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His Secret Baby

Page 48

by Ashlee Price

  That sounded a little ominous to my ears, but I was sure that he didn’t mean it the way I thought he did. I imagined things that made me finally come. It washed over me so quickly that it took my breath away and I cried out. Jerold didn’t stop the steady movement of his hand when I tried to push him away. It was starting to become too much, just like he himself.

  “Please, Jerold.”

  Only when I thought I was actually going to go insane did he stop. I couldn’t control myself, and before I knew what I was doing, I was promising to do anything he wanted. He pushed the issue by making me promise that I would never leave him again. In truth, it was so hard to think that I would have agreed to almost anything. Every muscle in my body was tight, and I needed relief more than anything else.

  His hand finally stopped and I started to mellow down. I was breathing hard and I couldn’t think, but at least I was given a moment. It took several more before I was able to open my eyes and look around. We were in a driveway that I imagined was his, and the car was stopped. How had I not known that we were stopped? How long had we been there? I wasn’t sure.

  When I felt his hand on my thigh, I could feel the wetness. I moaned at the direction he was going.

  “You ready to go in?”

  Why did that feel like a loaded question?

  Shaking my head, I got out and stared up at the large house. It was a mansion, really, and I couldn’t imagine living there. My practical side kicked in and I wondered how long it would take to clean it every day. The thought brought me a little more clarity, but not much. Jerold wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his hard body. His lips and teeth were nibbling their way down my neck, biting me where it connected with my shoulder. The act almost brought me to my knees and I had to settle myself. It was just too much.

  The door opened and I pushed away from him when someone answered. The tall man didn’t really look at me, but past us, and I just walked in. It was strange and I wanted to look back, but Jerold was pushing me forward and I was left to go where he directed me. It was just like old times. I was under his spell once more.

  We stopped at a door and he put a code into the panel next to it. The whole house was modern and high tech, but it was only then that I really started to notice it. When Jerold’s hands were on me, it was hard to think about anything else.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Again he was being kind of ambiguous about his answers, leaving it open. I wondered if he wanted me to imagine where it was we were going. We were going down, and as the elevator started to move my stomach lurched a little with it. I kept asking myself what I had gotten myself into.

  Chapter 5 – Nicola

  There were no more keypads or doors. The elevator opened to a fairly benign-looking room. I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting; certainly not the library-style room that I was in at the moment. He’d been a bit mysterious, and now I wasn’t sure if I was disappointed or relieved that it was so ordinary. The ideas that had gone through my head were hard to take my mind off of, though, and I was leaning more towards the former emotion.

  Jerold moved to my side, and I could tell that he was reading my expression. He kind of smiled and asked me what was wrong.

  “Nothing. I just wasn’t sure what was down here.”

  “I thought you would like a drink.”

  I agreed that I did and followed him towards a small bar. It blended in with the rest of the décor and I didn’t notice it until he mentioned it. It was hard to focus with wetness rubbing together on my thighs. I knew he was going to pounce on me soon. He was just toying with me, like he was a cat, and in that scenario I was the mouse to be consumed. Shivering, I looked away and tried to control my thoughts. My face was getting red and I felt cornered when he came back towards me. He handed me my drink, our hands brushing against each other.

  “Do you have this down here so that you can get some peace?”

  Jerold shook his head and urged me to have a little to drink. I stared down at the amber liquid in the glass. I didn’t even ask what it was, I didn’t care – anything that would give me a little fire down my throat to forget about the dark gray eyes on me.

  “No, I do not want peace when I’m down here.”

  “Oh.” My conversational skills were severely lacking at the moment, so I finally took a drink, closing my eyes for a time at the taste. It was rather strong, but it did exactly what I thought it would do. Finishing the glass that he’d handed me, I felt a little better and somehow a bit more prepared for him.

  “Would you like to see the rest of the downstairs?”

  I sort of nodded my head, still not sure if that was the right answer. Part of me was asking myself what I was doing there. I knew him, well, but there was a whole other element to the place that I couldn’t shake. I knew that there was more there than a small reading room. There had to be. His offer of a tour made me nervous.

  “What else is down here?”

  “Do you really not trust me, Nicola?”

  Jerold looked hurt, and I wanted him to know that I did trust him. I knew that he wouldn’t hurt me or anything like that, but I was still apprehensive. Sometimes he thought of ways to pleasure me and drive me crazy that I totally didn’t expect. It wasn’t that what he did was mean or aggressive. He was just too creative, and he already seemed to know my body better than I did. A couple of months had passed since he’d had his hands on me, and again he was playing me like a fiddle.

  “I do, Jerold. I do.” I needed to convince myself a little bit as well. I did trust him, but I didn’t trust my body to handle what he could do to me. I already knew what he could do in a short amount of time.

  He held out his hand and told me to go with him. I did as he asked and hoped that I had made the right decision. It was more than just a little fun. He had doggedly pursued me since I stopped talking to him. His persistence gave me an idea of the lengths he was willing to go to. That worried me, because I knew that he was going to unusually great lengths with me. When I looked up to him before we went into a darkened room, I knew that it was already too late. I loved him and I knew that anything he asked, I would say yes to. That scared me more than the room.

  The overhead lights went on, and I squinted. It was too bright for my eyes and it took a couple of minutes to adjust to the brightness of the room. The room came into focus after I had blinked several times, my eyes almost watering from the sudden change. There was a bed in the middle of the room with four tall posters on each corner. My body started to shake instantly. I knew that now he was going to pounce.

  “Do you still trust me?”

  His question threw me off a little bit, and my eyes were dragged from the bed to him. Jerold was getting undressed as he walked towards me. His jacket was first to go off, and I watched it fall to the floor. When he stopped feet from me, I could feel the heat emanating off of him.

  “Do you?”

  There were no words. I could only move my head slightly. He was so close. His thumb rubbed my chin. How could I not trust him?

  The gestured seemed to be enough for a kiss. Then he started to move me towards the bed. I could tell that he was holding on to control, his hands shaking ever so slightly as he started to pull the dress off of my shoulders. I liked the way his eyes darkened. It let me know how badly he wanted me, and it made me want him even more. His face changed to lust when the dress fell around me. I had nothing on underneath, no panties, bra or stockings. It was how I wanted him to see me, as I was. He liked what he saw, and when his hand came up to brush over my hard nipple, I shivered.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  I didn’t answer. There was nothing to say. I had never felt as beautiful as when he looked at me in that way. It was like I knew then how much I was wanted and I couldn’t help but see myself through his eyes. I liked to think of what was next, not knowing what kind of game he would play. All I knew was that if he didn’t touch me soon, I was surely
going to lose it.

  He directed me onto the bed and told me to put my hands up. I did as he asked, not really caring what was in his mind. I just wanted to be touched, and as long as his hands were on me, I really wasn’t going to care.

  I should have known that he would be ready for me. The bed already had straps on each corner, and the way he was so assured with his actions made me nervous. He had done this before. By the proficiency of his actions, he had done it many times in the past. I tested the binding and I knew that I was not getting out until he let me go.

  “Now you cannot go anywhere. I may just leave you like this for a long time, Nicola. Until you realize how much we need each other. You are mine, and I will not let you leave me again.”

  I couldn’t really answer him. The whole time he was talking, his hands were moving down my body. He had gotten onto the bed with me, but he pulled my legs apart. I didn’t want to fight him anymore, didn’t want to fight the feelings and the urges that were going through me. When I knew where he was going, I closed my eyes and waited for the hot breath at my core. This time I wasn’t held down and made to sit in place, so I was able to backtrack a little before the bindings got the best of me. Instead of worrying about it though, I just tried to cope with the feelings rushing through me.

  “Yes, Jerold, I’m going to come!”

  He stopped abruptly. So abruptly that I wasn’t able to do what I said I was going to. I whimpered and whined a little. I even begged. Anything for him to finish me off. Jerold just looked at me, his face a little wet from my juices and his eyes on my writhing body.

  “Please, Jerold. I need you.”

  “You didn’t need me for two months. Why now?”

  I closed my eyes. I was starting to regret the whole trust thing. How long was he going to keep me like this? Now I couldn’t touch myself, and that was going to drive me even crazier. “Because I need you and I feel like I’m going to explode if I don’t have you inside of me again.”

  I could tell that my words got to him. His eyes narrowed and the grey was hard to see. He didn’t answer me. His lips were poised to, but nothing came out. Instead he moved in between my legs and rubbed his hard head against my clit a few times, tapping it and then moving to where I needed him most. I did feel like I was going to explode one way or another.

  There was no time to care. The choice was made for me as he drove in. My thighs gripped his sides as he pushed in one time, quickly and hard enough to move my whole body. It was too much, and I couldn’t stop myself from screaming out his name. It had been too long, and he was all that I had needed.

  Jerold stayed like that for some time, letting me shake and tremble, clenching him hard enough that his own jaw was rock solid.

  “God, I love to hear your little moans.”

  I couldn’t think. His penetration began moving back and surging forward again. When I opened my eyes, he was watching my face. Our eyes met and he pushed in slowly, as far as he could go, until he hit bottom, pushing deep, forcing my eyes shut. It was just too intense. I could feel the next orgasm pushing through me, and I was ready. He kissed me at my first moan. It was surprising because it took me off guard. I had never felt so good in all of my life. I wanted to touch him, cling to him, but I was left to just take what he gave me. As he moved faster, it became harder to deal with his hard thrusting.

  “Please, Jerold. I want to feel all of you.”

  I didn’t really know what I needed, but I wanted his hot seed inside of me. I couldn’t come anymore. My insides collapsed around his length, urging him to give me what I wanted. I knew that he was close, and the tighter I clenched, the more erratic the pushing was. Finally he was as lost as I was, and I heard my name as a broken whisper. “I love you, Nicola. God, I love you.”

  Chapter 6 – Jerold

  I watched her sleep. I had taken away the bindings and I had held her for a long time before I went to sleep. Nicola was still sleeping, and I was tempted to wake her up and take her again, but I didn’t know if she had something to do that would pull her away from me. I didn’t know what her day was like. I didn’t like that fact. I should know. I should know everything about her. I had meant what I had said yesterday. All I had thought about was how I was going to make her mine. It was not a question of when or why, but mainly how. How was I to convince her to submit to me for life?

  Her brown eyes opened, and I felt a smile spread across my face. She was perfect and I wanted her to be mine forever. Once or twice wasn’t enough. I wondered sometimes if it would ever be enough. I really wasn’t sure that it would be.

  “Good morning, Nicola. I’m glad to see that you’re finally up.”

  She smiled back at me and I was lost in the moment. I couldn’t speak, and all of the wonderful things that I was going to tell her slipped away. Before I knew it, I was on top of her, sliding into the hot, wet center that always seemed ready for me. It took me some time to satisfy myself with her enough to even get out of bed. I had never stayed down there overnight and I found it strange in a way.

  “Do you have anything that you want to do today?”

  Nicola shrugged and told me that she had a couple of meetings with bankers. She was still trying to get funding. I knew that she didn’t really want to talk about it. I was probably the last person that she could talk to about money. I knew that she was independent, and I imagined that the independence went to all aspects of her life. But she was mine now, so she was going to have to get used to the way things were going to be. I was going to be there for her in all ways, and her business was going to be no different.

  I didn’t suggest that I go with her. I knew that it would not be what she wanted, but I planned to talk to the bank as soon as she left. I wanted her to have everything that she needed, and I was willing to sign for her. Not that she would ever know. It would just be a guarantee that I would cover her if anything happened. Nicola was trustworthy and she was going to great. I just didn’t want her to know I was helping.

  “Well, let me take you back home so you don’t miss your appointments.”

  “Thanks, Jerold. I would appreciate that. I don’t want to miss the chance.”

  “So I’ll pick you up about eight o’clock tonight.”

  It wasn’t a question, and she just kind of nodded her head. She was back under my spell, and I was going to use a firm hand to keep her in line. I was so worried about everything else that I had forgotten who I was and who she was.

  Pulling her to me, I kissed her hard on the mouth to remind both of us. I wanted to be reminded that she was in fact mine and I wasn’t going to lose her again. And I wanted to remind her of what I could do to her body and to her mind.


  “I can’t believe that you went behind my back and talked to the banks! I was going in to sign the final contract and Marshall let it slip. How could you do that?”

  “I have no say in your business. That is yours. I have no stake in anything. I just wanted to make sure that you were given the chance. You deserve it.”

  I could tell that she wasn’t at all pleased about it. I had gone down to the bank weeks ago, and this was the first time that she’d raised her voice to me since we’d gotten back together. Everything was going perfectly, and I wasn’t going to let a misunderstanding ruin what we had now.

  “I don’t care how much money you have, Jerold, you can’t buy me.”

  “I don’t want to buy you. You are already mine, Nicola. I just want you to be happy. I will never interfere. I have no rights. It’s really just a guarantee to the bank.” Why couldn’t she see that it wasn’t a bad thing? It was me putting my reputation and everything else on the line because I needed her so badly.

  “I don’t like the idea of you going behind my back. You knew that I wouldn’t have agreed to it if I’d known.”

  I acknowledged that fact. It was of course the reason that I had done it the way I had. If I could have told her, I would have. “It’s too late now. The restaurant is getting its first stock
shipped in tomorrow, and I know that you are going to do great.”

  “I can’t let you do this.”

  She was stubborn. I kissed her, watching her eyes close and feeling her body melt against me. I would have to do this often if I was going to have her as mine, but I was okay with that. I was okay with using my lips to change her mind. She would learn one way or another that I was going to be there for her always.

  “You don’t have a choice, Nicola. I have already done it.”

  “I told you that I didn’t want you as my boss.”

  “You are mine, Nicola. I don’t care what you call it, but you are mine. I want you to call me your husband. You are carrying my child, and I love you more than I could ever admit. That is what I want from you Nicola. Not anything else. I don’t want your business, I just want you happy. Why can’t you see that?”

  I hated the way my voice sounded. It sounded like I was desperate. Then I realized that I most likely was. She kind of made me feel a little crazy and it was coming out. I had just let it slip that I loved her again. Now I had to wait and see what she said. It was the longest moment of my life. It was like I couldn’t breathe at all.

  “You love me?”

  Her voice was tiny. It made me look down at her, finally meeting her eyes and no longer afraid of what I was going to find.

  “Of course I love you.”

  “What do you mean that I’m carrying your child?”

  I kind of chuckled and watched her mind try to do the math.

  “I can tell, baby. Your breasts are getting larger and more sensitive. You moan louder when I suck on them, and there is a slight rounding to your stomach. When you are ready you can go to the doctor, but I will tell you now that you are with child, my child. So will you marry me, Nicola?”

  I had been expecting to ask her for a while. Ever since I had gotten her back, I knew that I was going to have to ask her the right way. I pulled out the ring that had been in my jacket pocket next to the bed. Her eyes started to water and I knew then that she was mine. She was not going to leave me. She was going to be mine forever.


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