Fallon's Revenge

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Fallon's Revenge Page 8

by Mackenzie McKade

  Then a disturbance in the sky shook her—she began to drop. For a second, the sharp fall rattled her confidence. She quickly gathered her composure, but not without noticing that the elements around her were crying out in pain. It was in the moan of the wind, the trembling of the trees as the earth shook.

  Something evil had arrived.

  For a moment she couldn’t breathe. The tranquility of the night had vanished.

  Dark, gray clouds choked out the moon and stars that had once brightened the heavens. Below her the stream that previously flowed at a gentle current splashed angrily against its confines. White caps formed as it crashed into rocks and fallen logs. Even nature resisted as she heard the roar of a bear, the lone cry of a wolf, and the fluttering of wings as a flock of turkeys exploded from the bushes heading in the opposite direction.

  It should have been Fallon’s warning to turn back, but she focused on the steady beat of Adrian’s heart.

  Then a strangled scream rented the air. The high-pitch, breathy cry filled with pain.


  Fallon had no idea what to expect as she materialized. She stood amongst the trees out of sight. Three vampires she had never seen before stood over Maggie’s bloody and crumpled form lying on the tall grass. She didn’t move. Fallon couldn’t see if she was breathing.

  “The bitch is none of your concern,” the man in the middle growled. Brown shoulder-length hair feathered back from his face with the strong breeze. His features were hardened and drawn. But the aura around him emanated power.

  Fallon knew she was in the presence of a Master vampire. All were dressed in black pants and shirts, but where their leader was refined, the other two men on each side of him looked somewhat unkempt, disheveled. Their dark brunette hair was tangled and uncombed. Their clothes were skewed and wrinkled as if they slept in them. It showed a lack of character, which probably went along with the company they kept.

  A loud menacing howl tore from Tucker’s throat as he lunged, stopping mid-air when Briar and Cougar grabbed his arms. “Let me go.” His breaths had turned into snarls and grunts, animalistic sounds that sent a chill up Fallon’s spine.

  The two vampires beside the Master vampire started toward Tucker, but halted when the Master said, “He’s mine.” He raised a hand before him, palm skyward. With a curl of his fingers, he taunted Tucker to come get him.

  Tucker lunged again, but fell back against the two men restraining him. “You sonofabitch!” His gaze fell upon Maggie and his struggles to be released started again.

  From behind an outcrop of rocks appeared Adrian. The beauty of the man made Fallon’s heart stop. Each step he took was that of a predator, silent and lethal. The relaxed muscles in his face gave the impression of unleashed power held lightly under control. If he was frightened or concerned about the outcome of this meeting, his composure didn’t reveal it.

  “Ahhh…Dominic. So nice of you to visit.” Not once did he gaze down at Maggie. Instead he kept his eyes on the Master. Still Fallon felt his mind quickly assess Maggie, feeding back the information to his people.

  “She’s badly hurt.” Tucker cried out using their mental link.

  “When the situation is under control take her back to the house. Immediately, start transfusions. Fallon, you will return with the others.”

  Crap. Crap. Crap. Adrian knew she was here. And by the grumble in his voice he wasn’t happy.

  “Damn straight I’m mad, young lady. But I’ll deal with you later.”

  Okay, this wasn’t good.

  The grin that surfaced on Adrian’s face was jovial as he met Dominic’s gaze. “I see your manners haven’t improved. Still picking on women.” He made a clucking sound with his tongue. “Not very gentlemanly.” The smile faded from his face. In its place appeared a loathsome expression that made even Fallon take a step backward. “You dare to come upon my land without requesting permission.” His voice deepened with authority.

  Dominic hauled back his foot and swung forward, catching Maggie in the ribs. “This is my permission.” Her soft, tortured cry brought another roar from Tucker.

  For the first time since Fallon arrived she felt anger rise in Adrian. As if it were alive, it seeped from his pores into the air charging it with his power. Raw. Omnipotent strength that burned, singeing whatever particulars in the air that dared to draw near him.

  In a low, rough timbre, he promised, “You’ll never hurt her again.”

  With preternatural speed, Adrian attacked. His ghostly image soared through the air, striking Dominic and his two men and slinging them back away from Maggie. Like a savior dressed in Wranglers, boots, and a Stetson he stood over the broken woman.

  Roots sprung up from the ground around Dominic’s minions, wrapping and trapping the lesser vampires. The two men shrieked and fought, but to no avail as more thick shoots rose and slithered across the surface. The Master vampire pulled through them like they were butter. When he discovered he couldn’t release his men from Adrian’s spell Dominic shook with fury. He raised mid-air and glared down upon Adrian.

  “You have broken the law. She is mine to do with as I wish. And I wish her dead.” Dominic thrust his hand out, sending a sharp, broken limb from the ground into the air and hurled it toward Maggie’s limp body. Before the makeshift stake touched her it burst into pieces, the small kindling sprinkling over her like sawdust.

  “Move her,” Adrian demanded as he put himself between Maggie and Dominic. Briar and Cougar released Tucker and he fled to Maggie’s side.

  “Honey.” Tucker’s voice shook as he knelt.

  Dominic roared as his feet touched the ground. Fallon covered her ears. The sound was so loud it vibrated her eardrums. The lesser vampires were slowly breaking through the myriad of roots binding them.

  “Now!” The urgency in Adrian’s mental voice brought Cougar and Briar to Tucker’s side as he raised her in his arms. Fallon felt Maggie’s weakness. She’d never be able to shape-shift.

  Power radiated off Adrian. In disbelief, Fallon watch Maggie’s body melt into Tucker’s to form one. He raised his head, a gasp escaping his parted mouth as he rose to his feet. With a soft expression he placed a hand over his heart, and then took the form of an eagle. Cougar made the change and, as two large birds, they rose into the sky. Although they were massive, the human world would see somewhat normal size birds as they flew through the sky.

  Fallon was still gazing skyward at the show of strength in Adrian’s magic when he rumbled, “Fallon.”

  Shit! What a quandary. Obey Adrian or stay and experience exactly what she needed to learn—how to destroy a Master vampire.

  When Adrian released a low note of disapproval she wasn’t sure whether it was for her disobedience or the upcoming battle. Fact was that wild horses couldn’t drag her away from this spot.

  Briar sidled up to Adrian. The two men looked dangerous side by side—like avenging angels.

  Adrian’s voice was eerily calm when he said, “Now it’s time for us to dance.”

  Energy filled the night air like nothing Fallon had ever experienced. It actually raised the soft down across her body. From out of nowhere the wind became violent whirling masses that whipped her hair back and forth. She had to restrain it with her hands as she fought to keep it out of her face so that she could observe.

  From the clouds above Adrian and Briar, golf-ball size hail shot from the sky, a sheet of white falling at blinding speed. Before the deadly pieces of ice struck they exploded into flurries of powdery snow that fell heavily upon the two men to create a blanket of white at their feet.

  In unison, both Adrian and Briar brushed the crystalline flakes off their shoulders like they were bothersome at best. Snow lay in the rims of their Stetsons. It would have been funny if the situation weren’t so volatile.

  “You can do better than that, Dominic,” Adrian taunted.

  Dominic’s laugh was sinister. “I have no plans to kill you slowly. But when I do your people are mine.”

nbsp; Fallon noticed that the two vampires who had been caught in roots and vines had broken free. They were a blur as they moved toward Adrian and Briar disappearing in thin air only to reappear behind them.

  “Cocky son of a bitch, isn’t he?” Briar chuckled, but there was no amusement in his tone.

  A tick raised the corner of Adrian’s mouth into a snarl baring his fangs. “You can try.”

  Both vampires snickered. Fallon felt their confidence as they trapped Adrian and Briar between them and their Master. But neither Adrian nor Briar appeared affected by this fact.

  Fallon didn’t know how they could remain calm. She was shaking so badly her teeth chattered.

  Then everything happened fast.

  When the three vampires began to close in, Adrian’s and Briar’s reach was deadly and accurate.

  Their fingertips became razor sharp talons, arcing into wicked weapons. In unison, they somersaulted high above the lesser vampires. Their hands shimmered against the dark as they sliced through the air and their enemies.

  The horrific screams of Dominic’s two minions as their life essence squirted from their throats and wrists sent shivers down Fallon’s spine.

  Their eyes bulged.

  Their mouths were agape.

  Desperately, their hands grasped their throats attempting to stop the flow of blood and life.

  At the same time Dominic disappeared, avoiding any contact and reappearing at a safe distance. With a swipe of his hand, he commanded several large trees to fall right atop both Adrian and Briar.

  Fallon’s heart stuttered. Still she didn’t hesitate invoking her magic to slow the progression of the heavy trees. That small act of courage won her two things. One, the attention of Dominic, and two, a disapproving growl from Adrian as he and Briar stepped aside out of danger.

  The trees crashed with a forceful thud, shaking the ground beneath her.

  What happened next between Briar and the lesser vampires, she didn’t know. Fallon was more concerned with the two powerful men who had her in their scope. Both with an expression that said they would like to kill her.

  She attempted to shape-shift, only managing to lightly shimmer. She could feel the strong push and pull of both Dominic’s and Adrian’s power targeted at her. Fear raced across her skin as nausea twisted in her stomach.

  “Come to me, little one.” Dominic’s enticement was a dark weave of evil. It burned across her skin like acid.

  Adrian remained quiet. His expression was intense and focused, until he pivoted and lunged at Dominic.

  Claws and fangs were all she saw through a cloud of black that surrounded the two like a shroud.

  Growls and hisses sounded. Grunts and moans followed.

  She struggled to see past the dark veil with no luck. But she felt unleashed power vibrate through the earth and up her legs. When she felt a cold, ruthless feeling of triumph rise, she held her breath afraid to watch any further—afraid not to.

  What if Adrian failed to defeat Dominic?

  A bloodcurdling scream sent tears down her cheeks.

  When the cloud thinned Adrian stood above the fallen Master. Both were bloodied, large tears to their clothing. Fallon didn’t want to even think what had been done to their bodies. Dominic slithered upon the ground like a wounded animal toward Adrian.

  “You haven’t won.” Dominic’s voice was a hoarse gurgle as he held tight to his defiance.

  Adrian stepped out of the way. Again an intense expression hardened his face. Fallon felt his power combine with Briar’s, who moved beside him. Together their magic crashed into Dominic’s body, which began to thrash and then exploded like a stick of dynamic was triggered inside him.

  Fallon jerked her sight away, closing her eyes. When she finally opened them again neither Dominic nor his minions were anywhere in sight. What remained was destruction of the land. She wanted to cry at the beauty that was gone. In its place—scorched and blackened trees and ground. The depraved scent of Dominic’s evilness remained, mingling with the scent of burning pine.

  A light rain began to fall. Drops landed on her eyelashes causing her to blink, before she glanced at Adrian. A deep, heavy rolling sound rose deep from his chest.

  “Okay. Okay. I’m going,” she said frantically. Without a second thought she imaged a light mist and shape-shifted. Before Fallon got out of earshot she heard Briar say, “Now she obeys you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Back at Adrian’s house, Fallon watched Tucker cradle Maggie’s sleeping form in his arms as he sat in a rocking chair by her bed. Slowly he swayed back and forth. A gentle creak sounded each time he moved forward. As he tucked the blanket around her shoulders, he dipped his head and mumbled something close to her ear, too softly for Fallon to hear.

  “Would you like for me to feed her?” Fallon asked.

  Tucker’s head rose sharply. “No! I mean I’ve given her two transfusions already.”

  “Can I supply you with substance?” she offered freely.

  He shook his head. “I fed from Crystal and Doreen earlier.”

  Fallon remembered the two vampires. Crystal was a statuesque brunette who always seemed to have her eyes pinned on Adrian. Doreen was a full-figured blonde who appeared a little offish, but only toward Fallon. To everyone else, especially Susan’s children, the woman was kind and loving.

  It hurt when Tucker shunned her help, but she did understand. Since no one knew who she was or where she came from, her blood was too risky. Besides she wouldn’t wish any of them to have ties to Pedro Chavez. Just the thought of him made Fallon wrap her arms around herself. She trembled, feeling a chill slide across her skin.

  Maggie and she had a lot in common. Both were hunted by the devils themselves.

  Adrian had ridded Maggie of her tormenter this evening. The woman was physically safe, but Fallon knew what mental war would rage on in Maggie’s mind for some time—maybe forever.

  Fallon looked up at the clock that flashed 2:00 am. Her stomach churned, knot after knot developing with each minute that ticked by.

  Where was Adrian?

  He was so angry with her. Did she dare wait to bear his fury or should she run like a coward? The thought of never seeing him again almost brought tears to her eyes. She felt them hot against her eyelids.

  And what had she learned tonight that would help her in her pursuit to conquer Chavez? First she had to bleed him, and then kill him from the inside out. How was she going to do that?

  “Is there anything I can do?” she asked Tucker, moving closer to him.

  The raw pain in his eyes as he looked up at Fallon squeezed her chest. Silently he just shook his head. Then he dropped his gaze back to Maggie.

  Dark rings shadowed her swollen eyes. There was a gash above one brow that was already beginning to mend. Bruises and other cuts appeared on her face. Fallon shuddered at the thought of what other damage Dominic had ravaged on Maggie’s poor body…and mind.

  There were just some things a woman would never forget. She tried to push the thought away, burying these reminders with all the ones deep in her subconscious.

  What baffled Fallon now was Tucker’s attention toward Maggie. If Fallon hadn’t seen Tucker with other women, she would have said he loved Maggie. But that just didn’t make sense.

  Males. It didn’t matter what species, if she lived forever she didn’t think she’d ever understand them.

  When the door creaked open and Adrian stepped inside, Fallon forced herself not to run to him. He was freshly dressed in a clean pair of blue jeans and a plaid western shirt of different shades of tans and browns. His boots looked like they had been buffed and he wore a different cowboy hat. The light scent of aftershave tickled her nose.

  It hurt that he ignored her and strolled straight to Maggie. But she probably should consider herself lucky.

  “I’ll feed her.” Adrian’s voice sounded terse.

  “I‘ve seen to her needs,” Tucker snarled.

  “My blood will heal her quicker,�
� Adrian stated.

  Tucker’s response was a low warning deep in his throat, as he tightened his grasp on Maggie.

  “Be careful, Tucker.” Caution spoke loudly in Adrian’s words. “She is precious to us all, and you have tested my limits this day.”

  Without a second thought, Adrian tore open his wrist and pressed it to Maggie’s swollen lips. Her mouth moved, but she was too weak to drink. Fallon knew when Adrian used his own strength to help her feed. Immediately, Maggie’s fangs sank into Adrian’s wrist. When she was finished Adrian extracted his arm, closing the wound himself.

  Then Adrian turned to face Fallon. His expression was unreadable. “You.” Her eyes widened. “Come with me.” It was all he said before he headed to the door, not checking to see if she followed.

  But she did. And she had no doubt she was in big trouble.

  Adrian was on the brink of losing control. Not only had he been tested by a Master this day, but Tucker, not to mention Fallon, had disobeyed him. His footsteps were loud on the wooden floor as he walked down the hallway to his bedroom. In the process, he stormed by Sally and Gary, who had the good sense not to speak to him, nor did Briar as he backed into the shadows of an alcove.

  Tucker he would deal with later. For what remained of the night he would address Fallon’s disregard of his authority.

  He swung open the door and gazed into the fireplace that had a small fire glowing inside its grate. Fallon’s featherlight steps sounded in the room behind him.

  “Close the door.” The hinges creaked as she followed his directions.

  “Adrian?” Her voice was soft, hesitant.

  Without turning around, he said. “Take your clothes off.” He was so fucking hard from battle lust that he didn’t know if he could wait long enough to punish Fallon, before driving his cock deep inside her. Just the thought made his balls tighten painfully.

  “What?” Surprise raised her voice.

  Moving was difficult, but he turned and faced her, letting the heat he felt fill the room. Wide-eyed, she began to toe off one of her boots. She stumbled, almost fell, but managed to remove both boots and socks.


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