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Finding Love for a Cynic

Page 7

by Tarbox, Deneice

  “I told you already, we’re just friends. I’m not even his type,” Delona reasoned, remembering the far-off look of appreciation he had in his eyes while describing his very blonde wife.

  “Oh, really! So why is he suddenly calling you love?”

  “Duh, we just shared a major heartfelt moment,” she countered as though it was obvious.

  Cara glared at her. Delona stared back at her roommate, wondering what could be going through that pretty little head of hers. Before she could ask what her problem was, Cara turned and retreated back into her room.

  Delona let out a breath through pursed lips. “What the hell was that all about?” she asked out loud. Shaking her head, she retreated to her laptop to continue working on her latest novel.

  Chapter 10

  Sonny: “T.G.I.F… This is your favorite DJ, Sonny Wales, coming to you larger than life on yet another beautiful Friday morning in the City of Angels. And the challenge for Delona Raes continues into week four of her quest for the ultimate male companion. And we are ready to take our first call. You’re on the air.

  Male voice: “Hi, Sonny. My name’s Nathan. This call might get me in some serious trouble with the guys down at the shop, but I had to thank Delona for saving my marriage.”

  Sonny: “Wow, Nathan! That’s a huge compliment. How so?”

  Nathan: “Apparently, I’ve been treating my wife more like one of the guys as opposed to the lady that she is.”

  Sonny: “Very interesting. Go on.”

  Nathan: “In a last ditch effort, she came to me with a copy of Delona’s second novel and told me to read it. She then picked up her suitcase and went back to her parents.”

  Sonny: “Oh no! What happened next?”

  Nathan: “At first I said ‘good riddance.’ Two days later I broke down and cried like a baby. On the third day I picked up the book she had left and began to read. Let me tell you guys out there who are listening: If you really want to know how to treat a lady, read the books.”

  Sonny: “Did it work?”

  Nathan: “Oh yeah! The benefits are da bomb!”

  Sonny: “Good for you. Well, you heard him, guys. Maybe we all could take a page from Ms. Raes. Until Monday… peace out!”


  Delona stamped her feet and shouted, cheering ferociously for the wrong team. Yeah… she had been excited about going to a Lakers game. At the time she’d been clueless that they would be playing against her all-time favorites, the Celtics. Her date sat next to her in embarrassment, trying his darndest to look as miniscule as possible. Koen, on the other hand, had traded seats with another guy who was too uncomfortable to sit next to her. He proudly stood beside her shouting just as loudly. They were having a good time, acting as though they were completely oblivious to the lethal glares those in their section kept throwing their way. It didn’t help that the Lakers were being spanked by the Green.

  After the game ended with the Celtics claiming victory, they started toward the exit, the only animated faces in a mass migration of disappointed fans. Their high came crashing down soon after entering the concourse

  “Delona Raes!” a man called out from the crowd. Delona, Koen, and her date turned their attention in the direction of the voice just in time to see a tall blond man step out from the masses. His blue eyes would have enhanced his attractiveness if they weren’t currently laced with so much disdain. “You are Delona Raes, aren’t you?” he asked in an acidic tone.

  “And you are?” Koen inquired, stepping between Delona and the hostile man. She couldn’t help but notice that her date was inconspicuously inching away from them. A crowd began to gather, no doubt hoping to get some delight out of their night to make up for the Lakers’ loss.

  “Edward J. Rainer,” he answered smugly. “And that bitch you’re standing in front of ruined my marriage.”

  “Do I really have to tell you that makes no sense?” Koen said in a calm voice. He looked so powerful as he stood with his arms crossed and his feet slightly parted. “And please do not refer to her that way.”

  “Yeah, what he said,” Delona threw from behind the human shield in front of her.

  “I oughta wring your neck, you little troublemaker.”

  The large man made to step around Koen, his face flamed red and his huge hands reaching for her like large talons. His words and gesture set Delona’s usually easy-going demeanor on fire. She stepped forward, with all intents and purposes of knocking this gargantuan bully on his not-so-nice ass, but she didn’t get a chance to. Within moments of the words leaving his mouth, Edward J. Rainer was on the concrete floor nursing a swelling jaw. Koen stood over him, his large hands still balled into fists. Of course that was the moment she chose to take in the well-fitting designer jeans and Celtic-green long-sleeved crew neck tee that flattered his sculpted form so nicely. His brown hair looked so sexy tousled all over his pretty head. Wow! What were the chances we’d come sporting the same outfit? Once again, this beautiful man had stood up for her. Delona realized at that moment she could easily fall in love with Koen. If only she were his type.

  “First of all, I don’t care who you are; you don’t speak about or to this lady in that way,” Koen bit out through clenched teeth “As far as your marriage is concerned, I have no doubt this is your misguided attempt to put fault on someone else, knowing full well it truly belongs to only you. Now get your sorry ass out of my sight before I really get mad!”

  The onlookers watched captivated as the man who was actually taller and larger than Koen scrambled to his feet in fear. “You think this is over? I’m going to sue your ass!” he shouted as he backed away from them. When he was at a safe distance, he turned and hurried away.

  Koen held his hand out behind him for Delona to grasp onto as he continued to stare in the direction of Edward’s retreating back. Once her skin connected with his, he guided her until she stood beside him and then put his arm around her shoulders. “Are you all right, love?” he queried, focusing his gorgeous green eyes on her.

  “More than all right, thanks to my knight in shining armor,” she teased. If being able to get this close to him was the prize, she’d gladly go through the altercation again. “I just need to figure out how I’m going to eat dinner since it seems Mr. Rainer has scared my date off,” she added, as she looked around for the timid man who had just been beside her. The little man obviously moves fast when he wants to.

  Koen threw his head back in laugher. “I think I can swing that for you. Seafood, ribs, or pizza?”

  “Oh, most definitely pizza. Don’t want to chance ruining my shirt,” she stated matter-of-factly, pulling at her long-sleeved Celtics shirt. This won her another belly laugh from him.

  “As you wish.” Koen kept his arm around her shoulders protectively as he guided her through the now-thinned crowd and out to his car. Neither one of them chose to acknowledge or discourage the gesture.


  “Okay. Do you, Koen Avery Smith, accept the challenge put forth to you by Delona Clarisse Raes and promise to abide by the laws set forth years before by the great chair racing gods?” Katie questioned with a stern brow.

  “I do indeed,” Koen replied in a low intimidating voice, a mock attempt to put fear into his competitor.

  “Good. And do you, Delona Clarisse Raes—”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, quit stalling. Y’all just don’t want to see the pretty boy from down under go dowwwwn!” Delona cut in rather loudly.

  It was Monday morning, week five of the radio station’s challenge. Delona had been out with so many men she didn’t know whether she was coming or going. Each date seemed worse than the last. She was starting to think there was no way Andrew would win this competition. She’d also started to wonder what kind of a doofus he must be if his choice in friends was any indication.

  Her thoughts went to Koen. By the time they had reached their favorite pizza joint last Friday, Edward J. Rainer had completely faded into the background. Despite the rough patch, she had managed to
do very well for herself the rest of the night. Koen had unwittingly bet her that she couldn’t complete the Friday night challenge the pizza parlor held each week. In two hours flat, she had managed to down one of the largest, tastiest pizzas she’d ever had. Thanks to his ignorance, she had left the pizza joint satisfied and a half C-note richer than when she’d entered.

  An hour later they sat in a local pub chasing dinner with virgin mojitos. The crowd eyed them peculiarly as they danced to Rihanna’s “S&M,” even though there was no designated dance floor. She had laughed at the look of disbelief on Koen’s face when he discovered it was one of her favorite songs. They ended the night with a leisurely stroll on the beach, both finding the whole scene rather poetic when the unexpected rain drove everyone else away, giving them the beach all to themselves. On several occasions she had thought he would kiss her. But he had remained ever the gentleman, even when he walked her to her door, concluding their fantastic night out.

  Now she sat with her bare feet pressed against the wall, her butt placed vicariously in a high-back office chair, ready to do battle over the last chocolate éclair. Koen sat beside her in the same position. The two of them had reached for the tasty pastry at the same time, prompting the Soul of the Matter tradition. Never had she been so glad to be wearing pants on a Monday morning.

  From the corner of her eye, she could feel Koen sizing her up. She tried not to let on she was looking at him as well. He had traded his traditional gray suit for a lighter color that enhanced the intensity in his green eyes. She couldn’t help but compare her size five feet to his huge ones. He was so much more relaxed than when she had first met him nearly five weeks ago. Too bad she wasn’t his type. Although this whole ordeal had helped her realize that Los Angelins were not out to get her and she had developed a fondness for the flashy town, these freaking dates were starting to wear on her. She wanted nothing more than to be done with the whole complicated mess and groaned at the thought of seven more weeks of this nonsense.

  “Okay, everybody. Stand back,” Katie ordered as the spectators anxiously awaited the start of the race. “On your mark…” Both participants leaned forward, gripping the arms of their chairs. “Get set. Go!” she screeched.

  Delona and Koen surged backwards as they forcibly pushed off from the wall with their legs and feet. Koen’s long limbs and strength immediately put him in the lead, but Delona’s unexpected foul play didn’t keep him there for long. She reached out and grabbed his chair, effectively causing him to carry her weight and slowing him down. The crowd hooted and cackled at the look of total surprise on his face. It was obvious he hadn’t been fully briefed on all the rules of the pastry challenge. Anything went. But Koen was a fast learner. Reaching over, he grabbed her by the waist, attempting to unseat her. She jerked forward, causing their chairs to collide too quickly, sending them both crashing to the carpeted floor with a loud unceremonious thud. She landed on top of him in the most unladylike position.

  Catcalls joined the thunderous hooting, hollering, and laughter as the racket grew louder. The noise continued as Delona attempted to roll off of him, laughing so hard that tears gathered in her eyes, temporarily blurring her vision. Strong hands encompassing hers aided her to her feet. At first she thought it was Koen helping her up because she felt that sweet prickling heat shoot through her that she experienced whenever he touched her. But it couldn’t have been because he had been under her.

  She managed to settle down long enough to lift her gaze and focus on the man that held her. All breath went out of her as she came face to face with one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. How is it that Taye Diggs is holding my hands… and why is he hanging around with Myron of all people? I must be dreaming.

  “Delona, Koen, this is Roger Neilson.” She heard Myron saying these words from somewhere far away, even though he was right next to her. It finally sunk in that she was not only still holding onto this man she had just met, she was staring at him, and quite rudely some might add.

  “We were contacted this morning by an Edward Rainer’s attorney, in reference to what you warned us about. He’s claiming you two accosted him last Friday evening at the Lakers game,” Myron continued. His hostility toward the man was apparent. Delona knew her brother would have done the same thing Koen had done had he been there. “I called Roger immediately to represent us. He’s a close friend of Danny’s.”

  “Wicked cool!” were the only words Delona could manage. She felt a slight awareness that her brother was smirking at her, but she couldn’t bring herself to care at the moment.

  “Nice to meet you,” Koen said, shuffling a little closer to Delona. He offered Roger his hand, causing Roger to break the physical contact between him and Delona.

  “Feeling’s mutual,” Roger replied, turning his attention to him. “I’ve heard great things about you. Perhaps we should get together and see if pairing up would benefit my firm.”

  “That would be splendid,” Koen replied with a smile. Delona thought she might be imagining it, but that smile looked much wider and much phonier than usual.

  “Perhaps you could squeeze that in over lunch this afternoon. I suggest the three of you take it together and discuss strategy,” Myron advised, trying hard to repress a smile.

  “That sounds like a wicked good idea,” Delona agreed a little too eagerly after finally finding her voice. Being flustered always caused her to use the word “wicked” more than usual. She resisted the urge to kick herself for being nervous, and Myron for having so much fun at her expense.

  “A wicked good idea, indeed,” Roger agreed. He smiled broadly at Delona, literally causing her knees to give way.

  Koen caught her, but she couldn’t pull her eyes away from Roger long enough to acknowledge this. She just kept staring at Roger with what she knew to be the goofiest grin. He returned her stare, his slow gorgeous smile shedding a ray of hope on her otherwise dismal love life.

  Chapter 11

  Three days later, the trio sat through yet another lunch meeting. Koen started to wonder why he bothered showing up. Roger gave all of his attention to Delona and did little to mask his smooth pursuit of her. When they were alone, he’d test Delona by teasing her about it. She kept insisting she didn’t see him as anything more than a potential friend, but her actions belied those words.

  The restaurants that Roger took them to were nothing like the ones they had become accustomed to dining at. Koen had always taken Delona to places he thought she would feel comfortable. Those were usually the local family-owned sandwich shops or pizzerias.

  This place they sat in now had a live pianist playing in the middle of the afternoon. Koen was familiar with the place, familiar enough to know one needed to make reservations a month in advance, even for lunch. Roger had simply walked in, and the hostess had seated them, no questions asked. Koen was impressed, but he wasn’t going to admit that out loud. The guy’s ego was already big enough. He looked on helplessly as his Delona continued to idolize Roger as though he were a rock star and she was his number one teen fan. It was all Koen could do to keep the rich lunch of king crab Alfredo in the depths of his stomach where it belonged.

  “And how long have you been in L.A.?” Delona inquired, a little too giddy.

  “Slightly more than two years. Although it isn’t Florida, I’ve come to enjoy the atmosphere here, especially the nightlife,” Roger replied. He returned her gaze amicably while he swirled a glass containing expensive white wine in his right hand.

  “Yeah, me too,” Delona stated absentmindedly. She stared at the movement of the clear liquid in his hand as though he were moving the rock of Gibraltar.

  Koen rolled his eyes. He knew Delona well enough to know she didn’t like the nightlife of L.A. For weeks he had listened to her complain about how these “snobs,” as she called them, kept trying to impress her with such foolishness when she would rather be at home reading a good book. But no! Roger so much as hints that L.A. nightlife is grand, and all of a sudden, she’s ready
to stuff a small dog in her purse and go clubbing. What the hell! He managed to keep his thoughts to himself by drinking from his glass of water.

  “I suppose I should inform the two of you that Mr. Rainer has repealed his claim and dropped the lawsuit against you. He turned out to be more bark than bite,” Roger joked with an uptight chuckle.

  Delona laughed as though it were the funniest thing she’d ever heard. “That’s wicked awesome!” she stated, placing her hand over her heart.

  The action drew the attention of both men to her ample breasts. Koen didn’t like the way Roger was eyeing them. Not one bit. Somehow, he managed to keep a hiss from escaping his lips. They were his to gawk at and his alone.

  “I knew I could have faith in you,” she continued, not seeming to notice the effect she’d had on the both of them.

  Just when Koen was about to get his boots out, she excused herself to the restroom. The two men stood as she scooted back from the table and departed. They both watched her swaying backside affectionately as she made her way across the large dining room, stepping prudently around the busy wait staff. Once she was out of range, they returned to their seats.

  “So, Mr. Smith, or is it Mr. Ferreira?” Roger said, eyeing Koen smugly.

  Koen could only stare back at him with his mouth agape.

  “Yes, sir. I know who you are. You honestly think you stand a chance with Delona?” He continued when the only response to his question was a blank stare. “Perhaps you’ve told her about your problem with handling alcohol, but I seriously doubt you filled her in on how you managed to drive a multimillion dollar business into the ground because of it. Does she know about your rich uncle, whose last name you now carry, and how he had to step in to save face after you screwed everything up in Australia? Or, how you couldn’t even get a job at a fast food restaurant because you were so far gone?” He eyed Koen over the top of his wine glass as he sipped from it. “I see the way you look at her,” he said, after putting the glass down.


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