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Looks like Trouble to Me (Bad Boys Need Love, Too #1)

Page 26

by Calinda B

  “I didn’t even know they dated.” Disbelief colored Aunt Molly’s face.

  “How could you? Jayna’s been known to disappear. So think, auntie…are you certain you didn’t see the car - color, size, shape - anything?”

  She thought for a moment, her brow furrowed in concentration. “I think it was gray. Something sporty.”

  “That’s Billy’s car. Okay. I want you to do something. Call my boss, Neil. Tell him what happened and that Billy has Marni. Tell him to meet me at the boatyard. Call the sheriff and Coast Guard. Tell them, too. If I hear anything specific, I’ll call you. When Uncle Adam returns, you two stay put and wait for me to contact you. I’ll get her back safe, auntie, I swear it.”

  “Don’t do anything reckless, Jace, please.”

  “That’s like asking me not to breathe, Aunt Molly.”

  “I know it is but this time think of Marni. You’re her rock.”

  Jace almost laughed. “I’m hardly anyone you can count on for anything but trouble. Ask Zoé.”

  His aunt frowned.

  “Never mind. I think it’s over before it began. Anyway, I’m heading out. Everything will be fine, auntie, I promise.”

  After giving his aunt a hug, he sprinted to the Deus, fired it up and sped away.

  Passing the Schooner Café, on impulse he powered the bike onto the sidewalk, to the shrieks of onlookers, and navigated to the building where the boats were built. As he approached the tall glass walls, the same guy who’d dropped a tool during his prior visit looked up and froze, like he’d been submerged in a subzero water.

  “That’s right, asshole, it’s me,” Jace muttered, whipping off his helmet. He threw open the door so hard, the glass wobbled and cracked in a jagged streak. “Tell me what you know.” Jace cornered the guy. “What kind of signal did you give Debbi the other day, huh? What do you know?”

  Jace towered over the short, balding guy.

  The man’s blue eyes blinked rapid fire as he looked at Jace.

  Jace grabbed the front of his coveralls and pulled him close. “You have three seconds to start talking.”

  “I don’t know anything,” the pasty faced guy blubbered.


  “Ask Debbi. She’s the one who knows.”


  “I swear, I don’t know anything!”

  “One.” Jace cocked back his fist, ready to drive it through the guy’s jaw.

  “Okay, okay, okay! Billy’s got a secret party hideaway on Lopez Island. He’s got your sister there. She’s been whining for her daughter so bad, Billy told her he’d get her if she’d shut up.”

  “What’s he doing with my sister?” Jace said, his face creasing.

  “I don’t know. Fucking her. How should I know?”

  White rage shot through Jace’s system, making him want to crush the guy before him. “Where is his fucking hideaway?”

  “What, you think he confides in me? I’m never invited. He said something about the Cattlepoint Lighthouse.”

  Jace scanned his memory banks of Lopez Island. Billy’s family owned a big spread on San Juan Island, not Lopez. A faded memory emerged from the past. Billy saying something about his dad brokering a deal for some prime real estate on Shark’s Head Road and him thinking the name fit the O’Reilly clan. He shoved the guy away, causing him to stumble into the canoe shell, and bee-lined for his bike.

  He made it to Jenner’s in record time. Neil stood anxiously with another man. The guy looked familiar. As Jace got closer he realized it was Alex, Zoé’s father. Great, he thought. Your daughter thinks I killed your son. “Mr. Dubois,” Jace said, his face a wooden mask.

  “Jace,” Alex said, extending his hand to Jace.

  Shake hands with the devil, Jace thought.

  “I dropped off my boat earlier and was talking to Neil when he got the call from your aunt. I’ll do whatever I can. No-one should lose a child.”

  Jace’s gut twisted into elaborate knots of guilt, shame, rage and helplessness.

  “He’s in the Donzi 43,” Neil said. “He and two women got on board about a half hour ago and took off.”

  “Did they have a child?”

  “Yes, they carried a screaming toddler. The two women tried to console her but they clearly lacked mothering skills.”

  Jace threw back his head and pulled his hair. “Fucking hell! They’ve got a child in the Donzi? That thing can go 100 mph. Marni will be terrified!”

  “Well, let’s do what we can to catch up to them. The Bayliner’s no sleek, high powered party boat but it’s a zippy little craft. Let’s go.”

  Out on the Sound waters, they opened the throttle and powered through tranquil seas.

  “At least the water’s placid,” Jace said. “It’s not usually nice at this time of day. Fucking hell. If anything happens to Marni, I’ll…I’ll…”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get your niece back,” Alex said, patting him on the back.

  Jace looked in his direction, still experiencing a cesspool of feelings. He’s being nice to me? He couldn’t look the guy in the eye.

  They scanned for signs of Billy’s boat as they skimmed the vast water, but no sign from the asshole. Thirty minutes later, they pulled up to Lopez, spying Billy’s boat resting at the private berth. Jace didn’t wait for the Bayliner to dock. He made one powerful, leaping stride with his long legs, landed on the wood with a resounding thump and raced up the hill, using the distant sounds of a screaming, hysterical baby to navigate to his destination.

  Chapter 35

  Zoé wandered listlessly through the ginormous house, studying everything, staring at nothing. How did I let myself love this man? It had to be the sex. Hormones had their way with my reason. There’s no other explanation. She picked up her phone and tried to call her dad. No-one home. I can’t call Tanya. She’ll be full of I told you so’s and you should have listened to me’s. She shook her head. No. No Tanya.

  She wandered into Jace’s studio, regarding the ethereal photos on the wall. Oceans, forests, waterfalls and vistas loomed, caught in radiant light, fascinating angles -- she wondered how he took such perfect shots and who was with him when he took them. Was Kate nearby? Someone else?

  She let herself be consumed by an explosive bonfire of jealous, irrational thoughts, followed by he’s brilliant. Creative. Passionate. I love him and can’t live without him. And he’s nothing but trouble. She let out a big sigh. Dragging her feet to an elegant wooden file cabinet, she pulled open the top drawer. Folder upon folder upon folder met her eye. She pulled one free, opening it to see pictures of Kate. She picked one out and studied it. A gorgeous blond haired, blue eyed beauty stared back at her from some exotic location, dressed to the nines like a super model.

  She held it up to the light and squinted at the tattoo on Kate’s arm. She’s got the exact same tattoo he does, only smaller! More jealousy shot into her gut, lancing her with ferocity. She grabbed a pen from his work station, stabbed the photo of Kate’s face several times, scribbled away her eyes and shoved it back in the folder. This folder held different shots of women, all nude or skimpily clad, eyeing her with teasing contempt. She seized the top photo, ripped it into bits and let it flutter to the floor.

  A large folder near the front snagged her attention and she pulled it free. She looked at image after image after image of her, gazing joyfully at the camera, looking at Jace. These images made her heart shrink into a withered, pea-sized lump. The photos fell from her fingers, flitting to the floor like playing cards. I’m the one who’s been played. I really need to talk with someone. I need a friend right now.

  She thought of calling Devon at work. We’re not that close. Tanya? Still a no. She rang her dad again. No-one answered. She paced around the house, lonely and heartbroken. In a short time, Jace had been her world. He’d shown her things no-one ever had or could. In her mind, however, he was the confusing betrayer. But Marni, kidnapped? She couldn’t imagine what he felt right now…or what he was doing to
rectify the situation with his crazy temper. She shuddered.

  She wandered to the kitchen, staring at her keys hanging on a hook by the door. Without much thought, she picked up the keys and made her way to her Jeep. Jace’s Aunt Molly had been good to her. She’d been kind. She was probably going out of her mind about Marni. Zoé headed to Molly’s.

  When she arrived, the house laid still and dark in the gloaming, that time of eve when the sky becomes inked with darkness, in preparation for nightfall. Is she gone? Is anybody here?

  A porch light snapped on, followed by a flashlight beam, making Zoé’s tummy clench with anxiety.

  “Who’s out there?” a man called.

  Zoé took a giant breath of courage and stepped from the car. “Is…is Molly here? I’m…I’m Zoé, Jace’s…his what? His ex?

  “Who?” He peered in the direction of the Jeep.

  “Adam? Who’s out there?” Molly called from inside the house. She appeared on the porch a few seconds later looking horrible, fear and worry etched on her kind face.

  “It’s me, Molly. Zoé.” Zoé stepped tentatively away from her vehicle.

  “Oh, Zoé!” Molly exclaimed. “Isn’t it horrid? I’m beside myself.”

  Zoé walked toward the house, feeling stupid, berating herself for coming here.

  Molly met her halfway and enveloped her.

  Zoé accepted the hug, stiff and uncomfortable with such warm contact.

  Molly eased back and looked at Zoé with distressed, kind eyes. “Jace said you’re having some problems. Come in so we can chat.”

  “No, I…I just wanted to see how you’re doing. You must be going out of your mind with worry.”

  “I am. We both are. Oh, I forgot my manners. Adam, this is the wonderful woman I told you about -- this is Zoé.”

  Zoé bit her lip as she eyed the graying man with the big beer belly. He seemed kind enough.

  “Sorry to meet you in such stressful times but it’s a pleasure.” The portly man extended his hand to her. “Jace is lucky to have met you. He told us you’re the starlight in his sky.”

  “He did?” Zoé lightly shook his hand, feeling mixed up, confused and wondering.

  “Come in, it’s getting cool out here,” Molly said, ushering her inside. She flipped on a few lamps in the front room. “We were huddled in Adam’s office, listening to the police scanner. Let’s sit in here and be comfortable. Adam, get us some refreshments, please, before you disappear.” She turned to Zoé and said quietly, “We’ve been listening for any news of Marni and Jace.”

  “Coming up,” Adam said. “What would you ladies like? Wine? Beer? I’d like a shot of tequila myself.”

  “Water for me, please,” Zoé said.

  “I’ll have a glass of wine,” Molly said.

  When they were settled with their drinks, Zoé asked, “How did it happen?”

  Molly’s face immediately flashed with anguish. “We were in the garden. She loves to help me with the plants.” Tears filled her eyes. “That Billy! I knew he was trouble from the get go.”

  “Billy took her? Oh, God! I dated him briefly. He’s not a nice guy.”

  “No, he’s not. I wish Jace would stay away from him but he feels it’s his duty to be nice to him to keep the peace at Jenner’s. Neil Jenner has saved my boy’s life more times than I can count. He’s Jace’s guardian angel.”

  “He sounds like a nice man,” Zoé said, taking a sip of her water, her mind reeling. When you want to know a guy, talk to the woman who raised him.

  Molly nodded, thoughtful. “He is. He’s done more to help Jace turn his life around than anybody.” She looked at Zoé, giving her a soft smile. “I’ve never seen Jace look at anyone the way he looks at you. It warms my heart. He comes across all bad ass, tough guy, but needs someone to love. He’s as loyal as they come. Kate Bethlehem did nothing but use him.”

  Tears pricked Zoé’s eyes and she blinked rapidly, trying to get them to go away. “He…he…how much about him do you know, Molly? I mean…he’s done a lot of stuff. Stuff I wouldn’t share with my mom or dad.”

  “Jace has been in a mess of trouble. We raised him since age sixteen. I know way more than a guardian needs to know. I thought sometimes he’d send me to an early grave. That’s why we’re so pleased he found you.”

  “I don’t know if I can do this, though, Molly. Every time I turn around I find out something new about him -- something shocking, or disturbing. Some new woman from his past shows up. Trouble with Billy. Trouble around every turn. I’m having a hard time keeping up. And he keeps it all secret from me. And then he told me…” The tears were beginning to win, making her frustrated and angry.

  Molly reached for a box of Kleenex, handed it to her and patted her hand.

  Zoé grabbed several of the white, cottony tissues, pressing them to her eyes. “My brother died of a heroin overdose when he was nineteen. Jace told me he worked for the asshole who sold the drugs to my brother.” A fresh wave of tears assaulted her. “I…I can’t forgive that. It’s like I’m sleeping with the enemy.” She let out an anguished sob. “I loved my brother,” she cried. “And no-one can bring him back. To think that Jace played a part in his death, well…” Her words broke off as sobs overtook her.

  “Oh, child…”

  Molly’s soft words pierced her heartbreak. She looked up from her tissues and blinked, trying to get these stupid tears to stop.

  “It was Billy.”

  “What was?” Zoé said through a strangled sob.

  “Jace never sold anything. Billy put him up to it.”

  Zoé blinked through her tears, hope making a sudden welcome appearance in her heart.

  “He was still a teenager. He was always doing crazy things on a dare. Billy liked to provoke him, even back then. He told Jace he had a way to make easy money. Jace wasn’t making a lot of money at the boat yard yet. Jace said he refused -- he’d already watched his sister spiral into heavy drug use. But Billy persisted, challenging him right and left. He probably thought he had to prove something to Billy, since Billy was a rock star in our small town. Everyone looked up to Billy, even Jace did for a time.”

  Zoé sniffled and blew her nose, listening intently.

  “He only did it one time and he didn’t even sell any. The dealer told him, ‘it’s easy. Just go to such and such place at such and such time and the kids will flock around.’ Jace resisted. He didn’t want to do it. Finally, the dealer threatened his life. Jace was actually responsible for getting the guy put away.”

  Zoé recoiled. “I thought he…oh, I got it all wrong.”

  “He wasn’t proud, not one little bit. I’m not saying what he did was right. He’d be the last to admit that. It was wrong and he knew it. He just let his ego get in the way.” Molly took a deep breath. “When he went to retrieve the product, it was gone - all of it. Maybe Billy took some of it, we don’t know. But then he found his sister, high on heroin for the first time, ever. She had stolen it from Jace.”

  Zoé’s eyes widened in horror. “He must think he’s responsible for her using!”

  “Oh, he does. He’s tried and tried to help Jayna get clean. He even paid for her rehab.” Molly’s face looked like she’d swallowed something bitter. “She had already taken steps toward her addictions, but still…” All at once, Molly looked old and extremely worn out.

  “Oh, I had no idea,” Zoé said, suddenly ashamed of her reaction. “He probably feels responsible for me…for my…I…the other night I…I’m so stupid, that’s what I am.”

  “I’m sure he tried to protect you from knowing what he’d done.” Molly blinked back a few of her own tears. “He’s a good, good man, Zoé, you have to believe me. He even repaid the dealer for all the product that disappeared. Billy simply sailed away on his cloud of wealth.”

  Zoé began to cry again. “Oh, I’m such an idiot! I always think the worst of him! Me and all my fears of betrayal. I’m the one who’s doing the betraying.” She seized several more tissues.

/>   “He’s been working his tail off to put the hardship of his life behind him. When he met you, he thought the cards were finally stacked in his favor.”

  “Oh, what have I done?” Zoé sobbed. “He’ll never forgive me.”

  Molly put her arm around Zoé’s shoulder. “That’s the thing about Jace. He will forgive you. He probably blames himself.” She released Zoé. “Honey, look at me.”

  This phrase must run in the family, Zoé thought wryly. She dabbed at her eyes, blew her nose and lifted her gaze to meet Molly’s.

  “Jace loves you. I’ve never seen him so happy. I’m sure you feel a bit bulldozed by him but he adores you.”

  Zoé let out a self-deprecating laugh. “Yeah, I asked him who gave him the keys to the bulldozer.”

  “He didn’t need anyone to give him keys - it’s a custom bulldozer he made himself.”

  They both let out a chuckle.

  “Goddamn it!” Adam’s angry voice wafted from his back room. “Can’t catch everything but something’s going down.”

  Molly bolted to her feet, followed by Zoé.

  “What is it?” Molly asked her husband, as she rounded the corner to his office.

  “Scanner’s going out again. I started to catch word of something, and the motherfucker stopped working.” He pounded it with his fist. “Come on, come on.”

  “What did you hear?”

  “Couldn’t really make it out. Cops? Fight? Goddamn it!”

  “Oh, dear, God,” Molly said. “That boy can make a mess of things. I hope he’s all right. He’s a strong, strong man. I hope you can see that about him, Zoé, I really do. I’d hate to see you split apart over his past, instead of banking on his future. He’s really trying to change. He told me, in no uncertain terms, he wants to change for you.”

  Chapter 36

  Jace stormed to the front of Billy’s lair in record time. Barely winded from the sprint up the hill, he burst through the front door.

  He blinked to focus in the darkened room. Billy crouched over Jayna. Jasmine held Marni, shrieking and wailing, and his sister…his goddamned, messed up, beautiful sister lay lifeless on the floor.


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