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Touched (The Untouched Trilogy Book 2)

Page 11

by Lilly Wilde

  “I’m not sure what you mean Aria. What quilt?”

  “I know what she’s talking about, I’ll go get it,” Bianca volunteered.

  “Everything is going to be fine Princess; Bianca’s getting the quilt for you.”

  He settled me in the back of the limo as the others clambered in.

  “What about the rental car?” Lia asked.

  “I’ll have someone take care of that.” Aiden said.

  “Here it is Aria,” Bianca said, passing me the quilt.

  I reached for it and pulled it to my chest.

  I stared out of the window watching the landscape twist and turn, recognizing nothing. Everything seemed distant; I felt Aiden’s presence beside me, and as necessary as his presence was, it wasn’t enough to diminish the pain that I was trying to process.

  We arrived at the airport, the limo stopping a few feet from the Raine Industries jet. Aiden kissed my forehead and excused himself. I turned in the direction he was walking and saw him talking to a woman who passed him something and he returned to the car.

  “The pilot has confirmed we’re ready to go. You all can board now. Aria and I will be directly behind you.”

  Aiden carried me from the car, all the while my protesting that I was fine to walk but he insisted. Once at the steps to the jet, he lowered me to my feet and assisted me inside. He ushered me back to a seat and buckled me in.

  “Mr. Raine is there anything I can get for you?” I looked up following the voice to see a tall statuesque blonde standing above me. Her name tag read Kelly.

  “Yes, some crackers and a glass of water for Miss Cason.”

  “Yes, sir. Can I get something for anyone else?” she asked, turning toward April and my sisters.

  “Just water please,” Lia said.

  “Same for me,” said Bianca.

  “I need something stronger than water. What do you have?” April asked.

  “I’m sure we can accommodate any request you have ma’am,” Kelly replied.

  “In that case, I’ll have a French Seventy-Five.”

  I looked at April. That was our signature drink for our get-a-ways. She looked stressed. Now that I thought about it, she looked that same way the day she came to Mom’s. Something was wrong. Something more than her concern for me. I made a mental note to check on her when we had some alone time. I didn’t know how much help I could be in my state but I would definitely try.

  Aiden was on the phone. From the sounds of it, he was speaking with Brooklyn. Lia and Bianca were sitting quietly taking in the luxurious interior of the jet. It boasted a simple design with clean lines and a minimalist color scheme. There were white leather arm chairs towards the front and a matching white leather sofa to the rear. It was modestly designed with oil paintings and Waterford crystal lamps. It was as if we’d stepped into a lavish hotel suite. I suppose if you were planning to travel, this was certainly the way to do it.

  I looked down at the quilt, studying one of its appliqué patterns. I unfolded it to see what other patterns she’d selected. She hadn’t had a chance to finish it. “No!” I screamed.

  “Aria? What is it?” Aiden asked, alarmed by my outburst. He shoved the phone in his pocket and pulled my hands into his. “What’s wrong?”

  “She didn’t have a chance to-to,” I stuttered, my lips trembling.

  “To what?” he asked.

  “To finish the quilt.” I replied. I was crying hysterically; Aiden remained calm, cradling my face between his hands.

  “Aria. Look at me. Look at me Aria.”

  I slowly lifted my eyes to meet his.

  “It’s okay. Shhhh, it’s okay,” he whispered.

  “No, it’s not okay. It’s not okay Aiden,” I insisted.

  “Aria, we can finish the quilt for you. We can all help. We’ll finish it,” he said, his eyes locked with mine.

  Kelly returned with our drinks and Aiden reached inside his jacket. I watched as he opened the prescription bottle.

  “Take this Princess,” he said, lifting the pill towards my mouth. I looked at him as he urged me to take it. I opened my mouth and he lifted the glass of water to my lips. I took a few sips and he placed the water on the table to his left.

  I looked up to see that Lia, Bianca and April were all watching me. I closed my eyes and reclined in the seat. Aiden pulled me toward him, molding me to his chest.

  I must have drifted off. I opened my eyes to the feel of Aiden’s hands at my waist as he removed the seat belt. “We’re home Aria, back in Boston. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  His words, although soothing, were a harsh reminder of my reality. My mother was dead. I would never have the chance to make up for the years I’d lost with her. I hadn’t been there to help her get better. I had run, leaving her to struggle with years and years of depression. I had been a horrible daughter. I looked up at Lia and Bianca and the guilt moved through me like water through a sieve. Did they blame me? Was this my fault?

  I had the urge to cry but it was as though my tear ducts were frozen. It must have been the medication. I felt like a zombie. I shook my head trying to resurrect the Aria that was there sitting beneath it all, shielding herself from the enormity of the grief.

  I rose from the seat. Aiden was close behind me, offering his strength because he knew I had none. I turned to look at him. I wanted to say something but the words wouldn’t come.

  He smiled at me, his warm eyes melting the chill that was coursing through me. “Is something wrong?” he asked.

  I shook my head and turned to face the others. April rushed over and hugged me. I didn’t deserve their sympathy. Lia and Bianca … they deserved it, but not me. I was unable to offer any type of solace to either of them in my nearly catatonic state. I looked at them and they both watched as April and Aiden fussed over me.

  “Mr. Raine, the car is waiting and I have Kinsley with me. She’ll take some quick measurements for Miss Cason’s sisters and have some clothes and other essentials sent over to the penthouse within the hour. Will there be anything else, sir?”

  It was Brooklyn, his personal assistant. Did she ever take a break? It must have been nearly midnight. And where would they get clothes at this hour? Knowing Aiden, someone had been awakened to meet his every request.

  “Were you able to cancel the two meetings with Dasani Software in the morning?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir,” Brooklyn replied.

  “And what of Nicholas? Is he prepped to step in for the Japan meetings?”

  “Yes, he actually flew out three hours ago,” Brooklyn replied.

  “Good. Forward my itinerary and I’ll review it to determine what other meetings I can either reschedule or bring in Sloan. She’s been shadowing my recent acquisition with Soshibi and she should be ready to take the lead on that project.”

  “I’ve been in contact with Sloan and I scheduled a teleconference with your legal team tomorrow as well,” Brooklyn said.

  “Sloan isn’t equipped for that. Move that to the first of next week. I’ll have to take that one on myself.”

  “Yes, sir. How shall I respond to the Pier Five proposal?”

  “We can’t restructure the deal at the eleventh hour. It stays as is. They either agree to the terms or we absorb the company.”

  “I’ll take care of it first thing Mr. Raine.”

  “That’s all for now Brooklyn.”

  “Yes, sir.” Her eyes fell on me. “I’m sorry for your loss Miss Cason,” she said, somberly.

  I acknowledged her condolence with a tight smile as Aiden guided me toward the exit.

  We were in the limo waiting for Lia and Bianca when April’s phone rang. She looked to see who was calling and frowned as she placed the phone back in her purse. I wondered if that had to do with what I saw on her face earlier.

  Lia and Bianca soon joined us and settled in. I felt horrible for them. I felt horrible for all of us. I wanted to be the sister they needed. I wanted to be a real family. Of that, I was sure and I’d
do everything I could to make that happen.

  Again I had fallen asleep. I was awakened by the gentle kiss on my cheek and the soft whisper in my ear that we’d arrived. I opened my eyes to the deep green eyes and worried expression of the man who’d rescued me. We were outside Aiden’s penthouse when it dawned on me that I would prefer to be in the comfort of my own home.

  “Aiden, I think I want to be at my place,” I said.

  “What about the decorator? Isn’t your house out of sorts right now?”

  How the hell did he know that? “Yes but –”

  “I’ll have Brooklyn get everything situated as quickly as possible so you can get home but until then, you’ll stay here,” he said, as he slid out of the car.

  We all quietly exited the car and headed toward the building. Aiden held tightly to my hand, tracing his thumb back and forth across the top, a sentiment that I hadn’t realized that I’d missed until now. We entered the penthouse and the memories of the last time we were here as a happy couple popped into my head. Aiden and I had awakened at my place that morning full of playful banter after a night of crazy hot sex. We later joined his family here for breakfast, which had gone surprisingly well. After breakfast however, Aiden and I had a fight and he’d disappeared for weeks.

  “Hello Mr. Raine.”

  “Hi Dianna,” Aiden greeted the strange woman who’d opened the door.

  “I’ve called Dianna in to assist you with anything you may need. She can show you to your rooms. Make yourselves at home and if you need anything, please let her know.”

  I looked at Dianna as she introduced herself to my sisters and April. She was a petite, curvy woman who looked to be in her mid-fifties. Her hair was light brown with several strands of gray pulled back neatly in a bun. She had a kind face with rounded cheek bones and full lips. Her almond-shaped eyes were a warm brown and I immediately pictured her as a sweet, loving grandmother.

  “I didn’t know you had a maid. I thought you didn’t go for that sort of thing,” I said.

  “I don’t but due to the circumstances, this is best. I don’t want you to have to do anything but rest. The same goes for your sisters.”

  It was a little after midnight and we were sitting near the fireplace making casual conversation when the doorbell rang. Dianna appeared a few moments later notifying us that a representative from Bergforg Goodman had arrived with clothes for Lia and Bianca. They excused themselves.

  “Thank you for everything Aiden. I can’t begin to say how much your being here means,” I said.

  “No need to thank me and don’t worry about RPH, that’s all been taken care of too. Just focus on you and your sisters.”

  RPH hadn’t crossed my mind since having received Lia’s call about Mom.

  “I think you should try to get some sleep,” Aiden said, reaching for my hand. I rushed over to hug Lia and Bianca when they returned and told them I would see them in the morning.

  Aiden and I entered his bedroom and my eyes fell upon the vast bed. The most recent encounter when we attempted the guise of fuck buddies flashed before my eyes. After hours of uncontrollable lust and indescribable orgasms, I’d slipped away as he slept. I’d been angry with him for not reaching out to me afterwards but perhaps he’d kept silent because of his own anger with me for walking out on him.

  “Would you like to take a bath?” he asked.

  “No, I think I’ll take a shower.”

  “Okay, I need to make a couple of calls. I’ll be here when you’re done,” he said.

  “Who could you possibly call at this hour?” I asked.

  “It’s mid-morning on the other side of the world.” He kissed me on the forehead and I walked to the bathroom. I’d forgotten that he’d been out of the country and I was sure that his quick departure to be here with me had placed a huge wrinkle in his schedule.

  I stepped into the massive shower and adjusted the spray settings. The gentle stream of hot water began to flow over me, soothing my frantic nerves. This day didn’t seem real. My mother was dead, my sisters were now my responsibility and my father, well who knew where he was or if he was even alive. And here I was standing in Aiden Raine’s shower. I had shunned him for weeks and most recently slipped out of his bed without a word, yet here he was providing comfort for me and my sisters, without my ever having to ask. I burst into tears, the crippling waves of despondency drowning me. I wept for it all … the lost time, the broken relationships, and my remaining family. The tears eventually ceased; I wasn’t sure how because the feelings that triggered them were still there. I looked at the drain and imagined my tears escaping, taking the despair of this day with them.

  That fucking pill was obviously not working or maybe it had just worn off. Either way, I needed another. I finished showering and grabbed a towel from the warmer. I wrapped it around me; not really drying myself. I grabbed another towel for my hair and stepped out of the bathroom. I was too exhausted to do anything more than flop into bed. I walked into the bedroom expecting to see Aiden but he was gone. I glanced at the bed and saw that it had been turned back and there was some black material lying across the pillow. I crossed the room to see a black silk gown lying on his bed. There was a note.

  I’m sure you don’t want to deal with unpacking your things tonight therefore I’d asked Kinsley to have some items sent over for you also. I’ll sleep in one of the guest rooms tonight. Sleep well Princess.


  I looked at the gown lying on the bed and was instantly filled with so many warm thoughts of Aiden. I honestly hadn’t given any thought to the sleeping arrangements but now that I was aware, I was slightly disappointed. I didn’t want to be alone. I haphazardly dried myself and slipped on the gown, appreciating the soft feel against my skin. I wrapped my wet hair in the other towel and glanced around the room. Beside the bed was a platter with a water decanter, a glass and my medication. Aiden had scribbled another note.

  Take one if you start to feel overwhelmed. If you need me, my phone is near so text or call and I’m there.


  I slid into bed and pulled the covers around me, curling my body into a grief-stricken ball. I was dealing with more heartbreak than I could fathom; I didn’t want to think about anything. I wanted to feel better. I wanted to forget, at least for the night. I turned over in bed and looked at the prescription bottle but I knew what would both make me forget and feel better … and it wasn’t a pill. I reached for my phone and typed a text.

  *Are you asleep?*

  *No, doing some work so that I can be as available for you as you need tomorrow.*

  *I know I’ve already said this but thank you for today. I’ll never be able to say how much it means to me.*

  *I’d do anything for you Aria. I hope you realize that.*

  * Where are you?*

  *In the study. Why?*

  *I don’t want to be alone.”

  *Stay put, I’ll come to you.*

  Within a couple of minutes, the bedroom door opened. He stood in the doorway with only pajama bottoms and his cell phone. He was a ridiculously gorgeous specimen.

  “I’m sorry for bothering you” I said, as he closed the door and walked toward the bed.

  “It’s no bother Aria. I’m glad you’re allowing me to be here for you,” he replied, as he looked toward the bedside table.

  “Did you take another one?” he asked.

  “No, I think I need to but I don’t like the loopy feeling so I didn’t take another,” I said, as I sat up in bed.

  “But if you need one –”

  “I know. I know. I’ll take one. I promise,” I said.

  “Good. You try to do so much on your own but you don’t have to,” he said.

  He glanced at the top of my gown then back into my eyes.

  “Thanks for the gown. Perfect fit,” I said, smiling. I thought back to the first time he’d bought clothes for me.

  “That reminds me, you never did tell me how you knew my bra size.”

smiled and sat on the edge of the bed. “In med school, we had to learn to determine breast size by touch and let’s just say I had a lot of practice.”

  That sounded insane. I looked at him waiting for him to continue.

  “You know that’s total bullshit, right? I actually guessed,” he said, grinning.


  “Yes and no. I had a picture of you and I showed it to the sales person and she helped me out.”

  “You’re such a liar,” I said, smiling.

  “So it’s back to the name-calling? That’s a sure sign that you’re feeling better.”

  “If I am, it’s in huge part to you,” I said.

  “I’m here for you, as long as you need me.”

  I needed him, especially now, and it was much more than I would dare tell him.


  Aiden had lain in bed with me until I’d fallen asleep. I’d asked him to tell me anything that would take my mind elsewhere. He told me stories about Allison and how much trouble she’d gotten into as a child and how he always tried to cover for her. He absolutely adored his sister. They were much closer than I’d originally thought. I would have that type of relationship with my sisters, I was sure of it. He told me about the time she’d skipped school and had a party in the servants’ quarters. I must have dozed off around that time because I don’t remember how that one ended. He’d taken my thoughts away from the present, away from Boston, away from my sadness. His beautiful, velvet voice was a sexy melody that had taken me away from it all.

  I turned over in bed and saw that it was a little after 10 o’clock. I scanned the room for Aiden but he was nowhere in sight. I did see a bag on the chaise at the foot of the bed. There was a balloon attached to it with my name written across it. I jumped out of bed with a goofy smile on my face. I walked over to the bag, looked inside and spotted his calling card … a note.

  You seemed very comfortable in these so I’ve purchased you a new set. Don’t be surprised if your flair for fashion starts catching on.


  What the hell did that mean? I pulled the clothing out of the bag and burst into laughter. It was a gray sweat suit … like the one I’d worn to his place when I was hoping he wouldn’t touch me. At the bottom of the bag were sneakers and a scrunchy.


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