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Knight Defense

Page 15

by Sydney Addae

  “Yesssss, please.” She opened her legs wider and rolled her hips against his hand.

  With her permission ringing in his ears, he slid two fingers inside and pulled down her top with his teeth. He stared at the bronzed, full globes. “Beautiful.” He took a pebbled nipple into his mouth and pulled hard.

  “Yes,” she screamed as she clamped down around his fingers and her body shook for several seconds. When she stopped moving, he kissed her.

  “One,” he said.

  THE NEXT MORNING, DRESSED in black trousers, matching jacket and a cream fitted shirt, Faye ate the breakfast Jarcee prepared and drank a pot full of coffee. A message had come through last night from Agent High for a morning meeting. Jarcee didn’t seem to be bothered that she would be reporting their... liaison, relationship or whatever it was. But it disturbed her not knowing what the information would be used for. The idea of Jarcee getting hurt because of her report made her stomach ache.

  She watched him putter around the kitchen for few moments. “If I can return tonight, I will.”

  He stopped and looked at her over his shoulder. “They would keep you? Why? You’re providing the information they want.”

  “There’s no telling what they really want. Plus, I’m not sure I’ll be able to tell them anything about you. Hopefully, they’ll be more interested in Knight and his wife.” She bit her lip wondering what was really going on here and then dismissing it. That wasn’t her job or her concern. She was one part or piece of the larger puzzle and would focus on that. “Promise me you won’t interfere,” she said looking at him. “This is really important to me, I need to do this on my own.”

  Agent High would arrest Jarcee if he stormed the office, possibly ship him someplace remote which would cause problems with Knight. She didn’t want to be the spark to start a confrontation.

  “They cannot keep you from me. Believe me. The only person who can do that is you. And since that’s not the issue, have faith that I’ll never allow you to be taken from me.”

  Her heart clenched, she leaped into his arms and held him close. “I love you so much. So very, very much. Know that for sure.” She leaned back and kissed him thoroughly.

  “But you have to promise you won’t come looking for me, you won’t start a fight or interfere in any way. I’m going to get out of this but not if you get involved.”

  Jarcee groaned, she could tell he didn’t want to give his word. But she also knew he’d keep his word if given. She had to do this correctly, it was who she was.

  “I promise I will try. But if I sense you are in danger, I will find you and there will be hell to pay,” he said, his eyes shone like green emeralds. “Believe that if you don’t believe anything else.”

  “Danger would be my life is on the line, not anything less, like tests or meetings or being stationed someplace.” She stepped in front of him. “Whether you like it or not, this is my profession. I’ve invested a large part of my life being good at what I do. I’m almost done and it means a lot to me to finish my job.”

  “Even if it hurts innocents?”

  “I work intelligence, my job is to find correct information to mitigate losses. I swore an oath to do the work and as much as I love you, I won’t break that oath.” Sensing he understood better than she could explain, she kissed him again.

  What would happen to them? She wondered. There was no denying she loved him and he loved her, but they were on opposite sides of the river with no bridge.

  “Nothing will come between us,” he said. “I’ll give you your space and not make things harder for you at work. Understand, it’s not in my nature to sit back as you walk into places that may harm you. It’s a very difficult thing to do.”

  Hearing his frustration and trust in her, she kissed him again. “Love you.” Feeling more in control and confident, she grabbed her things and left for her meeting. The entire drive to the new office she went over and over in her mind what she planned to say to High. While practicing, her comments sounded logical and sincere.

  She parked in front of the new office. This one was one story and looked like it had been a home in a previous life. Inside there were a few faces today she hadn’t seen yesterday. Agent High sat at his desk when she peeked into his office. He stood and offered her a seat in front of her.

  Nervous, she closed the door behind her and took a deep breath while he typed something on his computer.

  She spoke fast before she lost her nerve. “Two weeks ago, I met someone who I now know is a wolf.”

  Agent High stopped typing and faced her. “How do you know that?” He leaned forward in his seat, watching her.

  “Yesterday, when you were showing the photos’ I thought one of the people looked familiar but it was a back shot, not a face.”

  “Hold on,” he said, sounding concerned. He pulled up the photos on the monitor. “Which one?”

  Leaning forward, she pointed to a picture of one of Knight’s sons. Jarcee was in the background.

  “You met him?”

  “In the parking lot at the mall.” She told him about the kids in the car and later the meeting at the DHS office.

  “Have you seen him since then?”

  She wet her lips and met his gaze. “I moved in with him.”

  Agent High’s mouth dropped as he leaned back in the chair. He stared at her for several moments. “When?”

  “A little over a week ago.”

  “Your cover is a Realtor, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Does lover boy know you’re here?”

  She bit back a smart remark. “He knows I’m at a meeting. I didn’t specify where.”

  He stared at her for several seconds.

  “You should also know.” She took a deep breath. “Last night, I met Silas Knight and his wife. They came over to the house.”

  Agent High leaned forward, his eyes gleaming. “You met him? Really?”

  She nodded. Silas Knight really was impressive, not as big as Jarcee, but very powerful.

  “Why was he there?”

  “I don’t know, I think they’re friends.”

  “Did he speak to you? Say anything?”

  “No, he never did. His wife was nice and polite, she talked. Nothing specific, just general conversation, nice to meet you, that kind of thing.”

  “You’re an experienced operative, what did you think of Knight?”

  She pursed her lips in thought. “Powerful. Energy radiated from him. He’s tall, over six feet, somewhere in the middle. Big, wide but not body-builder bulging muscles. His eyes are a weird mixture of blue and green. He’s good-looking, so is his wife. Even though he didn’t say anything I had the feeling he was aware of everything in the room, maybe beyond.”

  “Beyond? What do you mean?”

  “He was there, hanging out I guess, although I’ve never seen or heard of him before. He didn’t appear concerned or threatened, no reason he should, but he’s not hiding, and I don’t think he’s afraid.” She remembered the utter confidence in Knight’s gaze. “If I had to sum him up in one word, I’d say formidable.”

  “Formidable? Your impression after one short meeting?”

  She nodded. “Like you said, I’ve been on several ops where I’ve had to sum up an adversary. Silas Knight’s weakness might be his mate or his children or any pack member. It’s hard to say what would be a single trigger to bring him down. But it wouldn’t be a direct attack on him.”


  “Because I don’t think he fears to lose to anyone.”

  “Interesting. Is your opinion colored by your friendship with...this guy, what’s his name? He must be very close to them.” He snapped his fingers. “What’s his name?”

  “Jae..a...k...t..y...l” She tried to say his name and couldn’t.

  “Hmm, they have weird names. I was going to send you to a museum in town but I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” He eyed her. “Does he know you’re in the military?”

  She nodded. “Yes
, he found out yesterday.”

  “What?” he stood up, with his hands planted on the desk. “How?”

  She pulled out her notebook from the meeting yesterday and showed him. The cover had a military imprint.

  “Shit,” High muttered staring at the cover and then closing his eyes. “Do you think Knight knows?”

  She looked at him.

  He waved down his own question. “Of course he knows, could be why he came to the house, right?”

  “I don’t know. He was there when I returned.”


  “Yesterday, after the meeting I went back to the house, he saw the notebook, we argued over me not being truthful. Pissed, I left, checked into a hotel. The more I thought about it, the more questions I had. I wasn’t 100% sure that had been him in the photo and went back to have it out with him. Knight and his wife were there when I got there.”

  “You didn’t know about them before the meeting yesterday?”

  She shook her head. “Had no fucking clue. Excuse my language. If I hadn’t seen that picture I never would’ve suspected him.” Which was the truth?

  Agent High looked at the photo again and frowned. “He’s tall.”

  “Yeah, about seven feet.”

  His brows rose. “Most of them aren’t that tall, at least the ones...”

  She wondered what he was about to say but didn’t ask. The longer they talked, the more butterflies filled her stomach. He hadn’t decided what to do with her yet. She crossed her fingers they wouldn’t send her away.

  “This is a personal question, but I need to know.” He looked at her. “Did you engage in sexual relations with him?

  “Yes, I did.” She inhaled and released it slowly.

  “There was nothing... no clue as to him being different?”

  “No.” Other than taking me to heights I’ve couldn’t dream of and making me feel precious, special and loved, not a thing.

  He nodded and shook his head. “Silas Knight. Can you set up a meeting with him?”

  “Huh? Why?” She hadn’t expected that. High was supposed to be angry that the mission was compromised and send her away so she could retire early.

  “There are some questions we’d like answers too. With your special connection, this might be an opportunity to get them.”

  “Really? You think he’d meet with me? Because I’m having sex with someone who works for him?” That made no sense. This Knight guy had lots of people working for him, why favor Jarcee?

  Agent High frowned. “You’re living with him?”

  She nodded.

  “And you haven’t noticed anything different about them at all? Nothing we can use?”

  She thought about it. “He eats a lot. Instead of using a plate, he uses a platter. He cooks, washes clothes, likes sex, affectionate, I’ve never seen him angry or fight or anything like that. He’s owned that house for over 26 years.” She told him how she did a background check on him before going out with him.

  Agent High listened and took a few notes. When she stopped talking he tapped the desk and stared at it for several moments. “I’ve received clearance for you to leave immediately for tests at the military treatment facility in Maryland. You’re to have no further contact with the target until further notified, is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her heart dropped.

  “You’ll fly in, have the tests done and return before nightfall. At that time I’ll have further instructions for you. I’ve emailed the rendezvous location to you.” He looked at her. “Well done, Staff Sergeant.”

  Uneasy, she stood and left his office. Once she reached her car, she checked her email, placed the information in her GPS and drove off.

  Hopefully, she would see Jarcee tonight otherwise it would be a long night.


  SILAS LEFT JASMINE asleep after that late night with Jarcee and headed to his office. Faye was proof the military decided to play hard-ball and he planned to win. When he first learned they had been recruited, their fates had been sealed but with everything going on, Silas hadn’t gotten around to dealing with the interlopers.

  All foreign full-bloods who crossed into the States violated pack protocol by not gaining permission from the Alphas in whose states they resided. They would be terminated on sight. Determination mixed with seething anger that they would side with his enemies sealed their fate.

  He contacted General Miller to deal with another issue. The White House wanted to use pack members who worked for the government to handle the pack census, even though the pack attorneys had sent Silas’ written reply which basically said hell no. He called together, Angus, Hawke, and Jacques.

  “This morning you reported the use of wolves to identify wolves in the military?”

  “Yes. I learned of it a couple hours ago. These foreigners and rogues will walk through rooms filled with military personnel to identify wolves.”

  Silas immediately sent a broadcast warning to every member of the pack with any dealings with the military. All half-breeds were to go human deep, that would keep them from being identified. He had a special assignment for janitors, told them what he needed and alerted Jayden to prepare a secure place to receive their bounty. Next, he eased the concerns of the most vulnerable, full-bloods.

  “I need to see,” he told pack members. “When the traitors enter a room, show me the traitors,” Silas told Miller the same thing as he took his seat at the table he explained to Hawke, Angus, and Jacques what was going on.

  “When I see the traitors, I will secure their wolves and stop their hearts and send them to you to finish them off if necessary. There are more than one and if this is happening across the country I’ll need your help to destroy them. They will all die before anyone is identified.”

  “Yes, Sir,” they said.

  Silas closed his eyes and looked through the eyes of the pack, easing their fears, reminding them he was there. It had been a long time since he’d done this, it felt good to be with them. An image flickered, as a man entered a room with a couple others. Silas grabbed his wolf, he hit the floor screaming in pain and then stopped.

  Another wolf entered a room, Silas did the same and passed him on to Angus who continued destroying the traitor’s heart. Seven traitors died that hour. Silas wanted them all. “Search the files that Storm brought from Lee. I want the location of every wolf working for the military.”

  He looked at Jacques. “I’m sending Storm to clear them out, set up transportation.”

  Jacques nodded.

  Angus and Hawke brought in the boxes Storm provided and dumped it all on the table.

  “We’ve had so much information to go through from Humphrey, we haven’t done anything with this,” Angus said taking a seat and pulling a folder.

  “We’ve been too nice lately. Foreigners found on pack lands without permission are to disappear, permanently. Rogues have 24 hours to leave or they disappear permanently. Rebels disappear permanently.” Silas sent the mandate to his Alphas and gave a brief explanation of what happened that morning.

  “Here’s something,” Hawke said looking at a monitor. “Total of around 48 recruits. Half are in training as mercenaries. The others who didn’t qualify for soldiers are the guinea pigs for Lee’s tests.”

  “Where are the mercenaries located? Who’s training them?” Silas didn’t care where they came from, or who they were. This morning would be their last sunrise.

  Hawke snorted. “No imagination, these guys. They’re training at the same place the Knights trained. Doing basic and simulations.” He looked at Silas. “We designed that place.”

  “Storm, I need you,” Silas said and deliberated on whether to send Razor as well. He’d discuss it with Storm and the team.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Pull up the floor plans for Storm,” Silas told Hawke and looked at Angus. “Anything else we should know?”

  Angus looked away from the documents he’d been reading and sighed. “More confirmation o
f what we got from Humphrey. Admiral Bents is the driving force right now, he recruited General Strait. The two of them worked overtime to get a majority of the Chiefs to vote with them. They know about Miller and have tagged his records. They’re looking for other high-ranking pack members and anyone working for the government, which is what we saw today.” He looked at Silas. “The idea to have their recruits identify pack members belonged to Lee.”

  “Pity he won’t live to see it.” Silas stopped to take out another traitor who entered a room of half-breeds. The rogue died like the others.

  Storm entered the room and took a seat. Silas explained what happened and how he was handling the matter. Storm’s brow rose but he didn’t speak.

  “We looked through the information from Lee and have the location of the traitors and foreigners. If I had eyes on them I could destroy them.”

  “How many?” Storm asked.

  “There were 24 but Alpha has destroyed over 10 today. I’m not sure which group they were taken from,” Hawke said. “But I’d guess they would get rid of Lee’s people first since he’s disappeared.”

  Hawke went over the layout of the facility, the security systems, and training courses and they discussed the best way to carry out the assignment.

  Silas wasn’t sure how Storm and Razor would work in the field together. “What if I sent Razor with you? Do you think that would work? Be faster? In and out?”

  Storm didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “I don’t know.” He looked at Silas. “I’ve never worked successfully on a mission with anyone, then again, Razor mirrors my speed and skillset.” He shrugged. “It’s a tossup. Whatever you decide is fine with me.”

  Silas looked at Angus and then Hawke. “What do you think? Is there enough room for the two of them to work in tandem?” They looked at the floor plan again.

  “Cameras have to be corrupted, sent to the clouds and I’ll take it from there. Then override the security controls. One person can handle those, I suppose,” Hawke said.


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