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Page 5

by Fisher-Davis, Susan

  “Wyatt,” she cried out. He rolled her to her back and thrust into her hard. His orgasm shook him to the core, making him moan her name against her neck before he lightly bit her shoulder. Olivia moaned as she came again. He collapsed on top of her. Her arms tightened around him. He raised his head to look at her. God, she looked so gorgeous with her cheeks flushed, her sexy lips parted, and sweat on her temples. He traced her mole with his fingertip.

  “This is so fucking sexy,” he whispered, and then he kissed her quickly rolling off her, and over to the edge of the bed, where he reached for his jeans. “How about something to eat?”

  Olivia nodded. “I am hungry now that you mention it.”

  “You’re always hungry. You should weigh three hundred pounds the way you eat.” He chuckled.

  She threw a pillow at him. “Emma said the same thing. I know how to burn calories off, cowboy.” She grinned.

  “I’ll say. Come into the kitchen after you get dressed. I’ll have some food for you, and then we’ll burn off more calories.” Wyatt winked and headed toward the kitchen.

  * * * *

  Olivia made a quick visit to the bathroom, and then joined him in the kitchen. He had his back to her as he made up sandwiches. She glided up behind him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and laid her cheek against his strong back. He felt amazing to her.

  “I thought you were hungry?” Wyatt murmured.

  She laughed. “I am.” She kissed his back. “Just not for food.”

  Wyatt spun around. “That’s a first.” He laughed when she swatted at him. “Here.” He handed her a plate with a sandwich and chips on it.

  Olivia smiled, carried her plate to the center island, and took a seat on a stool. The kitchen was a chef’s dream. Above the island, there hung shiny copper pots and pans. There were no curtains or blinds on any of the windows so sunlight poured in with tiny dust motes dancing in the beams. The house was beautiful. The living room was a large open area with a stone fireplace centered on an outside wall. Windows on each side of it ran from the floor up to the ceiling. The front windows faced the pine tree lined driveway. She loved it.

  Wyatt sat down across from her after setting a glass of tea in front of her. She took a bite of her sandwich and glanced around, looking everywhere but at him. Her eyes swiftly shifted back to him when she heard him chuckle. She narrowed her eyes.

  “Something funny, cowboy?”

  Wyatt nodded. “You. I never figured you to be shy. We’ve seen each other naked now, and I have to say, it was way beyond my fantasies.”

  “You fantasized about me?”

  “Almost every damn night since the first day I saw you.” He swallowed hard. “You got into my head, Olivia and I didn’t like it.”

  “You still don’t,” she said in a whisper.

  “You’re right. I don’t but it’s done.”

  “What’s done?” Her heart hit her stomach.

  “You’re in my head. Not much I can do about it,” he mumbled.

  She slid off the stool. “Jesus! Don’t make it sound like it’s my fault. You’re the one who said you wanted to ride me!”

  Wyatt stood slowly and glared at her. “You didn’t say no.”

  “I’ve been honest from the start about how much I wanted you. Why in the hell would I say no? At least I own up to it! You still can’t admit you want me,” she exclaimed, her voice rising with each word.

  “Obviously I do, or I would have walked away in the barn.”

  She picked up her jacket and put it on. “Well, I’m the one walking away now.” Olivia ran from the house, got into her car, and drove home.

  Chapter Four

  “Son of a bitch,” Wyatt roared as he heard her driving away. He knew it wouldn’t be easy if he got involved with her, but he already wanted her again. His groin tightened as he thought of her clenching around him. Sex with her was amazing. Just as he had suspected it would be. It was one reason he had stayed away from her for as long as he had. Olivia wouldn’t be easy to walk away from, and now he had to walk away. He wasn’t interested in a long-term relationship with anyone, and he knew if he tried with her, she could break his heart.

  God damn it! You need to learn to think with your head, not your dick.

  He sat back on the stool again and ran his hand over his face. When he saw her in the barn, he thought he was seeing things. She’d let him know from the beginning how much she wanted him and he was the one who had lied about not wanting her. He had wanted her from the instant those amethyst eyes met his.

  He ran his hand along his jaw. Shit! Now what?

  Sighing, he stood and put his coat on. He had to see her again and tell her this couldn’t go any further. It just couldn’t, and that bothered the hell out of him because he knew there wasn’t another woman out there, anywhere, who could compete with Olivia—in or out of bed. Wyatt wasn’t looking forward to having this conversation. Blowing out a breath, he got into his truck and drove toward the B and B.

  Pulling up to the front door, he glanced around. There were a few people in the yard and some sitting in the rocking chairs on the porch, the cooler weather not seeming to bother them. The B and B would close next month. Becca only kept it open from May until mid-October.

  He hopped out and headed toward the porch. A few women sitting on the porch smiled at him. He put his fingers to the brim of his hat, and nodded at them. He grinned when they laughed. He strode into the foyer to see Stacy Miller sitting at the desk. She grinned at him in welcome.

  “Hi Wyatt,” she said.

  “Hey, Stacy,” he said glancing around. “Is Olivia around?”

  “Hello handsome,” a woman’s voice said from behind him.

  Wyatt turned to see a tall, beautiful redhead smiling at him. He nodded at her. She stepped closer.

  “A real cowboy, huh?” she purred.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Wyatt answered politely. He glanced back to Stacy, who sat grinning at him. “Olivia?”

  “I’ll get her, Wyatt. I’ll be right back,” Stacy told him as she left the foyer and headed toward the kitchen.

  “Wyatt, huh? I like your name.” The woman smiled up at him.

  “Thank you.” Wyatt felt damned uncomfortable. He was used to women coming on to him but this woman was doing more than coming on to him. He knew he could have her right here and now if he wanted to.

  “What are you doing here, Wyatt?” Olivia’s voice had him turning away from the woman.

  “Can we talk?”

  “I think we said all we need to…” Olivia started.

  “Honey, if you don’t want to talk with him, I will,” the woman said with a sly grin.

  Wyatt spun around and narrowed his eyes. “No.”

  The woman laughed. “Playing hard to get?”

  “I’m not playing,” Wyatt said through slightly clenched teeth.

  The woman finally took the hint and walked back toward the living room with a last glance over her shoulder, her eyes going to his crotch.

  “Holy hell,” he muttered, and then looked to where Olivia had stood, but she was gone. Wyatt headed toward the kitchen. He knew the B and B like the back of his hand. He knocked on the door of her apartment. She opened it and glared at him. “Can I come in?”

  Olivia sighed with obvious annoyance, but opened the door wider to let him enter. He strode past her and turned to look at her. She closed the door and leaned back against it. He closed his eyes for a few seconds then opened them to look at her, hopefully, with something other than desire. He saw her blink her eyes quickly.


  “If you’ve come here to tell me we won’t see each other, I get it. Now you can go.”

  “I…” He swallowed hard. “Damn it, I did come here to tell you that but now that I’m here, I want you…” He stepped closer to her and kissed her.

  Without hesitation, her arms snaked around his neck as he lifted her legs around him. He rubbed his crotch against the apex of her legs. She moaned deep in
her throat. When Wyatt reached to lift her T-shirt off over her head, she dropped her feet to the floor. He groaned when he saw she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her breasts were perfect and fit just right in his hands. He hooked his thumbs into the top of her flannel pajama pants and shoved them down. She stepped out of them. Wyatt’s hand went between her legs. He growled low in his throat as he rubbed the pad of his thumb against her clitoris, making her jerk against him.

  Her hands went to his fly. She unzipped his jeans and slipped her hand inside, wrapping her fingers around him. He pushed his erection into her hand, and then lifted her up so her legs encircled his waist.

  “Shit! I don’t have a condom,” Wyatt grumbled.

  “I’m on the pill and I’m safe. Please, Wyatt.”

  “I’m safe too, but I don’t have sex without a condom.” Her hips moved against him, making him groan. He put his forehead against hers. “I can’t…stop. I have to have you.” He thrust into her. Both of them groaned. Wyatt pounded into her hard and fast. He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her, moving his tongue deep into her mouth. Wyatt felt her muscles tightening around him as his orgasm started crashing over him.

  “Wyatt…please,” she whispered.

  “Now, Olivia…now,” he growled as he came. She was right there with him and he felt her shiver against him as she cried out his name. After a few more thrusts, Wyatt stared into her heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Believe it or not, I didn’t come over here for this.” He lightly kissed her. “Are you all right?”

  “I don’t think I have any splinters in my ass, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Wyatt chuckled. “I’m sorry to hear that. I would have enjoyed removing them for you.”

  She stared up at him. “You really did come to tell me you didn’t want to continue seeing me, didn’t you?”

  He stepped back from her. “Yes.”

  “So what was that?” She waved toward the door. “You have a weird way of breaking things off, cowboy.”

  He sighed and walked toward the couch and took a seat. “Could you dress, please?”

  Olivia pulled her pants up and put her T-shirt on over her head. She took a seat in the chair opposite him. “What do you want to do, Wyatt? Because if you really don’t want to do this anymore, I get it, but I won’t be someone you’ll just have sex with when you feel like it. I have feelings too. If you want to continue this, then we do it the right way.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We see each other and no one else. I won’t share you with other women. We go out—”

  “Out? As in date?” She nodded. “I don’t date,” he told her shaking his head.

  “You will with me or it’s not at all. I won’t be some fucking booty call for you when you’re horny.”

  He stared at her. She was actually serious. “Date?”

  Olivia nodded. “Date.”

  He ran his hand down his face and swore. “No. I don’t date. That requires a relationship and I’ve told you I’m not interested in any kind at all, other than just sex.”

  “So, you do sexual relationships?” Olivia asked. Wyatt nodded.

  “Then don’t tell me you don’t do any kind of relationships. I think you need to go.” She walked to the door and opened it for him to leave. As he walked past her, she smiled up at him. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll be the one to walk away first and you’ll be angry it wasn’t you.” The door closed behind him and not too gently.

  Wyatt stood in the kitchen wondering what the fuck just happened. Did she really think he’d agree to date? He groaned as he headed back toward the foyer and walked past Stacy without saying a word. The woman who came on to him earlier was standing on the porch. She smiled at him and started toward him but he shook his head at her, stopping her in her tracks.

  He climbed into his truck, spun the tires when he tore out of the driveway, and headed home. He pulled up to his house, turned off the engine but just sat there behind the wheel.

  No, there was no way it would ever work. Yes, he wanted her, but to go out on dates. What was she thinking? No way. He slammed his fist into the roof of the truck and swore when he hurt his knuckles. He got out and entered the house, swearing the entire time.

  Bear ran toward the back door and Wyatt let him out. As he headed toward his bedroom to shower, he swore the entire time. He entered the bedroom, glanced toward the bed, and saw the messed up covers from their earlier lovemaking. Hell no! They hadn’t made love. It was sex. Pure and simple. Just sex. His body ached thinking about how good it had been with her. Could he stay away from her or would he have to succumb to her terms.

  “Damn you,” he shouted. Thing was, it wouldn’t just make him angry if she was the one who walked away first, it would kill him. It was going to be a long fucking night.

  * * * *

  Olivia had slammed the door behind him, and then blinked back the tears stinging her eyes. She refused to cry over him. No tears would fall for Wyatt Stone. A sob tore from her as a tear slid down her cheek. She marched over to the couch and lay down on it. Grabbing a pillow, she put it over her face and sobbed. Once the tears subsided, she screamed into the pillow, and then tossed it across the room. She sat up and stared at the door. The sex was fantastic, as she knew it would be. How could she ever see him casually now? He’d been right when he said it would make things complicated. Great! Just fucking great! It would be even harder to be around him now. If it had been hard before, it would be nothing compared to what it was going to be like now. Seeing him at family functions was going to be harder than ever. After being with him, how could she ever see another man? It was time to admit she was in love with him. She’d denied it long enough.

  Olivia groaned as she continued to stare at the door. She fell in love with him the minute she first set eyes on him. When he’d walked into the feed store and Becca introduced them, she fell right then, and all he’d ever done was ignore her. Speaking to her only when she spoke to him, and then it was always small talk. At times, it was like pulling teeth just getting him to say anything to her…until this morning in the barn. That was the most he’d ever talked to her. She couldn’t believe it and then amazing sex with him three times in one day. Damn. And she’d do it again if he were here right now.

  If she couldn’t convince him to be with her for more than sex, she’d have to move away. It would be for the best. He would forever be in her heart so the longer and further she was away from him, the better. She stood and headed toward the bathroom for a shower. She was just going to have to do her best to get him interested enough to spend time with her for something other than sex.

  She laughed without humor. Just how do you plan to do that when all you’ll want is sex too? No, she realized it wasn’t all she wanted. She wanted his love and that was going to be a long hard climb. With his heart all locked up in chains, she’d have to do her best to break it free. Nodding, Olivia stepped into the shower and began working on a plan to get Wyatt Stone to fall in love with her.

  * * * *

  Her chance to see him again came sooner than she expected when Emma invited her to dinner, along with everyone else in the family. Olivia dressed in skinny jeans and a tight purple sweater, which matched her eyes, and on her feet were matching stilettos. With her make-up perfect, she headed out the door to drive to Emma and Gabe’s ranch. She parked beside Jake’s truck and glanced around. She smiled when she spotted Wyatt’s truck. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open her car door, walked up the steps, and entered the kitchen. Her heart stopped when she spotted Wyatt leaning back against the counter. He wore a blue and white checkered flannel shirt over a blue T-shirt, soft denim jeans, and he was eating an apple.

  “You’re going to ruin your appetite, Wyatt Stone,” Emma was scolding him.

  “My appetite’s fine,” he said as his eyes moved over Olivia.

  She took her coat off and hung it up before hugging Emma. “He seems to have a very healthy appetite,” she said and watched as Wyatt’s lips rose in
a smile.

  Emma’s gaze shifted back and forth between them. “I suppose,” she murmured and headed toward the living room, leaving Wyatt and Olivia alone.

  Wyatt stared at her. Olivia moved toward him and took the apple from him then took a bite of it, and handed it back. His eyebrows shot up.

  “Why do I get the feeling you’re tempting me like Eve tempted Adam?” he said in a low voice.

  Olivia grinned. “You tell me, cowboy.”

  Wyatt glanced away from her then back. “You do tempt me, Olivia.”

  “Is that so? Well, what are you going to do about it?”

  “Damn it. I don’t date,” he muttered.

  “Your loss,” she said stepping away from him. He wrapped his fingers around her arm and pulled her back to him. She watched as his eyes roamed over her face and landed on her lips. He swore under his breath.

  “All right,” he growled.

  Olivia raised her eyebrows. “All right?”

  “Yes, damn it.”

  Olivia burst out laughing. “Gee, you make me feel so special. Since tomorrow’s Saturday, we can go out tomorrow night.”

  “Son of a bitch,” he swore. “I’ll pick you up at six.”

  “Six it is, cowboy.” She started to move away when he pulled her back again.

  “Wear sexy underwear,” he whispered into her ear making her shiver.

  “Oh, I always do, but don’t think we’re going to have sex every time we go out. You’ll have to work for it, Wyatt.” She headed toward the living room and grinned when she heard him muttering to himself behind her.

  * * * *

  Wyatt watched her walking away. She had him by the balls and she knew it. He’d do anything she wanted now. Since having her, he couldn’t get enough of her. He’d made up his mind today that he was going to get her back into his bed one way or another. Then she throws this dating shit in his face again. He sighed. If he had to date Olivia to have her, he’d do it but if he started falling, he was out of it with lightning speed. There was no way he was going to fall for her. He was too damn close now. He wouldn’t allow her to break his heart. It was just sex—great sex but just sex. At least that’s what he told himself as he headed toward the living room. He took a seat on the sofa next to Becca.


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