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Touched (The Untouched Trilogy Book 2)

Page 19

by Lilly Wilde

  Its opulence was intimidating and beautiful; two words that I had come to associate with Aiden.

  “It’s quite large,” I said, stating the obvious.

  “Yes, that’s a word for it,” he replied.

  “Do you not like it?” I asked.

  “I didn’t say that. I grew up in this house so as you can imagine, it’s quite different for me than it is for someone seeing it for the first time.”

  “I just can’t imagine what anyone would do with so much room. Exactly how large is it?”

  “Five stories, fifty or so rooms,” he said.

  “Or so?”

  “It changes as they feel the need for additional wings. A couple of years ago, a beauty salon and additional screening room were added,” he said.

  “And the other rooms?”

  “To be honest, I tend to stick with only a few so I’m not sure but there are an assortment of rooms – home offices, workshops, libraries, solariums, sports courts, game rooms, entertainment dens, wine cellars, butler pantries, three kitchens, sauna retreats and staff quarters. I’ll show you around when we get settled.”

  His mention of a kitchen made me think of the story of his mom running him from the kitchen as a child. I was anxious to see it and hopefully meet the person responsible for his culinary skills.

  The car stopped in the crest of the circular drive and Aiden opened the door. He reached for my hand and assisted me out of the car. Hand-in-hand, we walked up the steps to the vast double doors. When we reached the door, he looked at me. “Are you ready?”

  “I suppose,” I replied, nervously. He planted a chaste kiss on my lips and opened the door.

  We stepped inside and I gasped as I took in the palatial elegance of the Raine family home. Aiden looked down at me, a reassuring smile gracing his lips. He continued to hold my hand and led me to what I would think was the drawing room. It was massive; there was enough space to easily host the social event of the year. My attention was immediately drawn to the flames dancing in the ornate carved fireplace in the middle of the room. Several feet to the left, there was a grand staircase that spiraled toward the uppermost section of the second floor. Beautiful mosaic-tile floors encased the stairs on either side. The room was embellished with sharply arched windows that led to a vaulted ceiling from which an elegant crystal chandelier hung.

  “Aiden!” his mother exclaimed, as she rushed in and quickly embraced him, her dancing eyes instantly froze as they rested upon my face. “Aria, I didn’t know you were joining Aiden. Hello dear,” she said.

  “Hi Mrs. Raine,” I replied. I coaxed a smile into making an appearance.

  “Please call me Sienna. Mrs. Raine is Connor’s mother,” she replied, with a brittle smile.

  “If you’ll call me Aria instead of dear, I’ll call you Sienna,” I replied.

  Her smile froze and Aiden looked at me. “Your name is as beautiful as you are,” I added, in an attempt to soften my request. Despite my disdain for her, I had to admit she was a beautiful woman. Her hair, the same dark brown as Aiden’s, made her appear younger than her years, undoubtedly the handy work of a very expensive stylist. Her green eyes weren’t dark like Aiden’s; they were an icy green and they were a-gleam with delight as she doted on her son. Her thinly plucked eyebrows were perfectly arched. She was exquisitely dressed; the embodiment of distinction and beauty. Did she dress like that just to sit around the house?

  She looked at me and I was sure she was silently cursing me. The iciness of her eyes mirrored her cold demeanor. “Your father is resting in the study. He’ll be pleased to see you.”

  “Clark, can you get their bags. You can place Aiden’s things in his room and Miss Cason will be in the guest room closest to the stairs on the second floor,” Sienna instructed.

  “Hello Clark,” Aiden said.

  “Hello Mr. Aiden,” Clark replied.

  “You can place Miss Aria’s things in my room too,” Aiden said, disputing his mother’s instructions.

  “Yes sir,” he replied, and looked at Sienna for approval.

  “Thank you Clark. That will be all,” she said, as she looked at me and back at Aiden.

  Shit. Way to add more fuel to the fire Aiden. “It’s fine Aiden. I can stay in the guest room,” I said, flinging a warning look that he ignored.

  “Aria, I want you to be comfortable. You and I both know that you would be most comfortable with me. Besides, my mother knows that I’m an adult who does adult things, which means she is more than aware that we have seen each other naked by now.”

  Did he just say that? As if she didn’t have enough reason to dislike me. Why would he do that?

  “Aiden! Don’t be crass,” Sienna exclaimed, reproving his openness.

  He smiled at me and laughed at Sienna. “Mother, please assure Aria that her sharing a room with me is fine.”

  “Of course, I didn’t want to assume but now that Aiden has more than verified the state of your relationship, I’m somewhat embarrassed,” she said, looking at me.

  “I’m sorry. I would have thought he would have told you that I was coming and we could have avoided the awkwardness,” I said, tossing daggers his way. Sienna was probably thinking I was a whore who gave it up at the drop of a hat. Well … that was true when it came to her son. Even still, I didn’t want her thinking any less of me than she already did.

  “I thought I heard voices out here. Well, hello son and Miss Cason, so happy that you’re here. It gives me the opportunity to congratulate you on your promotion and to also apologize for my part in the deception regarding Aiden’s identity,” said Connor.

  “Thank you on both counts,” I said.

  “Dad, the identity thing is water under the bridge so do a favor for your son and don’t mention that anymore. You have no idea of the amount of torture I endured and the degree of beseeching I extended to garner this gorgeous woman’s forgiveness.”

  “I can certainly understand that,” Connor said, looking at me approvingly. “Consider it forgotten,” Connor said.

  I smiled at him noting his obvious resemblance to his son. Between Sienna and Connor I couldn’t tell which one to most attribute Aiden’s beauty. Connor had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his skin was rather pale; perhaps due to his recent illness. His curls were dark brown with a touch of gray at the edges and intermixed within the crown of his head. You could easily see that at one time, he’d been in excellent shape. I doubt it ever rivaled Aiden’s, however.

  “I also wish to extend my condolences for the loss of your mother,” Connor said.

  “Thank you very much. It’s been difficult,” I said, looking at Aiden. I would never be able to thank him for stepping in the way that he did. “Aiden has been a very strong shoulder. I don’t think I would be standing had it not been for his support.”

  “Don’t underestimate yourself. You’re far stronger than you realize,” Aiden said.

  “If there is anything we can do, you’ll let us know?” Sienna asked.

  “Yes, thank you.” She seemed genuinely sympathetic.

  “I was a child when I lost my mother and I understand how heart-breaking it is to lose someone you love, especially someone as precious as a mother,” she added.

  “I’m sorry for your loss Sienna,” I said. She was right; I was heartbroken over the loss of my mother and I didn’t wish that on anyone. Her statement brought the guilt to the surface; the guilt that would walk with me every day for the rest of my life. For so many years, I didn’t regard my mother as the precious part of my life that she was.

  “Thanks dear … I mean Aria,” she said, smiling. I appreciated her effort even though it was more for Aiden’s benefit than mine.

  “Son, let’s have a drink. Nicholas and Sloan are roaming around here somewhere.”

  “They’re out at the tennis courts. They’ve been out there for a while; I would have thought Sloan would have embarrassed Nicholas enough by this point that he would have been back defending his losses,” Sien
na said.

  “Isn’t it too cold?” I asked.

  “The courts are enclosed,” Aiden explained.

  Aiden shared that Nicholas and Sloan were both excellent tennis players but Sloan’s abilities were far superior to Nicholas’ and he was somewhat of a sore loser. We were in the study enjoying a drink when they burst in full of vivacious banter.

  “Well look who decided to grace us with his appearance,” Sloan said, walking over to hug her brother.

  “Don’t start Sloan,” Aiden cautioned.

  “Whatever you say brother,” she mocked. “Hi Aria. It’s wonderful to see you,” she said, walking over to me. I easily sensed the sincerity in her words. I knew instantly that I liked Sloan. It appeared she’d cut her hair since St. Barts. It was tucked behind her ears but it looked as though it was chin-length now. It was the same dark brown as Aiden’s. Her eyes immediately captured my attention as they were a mixture of blue and green, but it didn’t seem the mix had been complete as the inner side was more bluish and the outer was a lighter green.

  “Hi Sloan, it’s great to see you too,” I replied.

  Nicholas surprised me, picking me up and twirling me around. “Hello Miss Aria,” he said, grinning.

  “Put her down Nicholas,” Aiden warned.

  “Geez bro, just being friendly. Take it down a notch,” he replied, smirking at his brother. Aiden’s eyes narrowed and his jaws hardened. I motioned for Nicholas to release me.

  “Don’t let him turn you into a fuddy-dud like him Aria,” Nicholas joked.

  “He couldn’t even if he tried. It’s good to see you again Nicholas,” I said, smiling.

  “It’s even better to see you darling,” he replied, flashing a megawatt smile. He was quite the charmer. He resembled his brother. His hair was a shade darker than Aiden’s, almost black. His eyes, closer to the light green of his mother’s, were framed by graceful brows. He had the same prominent jaw of his father and Aiden. I could easily see that his dashing personality went hand in hand with his smile.

  “Why don’t we let the men catch up Aria,” Sloan said, grabbing my hand pulling me away, attempting to diffuse a situation that could have easily escalated.

  She sensed my hesitation. “They’re just kidding around. Don’t worry about them. They do this to each other all the time. Believe it or not they’re actually quite close,” Sloan assured me.

  I looked back at Aiden; he and Nicholas were laughing as Connor looked on approvingly. Sloan and I walked out; she offered to show me to the bedroom to unpack.


  Aiden later pulled me from his bedroom to visit the Museum of Contemporary Art. It was wonderful being with him like this, away from the tension of his family. It was subtle but it was tension nonetheless.

  We arrived back at his home in time for dinner. The Raines were on their best behavior and I was surprised to notice that business never entered the dinner conversation, well unless you counted the countless applauds to Aiden. I watched as Conner and Sienna showered Aiden with praise; all three siblings seemed slightly uncomfortable.

  After dinner, Sienna excused herself to retire for the evening having complained of a headache. Aiden, Nicholas and Connor returned to the study to discuss Raine Industries business. Sloan and I grabbed our glasses and strolled to the living room.

  “I’m surprised you’re still here,” Sloan said.

  “What? Why do you say that?” I asked.

  “My parents typically disapprove of Aiden’s relationships with anyone they haven’t hand-selected. They always have. If he does involve himself with someone that’s not of their choosing, they tend to … steer that person in a different direction.”

  It was easy to see that she was trying to choose her words carefully. I didn’t know quite how to respond to her disclosure; I could see she wanted to say more, so I held my tongue.

  “Not that he’s had a ton of relationships or brings many women home but there have been one or two in the past,” she added.

  “Why are you telling me this?” I asked.

  “I like you and I want you to know what you’ve signed up for. And I want to help in any way that I can. I see how Aiden brightens when you come into a room. I think you’re good for him.”

  “But your parents don’t, so you thought they would make that known and I’d run for the hills?” I asked.

  “Something like that. But since you’re not the typical type of woman that Aiden would date, I suspect they’ll be handling it a little differently. Honestly, I can’t say if they like you or dislike you but the fact that you’re someone of Aiden’s choosing is a red flag.” Sloan said.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Their preference … well they actually see it as more of a necessity than a preference, is that Aiden involve himself with a woman who knows her place, who will be fine sitting patiently on the sidelines which enables Aiden to assume the responsibilities they feel he should. I get the sense you’re not the type that’s going to sit by and just wait for him to find time for you.”

  “Exactly what responsibilities do they feel he should assume?” I asked.

  “Oh, so you haven’t noticed?” she asked.

  “Aiden doesn’t like to talk about it very much and I’m somewhat the same when it comes to family matters so I’ve respected that,” I said.

  “Raine Industries. They want him to maintain leadership … indefinitely. And they don’t want anyone in his presence that could be a distraction,” she said.

  “And you think I’d be a distraction for him?”

  “You already are.” She took in my expression and attempted to rephrase. “I wouldn’t necessarily term it as a distraction. But that’s how they’ll see it.”

  “I don’t get it. You and Nicholas are involved with the company and from what little Aiden has shared with me, you both are extremely capable so why place all of this on Aiden’s shoulders?”

  “Aiden has always been treated as though he was the golden child. He’s very intelligent and he really does have a knack for business. That combined with the fact that he’s been, for lack of a better word, brainwashed into thinking he has to assume the responsibility that he has.”

  I didn’t like hearing all of this. I actually couldn’t see Aiden being brainwashed by anyone.

  “Nicholas and I get to pick up the scraps. I’m resentful, as you can obviously tell, but honestly I hope you’re able to hang in there because Aiden is different when he’s with you. You really make him happy and he deserves that. He deserves a chance at a normal life or at least as normal as it can be for anyone who bears the Raine name.”

  Just great, not only am I feeling my way through, I have to fight with these lunatics to keep a man that I’m quite frankly concerned has already complicated my life more than I would have preferred.

  “Judging by your expression, I probably should have kept this to myself but I think you need to know what you’re up against. Like I said, I like you and I get the sense that you appreciate Aiden for who he is and not for everything that comes with who he is. And he needs someone like that in his life. On a selfish note, I think your presence in his life will also level the playing field so that Nicholas and I will no longer be regarded as the dispensable ones, we want to contribute equally to the company.”

  “That’s understandable and thank you Sloan for sharing this with me.” I said, unsure as to the truth in those words.

  “You’re welcome. Hey … you know Allison will be here tomorrow. Maybe we can do a girls outing, excluding Mother of course, she added.

  “That sounds like fun.” Although I liked Sloan, Allison had found a place in my heart almost the instant I’d met her and her presence would certainly make this trip much brighter.

  Sloan and I started discussing the launch of The Writer when her phone rang and she excused herself. I had a feeling she’d be a while based on her facial expressions as she listened to the caller. I sat quietly in the room watching the flames dance in the fireplac
e as I sipped my wine and considered what I was in for if I intended to remain with Aiden.


  I was bored and went in search of Aiden, I was walking by the study; I had no intention of eavesdropping but the words rang out.

  “You’re me now ... have you accepted that?” Connor asked.

  “You’ve given me little to no choice,” Aiden replied, bitterly.

  “Aiden, when will you stop with this resistance?”

  “One son resists, yet you force it upon him. The other is eager to assume the role, yet you spit on him,” Nicholas said.

  “I don’t know why you bother Nicholas,” Connor stated.

  “Because I’m your son. Obviously not your favorite one but I am the one who really wants this. I don’t treat it like a burden as Aiden does,” Nicholas replied. I could hear the resentment in his voice.

  “And you feel that entitles you to what exactly?” Connor asked.

  “A position of authority … a chance.”

  “Nicholas, I know you think I favor your brother to you. That simply isn’t the case. I’m doing what’s best for the viability of Raine Industries and you don’t have the foresight or the aptitude to be at the helm of this company son.”

  “How the hell do you think Aiden does? Because you’ve groomed him for years while Sloan and I sat on the wayside,” Nicholas responded, indignantly.

  “Nicholas, calm down,” Aiden said.

  “This is bullshit Aiden and you know it as well as I do,” Nicholas said.

  “I practically built an empire from the ground up but it means nothing if I can’t pass this on to someone who can do it justice … to carry on the family name and the family tradition. Both of you … hell this entire family has known for years that Aiden is that someone,” Connor said. He’d started to raise his voice.


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