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Jassim the Leader: Founder of Qatar

Page 22

by Mohamed Althani

  migration of the Al Khalifa to Zubara 143

  Mubarak Al Sabah takes power 147

  Muhammad bin Khalifa’s exile 94

  and pearl trade 31, 32

  secret treaty between British and Mubarak (1899) 152–53, 180

  Kuwait, Qayamaqam of 138

  Kyushu, Japan 166

  Laqta, Qatar 45

  Lawrence, HMS 156

  Lawrence of Arabia (film) 25

  Le Père, Jacques-Marie 97, 98

  Leete, Alfred 149

  Lingeh 41, 63

  Liwa, Dhafra, Abu Dhabi 128

  Lorimer, David 17, 22, 42

  Lorimer, Emily 17

  Lorimer, John: Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf xviii, 160–62

  Louis XIV, King of France 57, 125

  Lousa, Counts of 7

  Lowe, Captain William 66–67

  Lowther, Sir Gerald 177

  Lusail, Qatar 49, 140, 150, 151, 156, 160, 168, 170, 176, 182

  Lynch Company 99

  Ma’adid tribe 17, 48, 59, 64, 71

  McMahon, Sir Arthur 180

  Magan (later Oman) 2

  Mahandah tribe 48, 94

  Mahir Pasha, Mutasarrif of Hasa 174, 176

  Mahmudiye (warship) 144

  Malacca 7

  Manai tribe 71

  Manama, Bahrain 64, 145, 163, 167

  Manasir tribe 48, 49, 114, 119

  Battle of Wajba 134

  maps xvi–xviii

  Margharita of Savoy, Queen of Italy 30

  Maria Fiodorovna, Empress 30

  Maria Theresa, Empress 40

  Marie Antoinette 30

  Marja, Helmand province 113

  Markhiya, Qatar 45

  Martini, Friedrich von 113

  Martini-Henry rifle 113, 114, 128

  Mashabiyya, Qatar xiv

  al-Masudi, Abu al-Hasan 4, 5

  Muruj al-dhahab 4

  Mecca, Saudi Arabia 99

  sacked by Qarmatians (930) 6

  Medina, Saudi Arabia 99

  sacked by Qarmatians (930) 6

  Mehmed Hafiz Pasha, Wali of Basra 124, 125, 133–39

  Menasir clan 27

  Merih (a corvette) 116

  Merrikh (warship) 135, 138, 139

  Merwab, Joghbi region 3

  Mesaieed, Qatar 27

  Mesaimeer 72, 135

  Battle of (1849) 28

  Mi’daad bin Mushrarraf 82

  Midhat Pasha

  and British Bahrain 108

  career of 100–101

  claims that Jassim and his father invited invasion 102–3

  death 101

  Jassim expects to benefit from the alliance 105

  plans invasion of eastern Arabia 100, 101

  plans for the region 106–7

  sends spies to Doha 101–2

  Minangkabau 166

  Mindarus, Admiral 75–76

  Mirza Abed Kasim 81

  Mise, Tatsuhei 31

  Money, Sir Leo Chiozza 149

  Mongols 6

  mother-of-pearl 36, 38

  Mubarak Al Sabah, Sheikh 135, 138, 147, 152, 162, 163, 176

  Mubarak bin Abdullah 67, 69, 72, 74, 76

  Muhammad, Prophet 4, 17

  Muhammad, Sheikh 23

  Muhammad Al Sabah 147

  Muhammad Ali (later Muhammad Ali Pasha) 21, 54, 64, 98

  Muhammad bin Hamad (Jassim’s great-great-great-grandson) 28

  Muhammad bin Khalifa, Sheikh 71

  asks the Naim for protection 91

  attacks Wakra, Bida and Doha (1867) 90–91

  and Battle of Fuwairit 68, 69

  bin Turaif helps him defeat Sheikh Abdullah 63, 64

  blockade of Qais 75

  and Captain Lowe 66, 67

  co-rule with Sheikh Abdullah 50

  exile 94

  flees to Khor Hasan (1868) 91

  and Jassim’s imprisonment 87, 89

  meeting with bin Turaif 65

  meeting with Major Smith 103–4

  naval blockade of Doha 74

  orders army to be landed at Zubara 68

  Pelly demands his apprehension 92

  plots against brother Ali 94, 110

  relationship with the British 84–85

  supported by Muhammad bin Thani 64

  tribute issue 77, 82, 83, 84

  Muhammad bin Said Al bu Kuwara, Sheikh of Wakra 64–65, 84

  Muhammad bin Thani, Sheikh (Jassim’s father) 12, 19, 20

  and agreement of 1868 92, 93

  Ali agrees not to harass his people and business 76

  anger at Naim payment 93–94

  appearance 62

  and the Battle of Fuwairit 68

  character 24, 62

  and constant threat of Ottoman domination 39

  death 112

  decides to end Bahraini intimidation 73–74

  and departure of Al bu Kuwara 55

  diplomatic skills 62

  dress style 28, 62, 82

  enduring fortunes 46

  escapes from Muhammad bin Khalifa’s attack (1867) 91

  established as the foremost leader in Qatar 78

  favours alliance with the British 80

  first mentioned in a British source 59

  freed of Bahraini harassment 78

  increasing dependence on Jassim 79

  and Jassim’s education 20

  moves to Doha 70

  and pearl industry 19, 30, 40

  power shifts to Jassim 95, 109

  raised at Fuwairit 19

  realises that Faisal is preparing to invade Bahrain 71

  recognised as ruler of Qatar 92–93

  refuses to pay tribute to Rashid bin Jabir 86

  relationship with Jassim 80–82, 89, 184

  supports Muhammad bin Khalifa’s claim 64

  and Zubara 111

  Muhammad Effendi 54, 55

  Muhammad ibn Abd ul-Wahhab, Sheikh 9–10, 118–22, 139, 154–55

  Muhammad ibn Rashid 102

  Muharraq 52, 63, 68, 76, 87, 145, 146

  Muhurrem Pasha, Wali of Basra 174

  Mukenis, Qatar xviii

  Mundhir bin Sawa al-Tamimi 3–4

  Muqrin ibn Zamil, King 7

  Murair, fort of 18

  Murray, ‘Hippopotamus’ 161

  Musa’id 28, 72

  al-Musallam tribe 22

  Muscat 8, 9, 33

  Sultan of 52, 55

  Mushairib, Qatar 45

  al-Mu’tamid, Caliph 5

  al-Mutanabbi, Abu Tayyib Ahmad ibn al-Husayn 87–88

  Nadir Shah 8–9

  Nafiz Pasha 102, 104

  Naim tribe 48, 49, 70, 79–80, 85, 86, 89, 91, 109–12, 147, 184

  Najd, Saudi Arabia 54, 63, 69, 71, 82, 83, 84, 91, 106, 124, 172, 185

  Al bu Sumayt’s strong links 19

  Banu Tamim controls 18

  Faisal bin Turki controls 70

  harassed by Abdullah bin Faisal’s confederates 105

  Midhat Pasha’s invasion of 100, 102

  and potential settlement in Zubara 125

  as a refuge to tribes 100

  and tribute issue 85, 86, 93–94

  Wahhabi state 48

  Najd Mutasarrifiyya (governate) 106

  Napoleon Bonaparte 9, 11, 97, 98

  Nasir bin Mubarak 110, 111, 133, 142, 144, 145

  Navarino, Battle of (1827) 144

  Necho II 98

  Nemit Effendi, Major 169, 170

  Newton, Sir Isaac 165

  Nezih Bey 117, 119, 120–21, 122

  Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia 100

  Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia 100

  Niebuhr, Karsten, Voyage en Arabie xvii

  Niebuhr, Karsten xvii

  Nishikawa, Tokishi 31

  Nott, Captain A.H. 57

  Nu’aijah, Qatar 45


  discovery of (1940) xix

  first oil wells drilled at Dukhan ridge xiii

  international oil companies es
tablished 12

  Oman 2

  Abdullah bin Faisal plans to send troops to 95

  keen to see Bahrain’s destruction 51

  pearl trade 31

  successes of 8, 9

  support of Rahma 22

  Trucial Oman 19, 31, 48

  Omani army 51

  Omani navy 9, 10

  Omer Bey 107

  ‘Operations for the Maritime Truce’ (1835) 53

  Ottoman army 100, 102, 105, 107, 126, 128, 150, 159, 169, 184

  11th Marksmen Battalion 134, 135–36

  Ottoman Council of Ministers 129–30, 133

  Ottoman embassy, London 147

  Ottoman Empire 75, 99, 100, 101, 108, 122, 124, 147, 150, 153, 157, 168, 174, 177

  Ottoman navy 144


  Anglo-Ottoman relations 108, 109

  attempts to subdue the Wahhabi movement 10

  British efforts to keep them away from eastern Arabia 83

  driven out of eastern Arabia by Banu Khalid 18

  Jassim given freedom to control his own affairs 132

  leave Qatar 15, 180, 181

  and Martini-Henry rifle 113, 114

  Ministry for War 137

  outnumbered by Russian forces 114

  and the Portuguese 7–8

  reinvasion by (1870) 45

  relationship with Jassim 103, 104, 105, 112, 114–15, 116, 123, 124, 185

  Supreme Council 120, 121

  tribesmen paid for safe passage 47

  P&O (Peninsula and Oriental) company 98

  Palgrave, Sir Francis 62

  Palgrave, William Gifford 24, 30–31, 61, 62, 81

  A Year’s Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia 61

  pearl trade 29–43

  Bahrain at centre of the Gulf’s pearl market 20

  Banyan middlemen 115, 122

  confiscation of Jassim’s pearls 123

  crash of pearl market 32, 186

  debt 32–33

  declining numbers of pearls 38

  in Doha 71

  effect of depressions on 31, 173

  ‘fish-eyes’ 2

  and health effects 30–31, 35–36, 37

  and Japanese pearl farms 31–32

  Jassim’s father’s and grandfather’s connections 19

  a main source of Qatari income 6

  money values 38–39

  pearl divers 34–38

  pearling fleets 29, 95, 141, 143, 146, 147, 184

  pearls help to provide for Qatar’s independence 31

  Qatar’s pearl banks xvii, 4, 22

  the season 37

  taxation 40–41, 173

  and tribute payment 94

  the West’s fascination with pearls 29–30

  Pelly, Captain 142, 143, 144, 145, 146

  Pelly, Colonel Lewis 80, 85, 86, 91–95, 103–4, 109

  Perpetual Maritime Truce (1853) 13

  Perpetual Truce of Peace and Friendship (1861) 78, 82, 90

  Persepolis 2

  Persia: relations with Qatar 2–3

  Persia, Shah of 74

  Philby, Harry St John (‘Sheikh Abdullah’) 61

  Phoenician merchants 2

  Pigeon, HMS 144, 145

  piracy 12, 13, 20, 21, 58, 59, 65, 71, 78, 111, 126, 131–32

  Pirates of the Caribbean (film) 40

  Plassey, HMS 144


  forced to withdraw 7, 8

  violent domination of the Gulf 7

  Prideaux, Captain Francis Beville 16–17, 93, 160, 163, 171–72, 175–76, 178, 181

  primogeniture 79

  Psyche, HMS (survey vessel) xviii, 23, 49

  Pyramus, HMS 181

  Qais Island 56–57, 63, 66, 69, 72, 74, 75, 76

  Qarmatians 5–6

  Qasim, canonical judges 107

  Qasimi navy 10, 11

  Qasimi tribal confederacy 10–11

  Qasimi-British War 10

  Qasr al-Subaih 176


  achieves autonomy 179–82

  Administrative Council 118

  agreement of 1868 93, 106, 139, 185

  and Bahraini dynastic disputes 62

  British survey of (1822–5) xviii, 49

  camels in 4, 42–43, 112, 114

  canonical judges 107

  clan conflict 19

  coastal settlement 167

  destruction of villages xii

  early references to xvi

  economic conditions 172–73

  fails to become part of Trucial system 12

  first roads and schools 41

  gas reserves 186

  geography xiii–xiv

  horse breeding 4, 28

  imports 43

  Jassim’s achievement as founder of the modern state xii, 181–82, 186

  lack of agriculture 45

  loss of strategic importance 3

  the name xvii

  Ottoman flags in 103, 104, 112, 141–42, 158, 177

  Ottomans leave 15, 107

  payment to Naim officially removed (1880) 94

  pearls help to provide for Qatar’s independence 31

  politicised youth 50–57

  problems of passing power in 166

  relations with Persia 2–3

  rich and influential xi

  and slavery 33–34

  treaty acknowledges her sovereignty (1916) 15, 33

  tribes and political structure 46–50

  unification of xii, xix

  vulnerable to raids by Saud bin Faisal’s troops 105

  world’s highest GDP per capita xix

  Qatari Peninsula 50, 70, 143, 174, 175, 180

  Qatif, Saudi Arabia 7, 23, 50, 51, 68, 100, 106, 172

  blockade of 75, 76

  canonical judges 107

  Muhammad bin Khalifa’s exile 94

  Ottoman occupation of 102, 139

  Qazvin, Persia 8

  Quisling, Vidkun 109

  Quran 20, 29, 88, 150

  Ragragi, Jassim 53, 57, 58, 59

  Rahma bin Jabir 21–24, 50, 51, 76, 144

  Rahman, Habibur 50

  Rais, Admiral Salman 7–8

  Rakan, Qatar xvii

  Ras Abu Abboud, Qatar 50

  Ras al-Barr 145

  Ras al-Khaimah 10, 11, 23, 58, 151

  Ras al-Zaayen 122

  Ras Laffan 144

  Ras Rakkan 53

  Ras Tanura 146

  Ras Umm al-Hasa 145

  Rashid 155, 184

  Rashid bin Abdallah 76

  Rashid bin Faddal, chief of Wakra 77

  Rashid bin Jabir 86, 93, 94, 105

  Rasim Bey, Colonel 138

  Red Sea 7–8, 99

  Redbreast (warship) 171

  Riyadh 54, 82, 86, 102, 107, 181

  canonical judges 107

  Riza, Ali, Wali of Basra 119, 121, 137

  Ross, Colonel Edward Charles 109, 110, 111, 123

  Royal Navy 23, 36, 42, 49, 62, 67, 73, 82, 83, 99, 103, 111–12, 122, 144

  Rupert, Prince, of the Rhine 28

  Ruwais, Qatar 18, 22, 49, 51

  al-Saddiq, Khalid 34

  Sadler, Major James 140

  Safavids 8

  Said, Sultan Sayyid 51

  Said bin Sultan Al bu Said 9

  Said bin Tashnun, Sheikh 73

  Said Effendi 137, 138

  Said Pasha 98, 133

  Sakhama oasis, Qatar 16, 45

  Salafi 155

  Salah Bey 9

  Salama, Sultan bin 52

  Salim bin Shaif 121

  Salman bin Nasir al-Suwaidi 57, 58–59, 63

  Salman bin Yetama 152

  Salwa, Qatar xviii, 135, 170

  Samarra, Iraq 5

  Sao Gabriel 6–7

  Saud bin Faisal (son of Faisal bin Turki) 91, 100, 102, 105

  Saudi Arabia

  House of Saud takes control 10

  and rise of Muhammad Ali 21

  Saudi civil war 105

/>   Second Saudi State 63, 132, 155

  slavery 33

  Third Saudi State 171

  Scott, William 131

  Secret Service 162

  Selim I, Sultan 7

  Sesostris, HMS 58

  Seymour, H.D. 74–75

  Sharjah 10, 151

  1835 agreement 13

  Sharjah, Sheikh of 161

  Shebaka fortress 135

  sheikhs 47, 48, 168

  Sheil, Colonel Justin 74–75

  Shia sect 5

  Siemens, Dr George 179

  Sikak, Qatar 18, 45

  Sila, Abu Dhabi 129

  Silvy, Camille 65

  Sind, HMS 91

  Sindbad stories 4

  Siraf, Iran 6, 56

  Siraj al-Dawla 62

  Slave (Zanj) Rebellion 5

  slavery 5, 33–34, 98

  Smith, Major Sidney 94, 95, 103–4

  Snellen, Dr Herman 149, 150

  Sohar, Oman 5

  South Africa: Boer republics 179

  South Sea Bubble 165

  Sphinx, HMS 142, 148, 158

  Strait of Hormuz 56

  Sublime Porte 54, 83, 98, 99, 100, 105, 108, 112, 115, 117, 121, 122, 124, 132, 133, 134, 136, 141, 145, 152, 153, 156, 158, 159, 163, 174, 175, 179, 180, 185, 186

  al-Sudairi, Ahmad 68, 76, 77

  Sudan tribe 48, 57, 58, 59, 63, 94, 171

  Suez Canal 98–99

  Sulaiman bin Zahar 104

  al-Sulaithi tribe 22, 71

  Suleiman the Magnificent 7

  Sultan, brother of Sheikh Khalifa bin Shakhbout 56

  Sultan bin Muhammad 140, 141, 142, 143, 146

  Sultan tribe 48, 145

  Sumaysma, Qatar 49

  Sumer 2

  sacred poetry 1

  al-Suwaidi, Sultan bin Nasir 171

  Taif, Arabia 101

  Talas, Battle of, Kyrgyzstan (751) 4

  Talbot, Colonel Adelbert Cecil 138, 139

  Taqi’l-Din Pasha, governor of Baghdad 118

  Teixeira, Pedro xvii

  Thani bin Muhammad (Jassim’s grandfather)

  leads the Al Thani 19

  moves to Fuwairit 19

  a prominent pearl trader 19

  in Zubara 19, 111

  Tigris, HMS 58, 75

  Tigris River 99

  Timur 8, 52

  Tripolitan war 180

  Trucial coast xviii, 28, 53, 114, 185

  Trucial States 33

  Trucial system 12, 151, 152, 153, 163, 182

  Turki bin Abdullah, Emir 51

  Turkish General Staff 113–14

  Turkish government 99

  ultimogeniture 166

  Umm al-Qaiwain 11, 151

  Umm Said oil terminal, Qatar xvii

  United Arab Emirates 12

  Uqair, Saudi Arabia 51, 70, 102, 176

  Uraiq wells 168

  Uruk, King of 1

  Ushayqir, al-Washm, Najd, Saudi Arabia 18

  Uthman, Bahraini governor bin 68

  Vandermaelen, Philippe: Universal Atlas xvii–xviii

  Vasco da Gama 7

  Vermeer, Johannes: Girl with a Pearl Earring 30

  Vestal (East India Company ship) 23, 59

  Vigilant, HMS 92

  Villiers, Alan 36–37

  von Marschall von Bieberstein, Baron 179–80


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