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Liberated Heart (Windy City Book 4)

Page 8

by Measha Stone

  "Please. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She begged, and would have promised him almost anything at that moment if he would just let her find her release.

  "Not yet." His second hand gripped her nipple. "You were playing with your tits. Do you like your nipples pinched?" She didn't need to answer, his fingers clasped around her hard. The burn of his fingers, mingling with the building sensations in her cunt blurred the lines of reality. "Do you like that?"

  She shook her head in frustration. "Please! Please, may I come?"

  He locked eyes with hers. Her bottom lip began to numb from biting down on it so hard. She needed to get this right, to please him, to obey. It was the obedience that drove her arousal further. "Okay, now you can come. Don't look away, if you look away you won't have another for the rest of the day. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes, sir!" He released her nipple. The fresh burn drove her over the edge, throwing her over into the ecstasy she sought. She kept her eyes on him while she cried out with each harsh wave that crashed through her body. His hand didn't slow; his thrusts didn't soften. He didn't just allow her orgasm; he drove her through it, keeping his stare directed on her, locked with her own, making everything more profound.

  While she continued to gasp for air, his hand came up to her mouth and pushed past her lips. She'd never tasted herself before her first encounter with him, but it seemed to be a recurring thing with him. "Did you enjoy that?" He pulled his hand free, and gripped her face. "What do you think you should say after I let you come?"

  "Thank you, sir," she whispered, basking in the pleasure in his eyes.

  "There you go." He patted her face then scooped her off the counter, carrying her from the bathroom to the bedroom completely ignoring the fact that she was getting his clothes soaked.

  He dumped her on the bed and began to strip off his clothes. She lay back, propping herself up on her elbows as his shirt flew across the room. She'd seen his muscular arms the night before, but damn she wasn't expecting him to look like that! His tattoo didn't just travel down his arm, it went over his shoulder and his left pectoral. A wolf's head in a growling position covered his chest, melding into the rest of tattoo. How fitting. He looked every bit the predator when he stared at her the way he was doing now. His strong hands pulled at the leather belt around his waist. How would the belt compare to the flogger? The button was next, then he shoved the jeans over his hips and kicked them away. He was naked.

  Gloriously naked, standing at the edge of the bed. His cock stood at complete attention, looking as delicious as she remembered it from the night before. Giving blow jobs hadn't been her favorite past-time, but sucking on his could change that. His held such power over her.

  "New rule, you don't touch yourself without my permission. If you want to masturbate, you ask first." Grabbing her ankles, he yanked her to the edge of the bed. She swallowed, keeping her eyes on him as he moved to the nightstand. Jonathan had used condoms when they first starting having sex, and she remembered how clumsy he was. Bradley didn't do anything in a clumsy fashion. "Open your legs for me." He didn't wait for her to comply, instead he shoved her thighs open and grinned down at her. "Your pretty pussy is still wet, and not from the shower. I bet when I sink into you, I'm going to find you all hot and juicy." She wanted to look away, to move from his gaze.

  He climbed onto the bed, wrapping her legs around him. He toyed with her. Running the head of his cock along her folds, pushing into her entrance just enough for her to open to him before he pulled away. He placed his thumb over her sensitive clit, and rolled it, pushing it downward until she yelped. It hurt, in the best way possible, but still it wasn't all pleasure. She figured he didn't want it that way.

  "Is your clit sensitive?" For a moment she considered not answering. Let him stew in it for a second, but he put more pressure, increased the sensation.

  "Yes, sir!"

  "Good." He pushed himself forward, finally filling her. He was larger than she remembered from the night before. She groaned and moved her hips, both to escape and to take him in further. Everything seemed a contradiction with him.

  Bradley sunk in deep then paused. His brow furrowed, and his lips were pursed together. "You're so fucking tight." He growled and began to move again, slow, calculated movements. Her body slowly adjusted to his size and the discomfort faded, leaving only the feeling of fullness she sought.

  He groaned, rolling his hips to thrust harder. His abs tensed as he continued to fuck her. Hard, fast thrusts followed by shallow tortuous movements. She moaned: long, frustrated sounds. "Please." She gripped his shoulders and tried to push up at him.

  "I'm going to tie you down next time." Not a threat, just a warning of something new she would experience. "Don't close your eyes." He pinched the inside of her thigh.

  She yelped again. That particular rule was becoming more difficult to obey. She grasped for some self-control, but he had stolen that from her. Taken it, held it in his hands and she would have to wait for him to give it back. She could wait. She would show him she could do what he wanted, she could be his good girl. He grabbed her thighs, pulling them further part, pushing them up toward her chest. He felt larger this way, too large, and she winced. He didn't seem to mind her discomfort, in fact he used his thumb again to roll her clit.

  Only this time, the discomfort turned quickly to heated desire. She wanted more of it, all of it. "What's going to happen if I keep doing this, keeping playing with that little clit of yours?" He asked, his smile evident in his eyes.

  How could he think so coherently at a time like this? "I'm going to need to come." She blew out a long breath.

  "Mm hm." He rocked forward, taking her lip between his teeth then releasing it. "You'll be a good girl, now, right?"

  "Yes, sir. I'm trying. I need to come again, please can I come?"

  "Wait. You can do that for me, right? Be my good girl and hold on to your orgasm for me?" His words made her arousal almost unbearable. The heat of his breath on her ear when he said them almost undid her.

  He nuzzled her neck, not moving his hand from her clit. Erin tried to calm herself, to pull her body back under her own control, but just the smell of his freshly shampooed hair turned her on. Skilled fingers pinched her clit, making her squeal, her legs pushed too far back to be much help in defending her poor, swollen, sore clit.

  "Almost there, baby. Just a little more." The pressure increased. Through hazy vision she watched him watch her. She would hold, or she would die trying, she decided. She would not give him reason to be disappointed in her again. "So good. Damn." His thrusts went deeper still, and she cried out from the intensity of it. "Come with me. Come now, Erin." He released her clit and the influx of blood to the sensitive nub shoved her right over the edge. White flashes of light filled her vision. She could hear him, hear his grunts and praise as he drove himself again and again into her, but the electricity shooting through her body kept her from processing any of it.

  He gripped her thighs, his fingers dug into her as he pushed through his own release. The pain quickly forgotten, when he reached down between them again and flicked her painfully sensitive clit once more, rocketing her into another orgasm. "Please! I can't stop it, I'm sorry!" she pushed her fists into his shoulder.

  "Don't stop it, come. Come again." He released her thighs, bracing himself on his elbows. Erin's hips arched upward, and she bit down on her lip to keep from screaming. "No. Don't shut yourself up, I want to hear it." He growled, pulling her lip from her teeth. She opened her mouth, but she didn't recognize the strangled sounds of orgasmic pleasure as her own.

  He held her hips down, pinning her to the bed, while he chased after his own reward. His breath was hot and ragged as he moved. Each stroke brought another brush against her clit. She winced and whimpered, but it wouldn't end until he was done. She fisted her hands into the comforter of the bed, and watched him. She widened her legs, taking him deeper. He rolled his eyes back and cursed. He plowed once more into her and stilled. His cock throbbed deep
inside her as he came. She could feel the pulsations and fuck if it didn't make her want to come again.

  He collapsed on top of her, nuzzling into her neck. Every inch of her body felt worn out, used. He'd taken every ounce of energy. He licked her bare shoulder. She needed another shower. Bradley pulled out and rolled to her side, yanking her to his chest.

  The tenderness between her legs spoke to how hard he'd used her. Used. He'd used her mouth the night before, and now he used her body. It wasn't without pleasure; she'd come three times at his hands. No, he hadn't been selfish. He hadn't been cruel. He'd given her exactly what she wanted. And she loved every intense minute of it.

  Unexplained tears formed in her eyes, and the bubble in her chest told her she wouldn't be able to hold them back. Rolling away from him she pushed off the bed. She needed to get away from him, put some space between them. She hadn't just liked what they did. She didn't just get off on it a little, she loved it. And heaven help her, she wanted more.

  The bathroom door clicked behind her when she closed it. Bradley called after her, but she'd shaken her head. Words weren't going to happen. Not now. Once the feeling of intimacy faded, then she'd look at him again. Rebound, he was her rebound. That was all. Just a rebound.

  Maybe if she said it enough times, she'd start believing it.


  Bradley waited until he heard the water running in the shower again before giving up on talking to her. Worried that he'd pushed too hard too fast, he'd stood outside the bathroom door debating on barging in or not. He didn't usually let his submissive keep secrets, and he sure as hell wouldn't let her hide away after having the most incredible sex he'd had in years. But she wasn't his submissive. Not really. She was a weekend distraction.

  Growling at the closed door he shoved his legs into his jeans. Well, distraction or not, he had to figure out what triggered her flight response. Although he didn't think a flogging would help, it probably would make him feel better to administer one.

  Ever since he'd used the flogger on her at the club, all he could think about was doing it again and hearing those pretty gasps, the sexy yelps and watching her eyes widen as the burn of the flogger faded into warm arousal.

  When they'd gotten back to his place, her lips hadn't just wrapped around his dick, her utter submission to him in that moment had wrapped around his entire being. Some women didn't take to his brand of dominance, they felt him too harsh, and mean, but not Erin. He could see it in her, she craved it, got off on it. Kid gloves weren't going to work with her, she wanted the manhandling, and needed the strictness he offered. Just as he was about to turn around on the stairs and march back up to his room, his cell rang.

  "Bradley?" Kendrick didn't wait for him to respond. "Is Erin with you?"

  He glanced up the stairs, she should be done with her shower by now. "Good morning to you, too." He pinched the bridge of his nose. Had she told anyone what she had been up to? He would have to talk to her about safety in the future. "Yes, she's here."

  "Thank fuck." Kendrick breathed into the phone. "I thought it was you, at least I hoped so."

  "What?" Bradley reached the kitchen and opened the fridge. She'd be hungry. He sure as hell was.

  "Royce wasn't sure he'd heard that girl right. You bought Erin at the auction last night, right? That was you?" Bradley heard the concern in his voice and was quick to assure him.

  "Yes. I did, she's here and she's fine."

  "Well, that just leaves one more question. What the fuck are you doing with Erin?" Bradley smiled over the big brother tone, and smiled even wider when Erin sauntered into the kitchen. He hadn't brought her bag up to her yet, but as he suspected she was pretty resourceful. His bears jersey did just fine as a nightgown, her thighs and calves couldn't have been sexier, and the messy haphazard look of her thrown together ponytail pulled at his dick all over again. "Bradley. I'm serious." Kendrick's shout broke his trance.

  Erin didn't meet his gaze at all as she walked around the kitchen, looking through drawers and cabinets. "One sec." He put his hand over the phone and finally caught her eye. "What are you doing?"

  "I was going to make us breakfast. Scrambled eggs and bacon if you have them?" She pulled a frying pan out the island cabinet, successfully not meeting his eyes.

  He stared at her for a split second before he nodded. "Yes, in the fridge." He held out the phone. "It's Kendrick."

  She winced then shook her head. "No, I don't want to talk to them. I'll text them later." She avoided the phone as though it were going to bite her.

  He left her to work on the eggs and took his call outside on the back patio. "Sorry about that. She's fine. She's making breakfast." He watched her through the patio windows. The easy way she moved around the kitchen, making herself at home, it felt right.

  "What happened? How did she end up at the auction? Where the hell is Jonathan? What have you done to her?"

  Bradley wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the firing squad, but he couldn't help but feel a little flicker of annoyance at the last question. "I haven't done anything to her that wasn't consensual." He couldn't help the grind to his voice. He didn't appreciate the accusation, no matter how subtle. He hadn't known Kendrick that long, at least not as long as Alex, but he knew him to be a respectable guy. His words were coming from worry for a friend, not an attack on him, but still a chafe is a chafe.

  Kendrick let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. That didn't come out right. It's just Erin is, well, not like us."

  Bradley laughed at that. "Oh, I think you're seriously mistaken."

  "Well, maybe she's going through something. I don't know. She hasn't been around much, she's not answering Kelly's messages or texts, and we can't get a hold of Jonathan either. Obviously something happened. It's just, she's fragile." There was that word again.

  "She's a grown woman who is more than capable of standing on her own two feet." Bradley watched with thickening desire as Erin bent over to retrieve a dropped towel. Her bare ass peeked out from under the hem of his jersey.

  Kendrick sighed. "Just tell me she's okay, and I won't worry."

  "She's okay." Bradley answered, licking his lips. Erin stood on her tip toes reaching for a glass in his cabinets, and the shirt rose up exposing more of the beautiful curves of her ass. He would spank her today, hard and long and until she cried. It was a promise to himself. A reward for not marching in there and bending her over the kitchen table right that moment.

  "If you can, get her to check in with one of the girls. They are going out of their minds with worry, and Alex fucked up really bad last night, so Alyssa is here, too."

  "Hands full of women trouble, huh?" Bradley joked. Kendrick grunted a response and ended the call, with another warning to use gentle hands with Erin. Bradley watched her through the patio door, finishing making breakfast. That woman needed many things, but being coddled wasn't one of them. She had some answering to do, and he wouldn't let her get away from it.

  "I made coffee." Her sing song voice surprised him when he stepped back into the kitchen. "How do you take it?"

  "Uh. Two sugars and cream." He stood beside the breakfast nook where she'd already put out napkins and silverware. With a smile she walked away from him, toward the pot of freshly brewed coffee, and damn if she wasn't wearing the same smile when she returned to him, offering the cup. "Thanks." He nodded and took the mug.

  "It's all ready." Once he sat at the table, she put a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast in front of him. It smelled delicious. He couldn't remember the last time he had a home cooked breakfast. Typically, he grabbed a protein shake after his workout or just grabbed a banana on his way through the kitchen.

  She sat across from him with her own plate of food. He watched with curiosity as she placed the napkin in her lap. Her eyes darted everywhere but his face. Again she was running and trying to hide. Well fuck that. "Thank you for making breakfast." He hoped his voice would make her look at him.

  Instead she shrugged. "It wasn't hard. I
hope it wasn't too forward. I had to dig through the cabinets to find the coffee and everything." Forward? Obviously she had no idea how much everything she had done since sauntering into the kitchen in his jersey had been the exact right thing. Not only did she cook, but she'd served him coffee. A little thing to some, but to him, having her make it, prepare it and deliver it was as intimate as a kiss. The fact that she'd done it all on her own, with no coaxing or suggesting from him only made the act more all the more appealing.

  "Not at all." He took a sip of his coffee and moaned. Perfection. "Are you going to tell me why you ran away this morning?" He sat back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap and focusing his stare on her. She shifted in her chair, keeping her gaze away from his.

  "We don't need to talk about it." She shook her head and took a small bite of her eggs.

  He gave her a moment then he sighed heavily. "I know you aren't accustomed to answering to someone, but you'll just have to get used to it. Especially if you mean to go on with this type of relationship later." Just mentioning that she'd be moving on to another man, another dom, made his muscles tense. "Running away isn't an option. You don't get to hide your emotions or worries. You were upset about something after we had sex, and I want to know what it was." She held her fork over the plate, her eyes still not meeting his. Patience really wasn't his thing. "Don't you think I deserve to know? It's a bit of a blow to a man for the woman he just slept with to lock herself in the bathroom." If he'd been a less confident man he may have been wounded by her actions, but he had already concluded there was something going on in her head that had little to do with him personally.

  "You're right." She placed her fork beside her plate and smoothed her hands down her thighs. "I'm sorry. It's just. I've never done that before." Her eyes still wouldn't meet his.

  "Had sex?"

  She gave a little laugh. "I'm not that sheltered. I mean I've never had casual sex." Her next breath came out in a whoosh, as though she'd just unloaded a stone from her chest.


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