Touched (The Untouched Trilogy Book 2)

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Touched (The Untouched Trilogy Book 2) Page 3

by Lilly Wilde

  “It’s so good to see you,” he said, his eyes focused on my mouth.

  He was too close. I needed to move. “If you’ll excuse me, I want to grab a seat. I’m sure I’m about to be amazed by your brilliance and I want to get a good seat.”

  My satire didn’t go undetected; he smiled but I couldn’t return the exchange. I stepped past him and walked toward the table. I took a seat near the front of the room, leaving the chair at the head of the table for Aiden.

  He walked over and assumed the seat beside me.

  “How are you? Are you settling in?” he asked.

  “I’m well and yes, I’m quite settled. How are you?” I asked, reverting my attention to my tablet … swiping the screen. His smell was filtering its way to me and I slid slightly to the left but it was of no use. I found myself fighting the urge to lean closer to him. I never understood how he smelled that way. It was as if he showered in pheromones and then dashed on I want to fuck you aftershave. It was too much. It had always been too much.

  “Just as you, I’m well.” He looked at me as if expecting more. There was more, much more but I knew this wasn’t the time or the place. Actually, there would never be a time or place … not if I could help it.

  Adam entered the room and walked directly over to greet Aiden. Aiden stood and faced away from me. The other staff members were steadily filtering in, chattering animatedly. I strained to hear Adam’s discussion of Aiden’s itinerary for the remainder of his visit but I couldn’t quite make it out.

  The dark-haired woman walked over to Aiden and whispered something to him. She took a seat and Aiden started the meeting. I continued looking at my tablet as I listened to him. His voice was like silk … smooth and seductive. I stole a quick glance at him. He was the page of a glossy magazine and he was sporting that sexy stubble that made me want to touch it. He was gorgeous, controlled and powerful and I felt as though I was seeing him through new eyes. I always thought he was inexplicably refined now I knew why. I’d assumed it was something he’d picked up and cultivated but I now knew better. It came from years of being a Raine.

  Aiden Wyatt Raine was the president and CEO of Raine Industries, a vast multi-national conglomerate and until very recently, he’d been my lover. He was impossibly gorgeous and unbelievably seductive even without an attempt on his part. I looked down at the agenda and closed my eyes allowing his velvet voice to flow over me. I was easily recalling those intimate moments we’d shared when that voice was directed solely towards me … saying things that made me blush. Hearing his voice was enough to deliver several tiny orgasms instead of the single one I’d just experienced. I squeezed my thighs attempting to avert any additional unconscious reactions. My legs were becoming numb due to the pressure and I hoped the meeting would end soon.

  My response to his presence was not something I’d expected. Why did my senses take leave when it came to that man? Wasn’t the first burn enough? The pain of his deceit was fresh and the wound he’d caused was uncovered … yet like a moth to a flame I was involuntarily drawn to him. Obviously experiencing the feel of the burn wasn’t enough because I wanted him. I still wanted him. The part of me that knew the risk was there lurking ... but the part of me that he satisfied was the only part I was listening to.

  After the first hour, we stopped for a short break. Some refreshed their beverages, others went to the restroom. I was with the group that went to the restroom. I wanted to regroup, not to mention wipe up.

  I took a deep breath and walked back into the conference room. Adam had taken the seat opposite me and he and Aiden were in conversation as I approached. Adam looked down at his notes when the dark-haired woman interrupted, offering Aiden a cup of coffee to which he accepted and Aiden directed his attention toward me.

  “There’s undoubtedly a multitude of information that you need to obtain as quickly as possible if we are to transition efficiently, so I would like to send Chicago Bryant here for a few weeks to help out,” he said.

  Chicago had served on the Raine Industries Board for years and he was very involved with the workings of the company. “Help me out? Do you feel as though I need help Aiden?” I asked, glancing briefly at him. I was very offended by his suggestion, to which he couldn’t help but notice. I made no effort to hide it.

  “If you were listening as quickly as you were taking insult to my offer, you’d know that I wasn’t saying that. Promoting you was the best move for RPH. That being said, I know how important it is for you to be on top of everything and I need that as well. I want you positioned for nothing but success and I’ll do all I can to provide you with every means possible, starting with Chicago, he’ll be an excellent resource for you.”

  “I have Raina. There’s no need to send one of your lapdogs to watch over me,” I said, my voice loaded with impedance.

  He lifted his eyebrows in amusement. I didn’t find this funny in the least. I was; however, very much insulted. Why would he place me in a position in which he felt I needed help?

  “Once you meet Chicago, you’ll see that lapdog isn’t a description that would ever fit someone of his caliber. And although you do have Raina, Chicago is well versed on some Raine Industries aspects that Raina isn’t privy to that would prove useful.”

  “Aspects such as?” He didn’t answer. Instead he looked down at his phone. There was a message notification that he obviously appreciated given the quick smile that appeared on his perfect lips.

  “I’ve been in contact with him and he should arrive Monday morning,” he stated, looking up from his phone.

  “Wait? You arranged this without speaking with me? Why the fuck didn’t you just give me a direct order instead of presenting it as an offer?”

  The brio I’d seen in his eyes earlier disappeared as he cast a warning glance at me. “Aria, calm down,” he said, frowning his disapproval.

  The others were starting to return to their seats. I glared at Aiden as he began introducing the dark-haired lady as Brooklyn Pierce, his personal assistant. I was fuming. Why must he consistently invoke such a recusant disposition within me? I truly believed he did it on purpose.

  At the conclusion of the meeting, I jotted some last minute notes on my tablet and quickly rose from my seat. “I need to speak with you before you leave Mr. Raine,” I said. He glanced up from Brooklyn and nodded his acknowledgment and immediately returned to his conversation with her.

  I walked back to my office to see Raina exiting. “I made a cup of tea for you. I thought you may need something calming after your meeting with Mr. Raine.”

  “Why would you ever think that, Raina?” I asked, sarcastically.

  “He seems to always press your buttons and I didn’t think today would be any different,” she replied, looking at me sympathetically, her lips pursed.

  “It seems you’re correct Raina; I think I may have done just that,” Aiden said, as he entered my office.

  I looked at Raina and she was obviously embarrassed. “I’m sorry Mr. Raine,” she said, as she scurried for the door.

  “Nothing to apologize for Raina, you’re simply stating the truth. I do somehow manage to upset Miss Cason but I’m hoping she’ll allow me the opportunity to remedy that.”

  As soon as the door closed behind Raina, I turned my attention to him. “I will not have you arranging things without my signing off on them first. If this is your plan for me as CEO, why not release my shackles and allow me to work someplace else?”

  “Someplace such as Little Brown & Company?” he asked.

  That interview was just yesterday. How would he know that?

  “Yes, I’m very much aware of your meeting with them,” he said, observing my reaction. I have a very long reach Aria and I’m aware of more than you could ever realize,” he warned.

  “So … what does that mean? Are you spying on me? We both know it won’t be the first time,” I said, bitterly.

  “There’s no need for me to spy when I have such loyal business associates.”

at’s illegal. You of all people should know that,” I said.

  “Brooklyn will work with Raina to coordinate Chicago’s accommodations and your schedules while he’s here,” he said, ignoring my previous comment.

  “You’re unbelievable. You’re once again forcing something that I do not want or need.”

  “You’re once again fighting me on something we both know is good for you. Frankly, I’m disappointed that an intelligent, forward-thinking woman such as yourself can’t see the value in this.”

  “Well you know me … I love a good fight,” I said.

  “Even one that you know you can’t win?” he asked.

  I knew there was more to his statement than his imposing Chicago on me. He was referring to us. And he was wrong; this is a fight that I intended to win.

  “Who says I won’t?” I asked.

  “Must you be so obstinate?” he asked.

  “Must you be so intrusive?” I countered.

  He didn’t reply.

  “I’m sure our exchange of insults will be the highlight of my day but I have a very busy schedule so I would very much appreciate if we could forego this nonessential prattle. Is there anything else you wish to force down my throat?”

  “Well … if you’re offering…”

  Fuck, wrong choice of words. “I’m not in the mood for your word games Aiden,” I replied, angrily.

  “It was not my intention to insult you Aria just as I’m sure it wasn’t your intent to display such vagrant insubordination in the meeting. I understand that you’re frustrated with me but we will convey an amicable working relationship when we’re in the public. I need to make sure you understand that.”

  “So not only do you think I need your help to fulfill the role as CEO, but you also think I’m an idiot?”

  “You know I’m not saying that but the tension you displayed earlier during the meeting is not acceptable.”

  “Excuse me for not being as nonchalant as you, Mr. Raine. In the future, I’ll do my absolute best to convey the aloofness that you’ve obviously mastered. Is that all?”

  He sighed as he stood and walked toward my desk. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Nothing,” I replied.

  He walked around my desk and pulled my chair back towards him. Our eyes locked for a short moment and he quickly pulled me from my seat. His hand was in my hair tugging my head back. His other hand was at the base of my chin forcing my mouth to meet his. He abruptly placed his lips on mine. The kiss was harsh and demanding, just as his grasp on my hair. I felt the subtle tug on my hair as he pulled my head back a little more and the pressure of his thumb and forefinger on my jaw as he opened my mouth and shoved his tongue inside. I pulled away and slapped him, the palm of my hand landing flush against his face.

  “What the hell was that?” I asked, rubbing my lips.

  “Do I really need to explain it?” he asked. “Besides, I didn’t do anything we haven’t done before.”

  “That was then. We no longer have that type of relationship and you damn well know it,” I exclaimed.

  “Do I?” he asked, stepping away from me.

  “And if you ever do something like that again, I’ll-”

  “I was caught up in the moment,” he said, his eyes focused on my mouth.

  “There was no fucking moment,” I replied. I glared at him as he coolly raked his hand over his assaulted jaw.

  He donned that crooked half smile that previously made me want to rip his clothes off. Not today. Today I was livid; how dare he be that presumptuous with me. I wanted to wipe that cocky ass smile from his face with another smack.

  “What? Are you going to slap me again?” he asked, as if reading my mind.

  “If I thought it would make a difference,” I replied, looking at the red mark on his cheek.

  “Are you assessing the damage?” he asked.

  “No and don’t expect an apology because you don’t deserve one. You can’t just do whatever you want with me anymore.”

  “When did I ever do what I wanted with you without you negotiating the hell out of it?” he asked, incredulously.

  “Regardless, if you do it again, you’re going to find yourself on the receiving end of much more than a slap.”

  “Calm down Aria; it was an impulse,” he said.

  “It was what it has always been … you taking what you want – when you want it.”

  “Is that what you really think of me?” he asked.

  “Quite frankly, I don’t give you much thought at all,” I replied.

  “Oh, but I think you do. You wouldn’t be this worked up otherwise.”

  “Still arrogant.”

  “And you’re still uptight. If your offer to shove something down your throat still stands, just say the word” he replied, as he leaned in closer.

  “This is a place of business, not your bedroom.” I said, backing away and taking a seat at my desk.

  “So kisses are reserved specifically for the bedroom? I clearly recall a different scenario in an office that went much further than a kiss.”

  He’d obviously taken the slap as a joke. Did he see this as a game? I’d been in his presence for approximately two hours and he’d already started a new campaign. And it was already affecting me. Would he always get under my skin? Had he any idea how badly he’d hurt me? Would he care if he did? For him to come at me like this, he obviously didn’t.

  “You know, I was thinking it wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing if you did get on the inside of Little Brown. We’ve been looking at that company for a while now, hoping to absorb it as an entity of RPH,” he said, changing the subject.

  “What? Are you kidding me?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “You’d actually consider planting me inside LB & C? Is that how you do business?” I asked.

  “Aria, don’t be naive. Raine Industries is successful for a reason; we didn’t get where we are today without stepping on a few toes,” he threw out casually.

  “I had no idea you were so unscrupulous. I can see why it was practically effortless for your own deceit.”

  He cocked his head to the side, assessing my reaction as if my deduction was unfounded. “I’m a businessman Aria; I do whatever it takes to get the job done.”

  “Obviously.” Lucky me, I get to see yet another side of Aiden Raine.

  “Just how ambitious are you?” he asked.

  “What?” I asked, confused as to where this was going.

  “If they were to offer you a position and you accepted, you could give us the edge we need to do this swiftly and quietly.”

  “You can’t be serious,” I said.

  “Very serious. You’d be perfectly positioned for us to move on this but I take your response as a cue that you’re not interested,” he replied.

  “And you would be absolutely correct. Besides, Blake is there now,” I said.

  “That could also work to our advantage.”

  “I said no. I’m not going to be the person to Blake that you were to me.”

  His face briefly betrayed him. What was that? Was he actually remorseful?

  “Aria, you know that I hate how –”

  “Aiden, are there any additional business matters we need to discuss? If not, I’m late for a lunch meeting.”

  “Actually there’re several things we need to re-examine that were left pending with Blake’s departure but first I really think we should talk about us. I know I’m going about it all wrong and I –”

  “Aiden … please,” I said. My tone, which was undoubtedly mirrored in my eyes, was laced with the pleading and agony I felt. I watched the vibrancy of his eyes dissipate. I couldn’t do this with him.

  “No. I think we’re done,” he said, backing down. I could see that he wanted to say more but was relieved that he didn’t.

  “Good,” I replied, reaching for my cell phone to check the text that I’d just received. It was Kellan. I sent a quick reply asking that he meet
me downstairs. I didn’t want to chance any unpleasantness with Aiden. I looked up to see Aiden still standing in front of me, watching intently. What was his fucking deal?

  I slid my chair away from the desk and walked toward the door to grab my purse. He could stand there for an eternity if he so chose but I was leaving. I opened the door and was surprised to see Kellan seated outside my office. He stood and walked towards me.

  “Sorry, I just got your text. Are you ready?” he asked.

  “Yes. Definitely.”

  He looked over my shoulder to see Aiden standing in my office; I grabbed Kellan’s arm, urging him in the opposite direction. We headed towards the elevator, not bothering to say goodbye to Raina or Bailey. I just wanted out before anything happened with Aiden.

  “Is everything okay?” Kellan asked, once we were in the elevator.

  “Yes. I guess,” I replied, sighing.

  “Let’s talk about it over lunch,” he offered. We can’t have the most beautiful girl in the world stressing now can we?”

  I looked up and smiled at him. He really was a great guy and at that moment, he was exactly what I needed.

  We’d decided on lunch at the Grotto, my favorite lunch escape. We were seated at a booth near the window, my usual. I casually perused the menu as Kellan offered highlights of his hedge fund meeting. Regretfully, I only caught part of it; my body was sitting in the booth near the window but my mind was in the top floor of the RPH building … with Aiden Raine.


  “Okay, you’ve barely acknowledged anything I’ve said. What’s up with you today?” Kellan asked.

  “I’m sorry Kellan. I have a lot going on at work,” I replied. I felt such a huge amount of guilt for being less than honest, but in my defense it wasn’t a complete lie.

  “From what I’ve gathered, that’s the norm for you, so what’s so different now?” he asked.

  “I’m trying to adjust to all of the changes.” I could honestly say that much. I couldn’t very well tell him that I was having to adjust to the fact that the guy who I’d been fucking that I thought was my intern was actually my multi-billionaire boss who blackmailed me into accepting a position as CEO and even now was still making attempts to get in my panties. And worst and most embarrassing of all, how could I tell him that I was still weak for a man who had deceived me every time he’d touched me? I felt like a fool. It was going to be difficult to deal with the changes alright. That was certainly one way of wording it. I’d taken on a huge responsibility as CEO and to add to that, I’d have to fight my natural instincts each time I was anywhere near Aiden. Dueling dispositions: I wanted to tell him to fuck himself and on the other hand, I still wanted him to fuck me. As disillusioned as I was with Aiden, his brilliance and passion wasn’t something I could easily forget.


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