Fallon's Revenge

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Fallon's Revenge Page 7

by Mackenzie McKade

  His guard went on full alert when he saw Maggie cast a shield around her and the cowboy she danced with. She leaned in and pierced the man’s throat. To everyone on the dance floor it would just look like they were kissing. But he saw through the illusion, as well as many of his people.

  A loud roar rose above the chatter and music. Then all hell broke loose.

  Tucker appeared from out of nowhere, standing beside Maggie. He ripped the cowboy out of her arms sending the man crashing into people and landing with a thud as he tumbled off the dance floor into the grass.

  Maggie released a high pitch scream of surprise. “Tucker! Oh my God.”

  As she made to run to the cowboy’s side, Adrian felt Tucker’s anger soar, felt the magic he hurled toward Maggie that paralyzed her feet. She attempted to move. With her own strength she tried to break the spell, but it was futile.

  “Damn you, Tucker,” she cried.

  From across the yard, Adrian used magic to quickly close the wound at the cowboy’s throat. Already the man’s blood was seeping upon his shirt.

  The crowd separated as the two men took each other’s measure.

  A fight always fired the masses and this had all the signs of something that could get way out of hand—and quickly. Voices rose and already he could hear betting amongst the crowd on which cowboy would win.

  The human was no match for Tucker. And a pissed Tucker was even more dangerous.

  From the rage burning in Tucker’s eyes Adrian would have thought it was enough to keep the cowboy at bay. But no such luck. The man rose and crossed the distance between them. As the lanky cowboy balled his fist and swung, Adrian ensured the punch connected with Tucker’s jaw, adding his own strength behind the man’s.

  Tucker’s feet flew out from beneath him and he skidded across the dance floor on his ass. The shocked expression on Tucker’s face, as well as all the vampires’ in attendance couldn’t be missed.

  All eyes turned to Adrian. He simply cocked a brow of satisfaction.

  Tucker had stepped out of line. Adrian couldn’t allow one of his people to physically harm a human, especially over something as simple as feeding. Tucker himself had taken Donna’s blood out on the dance floor during the last dance.

  Before Tucker could rise, Adrian sent a mental command for Cougar and Briar to restrain the vamp. He fought them like a madman, but it was useless. All the time his hot gaze was riveted on Maggie.

  With just a thought, Adrian disarmed Tucker’s mental powers. Silently, he sent a couple of men to the human cowboy to make sure the fight ended now. He wanted the guy escorted to his truck and a guard sent with him, just in case Tucker decided to strike out at him later.

  With Adrian’s interference of Tucker’s magic Maggie was able to break his spell. Silent tears fell as she took one last look at Tucker, then turned and fled.

  Adrian didn’t miss the simmering glare Tucker tossed him. His chest heaved. “Adrian, release me.”

  Cougar and Briar might have their hands on his biceps, but Tucker knew who controlled the situation.

  Adrian nodded, releasing his mental hold on Tucker.

  Tucker shrugged from Cougar and Briar’s grips, and without delay broke into a run to chase after Maggie.

  Adrian gave a silent order for the band to play.

  From the corner of his eye he saw Fallon refuse to dance with the cowboy she stood by. He reached out to grab her. Before Adrian could do anything Fallon diffused the situation by simply disappearing. Not quite how Adrian would have approached it, but effective all the same. The man stood speechless, a look of confusion plastered on his face before he turned and strolled off the dance floor.

  The light mist Fallon became was invisible to the human eye, but not his, as she drifted high above the throng, materializing by his side.

  Adrian slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. She came willingly. But he wasn’t through with Tucker.

  “Tucker.” Adrian used the mind link between them to speak to his friend, as he simultaneously used his power to calm the crowd.

  “Yeah.” Tucker’s response was filled with remorse.

  “I don’t have to remind you what Maggie has been through. Hurt her…you’ll answer to me.”

  “Shit, Adrian. You know I wouldn’t hurt her.” Adrian heard the truth in Tucker’s voice, but his earlier actions hadn’t been extremely convincing. “Where did the damn woman go anyway?” He heard Tucker’s frustration. Adrian also knew that if Maggie didn’t want to be found there was no way Tucker would find her.

  “Well that was exciting,” Fallon said, but the frown on her face said differently. “That blond Adonis needs his ass kicked.” She bristled beneath his arm.

  “There’s a story there. Tucker cares very deeply for Maggie, as we all do.” His admission deepened her scowl. He could imagine her mind working to figure out Maggie’s and his relationship.

  Intimacy—there was none.

  No man had touched Maggie since she arrived in his town. That’s why it was surprising that she had done what she had on the dance floor. Maggie only fed from women, and of course he had shared his blood with her to save her life those several years ago.

  “Well that kind of caring a girl can do without.” Fallon tensed. “In fact, a woman needs to learn how to protect herself.”

  He gave her a little squeeze. “Why when she has a man to do it for her?”

  Fallon felt like decking Adrian. Her fingers curled into tight fists. “That was a chauvinistic reply.” She tried to duck beneath his arm, but he maneuvered her so that her back was pinned against a tree.

  So like a man.

  He placed his hands on either side of her face and leaned into her. “It’s been this way since the dawn of time.” His amused grin only fired her frustration.

  “Well. We’re not in the dark ages anymore,” she snapped. “Men are more a threat to women than—than breast cancer. More women die at the hands of a man than any disease or accident.” Her heart thrummed in her chest. Could she lead him right toward the subject she so desperately needed to discuss? And so soon?

  His lips moved against hers. “Darlin’, I’ll teach you anything you want to know.”

  She released the taut breath she held. “Yeah. Sure you would.” Again, she tried to duck beneath his arms. Only to find herself drawn to his chest, locked in his arms.

  Her heart was racing. Could she be so close to finally discovering Chavez’s secrets?

  “I mean it, Fallon. But I’d rather you let me fight your battles.”

  God, that sounded too good to be true, and of course it was. As in honor between thieves, she was sure there was some unwritten law between Master vampires. She knew they never tread on each other’s property, and by all means Fallon was Chavez’s property.

  “Forget it.” She feigned indifference. If she acted too excited, too interested, it would only spike his suspicion.

  He looked at her and she could see it was too late. A shadow of doubt flickered in his eyes. “What is it you want to learn?” he asked hesitantly.

  “Hell, I don’t know—” She softened her expression and voice. She attempted to reflect guiltless eyes as she looked up at him. “Well, for example what would happen if I came across a Master vampire, like you for instance, and needed to protect myself?”

  Boy, did that sound sappy. She couldn’t hope that he would buy into the helpless woman scheme.

  Fallon held her breath, waited for the moment he would tell her to pack her bags and leave. Been there—done that. This was always the point that she found herself moving on or even threatened.

  Seconds felt like minutes as he gazed into her eyes. “I’d never hurt you.”

  Where did that come from? She placed a palm against his chest. “Oddly, I know that. Still, I can hold my own with many vampires—male or female.” She glanced away as she lied. “Maybe that isn’t even true after what I saw Tucker do to Maggie. But what about a stronger—older vampire—a Master? How would
someone like me defend myself?” Okay, the poor, innocent woman card was cheesy, but it was the only one she had left.

  With a single finger he raised her chin so that their eyes met. “Fallon, are you in some kind of trouble?”

  She tried to brush off his question with laughter that died too soon to be convincing even to her. “No. Just concerned. Since I travel alone I want to be prepared for anything or anyone. I’ve only been wearing the immortal shoes for a year and a half.” Her pitiful excuses were failing miserably if the deep set wrinkles in his forehead were any sign. Thank goodness he didn’t try to touch her mind.

  “You know as a vampire we live an awful long time,” she added.

  His hands slipped to her biceps. “Maybe you should tell me what’s going on.” He looked at her with such compassion that guilt rode her hard.

  Darn if lying to him wasn’t becoming more difficult. For some strange reason she felt as if he knew she was deceiving him. Her stomach twisted.

  What was she thinking? This was never going to work. “Never mind. I’ll find out what I need from someone else.” At least that was the truth.

  What made her think she could waltz into his world and that he would spill his guts? Willingly arm her with knowledge that could place him as well as his people in danger.

  What a fool she was. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  It was time to move on. If she left now she could probably be in Phoenix or Yuma before the sun rose. Maybe she’d head to California. She’d never been to California.

  Fallon tipped her chin, perched on her toes, and pressed her lips to his. A moment of sorrow hit her hard as her heels slowly touched the ground. She trembled with the feeling of emptiness that seeped deep into her bones. With as much bravado as she could muster she forced the emotion back. “It’s time for me to go.”

  “Go?” Confusion pulled his brows together.

  “Down the road. Adios. Ciao.” Fallon forced a smile that received a frown from him. She patted him again on the chest. “Don’t want to overstay my welcome. Besides the road is calling me.” She shrugged indifferently. “Guess I’m a gypsy at heart.”

  That was such a lie. She hated running. All her life all she wanted was roots, a family to call her own, and to be loved. For the briefest of moments she had glimpsed that with Christy. Then everything changed. All she wanted now was revenge and to join her daughter.

  “You’re kidding, right?” he asked as his palms slid from her arms.

  “Nope. It’s time.” Better to leave now, than for him to toss her out when he discovered her real reason for wanting to be with him.

  God, she was really going to miss him. He was one mighty fine kisser.

  No. It had to be their blood connection. That was the only thing that made sense.

  Fallon turned to leave, but the next thing she knew she was spun around and wrapped in his arms. Before she could resist he quieted her with his mouth. The kiss was firm, his tongue invading, demanding her surrender.

  And like an idiot—she surrendered—giving as well as taking what he offered, sending her body into flames. She clutched her hands into his shirt. Pressed her hips closer to his, needing to feel his heat—his strength. Breasts heavy, her nipples tingled, aching for his touch. Already she was damp with desire.

  But much too soon it was over, leaving her breathless, aroused, and facing Adrian’s dark, questioning eyes.

  “Darlin’, you’re not going anywhere.” His arms tightened around her as if to prove his words. “Not before we talk.”

  “Not now, Adrian.” Words she didn’t want. She rubbed her body against the firm bulge in his jeans. “Fuck me instead. We’ll talk later.”

  Chapter Eight

  The band played the last chord, a beautiful blend of steel guitar, bass and fiddle, before announcing that the next song would be the final one of the night. The moans of disappointment were only murmurs to Adrian as he held Fallon close. Soon everyone would be leaving, but she wouldn’t be one of them. Not if he had anything to say about it—and he did.

  The cool breeze that brushed his face was a completely different sensation against his heightened skin to that of Fallon’s warm body pressed to his. The scent of her arousal, hot and sensual, only fed his need to strip her naked and fuck her hard and fast. Not to mention the way she rubbed against his already throbbing cock was driving him out of his mind. Even the need to discover why she wanted to leave was quickly taking second place to his desire to bury himself deep inside her warmth.

  Was it a diversion? A way to change the subject?

  It didn’t matter—it was working.

  With a quick brush of his arm beneath the bend of her knees, he cradled her to his chest. The soft, sexy smile she gifted him with as she weaved her arms around his neck put his feet in motion. As she snuggled close, teasing the vein that pulsed in his neck with her tongue, he thought of just dropping to the ground, taking her here—now.


  “Not now, Cougar.” Adrian hastened his steps, fully aware that his friend followed. Damn, the man.


  “Not now Cougar,” Adrian grumbled. This couldn’t be happening. What was so important that it couldn’t wait? Short of the house being on fire he was going to make love to Fallon.

  “We can’t find Maggie.”

  Cougar’s words jerked Adrian to a stop. Fallon’s head rose, so that they were eye to eye. Gently, he released her until her feet settled on the ground. He pivoted to face Cougar. “How long has she been missing?”

  “Since the fight.” Cougar grew eerily silent, tucking his fingers into his jean pockets. His sullen expression only added to the anxiety growing beneath Adrian’s skin, which had started to prickle, tiny sharp needles raising the hair on his arms. Even Fallon’s soft hand on his chest didn’t repel the sense of apprehension building inside him.

  He hated to ask, but did anyway. “And?”

  “And Tucker is beside himself.” Cougar shook his head, sending his long, black braid swaying side to side. “The man’s going crazy trying to find her.”

  “Shit.” Adrian inhaled and released the air slowly from his lungs as he opened his links to both Maggie and Tucker.

  The mass of chaos that erupted in Adrian’s mind was from Tucker. In the form of a large eagle he soared above the ground releasing a mournful screech that echoed in Adrian’s head. Feelings of desperation, anger and fear rang clear in the next harsh shriek that stung his ears.

  But there was nothing from Maggie. Absolutely nothing. She wasn’t even a blip on his radar screen, which in itself meant trouble. Either she had traveled beyond his ability to track her or someone was blocking his signal. There hadn’t been enough time for her to get very far. And he truly didn’t want to think about the only other alternative.

  “Adrian?” Fallon reached out to touch his mind, but he closed their connection before she could hear his thoughts. She didn’t need to know the horrors Maggie had experienced.

  When Maggie arrived just outside the White Mountain Apache Reservation three years ago she had been close to death, nearly drained of blood. A ravished, frightened creature, she had been too weak to resist his help. All compliments of her Master. A man Adrian had never met, but looked forward to meeting every time he touched Maggie’s mind and found her scared and questioning why he saved her life. Death had been better than the fear she lived with every day wondering when her Master would find her.

  Another deep breath and he mentally reached for the land to see if any traces of disturbance existed. Again he found nothing. Then the slightest of ripples stirred him. It was all he needed. He knew where Maggie was.

  “Fallon, go to ground,” he barked his command, ignoring her as he turned inwardly to warn his people and call for assistance. As multiple voices rang in his head, the one beside him was the loudest.

  “I want to help.” Fallon’s voice was filled with concern.

  “I can’t be worried about you.” His response was curt, too ab
rupt. The result showed across her face as her features tightened. But he didn’t have time to apologize.

  Without another word his bones began to pop—shifting. Like always the pain came and vanished, quickly replaced by a flood of tingles across his skin as a light down of feathers sprung from his pores. Wings formed where once his arms had been. His legs and feet morphed into strong talons. He raised his beak toward the sky and released a cry of his own.

  And then he was airborne.

  It hurt to be dismissed. Even more to be considered a burden.

  Well hell. What did Fallon expect?

  This was the opportunity she was looking for. With Adrian preoccupied she could slip from town and he wouldn’t be any the wiser. Yet, leaving at this particular moment just didn’t feel right.

  Maggie was in trouble.

  Dammit. She had her own troubles to think about. Still she couldn’t help sensing that Maggie and she had a lot in common. Both saw shadows where shadows weren’t cast. Trust was an issue. Even as they spoke together, Fallon could feel Maggie probing her. At first Fallon had thought it was because she was new to the area. But deeper into the conversation she sensed there was more, as if every stranger held a potential for danger.

  Fallon knew what that felt like.

  While Fallon physically ran from her problems, traveling from one place to another, Maggie ran within her mind, like a caged animal.

  They were two of a kind.

  Before Fallon realized it she dissolved into mist. She had never been able to take form so easily. When she made the transformation on the dance floor she contributed the ease to Adrian’s blood exchanges. Where normally she felt heavy and worked to keep afloat tonight she felt light and airy. Buoyantly, she moved through the trees, fast and silent, using her link to Adrian to lead her.

  This time when a gust of air whipped through her misty form she didn’t struggle to maintain a steady stream of moisture. Instead she used the breeze to her favor, actually willing the current to turn so that it assisted her instead of impeded her progression.


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