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His Secret Baby

Page 102

by Ashlee Price

  “Is it my turn?” He asked in a tired voice.

  “I want to watch.” Sylvia said and pushed over to the other side of the bed so she had a good view.

  Brian crawled on to the bed and sat back against the head board. Richard made his way over to him, and took him in to his mouth. If Sylvia thought that watching them kiss was hot, this was so much more. Watching Richard take Brian’s hard length in to his mouth was enough to make her crazy. She spread her legs and massaged as she watched the men.

  Brian was watching Richard too, and then he reached in to the bedside table and came back with some lube. Richard released him and Brian put some lube in his hand and applied it to himself. When it was done, Richard threw his one leg over Brian so that he was facing away from him. Brian grabbed his hips and guided him so that he was hovering right above his erection. Very slowly Richard lowered himself on to Brian. Sylvia just about came when she heard the noise that came from Richard.

  Brian started to pump his hips, pulling ever so slightly out of Richard and then pushing back inside. Richard started to move with the rhythm that Brian had set, and then he picked up the pace; moving a little higher. Richard then lifted off of Brian and got on his hands and knees on the bed. Brian didn’t skip a beat; he got up quick and was inside of the other man in the blink of an eye. He wasn’t being gentle now, he was slamming himself in to Richard, and they were both breathing hard.

  Sylvia watched as the intensity raised even more, and then Brian started to moan deep and long. That was when Sylvia let herself reach orgasm and she rode it out as long as she could. Brian slowly stopped pumping in to Richard, and then he collapsed on the bed beside Sylvia. Richard too had dropped to the bed, exhausted.


  Sylvia woke up the next morning and didn’t even remember falling asleep. She must have been so tired she just passed right out. Brian was lying in the bed beside her; still snoring, but Richard had left.

  She got out of bed and put on her clothes. She wandered out to the kitchen and smelt bacon cooking. Richard was cooking, and Sophie was sitting at the table colouring in a princess colouring book. Sylvia took a seat beside her and started to colour too.

  Brian joined them for breakfast shortly after and they all sat and ate together. After breakfast, Sylvia showered and changed her clothes. Natasha was getting there soon to meet the guys. She and Natasha and Sophie spent some time together on the beach. She was just about to head inside when her cell phone rang. It was her dad’s caller ID.

  She answered the phone excitedly.

  “Hello? How’s mom? What’s going on?”

  Her father laughed on the other line. “Your mother is fine, the baby came this morning at four a.m. Congratulations, you have a new baby brother.”

  Sylvia squealed in to the phone. She was so excited.

  “When are you coming to get me? I want to meet him! What did you call him?” She asked in a rush.

  “His name is Owen James, and I am leaving the hospital now. I will be there soon.” Her father said goodbye and she hung up the phone.

  He arrived shortly after, and took Sylvia to see her new baby brother. Before she left, she kissed Richard and Brian on the cheek and winked at them. She also gave Natasha a hug and told her she would see her the next day.

  Her brother was beautiful, and she spent the day ogling over him. Holding him and giving him kisses. At the end of the day, they let her mother go home. She spent the evening with her family and was very pretty great. She went to bed happy that night.

  The next morning, Sylvia woke up and texted Natasha that she was coming over. She got dressed and drove to her house. They spent the morning talking about the weekend that Sylvia had had. She gave Natasha all of the details, telling her all about the hot tub and what happened after it.

  Sylvia had almost forgotten about the competition she had going with Kent. She added her numbers up again and she was at fourteen; one for Brian, and three for the threesome with him and Richard.

  She texted Kent and told him to come to Natasha’s house too. When he got there, he revealed that his points were at thirteen. She smiled and told him that she beat him by one. Then she kissed him and told him that she chose herself for him to be with. Sylvia thought to herself that she was going to be very happy with Kent, but she would never forget her weekend with her father’s best friends.


  Camping with My Dad’s Best Friends

  Chapter 1

  Ana clocked out and smiled up at the clock. She had been waiting for over a month for that day and it was finally there. Grabbing up the rest of her belongings, she barreled out of her job and into the blazing sun. There was a heat-wave happening in California and although she was burning up, even the heat could not dampen her spirits. It was time for the annual family camping trip and since she was little, she had loved the trip. With more people that year coming, it was sure to even more fun and Ana couldn’t wait.

  There was a family draw each year to see where they would go and Ana’s suggestion had finally won out and they were going to see the sequoias and redwoods. She had seen them from afar, but she wanted to sleep underneath one. So her brother and his new wife were coming, her mother and father, as well as a couple of her father’s old football buddies from high school. Ana had her friend Marie coming as well, so there would be larger crew than normal.

  Ana swung by Marie’s house and picked her up on the way. She had brought a small tent for herself and Ana had to giggle when she saw what was on it. “Don’t laugh Ana. I couldn’t find anything else but these kid pop-up tents. It looks like everyone is going camping this weekend because they were almost sold out at the store. It was this or some superhero in spandex to choose from.”

  Ana nodded her head and covered her mouth, trying to stop her laugh. Marie was holding a pretty princess tent/backpack combo and it really was just too much. She did not want to tell her that it was going to be probably half of the size that she thought it was, as it was a child’s tent. Ana figured she would find out soon enough and she couldn’t wait to see it.

  “I am not going to laugh Marie. Have you ever gone camping before Princess?” She shot her a dirty look and Ana could not help but do what she said she wouldn’t. Her friend’s face got as red as her hair and it somehow made it even more comical. Marie was a bit prissy, so the fact that it was so spot on was probably the reason for her reaction.

  “Well we are going to have fun. It is really just spending some time swimming and hiking. I don’t know how much swimming we will do this time, but I am psyched for the National Park.”

  “I guess. You know I love you, but I like the indoors more. Hopefully I don’t get eaten alive by bugs while we are gone.” Ana nodded her head in agreement but smiled to herself. She had expected as much from her friend. Marie was a Princess, whether she wanted to admit it or not.

  The two girls rode back to Ana’s parent’s house and they parked behind several vehicles that Ana didn’t recognize. “So who all is going again?”

  Ana told her, though she had never met her father’s friends. She grabbed her purse and helped Marie with her bags.

  “I’m not sure which vehicle to put this in, so let’s just set them here until we are about to leave.”

  Marie nodded and set down the bags that she was carrying by the stairs. She started to second guess how much of it she was going to need, especially after seeing the small backpack that Ana came down the stairs with.

  “Where is your tent?”

  “It is in there. You really don’t need all that stuff because you should only bring what you can carry. We will be away from the car most of the time. The campsites that we are going to are walk-in, so you will have to narrow it all down to one bag.”

  Marie sighed. Her mind was going through the contents of the three bags outside and very little of it, did she not think she would need. She caught the backpack that her friend threw her and Ana helped her get it down to a manageable amount. Marie was aghast at the i
dea that she would not be able to bring her makeup, but Ana assured her that she would not need it.

  “Girls, get in here.”

  They walked in and Ana’s eyes fell on the two men before her. One was introduced as Mike. His hair was dark brown, his eyes ocean blue. The man was an inch or two shorter than Ana’s tall frame, but he made up for it with muscles. Her hands itched to touch him and feel his biceps. As soon as she thought it though, Ana was aghast that such ideas were in her brain.

  Their hands touched and she pulled back from the jolt. Glenn was tall and thin, with dark green eyes and blonde hair. They were complete opposites and their touch was different on her hand as they shook it. They were both old enough to be her father, though she did not have fatherly thoughts about either one. She noticed that Marie was being flirty and they were being the same back. It aggravated her and she walked away trying not to sulk in front of them.

  In the back of the extended van, Ana asked her what she was doing.

  “What do you mean Ana?”

  “Why are you hitting on my dad’s friend, when you already have a boyfriend of your own?”

  Marie looked innocent and then suspicious.

  “Why do you care?”

  Ana straightened her face, afraid that her emotions were too clear. Her friend knew her too well sometimes. She knew why she cared, though at least she kept her voice to a minimum. Ana would have been mortified if anyone else in the van had heard them.

  “You know why.”

  “Tell me why and I will leave them be.”

  Ana glared at Marie. Her blue eyes flashed at her friend’s smile. She should have known that she would try to make it embarrassing. “Fine. Because I think the short one is cute, okay? Besides, what would Matt think if you were flirting with older guys?”

  Marie looked at her shocked and shut her mouth after she decided not to say what was on her mind. After a moment, the two girls giggled and Ana tried not to look towards the two men a row up in the van that was the object of their conversation. They seemed to be sleeping, but it was just too convenient and Ana didn’t trust them. She tried to steer Marie away from the older guys and back onto things that didn’t matter.

  “All right guys we are here. We have a little walk tonight in the dark so make sure you have your flashlights before we get out.”

  Chapter 2

  The little walk turned out to be a little over a mile. It would have been a short walk if it wasn’t pitched black, but with all of the flashlights bobbing around, they all seemed to make it there with only her brother Josh’s girlfriend, tripping on an exposed root and falling on her face. Ana had not always gotten along with Alexis, so she tried not to laugh, but seeing her face caked with mud was hard not to react to.

  Every time Ana turned around, Mike was walking so close to here that they would touch. She had a strange feeling go over her as their blue eyes met, but she would look away, feeling something akin to shyness wash over her. There was just something in the way that he looked at her, that even in the dark it affected her.

  When the large group finally got to the clearing where the camping signs were put up, there were several other tents set up, a few of the occupants poking their heads out with the commotion. Everyone found a place for their tents and Ana was quietly setting up her tent like the others, when she caught Glenn walking over to help Marie. Her tent was still folded from the first time and her friend was looking at the instructions like they were written in Greek. Ana shot her another dirty look. She did not want her friend sleeping with her father’s friends. It would just lead to her getting chewed out and a weird circumstance. That much she was sure of.

  Ana went back to her tent and she was then behind from rubber necking what Marie was doing. She sighed as she pulled out the expanding pulls and started to make it into one long piece. “Do you want me to help you?”

  She jumped, not paying attention enough to see Mike walking up. His blue eyes always seemed to be sparkling and the way he looked at her made her want to melt. She was not immune to the looks and she looked down to blush. Ana was not usually that girl that needed saving, but when she got around Mike she was at a loss of words and fumbled around a lot more.

  “Here I got this.”

  The man took the pole from her hand like she shouldn’t be touching them and it peeved her a little bit. Marie was the girly-girl, not her. Mike had the tent up within minutes and she did little else than hand him the stakes to go in the ground. She thanked him and watched him go back to his own tent that was quite a bit larger than the others. Mike and Glenn were splitting the two room tent.

  Ana watched him through her opening, his shadow against the vinyl. She saw his shirt come off and the ridges that were even visible in his outline against the tent. Then his outline turned towards her and she slipped back behind her flap, her heart racing. There was so much that Ana wanted to learn, but she was still reluctant to go the next level with a boy, let alone a man. Mike made her feel strange, kind of like her first crush in high school. Ana was older now though and her curiosity was a lot stronger than before.


  Mike slept fitfully and all he could think about was the young woman that he couldn’t have. His best friend of course had to have a daughter that he would have given his left nut to have had. He tried to remember what Jerry had said about her through the years, but nothing could make him forget how innocently she had looked at him. She acted like a girl surprised by her own body’s response and it made Mike wonder just how innocent she really was.

  Morning came earlier for the camp, but even earlier for Mike. He was up and down at the river fishing with Glenn by the time most of the rest of the family was stirring. Mike caught the blonde hair of Ana as she walked into the woods. He figured he knew what she was doing and even though it was going to make him a pervert, he told his companion that he had to piss and took off several yards behind her.

  Ana was not paying attention to anything more than her need to relieve herself. She had awoken early in the morning, but had willed herself back to bed because of how dark the woods were. Ana was not afraid of the dark per say, but it was another issue to drop your pants and crouch in a pile of leaves that can’t be inspected. It was one of those times that Ana wished that it could be as easy for her, as it was for a man.

  She heard a twig crack and looked around but didn’t see anyone. After she pulled her pants back up, she started to walk back to the small camp and was startled as Mike came around a tree and she almost ran into him. She apologized and kept walking, but looked back behind her as he passed. There was something in his eyes and it made her wonder how long he had been there. How much had he seen?

  Mike went back to fishing fifteen minutes later and no one seemed to notice that it took him an exceptionally long time. Jerry and Mike started talking about old fishing trips they had taken as kids, but Mike’s blue eyes met hers several times throughout the conversation. When he looked a certain way at her, her cheeks turned pink and she looked down. She really was that innocent, he thought to himself. He wanted to do what any hot-blooded man would have done. He wanted to exploit it.

  Chapter 3

  “I don’t know about you, but those two are fucking hot.”

  Mike looked back at the two young women and then back at Glenn. He shook his head. The man never had much sense. At least Jerry and his wife were up ahead far enough to not hear the conversation, but he should have known better. Beyond his exasperation, there was also a moment of hesitation on his part, a singular desire to not share Ana. The redhead didn’t really appeal to him in a way, the safer one, but he was not sure that he wanted to share Ana, even with his best friend. Not to mention how pissed off Jerry would be. If only she would stop looking at him with those large blue eyes, it would be a lot easier for him to refuse.

  “You need to chill with that shit Glenn. Jerry would not be okay with you talking about his daughter like that.” Glenn made a face and pushed his fingers through the straw-colored str
ands on his head.

  “Don’t get all high and mighty now Mike. I have seen you checking her out all day. Wait till we get to the swimming hole. I bet you are going to walk around with a woody the rest of the week.”

  Mike knew his words were right. While he looked forward to seeing what she wore, he dreaded it because he was right. He would walk around rock hard and Jerry would know that he was lusting after someone. Between his daughter and his wife, neither one were an option, which left the gangly redhead. Problem was that Jerry knew Mike better than that. He liked women with curves and he never had been into the skinnier women. While thinking of all of that, he started to wonder how old she was.

  “Do you have to be such an ass Glenn? Just be good and don’t get caught with your dick somewhere it shouldn’t be. Remember that cruise ship? We had to hide in the fucking cabin the last two days because you got caught.”

  Glenn’s fair complexion reddened and he had the good sense to shut his mouth for a while. The hike was over abruptly as they came through the woods and to the clearing. The trees towered over them and shadowed the sun to make it feel later in the day. When the small lake came into view, there was a collective sigh from the group.

  The two girls were quickly to the front of the pack and rushing towards the water’s edge at a break-neck speed. One pushed the other in and soon both were laughing in the water. Ana could not help but be in any body of water around her that was warm enough to swim in. She wished she had taken off some of her clothes though, because they were both a soggy mess as they walked out of the water.


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