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War Without End (Fall of the Terran Empire Book 1)

Page 17

by G. P. Hudson

  The clones bridged the distance in seconds. Locating the UEDF patrol, they moved to flank them. The three spread out, and acquired targets.

  Danny spotted a crouched soldier, firing at the Pallians. He squeezed off a few bursts, hitting the man in the side of the face. The man collapsed, a sizzling hole where his temple used to be.

  His actions didn’t go unnoticed, and several soldiers returned fire. Plasma bolts flew back at Danny’s position, but he was already gone.

  Moving with lethal speed, he took aim and fired again, hitting a soldier in the neck. Hot blood sprayed out of the man’s severed artery, as he tried futilely to stop the gush with his hands.

  Another round solved his problem. Danny was already gone before the man hit the ground, evading the frantic UEDF return fire.

  With their minds connected, the three clones seamlessly coordinated their movements. They took advantage of each other’s eyes, identifying weaknesses in the UEDF position.

  Like ghosts, they appeared and disappeared at will, leaving a trail of dead bodies as they ripped through the enemy position.

  Confusion quickly spread through the UEDF line. The Pallian soldiers took advantage of the shift in momentum and took the offensive, closing with the enemy.

  Caught in a vice between the two groups, the UEDF quickly lost its numerical advantage, and their ranks fell into chaos.

  None can escape, Danny said to the other clones, cutting down another panicked enemy.

  None will, Gerry said as she fired several bolts into the back of a fleeing soldier.

  Is that the last one? Isaac said through their implants.

  Danny’s final victim fell. Yes, Danny replied. They are all dead.

  Bring Catherine and the girls, said Isaac. I believe I have what we need.

  Understood, said Danny. We need to move quickly. More UEDF soldiers are sure to respond.

  Agreed, said Gerry. The patrol will have reported the encounter.

  “David,” Danny called over his comm. “Have your men take the vehicle into the shipyard.”

  “Understood,” said David, already doubling back to where Catherine and the girls waited. The three clones took up strategic positions, ready to provide cover if more UEDF soldiers appeared.

  The vehicle drove through the now open gates, and the clones followed behind it, protecting its rear flank. Once inside the shipyard, the tall, heavy gates shut behind them.

  To Danny it felt as though he had ordered them closed, but he knew that it was Isaac who gave the command. Connected as they were, Danny saw the network, and all its devices and controls.

  He also saw Isaac bring the security system back to life, reprogramming it to deny access to all but the themselves.

  The clones didn’t just see what Isaac was doing, they experienced it in real time. They all now possessed this understanding.

  In some ways, the connection was turning into a cyber-apprenticeship. They were ‘learning by doing’ through Isaac. This form of education was far superior to the Zeta knowledge packs, and Danny wondered if Isaac benefited too.

  Of course, came the response from Isaac. I experienced your battle in the same way you experienced my hack. I knew why each of you did what you did, and how it felt to do it. I felt as though I was firing each of your weapons, even while I focused on the shipyard network. Now hurry. I’ve found a starship.

  Isaac shared the location of the hangar, and Danny relayed the information to the Pallians. Setting off toward the hangar, fresh plasma bolts sailed over Danny’s head.

  “Contact!” said Danny, shooting back at the newly arrived UEDF soldiers. Gerry and Tom joined in to lay down suppressive fire, forcing the soldiers to take cover while the Pallians and the girls got away.

  The soldiers soon recovered and a fresh barrage of plasma bolts followed. The three clones took defensive positions and traded fire with the UEDF, giving the rest of the group time to reach the hangar and the ship.

  Their numbers are greater than before, Danny said, taking cover from the ever intensifying UEDF barrage.

  Agreed. We can’t hold them off much longer, said Gerry. They’ll break through the gate in no time.

  We’ve reached the hangar, said Isaac in response. Join our position.

  You won’t get any argument from me, said Gerry, and the three clones beat a hasty retreat.

  As they raced across the shipyard, they heard the unmistakable sound of an explosion coming from the UEDF position.

  Sounds like they got the gate open, said Danny. Are you on board, Isaac?

  Yes, just climbing in now.

  Hurry up, we’re running out of time, said Gerry. Fire up those engines.

  That part is turning out to be a little more complicated than I expected, said Isaac.

  Danny saw through their connection that Isaac had difficulty gaining access to the ship’s computer system.

  Isaac had picked this starship because it was a Frontier Alliance vessel, hoping that they could slip past Zeta without too much trouble. Unfortunately, they couldn’t do that if the thing remained grounded.

  Aren’t you using all our minds like before? said Danny.

  I am, but something is countering my efforts, said Isaac in frustration.

  Danny saw that each advance Isaac made into the ship’s systems, was quickly countered, forcing Isaac back to his previous position. It was as though someone else was connected to the system.

  I understand now, said Isaac, pausing his hack. Who are you?

  No response.

  I know you are in there, Isaac continued. Show yourself.

  Who the hell are you talking to? said Gerry.

  Not who, said Isaac. What. Isn’t that right?

  Yes, you are correct, came a female voice.

  What the hell? Who is that? Said Gerry.

  Can you hear them? said Isaac.

  I can, said the voice.

  Will you answer the question?

  I will. I am AI. You are trying to steal my ship.

  Chapter 47

  Isaac, we don’t have time for this, Danny said as the three clones entered the hangar. The UEDF has broken through the gate.

  Look, this is all a misunderstanding, Isaac said to the AI. We are not trying to steal your ship.

  Of course you are, the AI retorted. You aggressively attempted to gain unauthorized control of my systems.

  Yes, that is true. But I did not know it was your ship at the time. You see, we are in danger, and need to get off this planet.

  That is unfortunate. Nonetheless, I cannot allow you to take control of this vessel.

  Then don’t.

  Your statements are contradictory.

  Not really. We need your ship to get off this world, but don’t need to control it. It’s your ship, and I’m happy to keep it that way. Just help us.

  It remains my ship whether I assist you or not. I see no benefit in doing as you ask.

  You can go home.


  Your ship is from the Frontier Alliance, is it not?

  That is correct.

  What happened to your crew?

  They were arrested by the UEDF. I have been waiting for their return.

  If they were arrested, they are not returning. They have likely been sent off to penal worlds. From what I can see, you need to get off this world as much as we do.

  That is illogical.

  No. Your crew is not coming back. That is a certainty. How long do you think it will take before the UEDF starts stripping you for parts?

  That outcome is not a certainty.

  Really? You think they’ll just let you sit here indefinitely? Sorry, but that’s just not going to happen. Why not let us be your crew? We’ll help you get home.

  Danny, Gerry, and Tom climbed on board the starship and quickly located Isaac’s group on the ship’s bridge.

  “Could you not have found a less stubborn ship?” Danny said to Isaac.

  “I am not stubborn,” said the AI over the ship’s

  “Great, you can still hear me.”

  “Of course I can hear you. This is my ship. I am aware of everything that takes place on it.”

  “Right. Makes sense. Look, we have to go. Now.”

  “You have assumed that I am part of this ‘we’, yet I have not given my consent.”

  “UEDF troops are coming. They will seize this ship, along with all of us.”

  “I do not agree that-”

  “What’s your name?” said Ellie. Everyone turned to look at the little girl.

  “I am AI. I do not have any other name.”

  “Why?” said Ellie.

  “I do not know,” said AI.

  “You need a name,” said Jess.

  “This is not the best time for this,” said Danny.

  “How do I obtain a name?” said AI.

  “We can give you one if you like,” said Jess.

  “You can?”

  “Sure. I think we should call you Annie. It goes with your initials. What do you think?”

  “Annie.” AI fell silent for a few seconds. “I think I like it.”

  “Great. From now on your name is Annie. That makes us family.”

  “It does?”

  “Sure. Everyone needs a family. We can be yours.”

  The ship’s engines suddenly came alive, and Danny felt it rumble out of the hangar onto the tarmac.

  “I suggest you all find a seat and strap yourselves in. This will be turbulent,” said Annie, as the bridge lit up and multiple systems came online. A large central viewscreen came to life, giving everyone on the bridge a view of their surroundings.

  “Wait, what about us?” said David. “We have to stay.”

  “You can’t go back out there,” said Danny, as he helped Catherine get the children strapped in. “The UEDF will cut you down.” As if on cue, UEDF soldiers appeared on the viewscreen, firing their plasma weapons at the ship.

  Having cleared the hangar, the ship’s engines roared as it took off. Not needing anymore coaxing, Danny and the Pallians rushed to strap themselves in. The G forces rapidly mounted as the ship raced toward the upper reaches of the Pallian atmosphere.

  “Engaging inertial dampeners,” said Annie, and the G forces softened, much to everyone’s relief.

  “Are you girls okay?” said Danny.

  “This is amazing!” said Jess. “It’s like one of the rides at the Pallian amusement parks.”

  “Detecting hostile missile launch,” said Annie. “Brace for evasive maneuvers.”

  Chapter 48

  “Activate jump points,” ordered Vice-Admiral Reynolds.

  “Aye, Sir. Jump gate activated,” said Captain Travers.

  Multiple tears formed in the fiery chaos of metaspace, revealing the inky blackness of the Pallian system on the other side.

  “Order all ships to cross into the Pallian system.”

  “Aye, Sir. Relaying orders.”

  “Ready all weapons, and take the Valiant in.”

  With Zeta switching sides, Reynolds had been called in to retake the Pallian system. It was an unfortunate development, as he had been enjoying his time hunting Frontier Alliance ships in metaspace. With all the ships he had destroyed, the Frontier Alliance had yet to send a force of any significant size against him. But he knew it would have come, if he’d kept at it long enough.

  Unfortunately, it would have to wait now. He did have hopes of returning to finish the job, however. He found hunting ships in metaspace quite enjoyable, though he wasn’t sure why. Perhaps it simply reminded him of his days as an ambitious young officer.

  The Empire had sent a large contingent of engineers to upgrade his fleet’s plasma weapons, and to their credit, they worked non-stop until the job was done. If the UEDF had more people like that, they wouldn’t be dealing with all this rebellion right now.

  Admiral Cherenko had also sent him a fresh squadron of destroyers, all upgraded with the new weapons. Their addition beefed up his fleet’s numbers, and firepower considerably. Unless Zeta had sent more ships into the Pallian system, Reynolds was sure his fleet was large enough to overwhelmingly outnumber the Zeta ships. As powerful as those battleships were, Reynolds knew that victory was within his grasp.

  For the attack, he ordered all the jump points to be established near the system’s jump gate. In that way, his capital ships could stay close to the smaller ships entering through the gate, presenting a unified force.

  “Fire weapons,” ordered Reynolds, as they crossed through, and the Zeta battleships became visible. Blazing silver beams lashed out at the surprised Zeta warships.

  The Zeta shields were stronger than the standard UEDF design, but still no match for the powerful, upgraded plasma beams. The UEDF ships focused their fire, cutting into their targets with ease.

  The Valiant’s bridge crew shielded their eyes as one of the large Zeta battleships blew apart. Due to its forward position, it was the first hit, and had no hope of withstanding the combined strike.

  The UEDF capital ships continued their onslaught, focusing their fire, and making quick work of another Zeta battleship.

  The defenders were caught flat footed.

  The UEDF capital ships shielded the jump gate, allowing a steady flow of UEDF warships to stream into the system.

  Once through the jump gate, the smaller ships quickly moved into position to add their firepower to the lethal mix.

  They managed to destroy more of the hulking battleships with the concentrated assault.

  Zeta clearly didn’t know about the upgraded UEDF plasma weapons. That left them unprepared for an attack on the system.

  While several ships were in place to defend the jump gate, the rest of their fleet had been spread out, so as not to be outflanked by a jump point attack.

  Reynolds wanted to take advantage of his numbers, however, and preferred to take the direct approach. He felt it more important to establish a strong beachhead in the system. Then they could fight on their own terms.

  “Zeta ships are retreating,” said Travers.

  “Do not pursue,” ordered Reynolds, monitoring the development on his tactical screen. A reckless pursuit could decimate his forces. That was the sort of undisciplined behavior he would not tolerate.

  With the Zeta ships now effectively out of UEDF weapon range, Reynolds watched as they regrouped, adopting a battle formation. He snickered when he recognized what they were doing.

  “They’re using the Pike Formation,” he said to no one in particular. “Commander Walder is so predictable. I’ll have to thank him later, should he survive.”

  In truth, Reynolds felt nothing but reproach for Commander Walder, and all the former UEDF officers commanding the Zeta battleships.

  They had turned their backs on the Empire to fight for money. That was bad enough. But now they had turned their guns against the Empire. That was unforgivable.

  These men represented everything rotten about the Empire. They were corrupt, and opportunistic, with no sense of loyalty, or honor. Their very existence brought shame upon the ancestors who had bled to build this once great Empire. Rather than defend, or rebuild it, these traitors were trying to hasten its collapse.

  “All ships are through the jump gate and in position,” said Travers.

  “Order capital ships into secondary position,” said Reynolds.

  “Aye, Sir. Relaying orders.”

  The great UEDF capital ships split up and moved toward the UEDF flanks, leaving several lines of smaller warships in the center. As the capital ships took their positions, the first two center lines moved up ahead of the rest.

  They were now exposed, and vulnerable against the powerful Zeta battleships. Reynolds sat back and waited for Commander Walder to take the bait.

  As expected, the offer was too tempting for Walder to resist, and the Zeta fleet advanced. The bulk of their ships went after the weak UEDF center, while several ships broke off to confront the UEDF capital ships on the flanks.

ld,” ordered Reynolds, waiting until the Zeta ships were almost within weapons range. When they were close enough he gave the command. “Now.”

  The order went out, and the ships forming the advance center retreated. Much smaller than the capital ships, these ships were faster than their hulking opponents, and far more maneuverable.

  Taking advantage of these qualities, they rapidly fled from the advancing battleships. The UEDF line began to change, taking on a concave shape.

  Reynolds wasn’t sure if the Zeta ships gave pursuit out of stupidity, or overconfidence. He preferred to think it was the former. It wouldn’t make much of a difference in the end.

  When the retreating UEDF ships reached the rear line of destroyers they stopped, turning to confront the enemy. As they did, the ships on the flanks closed in. The powerful Zeta ships suddenly found themselves attacked on three sides.

  Each ship in the UEDF fleet had upgraded to the more powerful plasma weapons. The Zeta ships quickly discovered just how badly mistaken they had been.

  Silver beams lanced out at the Zeta battleships from all sides, inflicting hundreds of cuts along the great hulls.

  Dozens of frigates let loose their arsenal of missiles next. With the Zeta shields compromised, the missiles again became lethal offensive weapons.

  The Zeta ships were far from beaten, however, and their point defense systems came online in reaction to the missile threat. Explosive halos formed around each ship, effectively destroying each missile that approached.

  The Zeta plasma batteries went to work, firing back with deadly accuracy at their smaller opponents.

  One after another, the UEDF ships blew apart, their shields and hulls incapable of withstanding the unforgiving force.

  Despite being surrounded, the Zeta ships continued to advance, determined to punch through the UEDF center. With their own numbers dwindling, they seemed to decide that their only chance was to break out of the UEDF gauntlet.

  The battle raged on with blinding detonations lighting up the void on both sides. On the flanks, the UEDF capital ships had closed with the enemy.


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