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Zeal Legacy 2: A GameLit RPG Fantasy

Page 30

by Riker Kane

  He moved as fast as he could to the essence tablet and placed his hand upon it. Nervous anticipation twisted his stomach as he saw his stats appear in front of him. He blinked to make sure he was reading everything correctly.

  Clayton Brooks

  Essence Level 59

  Available Points 0

  Hit Points 600

  Stamina 100

  Strength 19

  Constitution 17

  Agility 19

  Dexterity 14

  Wisdom 12

  “What is this? This thing broken or something?”

  “What’s wrong?” Jalise’s worry was clear on her face.

  “I lost 25 levels. My stats are… My stats are gone. It’s like…” The realization dawned on him. “It’s like he took something from me.”

  “He took your levels,” Rena said. “You simply have to earn them again.”

  “There’s not enough time to gain that many levels…” He made a beeline up the hill and headed for Grady’s forge. The blacksmith was locked in the cavern. His entire body was covered in sweat and soot, working with the Zeal Blade the whole time since Clayton gave him the order. He kept his head down as Clayton approached him, holding the stone inside of the kiln.

  “Grady… the Maledict attacked Taius last night.”

  The old man didn’t respond, his attention taken by his task.

  “Grady, did you hear me—”

  “I heard you. I’m afraid I would have been no use to you or the village. Without the Zeal Blade, you could never really beat them for good. I must do what I have to do.”

  “Maledict Belenoth attacked me. He hit me with his sword but it didn’t wound me. It… It took something from me. Do you know what that means?”

  “What color?”


  “What color are his eyes?”

  “They’re blue.”

  “Blue… I’ve studied the Maledict as much as anybody over the years. Ever since I lost my father. Blue is the color of envy.”

  “Jalise… You mentioned that before.”

  “That’s right,” the sage sighed, shaking her head and trying to put the pieces together. “Belenoth is envious of you.”

  “That’s what I assume.” Grady continued heating his kiln, keeping a close eye on the stone that didn’t seem to be changing. “The Maledict have… abilities unlike anything else in this world. They can influence people. They can hurt people. They can take things from someone.”

  “In Belenoth’s case, he took some of your essence. He used it to make himself stronger.”

  “…Crap.” Clayton put his hands on his hips. “Belenoth said I have two nights. Meet him on the summit of the Great Horn Mountains or he’ll return with another attack. He’ll surely try to take something from me again.”

  “Belenoth can’t come through again so quickly,” Jalise said. “It takes the Maledict years, decades, to launch an assault.”

  “He doesn’t need years to devastate a small village like Taius.”

  “Two nights… I’m sure taking your essence from you drained him. That is the time he needs to gather his strength and take the rest of your essence from you.”

  “It wouldn’t need to be a full assault. He’d only have to get close to me to steal more of my essence. I would have a harder time.”

  “We can defend Taius.” Mirella said. “No matter how many times he comes through, we will fight him.”

  The party remained confident despite Clayton’s strange predicament. Grady kept his head down, continuing his task despite the fatigue on his face.

  “No… I can’t take that chance…” Clayton had made up his mind. “I have to face him. I have to accept his challenge.”

  “Clayton.” Jalise moved closer and put a hand on his chest. “You can’t face him. You know he’s only deceiving you to get what he wants. He’s going to take everything from you. There would be none of your essence to recover. You would be… gone.”

  “I know what he’s trying to do. But I can’t keep you at risk. I can’t keep Taius at risk.”

  “The situation is dire,” Rena said. “You do not have the time to recover the essence you have lost. You must make an ascent through the more treacherous part of the mountains. And even if you best him in combat, you do not have the weapon to destroy him. He will continue to live unless he is vanquished by Zeal.”

  “Grady… How much time do you need? Can you finish strengthening Zeal in two nights?”

  Grady had been listening the entire time, his attention turned to melting down the two spectral stone hilts Clayton had given to him. “It will take considerable effort. I would need some assistance. But it could be done.”

  “We’ll do whatever it takes to help you finish.”

  “I have another proposal for you.” Grady straightened up, finally looking at Clayton. “Do you intend on facing the Maledict at the summit?”

  “I do.”

  “It will take some time to make the ascent. The distance is not long but the terrain is treacherous. Foul creatures await you. It will be a difficult task just to reach the summit.”

  “Nothing will stop me.”

  “I can see that. I need as much time as I can get to make your weapon as strong as possible. When the night comes to face the Maledict, you may begin your ascent before I finish. But the weapon will get to you. I will make sure of it.”

  Clayton nodded in understanding. “We’ll clear the path up the mountain. I’ll face Belenoth and hold him off until Zeal is ready.”

  “Are you sure this is the best option?” Jalise asked.

  “We don’t have very many options right now. I’ll have to face him eventually. At least at the summit, the village won’t be in danger.”

  “If you’re making the climb, then I will be there with you.”

  “I am with you, as well.” Rena put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

  “You will make it to the summit and you will end his threat.” Mirella smiled softly, making Clayton do the same.

  “Welp… I’ve gone this far. You can’t get rid of me now, BB.” Kailani slapped him on the arm.

  “We’ll do everything we can to help Grady until the night comes.” Clayton walked closer to the kiln and observed the Zealinite smoldering inside of it. “I will face Belenoth. And I will beat him once and for all.”

  Chapter 42

  The party worked tirelessly to help Grady in his forge. They stoked the fires of his kiln. They took turns hammering the Zealinite under Grady’s direction. They carried the molds, forging and reforging the spectral stones. The sun rose and fell then rose again but they continued to work with little rest.

  The night of the showdown with Belenoth approached.

  Clayton stood at the base of the hill, looking up at the summit in the distance. The clouds had gathered, darkening the sky despite the full moon shining.

  “Just my luck…” Clayton held his palm out and felt the raindrops.

  “Are you ready?” Rena stood by his side.

  “It doesn’t look like I’ve got a choice… It’s now or never.”

  The party began their journey while Grady continued working tirelessly in his forge.

  Just a few steps were enough to tell Clayton how much harder the climb would be. The dirt was soft from the rain, the mud slick against his heels.

  “We do not know what lurks,” Rena said. “Be on your guard.”

  They continued their climb until coming upon a cavern. Jalise took the lead and ignited her palm to light the path. The storm continuing to rage outside grew distant. But Clayton kept his eyes peeled, peering into the darkness.

  “Wait.” He put his hand up and brought everybody to a stop. “Careful now.”

  The party held their breath and listened. The silence in the cavern grew more unnerving with every passing second. Clayton looked to his left and right but saw nothing. Just when he was about to step forward, he stopped himself.

  “Jalise… Above us.”
/>   The sage nodded and raised her flames up. The light illuminated the cavern ceiling just as the creatures above descended upon them.

  “Bats!” Rena slashed her weapons up at the winged beasts, dozens of them clawing and snatching at them. Their flapping wings echoed the same as their screeches. “Don’t let them overwhelm you!”

  The group stayed together despite the flood of bats continuing to storm around them. Mirella stabbed at them with her trident while Kailani tossed her daggers with lethal precision.

  Jalise’s flames proved to be the greatest threat to the creatures. When one was engulfed, it collided with another. It spread like wildfire, the bats’ fiery bodies lighting up the cavern.

  “Keep moving!” Clayton shouted as he moved forward down the pathway. He fought off the creatures and headed for the light at the end of the tunnel. The group made their way out of the cavern and the bats ended their attack, fluttering back within the confines of the darkness. “Everybody all right?”

  Clayton was scratched and clawed. Without the Zeal Blade’s abilities, his minor wounds weren’t healed. The rest of the party had only worked up a sweat from the encounter.

  “We must make the path safe for Grady,” Jalise said. “I will remain here to make sure the bats bring him no harm. Continue forward.” The sage walked up to Clayton and cupped his face, leaving a tender kiss on his lips. He wanted to enjoy it for as long as he could but eventually gave her a nod.

  The group proceeded with the storm gathering strength above them. The muddy path was difficult to slog through as the incline continued to increase.

  Clayton stopped when he saw how the pathway narrowed. There was no way to proceed forward, as the rest of the path had been destroyed. He peered over the edge but saw only the rest of the way down the mountain.

  “There has to be another way… This gap is too big to get across.”

  “There is no other way,” Rena said.

  “Figures…” Clayton looked around for a solution but only found trees and rocks.

  He took another look at the distance then at the tree on the other side of the gap. “Maybe if… Kailani. You can make the leap.”

  She moved to the edge then nodded. “I think I can make the leap. Barely. But what does it matter if I can get across if you’re the one who has to get to the summit?”

  “Take my sword. Cut down that tree and lay it down so that we can cross.”

  “Wait… Are you serious?” He pointed the hilt at her. “You’re serious… Well, if there’s no other way…”

  “There’s no other way.”

  Kailani wiped the smile from her face and gave him a confident nod. “Gimme some space.” She grabbed his sword and stepped back from the edge to gather speed. Even though he was confident she could make the jump, Clayton couldn’t deny the anxiety churning the fluids in his stomach.

  Kailani ran toward the edge, digging her feet into the mud. Just before she fell, she pushed off and leaped into the air. She glided across the gap and landed with a tumble on the other side. The group breathed a sigh of relief.

  The rain continued to pour down as she got to work hacking away at the tree.

  “Make sure it falls in our direction!” Clayton shouted.

  “What do you think I’m trying to do?” She swung Clayton’s small sword over and over until the tree began to give. A few more swings and she let it fall toward them. “Watch out!” It fell with a thud across the gap, a precarious bridge for them to cross.

  Clayton balanced himself as he made the short but slow walk across the log. “Steady… Steady… Steady…” He stayed as calm as he could before falling forward on the other side of the gap. Mirella and Rena followed after him.

  Kailani had her hands on her hips as she looked down the pathway they’d just crossed. “Make the path safe for Grady,” she said. “I don’t think that old man can make it across by himself. I’ll stay behind.” She grabbed Clayton by the collar of his armor and kissed him, sticking her tongue between his teeth as forcefully as she ever had before pulling away. “I’ll see you soon, BB.”

  He smiled at the way she winked before turning and continuing down the pathway.

  The air grew thinner. The rain continued to slicken their path. Soon after thunder filled his ears and lightning flashed in the sky. Just walking became a burden. But Clayton could see the summit in sight.

  “Can’t stop now… Too close… Too close…”

  He clenched his jaw as he pushed up a small hillside. As soon as he reached the next plateau, he saw the eyes of beasts lurking in the darkness of a nearby cavern. They didn’t hesitate to reveal themselves.

  Wild boars charged at him, their roars as loud as the thunder. Clayton yelled just the same and raced forward to meet them. The three engaged with the boars, cutting, stabbing, and hacking away at them. The beasts seemed to have no end as more emerged from the darkness of the cavern next to them.

  “Can’t keep fighting like this…” Clayton muttered to himself. He looked to the side and saw the dark clouds next to him. An idea came to him. “If it worked before…”

  A boar stomped its hooves and charged at him. Just as it was about to gore him, he rolled out of the way. The beast went flying from the plateau and plummeted to an assured death.

  He did his best to conserve his stamina. When he couldn’t stab and swipe at the boars, he dodged them and used their own aggression against them.

  The boars were relentless. Though they didn’t put up much of a fight, their numbers were unending.

  “Go!” Rena shouted. “I will hold them off! Finish the ascent!”

  “You don’t really expect me to leave you—”

  The elf twirled in his direction, cutting down two boars in the process, then pressed her lips to his. He would’ve enjoyed the taste of her tongue a lot more if it weren’t for the cold steel pressed against his throat.

  “They are nothing more than common beasts,” she whispered. “Practice for a greater fight. Continue up the path or I will show you how sharp my dagger is.”

  “You already proved that to me a long time ago.”

  He grinned at her. The elf smirked as much as she could before the steely resolve returned to her eyes.

  “Come on!” Clayton shouted to Mirella. “We’re almost there!”

  Only two of them remained but the path to the summit was coming to an end. Clayton was so close he could almost see the top of the mountain. The storm raged even harder with harsh winds blowing against them. They put their heads down and pushed forward.

  They came upon another cavern pathway.

  “Damn… Could really use a light right about now…” He stepped inside, his weapon ready for anything that might appear around him. To his surprise, he saw a small light at the end of the path. He moved forward to it and saw water blocking his descent into the cavern.

  “The rains must have flooded this cavern,” Mirella said. “This is the way. But you will have to swim through.”

  “That’s not a problem. It shouldn’t be a problem for you either. But Grady…”

  Clayton could barely see her face from the moonlight shining into the cavern. But the pale-blue Azurean looked as beautiful as she always did to him. He moved close and kissed her, letting his tongue linger for as long as he could because there was no immediate threat. It was a few seconds before he slowly pulled away.

  “I have to keep going,” he said. “You have to swim Grady through.”

  “On the honor of Azure, Zeal will make it to you. I swear it.”

  Even though he was asking a great deal from Mirella and everybody else in his party, he’d never been so filled with confidence that the task would be done.

  He held his hand in hers before turning and leaping into the water. He swam forward through the flooded caverns, following the moonlight shining in the distance. The light grew brighter until he was able to rise above the surface and exit the cavern.

  Clayton was alone now. His armor wet and muddy. He had nothing
but his weapon, a compass, and some potions in his pouch. It would have to be enough because the summit was right in front of him.

  He climbed the last few steps until he was on the plateau. He was so high up he felt like the storm was right on him. Through the wind and rain beating down upon him, he kept his focus.

  A black mist formed like another storm before his eyes. Shimmering blue light appeared at the center. The dark smoke spilled out and took form.

  “Ferrum… It’s time to meet your destiny.”

  Chapter 43

  The rain crashed down on the summit and muddied the soil beneath Clayton’s heel. The thunder roared so loud it shook his bones. The lightning was close enough to blind him. At the center of the storm above, a blue smoke swirled in the dark mist.

  “Oh, man…”

  Facing his biggest threat with the world crashing down around him. Nothing on him except his armor and an ordinary sword. Clayton had dreamed of moments like this. The problem was, this was no longer any of the games he was so comfortable playing. This might have been another world but this was real.

  Belenoth held his hands out and paced back and forth. “I have to admire your courage, Ferrum. I took your strength but you still decided to show up.”

  “You took some of it but you didn’t take all of it. I don’t need it to beat you.”

  “You don’t really believe that, do you? Do you have any idea what you’re dealing with? Do you know how much stronger you are making me?”

  “I know how it works. I strengthen my essence. The more levels I gain, the stronger the Maledict become wherever the hell you are. But I know you don’t have the strength to open a gate large enough for an entire army.”

  Belenoth smirked, his face more sinister in the moonlight. “So… You do know how it works. Yet you still wish to increase your strength so that I may take it from you.”

  “You’re wrong. You’re trying to threaten me by saying I’m only making the Maledict stronger by leveling. But I know if I become strong enough, I can end you and the world you come from. You’re not trying to take my strength. You’re afraid of what I can do to you.”


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