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His Secret Baby

Page 67

by Ashlee Price

  Starting to feel a little more like herself, Mariss nodded at the results. “You are quite pretty Callie.”

  “Thank you. I just hope that he likes me.”

  Mariss didn’t comment. She didn’t want to ruin her dreams of what would happen. Bertraud had told her about Thomas’ plan for his new wife, but she had a feeling that he wasn’t expecting such a beautiful woman to walk down the aisle. The dress she was tight and showed off her curves. Mariss shook her head. No, he didn’t know what he was going to be in for and Mariss smiled to herself. She always loved a good love story and she was sure that Thomas and Callie were going to be in love in no time.

  “What are you smiling like that for?”

  “Oh, nothing. Just thinking back to my own wedding day. It has been years since I walked down the aisle in a small church north of here. I hope your day is as memorable as mine was.”

  “Was it arranged or did you know him?”

  “I knew him since we were kids and I have loved him since I knew what love was.”

  Callie felt a little discomfort as the other woman looked off with a smile on her face. Callie wondered if she would ever feel that way about Thomas. He was definitely easy on the eyes and she knew that she easily could.

  Chapter 3

  “I am telling you Bertraud. She is perfect. She looks like she fell face-first off a cart, but she is going to be perfect.”

  Bertraud was confused. “You are happy that she is ugly?”

  Thomas nodded. “There will be no way that I will want more. As long as she can cook and clean up a little, that is all I could ask for. I should kiss your wife for the idea.”

  He gave him a dirty look at the idea. Even though the two had been together for over a decade, he didn’t like the idea of the young man whisking her off. “Hands off my Mariss. Well I am happy for you, if this is what you want. You still have time to back out of it if you want. Once you are married though…”

  “I know, you have told me four times already today my friend. You will like her and I hope her and Mariss get along.”

  Bertraud just shrugged, not really caring what the women did all day with themselves. As long as Mariss had dinner ready when he got home and his clothes were clean, he could care less. It made him realize that Thomas’ idea of marriage wasn’t that far off, though he was missing out on the best part of it in Bertraud’s opinion.

  “Well I wish you happiness my friend, though I can’t say that I am looking forward to meeting her.”

  “She is not that comely, just plain. I am sure it will be fine though.”

  Bertraud just nodded, not sure if he was trying to convince him or himself. “Whatever makes you happy, my friend. Maybe you will stop being in such a foul mood, but I don’t know if I would want to come home to a plain wife.”

  Thomas tried not to think about it. “As long as I come home to food and a fire, I don’t really care. I gave her the extra room, so you won’t be able to come over there when you have said the wrong thing to Mariss anymore.”

  Bertraud chuckled and claimed that he only came over to remind her of what it would be like without him. They both knew that it wasn’t the truth, but Thomas was going to give him his fantasies. He wasn’t as nervous after seeing her as he thought he would be. It made him feel better to know that there wouldn’t be any romance between them. He liked the way her eyes had shone at him, but there wasn’t much more that she had going for her. She really was plain.

  The two men did a little drinking and spent a lot of the day at the pub. It wasn’t until the time came for the wedding that they went back outside to a dark sky that Thomas let it all sink in. He was about to be a married man.


  The small ceremony was going to be at his house and they had a minister coming to officiate that was sent by the man at the docks. It was part of what he was paying for and Thomas was more surprised at the clean interior than he was anything else. “Is this my house?”

  Bertraud was given a dirty look from his wife and he tried to pretend that he was innocent.

  “You had one thing to do Bertraud! He is barely standing!”

  He smiled at his wife and helped Thomas stand up a little straighter. She did not find it very funny and she sighed loudly at him. “I cannot believe you two. It is your wedding day Thomas! You should not be like this.”

  Thomas just smiled back at her and she was sick of seeing their grinning faces. Mariss had imagined the two falling in love, but then she was reminded of what he was really like and she hoped for Callie’s sake that he could sober up by the close of it.

  She went back into the girl’s room and let her know that they were there and ready for her. Callie had this look on her face of panic and Mariss worried what she was going to look like when she saw the state of her husband to be. It certainly wouldn’t be what Mariss would be looking forward to.

  “It seems that Thomas and Bertraud have had a little to drink.”

  Callie didn’t seem bothered but she saw her face fall when she saw Thomas. She would have lost all hope, if she hadn’t also seen the way he looked at her. Mariss had a feeling that he was going to find a way to sober up quickly.

  “This isn’t Callie.”

  She looked puzzled for a moment and then stopped. Callie must have realized that he was too drunk to know who she was. “Yes. Don’t you remember?”

  “But you were so pale and plain.”

  Mariss closed her eyes and sighed. It was definitely not what she would like to have heard when she was about to be wed. Callie seemed to take in stride and shrugged. “The journey was long. I didn’t really have time to freshen up. Are you not pleased?”

  He nodded his head that he was, though another part of him was not. Thomas had honestly wanted a wife that he wouldn’t have to lust after, but how could he not if she was to be his? Her body was curved and voluptuous in a tight white gown. Her chest heaved with her faster breathing and she was upset. He saw that she was, but he was more worried about looking at her to answer the question. He had heard it, it was important, but as his gaze went up her body, Thomas had forgotten about it all together.

  It was only when Mariss slapped him from behind that he nodded his head that he was pleased. How had he not seen it before?

  “Sorry Callie. I just didn’t recognize you. Yes I am very pleased. You are beautiful.”

  She heard his words, but he didn’t seem very please. The look on the man’s face was worry and she thought that she may have preferred the dumbfounded look from before.

  Chapter 4

  The first evening together went a little differently than Callie had expected. She had put so much thought, effort and worry into the wedding night that she found herself not knowing what to do when her husband passed out in his own bed hours later. She was left awake and staring up at the ceiling from her own room. It was not at all what she had expected and she didn’t know what to say or do. Her mother had told her what to expect, but it was nothing like what had actually happened. Callie started to wonder if she just wasn’t desirable to him. She wished then more than anything that she had someone to talk to.

  The next morning she was up early making breakfast and tidying up the house from the night before. She waited around for the man to get up and when he finally did, she handed him something to drink and eat. He smiled at her gratefully, still not realizing how badly he had acted the night before. He asked if she slept well and she nodded, though Callie still had no clue what had happened.

  “Are you that unhappy to be married to me?”

  He looked up from his breakfast, not sure what she meant. “Look I am sorry about last night. I might have had a little too much. I guess it was all of jitters.”

  She knew that was as good as it was going to be for an apology, and she could relate. Her own nerves had been high the day before. But she had not expected to have to sleep in her wedding dress because no one was there to help her out of it.

  “Why are you still wearing your dress? I am
sure you don’t want to get it dirty. Don’t you women like to keep them?”

  She shook her head. The dress was already dirty and she wanted to take it off because it was so heavy feeling and suffocating to her form. It was not a dress of comfort, but she was stuck in it. “It is not something I can take off by myself. All of the buttons are on the back and I can’t reach them.”

  Thomas stopped eating and swallowed. Apologizing, he was starting to feel worse as his head banged from the ale. Wiping his hands on his shirt, he moved towards her and told her to stand up. She did as he said and before she could say anything, he had her dress undone and most of her back revealed. His hands paused for just a moment before running down her back and then moving away.

  It was a moment before she opened her eyes again and thanked him. She held the top of the dress up while she went to her room and sat down on the bed. Just a slight touch on her skin had made her senses go wild. Callie didn’t come back out for several minutes and he was gone. When he came back out he was wearing the clothes of a guard and she liked the way he looked. He looked handsome and strong. Callie waited for a kiss, something as he left, but he didn’t seem too bothered by any of it. “I get home around dark most nights.”

  She just nodded her head and watched him go. Callie had so many questions to ask and wondered if there was that much of a cultural difference. Is that how marriage was there?

  Callie decided to go talk to Mariss about it when she had finally gotten herself together, but Mariss was there before she could leave. She seemed as anxious to find out, as Callie was trying to get it off her chest.

  “So how did it go? I saw him this morning when he came to get Bertraud and he looked happy, not even hung over.”

  “Well he did get plenty of sleep.”

  Mariss noticed the way she said it and felt like there was something going on. “Was it not a good night for you?”

  “We came in after the ceremony and he went to his room. I saw him again this morning and he helped me out of my dress.” Her cheeks went pink and Callie was sure that it was something that she had done wrong for him to act that way, but she hoped that it was normal. By the look on Mariss’ face, the one of sympathy, it was clear that it was not normal at all.

  “You had to sleep in your dress?”

  “Yes, you know how many buttons were on the back. It was my mother’s dress and I didn’t want to ruin it. He never came back out. It is not the same in my country, husbands and wives sleep together. There is much anticipation for the first night together…” She trailed off, too embarrassed to say anymore.

  Mariss didn’t need to hear anymore, having gotten a big picture of it from the way she described it. She felt bad for her and almost wanted to tell her it was the way of things. She didn’t want to have to tell her the real reason or the real reason Thomas had wanted a wife.

  “Thomas is not the romantic type, though I was sure when he seen you, he would find his way.”

  Callie had certainly hoped for something more than what had happened. “So it isn’t normal though, to be apart on your wedding night, right?”

  She had to admit it wasn’t, but tried to soften the blow. “He just had too much to drink. I am sure he will be better this evening.” They both silently hoped so.

  Callie spent her day with the older woman, learning the places to shop and then where to get water and several other crucial new parts to her life. She didn’t feel any different, she didn’t feel married. But at least she was free from Ireland. Callie went to the docks in the evening before she went back home and could see Ireland on the other side. She didn’t miss it there, but she missed her family. Spurgis passed her and she nodded to him, though he wasn’t sure who she was. It took him a minute to remember and realize that it was the woman he had sent with the guard.

  “Miss Callie, right?”

  She nodded her head. “I thought you were going to walk right by me.”

  “How did everything go?”

  “Well, I can’t thank you enough.”

  “If you ever need anything, you know where to find me.” There was a hint of something else in his eyes and she tried to ignore the way it made her tremble inside. She didn’t want to think about it though and bid him a farewell, telling him that she had to get home to her husband. Callie liked the sound of it, but she would have liked it better if her husband had looked at her in the same way as Spurgis had. Why didn’t he want her in that way?

  Chapter 5

  She waited up for him for several hours until she finally fell asleep. Callie had made him dinner and it was sitting cold on the plate at the table. By the look of it, she had waited for him to eat as well because her plate was untouched as well. Thomas felt a moment of guilt and went to her room to apologize, but found her sleeping. His hand came out to push a tendril of hair from her face and sighed to himself.

  Thomas had tried to forget the fact that she was there at home, waiting for him. He had thought it would be an arrangement where needs and wants didn’t ruin it, but he already knew that he wanted to need her. He still remembered the curve of her back as he had taken her dress off. But he knew that there would be no way to leave afterwards and that was what he was worried about. It wasn’t the moments, Thomas sure they would be good, but it was the lifetime afterwards that he worried about.

  He went to his own room and thought of the woman he had that night. It hadn’t taken long to find a woman that was willing, but it had been Callie’s face that he had seen when he looked down. To stop the girl from ruining it, he made her instead turn around so he could take her from behind. Even then the girl’s curves weren’t the same and he found himself unsatisfied as he left. It was Callie that he wanted and it would seem that no one else would do.

  It took him a while to go to sleep and he thought he heard her getting up and moving around in the far side of the house, but he didn’t get up. It was a strange way to feel and Thomas still wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do. He wanted her, but knew that once he slept with a woman, it all went downhill from there. Why couldn’t he just be happy with what he said he wanted? She cooked, she cleaned, but it was the rest of it that he was interested in now.


  “Good morning Callie.”

  She didn’t answer him and instead set down his plate. A few bits of it were burnt, but he didn’t mind. Callie was not smiling that morning and she didn’t ask him for help with anything. Instead she just ignored him and he finally had to ask her what the matter was and why she was so quiet.

  “You didn’t come home last night and you smell of a woman and ale.”

  He wasn’t going to argue with either point, but he found himself shrugging off. “I suppose so. Sometimes I go out afterwards.”

  “Why did you marry me?”

  “I needed a wife to help out with the cooking and women chores.”

  “Is that all?”

  No. “Yes. That is all I need you for. We can be good friends.”

  She didn’t like the answer and Callie wished that she had stayed home. At least then she wouldn’t have any falsehoods to believe in. She would have known exactly what she was. “And I am to not say anything about the other women? Is this something normal here?”

  He almost laughed at the question, but he knew she was being serious. “Just think of it as one less thing that you have to do.”

  Callie looked down and then turned her back to him. It was not what she wanted to hear and it made her feel like she must be hideous to not even arouse her own husband. She fought back tears and questioned what she was thinking coming all the way to Scotland. It would seem that she was worth much of the same there as she was back home, which wasn’t much at all.

  Callie felt a hand on her arm and she looked back at him when he said her name in such a way. “I don’t want you to be mad at me Callie.”

  She pushed the wetness from her eyes and told him that she wasn’t. “I just expected more is all. I know what it is now.”

  Thomas should
have liked the idea of her understanding how everything was, but he didn’t. Thomas wanted to be able to change his mind. He stopped her from walking away. “What did you expect?”

  Callie found it hard to meet his gaze. “I was hoping for love.”


  Spurgis was in Ireland, finding his next round of women to sell the dream to. He made Scotland out to be the land of plenty and in need of good women. He didn’t care what they thought or expected, all he cared about was the money in his pockets. It was almost time to go back and he was in the last pub he planned to stop in. It had a few rooms that were rented out on the top and he stayed there sometimes when he had time.

  This trip hadn’t gone so well though and he only had a few that were willing to make the trek across to the new country. Spurgis just needed a few more women to go with. He stopped as he made it into the interior and saw a drawing of a woman that he had seen before. It took a minute before he realized that it was the one that he had married off the week before. She was the one that had been a fright when she got off the boat, but then looked like the picture when he had seen her on the docks. Callie Winguard is what the paper said. There was a reward and his eyes went to the amount. Someone wanted the woman badly and Spurgis had just found a way to make some more money.

  He looked to the address written on the bottom of the flyer and smiled to himself. After a moment he pulled it from the wall and walked back out the pub without a drink. He had more things on his mind and as he made his way to the man’s house listed on the flyer, he hoped that the girl hadn’t been found yet. Spurgis didn’t care what she was wanted for. All he cared about was how he was going to spend the money once he got it.

  After a short knock, the door was answered by an old man with white hair and devilish black eyes answered. Spurgis was taken aback for a moment, but he finally got himself together enough to hold the piece of paper with the drawing of Callie.


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