the experts?”

  “Pass.” She crossed her legs and smoothed her skirt.

  He scooped up their empty glasses. “Want another beer?”

  “Hmm.” She closed an eye and considered if another pint was advisable. She was a lot smaller than he was, so it’d hit her harder. Then again, she wasn’t driving and they were a five minute walk from the house. She dug into her purse for some cash. “Maybe one more, and this round’s on me.”

  He took the money without protest. “Same kind or a different flavor?”

  She glanced at the menu board posted over the bar. “The honey ale, I think.”

  He bent down and popped a quick kiss on her lips, his stubble rasping over her skin lightly. “Coming right up.”

  Pressing her fingertips to her lips, she tried to figure out why he lit her up like a Christmas tree. Sure, he was attractive, but she’d dated other attractive men. Was it just chemistry? Was it the slight forbidden of sexing it up with a guy she’d had a hate-hate relationship with for so long?

  Or was there something else going on here that she couldn’t yet pinpoint? Her emotions were far too tangled up about this for her to be rational. She needed to step back to get a clearer picture, but that wasn’t likely to happen while they were in close proximity. So she had until she got home to just enjoy this…whatever it was they were doing.

  It was nice to give herself permission not to overanalyze, not to label or categorize.

  “A honey ale for madam and another hef for me.”

  She tipped her head back to thank him, and instead he kissed her again. Warmth flooded her, a flash of desire that still surprised her. He pulled away and resumed his seat, taking a drink. She followed suit and they continued to discuss everything under the sun, from politics to religion to child-rearing to ageing. Basically, all the stuff you should never talk about on a first date.

  Not that this was a date, of course.

  They came at everything from opposite perspectives, even when they managed to agree—which was more often than she would have guessed—though their banter was teasing instead of barbed. It was actually fun. Who knew she could debate with Ben without wanting to brain him?

  “Ready to go?” He licked a lingering bit of foam from his lower lip, and that just made her insides clench with want. She’d love to slide her tongue along his lips, taste him. Maybe bite his butt the way the chair-thief had suggested. She smothered a giggle at that thought.

  Hopping up, she grabbed her purse. “Yep.”

  She swayed as she got to her feet, pleasantly buzzed from the second beer. Not drunk, but really cheerful to the point she was humming to herself as they walked out of the tasting room. She did a little pirouette beside him as they headed toward Linden Avenue.

  He grinned. “You don’t drink much, do you?”

  “Not a lot. Sometimes a glass of wine with dinner or dessert.” There was a chain link fence to the left and she let her fingers bump across the chinks as she walked. “You heard me tell Priya that. I wasn’t saying it to make her feel better or anything. Or I was, but it was still the truth.”

  “Come here.” He took her free hand and tugged her to his side. “I’m afraid you’ll wander off if I don’t hold on to you.”

  “Let’s wander back to the house.” She lifted his arm and spun underneath it. “This was a nice evening.”

  “It was.”

  He pulled her into a dance hold and swayed slowly in a circle, and she hummed “Brown Eyed Girl.” Badly, but who cared? His green, green eyes were gazing down at her, a lock of dark hair tumbled over his forehead, and he looked impossibly gorgeous. Desire began bubbling within her the longer she was pressed to him, and he must have been feeling the same thing because his erection rose to prod the curve of her belly. Her sex dampened, and tingles skipped over her skin. It was a heady experience, seeing the wicked invitation in his gaze, knowing explosive satisfaction was hers for the taking.

  And she’d be taking. “Did you want to share my room tonight?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  “Okay.” She brushed her mouth over his, nipping at his lower lip. “Let’s go home.”

  “This way, sweetheart.” He twirled her around, slipped an arm across her shoulders, and guided her around the corner onto Linden.

  He didn’t rush her, kept their pace to an easy stroll, but his fingers stroked down the back of her arm. Goose bumps broke over her flesh.

  “Is screwing me just about fulfilling your teen wet dreams?” The words were out before she could stop them, but she wanted to know, so she couldn’t regret them.

  He stiffened beside her. “Who’s the blunt one now?”

  Leaning her head back against his shoulder, she met his gaze. “It took me two beers to get to this point. What’s your normal excuse?”

  His dark brows rose. “I don’t feel the need to make excuses for being who I am.”

  Whatever. She flapped a hand. “A
re you going to answer my question?”

  It took him a full minute to reply, and they were almost back to the house before he spoke. “There’s a bit of gratification for my inner teen in this, yeah, but don’t kid yourself by thinking that’s all this is about. The adult me has a serious jones for the adult you.”

  “Oh.” She squinted. “That’s good, I guess. It would be weird otherwise.”

  “Probably,” he allowed, though his tone seemed carefully neutral.

  He held the gate open for her and she preceded him up the path to the porch. She climbed the steps and turned. He was right behind her, but on a lower stair, so they were eye-to-eye, illuminated by the porch light.

  She twisted her lips. “I’m…trying not to pick apart our motivations here, but the teen-fantasy thing bothered me for some reason.”

  “Then let your mind rest easy on that score.” His voice was far too breezy. “Just enjoy this. I am.”

  “You’re lying.” She wagged a finger under his nose. “Or not telling the whole truth. I know you better than you think I do.”

  He was smart enough not to deny what she’d said, though he was back to sounding neutral. “Maybe I’m not sure what the whole truth is yet. I didn’t exactly plan to end up in bed with you this week. I have no qualms about it, but I also didn’t figure out every angle of my seduction strategy before we burned up the sheets.”

  Leaning nearer, she pointed out, “Look at that. I’m not the only one who overanalyzes.”

  He tapped his chest. “Lawyer. I have to analyze every day, all the time.”

  Slipping by her, he unlocked the door, ushered her in, and flipped on the lamp in the entryway.

  “Want to sit in the living room?” He tipped his head toward the couch.

  “Uh, no. Unless you want to.” She dropped her purse on a chair. “I’m headed to bed. You’re welcome to join me, but there’s going to be less talking and more doing when I get there.”

  “You’re doing yourself?” He trailed after her, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

  “I’m single, Hudson.” She wiggled her fingers at him. “A girl learns to do for herself.”

  “Now there’s a show I’d like to watch.” He stood in the doorway, propping a shoulder against the jamb.

  “No free admission.” She kicked off her sandals and pulled the hem of her dress up until it barely skimmed the top of her thighs. “Out or in, Ben.”

  “In. Definitely in.” He stepped over the threshold and toed off his shoes. His shirt quickly followed as he moved further into the room. After reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out his wallet and the condom inside. He set both on the nightstand and stripped out of his jeans and socks.

  Mmm. She wanted to run her hands over the soft curls on his chest and play with the flat discs of his nipples until he begged her to fuck him. She tugged her dress over her head and tossed it across a chair tucked into the corner. That left both of them in nothing but their underwear. She moved to the other side of the bed, facing him. She unsnapped her bra and let it fall to the floor.

  He hooked his fingers into the top of his boxers. “At the same time?”

  “I’m in.” She pushed her panties down and watched him perform the same motions. His cock came into view, semi-erect and getting harder by the second as he looked her over, his gaze pausing on her breasts and the juncture of her thighs.

  “I want to taste you.” His teeth dragged over his lower lip.

  A shudder quaked through her. The idea of him going down on her…oh dear God. Her sex fisted tight on emptiness. If she’d been damp before, she was soaking wet now. “Yes.”

  He set a knee on the bed, climbing into the middle of the mattress. She met him there, and he hauled her into his arms, slamming his mouth down over hers. Their tongues dueled, each of them wrestling for control of the kiss. Her breath rushed in and out, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him near. His chest hair stimulated her tight nipples, his rougher skin sliding against hers was a sweet contrast that fired her blood. His palms skimmed over her curves, cupping and massaging her backside.

  She let her head fall back, and he nipped and kissed his way down her throat. She closed her eyes. “I love…”

  He went utterly still and she arched into him.

  “I love your hands on me, Ben. Don’t stop.”

  “I won’t.” He urged her backward onto the pillows and moved to kneel between her thighs. “But I do believe I promised to taste you.”

  Lifting one of her legs to hook over his shoulder, he spread her wide for his gaze. And he looked his fill. It should have been embarrassing, but it wasn’t. The hot desire that reflected in his gaze made it impossible to feel anything except pure need. He stroked upward from the inside of her knee, making tremors run through her as her anticipation ratcheted higher and higher. He brushed over the lips of her sex, then eased his fingertips into her.

  “Ahhh.” His low, rough sound of pleasure only increased the ache within her. A small smile tilted up one side of his mouth. “So wet for me, sweetheart.”

  “Yes,” she gasped. “You should do something about that.”

  “I won’t let you down.” He bent closer, giving her a quick wink before his attention focused on her pussy. “I promise.”

  The first touch of his tongue on her sex was electric and she jolted. His hands clamped on her legs, holding her open for him. His mouth formed around her clit and he sucked.

  “Oh. My. God.” She balled her fists in the comforter.

  He chuckled against her slick skin, and the slight vibration made her quiver. He slid his tongue along her slit, then dipped into her channel. Needy little sounds spilled from her, and she writhed beneath him. His beard had grown during the few days of their trip, the prickly hair abrading her flesh with every movement they made. It was sensory overload, and she knew she was going to come with startling speed. Climax was already building within her, making her muscles quake.

  He moved back up to suckle her clitoris while his fingers pressed into her sex, driving her hard. She let go of the blanket and shoved her hands into his hair. She thrust her hips toward him, wanting more, needing more. He rubbed over her G-spot again and again and again while he caught her clit between his teeth and bit down ever-so-gently.

  It too much to bear and she imploded.

  “Ben!” Her toes curled and her body bowed upward as waves of orgasm slammed into her, dragging her under like a riptide. She tugged on his hair with each wave that hit her, and her grip had to be painful but she couldn’t let go. Ecstasy rolled through her, leaving her giddy, gasping and sobbing. A small eternity passed before she went limp, still quivering in the aftermath.

  He jerked away from her and lunged for the condom he’d laid out. His hands shook so badly, she was surprised he managed to get the thing on. Instead of coming down on top of her, he scooped her up and rolled beneath her, her legs falling on either side of his waist.

  “Ride me,” he demanded.

  “After that? You’re crazy.” She snorted. “I don’t think I can muster the energy.”

  “No? I think I can help you with that.” He grinned, maneuvered a bit and then speared his cock deep into her pussy.

  She sucked in a shocked breath, the overstimulated, swollen tissue of her sex stretching taut around him. Pressing her palms against his chest, she sat up. “Oh, oh, oh!”

  Subtly rocking his pelvis into hers, he nudged his cock within her. His hands rose to caress her breasts, his clever fingers pinching and twisting the beaded crests with exquisite precision. She couldn’t hold back a moan, her recently-sated desire rising again. Heat swamped her and she leaned back to brace her palms against his thighs. The angle only intensified every sensation as his dick moved inside her, but now she wanted more friction than his gentle nudging afforded her. Slowly, she lifted and lowered herself on him, setting a lei
surely pace that she hoped would drive him wild.

  It was what he deserved after making her be on top.

  “Faster,” he whispered.

  She shook her head. “When I feel like it.”

  “Sadist.” He tweaked her nipples, making her inner muscles clench. They both groaned, and Nora went a little faster.

  But only a little.

  She built up speed gradually, savoring every single second of the encounter. They’d be home tomorrow, and that meant she’d probably never let herself do this again. There were too many complications. But, for now, she’d ignore the future and enjoy the sweet, sweet present with a hot man sprawled beneath her, a hot cock buried inside her, and nothing but time to take full advantage of both.


  She met his eyes, and he flashed a smile.

  Glee danced in his gaze as he pushed up every time she sank down on him. He said, “This is fun.”

  “Oh yeah.” She chuckled and shifted position to brace her hands against his chest. She could feel his heart pounding beneath her palm, his pulse racing just as fast as hers.

  His hands bracketed her hips and he pulled her tight against him, grinding into her clit. Christ, that felt good. He did it again on her next downward plunge and her sex spasmed around him, a precursor to climax. Their gazes locked and the race was on, each of them trying to push the other to orgasm while struggling to hold off their own. Laughter mingled with moans, the mattress creaked beneath them, and every few thrusts they made the headboard smack against the wall. It was a carnal symphony, and it turned her on even more. She was shaking with the effort it took not to come, and she could see a muscle ticking in his jaw, tendons cording in his neck.

  “Come on,” he growled.

  She smiled, laying down a challenge he wouldn’t be able to resist. “Make me.”

  Lunging up, he wrapped an arm around her waist and flipped her over. He surged into her, setting a punishing tempo. Each time he entered her, he rotated his pelvis against her clitoris. One, two, three more thrusts, a low cry burst from her, and she went spiraling out of control.


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