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The Bear’s Chosen Mate

Page 13

by Vivian Arend

  A sudden storm hit the stage. James grabbed hold of her and tucked her head against his body as a whirlwind swept out of nowhere. Her hair fluttered around them, lights flashed, and there was a rumble under her feet that set their bodies trembling.

  Inside her, something tumbled. A set of dominoes, spiraling outward until the tingling sensation that started in her core reached her fingers and toes, reaching for James as if to tangle him in a spider web right next to her. The two of them, together. Wrapped up tight, side by side…


  It was far more than that. They were connected. Together.


  Oh wow.

  James’s grin grew wider if that was even possible. “Holy shit.”

  It was clear they were not alone, because spontaneous applause burst out from behind them, echoing off the walls of the auditorium and filling the space with the rumble of approval.

  None of that mattered because the only thing Kaylee felt was him. Connected to her inside and out and surrounded and together in the midst of the storm.

  She clutched the front of his shirt. “James? Does this mean—?”

  “That we’re mates?” His voice sounded in her head and she wanted to cry from sheer joy. “Seems that way.”

  Giddiness rocked her as she tried to respond back using the incredible, unbelievable brand-new connection between them. “Go ahead, tell me I told you so.”

  He slid his hand around the back of her neck, tangling his fingers in her messy hair. He brushed their noses together. Lips barely touching. Wind still whirling at their backs.

  “I told you that I chose to keep you forever. I think you owe me something big for this.”

  How was it possible for her to be able to sense his teasing tone, even in her brain?

  She curled her arms around him and pressed their bodies together tight. “I’m pretty sure I can think of something,” she promised.

  He pulled back, and she laughed out loud, her hand flying up to cover her mouth.

  James frowned. “What?”

  She reached out to brush mud off his nose. “You’re a mess, and I love you.”

  He caught hold of her fingers and turned her toward the side of the stage. The unnatural whirlwind calmed, leaving papers from the podium scattered across the stage floor.

  Grandpa Giles made his way over, gathering the mess as he walked. His suit jacket and tie were rumpled, and he smoothed them back into place as he nodded with approval at James and Kaylee.

  Then he motioned them off as if he were chasing an unruly cat from the room—

  Oh. Cats.

  She tugged on James’s arm as they made their way off the stage, thundering applause echoing after them. “We’re going to need a little help,” she warned him. “You’re not going to believe the reason I was late.”

  He pressed his lips to the back of her hand, guiding her toward where his brothers stood. “I know it was a good reason, but even more, I knew you’d come to me.”

  Cooper scooped her up and spun her in a circle, squeezing her tight before pressing a brotherly kiss to her forehead as he placed her back on her feet. “Welcome to the family, although you’ve always been like a little sister to me.”

  “Slightly annoying, annoying, more than slightly annoying—” Alex said blandly. He made a face. “First, I apologize. James, I was wrong, and I’m glad.”

  Kaylee waited as the two brothers shook hands as if something somber had gone down.

  Alex turned to her, his serious expression lightening. “Little sister. I’m glad you’re with this jerk, but the next time you need help, ask. If you’ve got a problem, we’ve got a problem, understand? That’s what family does.”

  Kaylee’s throat tightened up again. “Thank you. Although you might regret that tomorrow,” she warned, thinking about how all those cats were going to react when three polar bears showed up.

  Alex gave her a quick hug, and then James was stealing her away, guiding her down secret back passages and around corners.

  The sound of voices and party noise and music faded into the background. Kaylee held on tight to his warm hand and followed where he wanted to lead.

  Tomorrow they would have to find places for dozens of wildcats. Tomorrow she’d have to look into getting her beater of a truck repaired, again. And maybe not tomorrow, but sometime in the near future she was going to have a long talk with her parents about what was and wasn’t appropriate for them to ask her to do without a buy-in.

  But that was all in the future.

  This moment she was going with her mate somewhere secret. Somewhere alone.

  Her mate, oh my God, her mate.

  They’d just stepped into the open when Kaylee tugged him to a stop. A moment later she’d wrapped herself around him as laughter bubbled up inside. She held on to James as if she were never letting go.

  He cupped her face with his hand. “I’m so glad fate finally came to her senses.”

  “You really think fate had a chance after James Borealis made a choice?” Kaylee shook her head.

  He chuckled. “Maybe fate was out of luck from the moment Giles Borealis laid down the law in the first place.”

  “Your grandfather is a wonderful, bossy, interfering man.” She grinned at the fire in James’s eyes. “Although I’m not going to tell him the wonderful part. He doesn’t need to have any more reasons to gloat.”

  James nodded decisively. “No matter what, we were meant for each other. There’s no arguing that fact.” As they stood there with the midnight sun shining down on them, a soft breeze brushing through his hair, he leaned in close. “I look forward to spending the rest of my life proving that to you, fate, and the entire world.”

  Then he kissed her.


  A lex Borealis was tired, grumpy and frustrated. The perfect storm of emotions that would lead a lesser man into making a terrible mistake.

  Oh, he knew exactly how he wanted to get rid of the adrenaline in his system, but since he prided himself on having discipline, what he wanted was not going to happen.

  No way, no how would he let a pair of sparkling brown eyes with goldish flecks lead him astray. Instead, he used the hard labour of cleaning up the mess from the party to distract himself.

  It was well after two a.m. before the final partygoers left the building. Vehicles remained in the parking lot to be picked up the next day. Guests who’d had a little too much to drink had decided against driving home. Instead, they’d shifted, a mass of tipsy bears, cats, and wolves teetering across the asphalt before disappearing into the trees.

  Alex watched them go with something close to disapproval. He had no objections to having a little fun, but there was a time and a place for excess, and this wasn’t it.

  He came around the corner and jerked to a stop as he met up with a skeleton cleanup crew putting away the last of the tables from the auditorium. “Amber. That thing is three times too big for you to carry,” he scolded as he hurried across the floor. He caught the edge and attempted to tug it away from her with no success.

  All he got for his troubles was a glare of annoyance.

  “I already told her to stop, but she takes direction just about as well as you do,” Cooper said dryly. “As in not.”

  “What a thing to say about your personal assistant,” Amber offered perkily. “I live to serve you.”

  Cooper turned his back quickly, and Alex bit back a snicker. He didn’t think Amber had spotted that his big brother actually flushed at her words.

  Cooper needed to get out more if the little human’s completely innocent comment ruffled him that hard.

  Forget Cooper. We need too, his bear complained. Where’s the wolf?

  Shut up, Alex snapped at his inner self.

  The beast snarled but quieted down.

  Fifteen minutes later, Alex got the final report from all but one of his security team. He escorted Cooper and Amber to the exit, locking the door after them.

  He was headed back i
nto the building when his radio went off.

  “Alex,” he snapped.

  “Nearly done.” The final report coming in. “I need to do a sweep of the auditorium stairwell.”

  “I’ll take it,” Alex offered. “I’m right there.”

  “Thanks, boss.” The man sighed happily. “Great evening. So happy for your brother.”

  “Yeah. It’s a good thing,” Alex offered before turning off his radio and heading at a brisk pace to complete the final check.

  He made it down three flights of stairs before realizing that the scent in the air was growing stronger. The scent that had been subtly driving him mad for days, ever since he’d gotten stuck in the booth next to Lara Lazuli.

  Anger rose inside him, partly at her, but mostly at himself. The scent of her made him want to pick her up and slam her against the nearest surface. Not to hurt her, but to rip her clothes off and take her as if he were some kind of wild animal.

  Ummm, his bear began.

  Shut. Up, Alex snapped.

  There on the ground floor by the exit doors, he caught up with her. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Lara whirled, eyes wide, the silver rope of her hair flying to land across her chest. “You.”

  He bore down on her like an elephant on a rampage. “What are you doing lurking in the corners? Try to get intel on Borealis Gems?”

  “No,” she said quickly. “I was helping Amber earlier, and I took off my shoes. I had to come back to get them.”

  A pair of three-inch heels dangled from her fingers, all sinfully thin silver straps and sexy buckles, and the thought of her in them made his body tighten in ways he didn’t want to admit.

  “I was working with Amber, and you weren’t there,” he growled, closing in on her.

  “Yeah, because you were totally in the ladies’ room where somebody had the bright idea to draw hearts on the mirrors in lipstick. Oh, I know you must’ve been hiding in one of the stalls while I was climbing up on the counter to help scrub the mirrors clean.”

  He glanced down. There were faint smudges on the knees of her capris.

  He grabbed her hand, a gasp escaping her as he lifted it toward his face. He flipped her palm up, hesitating as he spotted pale pink streaks under her nails.

  He met her gaze. “Why would you help clean up a mess at a Borealis Gems event?”

  “Because I was spending time with a friend, and she needed a hand. So I figured I wouldn’t be a dick and leave her with work to do by herself when I could help.” She tugged her arm as if trying to escape his grasp. “But I guess you don’t get that concept. Helping a friend.”

  The chaos in his gut swirled harder. He’d been a jerk, and he knew it. But it was be a jerk or admit how much he wanted this woman who was the last person on earth he should be with.

  “Let go,” Lara said quietly, as if all of the fight had gone out of her. Her head hung low.

  Shockingly, intense concern hit hard.

  “What’s wrong?” Alex demanded.

  She shook her head.

  Dammit all. He put two and two together and came up with something he didn’t like. He bet anything she was pulling a fast one. First on Amber, now on him.

  Maybe it was time to throw a little bait. He caressed his thumb over the back of her hand, the softness making his entire body tighten with need. He shoved down his desire and focused on doing what was needed. He had to make sure Borealis Gems was safe. “I have no problem helping a friend.”

  Lara stiffened. Her head slowly tilted until her gaze met his. “Really?”

  He spoke softly, intimately. Enticing her to share. “Of course. Tell me—there’s something going on, isn’t there?”

  For one moment her eyes softened. Instead of tugging away, her fingers wrapped around his as if she wanted to stay close. As if the sensation screaming through his veins that wanted him to strip her down and make her his was driving through her as well.

  Heavy with desire, craving more.

  She opened her mouth, and in the instant before she said something, the sensation he had won thrilled up his spine. She was going to spill the beans, and he hadn’t truly committed to anything.

  Lara went absolutely motionless. Her gaze flickered.

  She licked her lips. Slowly.

  He couldn’t resist. He stared at her mouth hungrily, because having her this close, he could imagine what that tongue would feel like against his. What she would taste like.

  What he could do to her to make them both howl.

  Unexpectedly, she moved. She pressed herself against him and tangled her fingers in his hair. Something clattered to the floor—her shoes?—as she kissed him, hard, wild fire and need flaring in the instant before he reacted.

  And react he did. The next thing he knew, they were fighting for control as he kissed her back as if possessed.

  He didn’t care. He picked her up, pressing her body against the nearest wall—and his inner bear rumbled with delight and a fair bit of gloating.

  See? Animal. Go on…

  Alex ignored the beast as best he could, sliding a foot to the side when his arm hit the intercom system for the building. Then it was all about her taste flooding his system, sexual tension rising at high velocity until he was nearly mad with want.

  Lara scratched at his shoulders and tugged at his buttons until she succeeded in stripping away his shirt. He bent and licked the skin on her neck before biting lightly. She let out a soft scream and dug in her nails hard enough to leave marks, which only made the whole fucking thing that much hotter.

  Alex swore, dragging his lips from her skin. “This is wrong. This is all wrong, but dammit, I want you.”

  She wiggled, and he set her down. Then her hands were on his waistline and she was working his button and zipper, pushing his pants from his hips, pressing him back toward the wall at the bottom of the stairwell.

  He clutched the railing with both hands behind him to catch his balance. He had one foot on the first stair, the other on the landing as her hand dipped into his dress pants and her fingers wrapped around the hard length of his cock.

  Alex’s head fell back, smacking into the wall as she worked him through the fabric of his briefs.

  This might be wrong, but no way could he tell her to stop. Pleasure rippled through his body even as he fought to regain control. She was pressed up against the side of him, one hand behind him, but it was the other hand that had one hundred percent of his attention because—

  Holy freaking hotness.

  The next thing he knew, Lara wrenched herself from him. She jerked to a stop four feet away and stared with an unreadable expression. Her chest rocked heavily as she panted, trying to catch her breath. She was all ruffled, strands of her hair having escaped her ponytail. Her clothes were messed up, shoes scattered on the floor by her feet.

  Bare feet, with pale pink toenails.

  “Come here,” Alex ordered, reaching for her—

  His hands jerked to a stop behind him.

  He growled as he glanced down to discover he was cuffed in place. One loop was fastened around each wrist, and the chain between them tangled around the metal handrail at the side of the stairwell.

  “What the hell is going on?” He lunged for her, but all he got for his troubles was a pain in his shoulders.

  “They’re your handcuffs. Figure it out.” She scooped down and grabbed her shoes, patting her hair and straightening her clothing. “I’m glad you’re willing to help your friends. But considering you didn’t say friends included me, perhaps we should call this all a mistake. I hope you have a lovely evening.”

  She stepped to the exit doors before pausing to put her shoes back on. It wasn’t right that his cock throbbed as he watched her slip into those fuck-me stilettos.

  “You won’t get away with this,” he warned.

  “I wasn’t trying to get away with anything,” she said softly. Almost sadly.

  She tossed the key for the cuffs at his feet then slipp
ed out the door.

  What an impossible situation. With his hands behind his back Alex couldn’t grab the keys to unlock himself. His pants slowly slid downward, pooling around his ankles.

  One hell of a mess.

  He watched her through the narrow sliver of glass in the exit door as she stepped over to a bright red Maserati parked beside his black Porsche. As she got into the vehicle, he swore that it was the last time Lara Lazuli was going to get the best of him. He had no idea how she’d managed to pick his pocket without him being aware of it—

  But then again, he had been a little distracted.

  That was another thing. Someday they were going to finish what they’d started, or his name wasn’t Alex Borealis.

  A loud buzz sounded, and he blinked in surprise until he realized a green light was flashing on the intercom system on the wall beside him. It was close enough that if he leaned over and used his nose, he could hit the talk button.

  Awkward, but it worked.


  “Alex?” His gramps sounded far too perky for this time of night.

  “What?” he repeated gruffly.

  “Is that how you speak to your grandfather?” Grandpa Giles demanded. “I assume you’re tired from the day, so I’m going to ignore your rudeness. I wanted to touch base, though, and figured you’d be the only one answering the intercom at this hour. Glad I caught you before you left the building.”

  Alex glanced down at the floor then at his hands trapped behind his back. “Yeah, I might be hanging out for a little longer.”

  “I won’t keep you. You grandmother and I are heading to bed, but I wanted to let you know she’s asked me to take this coming week off. And you know how much I love your grandma. I’ll do anything for that woman.”

  “Including toss a job my direction that you should’ve been doing?” Alex drawled.

  “Two o’clock meeting tomorrow,” Grandpa Giles admitted. “You’re always looking for information to upgrade security, and that’s exactly what this meeting will provide. You keep on the cutting edge of what’s available. I’ve always liked that about you, Alex. Hard to catch you with your pants down.”


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