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Trust Me (Hot Flash)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Would love for you to give me a ride.” Diane understood the double meaning.

  They said their goodbyes and then they were on the road.

  “You know Karen and Nick are worried about us,” Mark told her trying to start a conversation.

  “They shouldn’t be. We both know what we’re doing,” she said.

  “What are we doing?”

  The question made Diane pause. “We’re having some fun.”

  “Just some fun?”

  Diane nodded, her mind on the question but her gaze on the road. Both of them knew it was more than just fun. If she could feel the difference then she bet he could too.

  Once they were at his apartment, she parked in the exclusive parking area and followed him until they were in his apartment.

  She laughed. His place was exactly as she imagined. She turned pulling him into the room after he’d closed the door. “So, how many women have you brought here?” she asked him interlinking their fingers.

  “You don’t want to know the answer to that question.” He squeezed her hand.

  “If I didn’t want to know I wouldn’t have asked.” She came around, facing him. He had to look down at her. “How many women have you brought back here?”

  Diane could see conflicting emotions cross his face.

  “Tell me,” she urged him.


  Diane smiled. She hadn’t expected anything less.

  Just another face, another woman amongst a sea of faces.


  She stopped him by pressing a finger to his lips. “Shh, don’t spoil it.”

  She laid a gentle kiss to his lips.

  His arms went to circle her waist but she stopped him. Holding his hands, she placed them against his sides.

  “No touching until I tell you to,” she instructed.

  “That’s not how I roll.”

  “This is how I roll. Do you want to play?”

  She ran a finger over his lips down his neck, across his body and lightly brushed over his covered cock. Teasing him with what she could do to him.

  He had a choice. Give her all the power or say no and she’d leave without looking back.

  “Your choice, Mark. Are you going to be my bitch for a change?” Diane circled him, her hand touching him at all times. “You were on top last time. It’s my turn. What I say goes.”

  She could see the confliction of emotions crossing his face.

  Opening his jeans, she brought his cock out.

  He hissed, his hand covering hers.

  She squeezed with enough pressure to give him a warning.

  “I can make this so good for you. Just stand here and relax,” she soothed, whispering in his ear and then nibbling the lobe.

  “I’m the one in control.”

  “Not this time. Take the pleasure I have to give. I promise it will be good.” Diane stepped away from him. Looking into his eyes, she slowly removed the cardigan she had been wearing, and threw it on his sofa. Easing the zipper of her dress down, she revealed her full firm breasts. Once the dress slipped past her hips, she left it in a pool on the floor.

  She wore a sheer white lace bra and the lacy panties he’d brought for her.

  “Trust me,” she whispered.

  Taking a deep breath, Diane watched as he placed his hands by his sides and waited.

  She knew he wouldn’t say it loud, but he waited for her. He’d given her control. Diane thought it sweet.

  Bringing him to the center of his sitting room, she tugged his shirt off and threw it away from her, not caring where it landed.

  She ran a hand over his muscled chest. His skin smooth to the touch and so soft, his muscles rippled as she passed each part of his body. Each one more defined from years of hard graft and labour. A man who worked out.

  Diane circled him, sliding her hand along his skin. When she came to his front, she avoided eye contact. Pressing a gentle kiss to his abdomen just above his jean line, watching as his stomach quivered. His body responded to hers so easily. Unbuckled his belt, she pulled and tugged until she had his jeans around his ankles. He wore boxers again. His cock clearly outlined as it was pressing against the top.

  “I guess you’re happy to see me?” she asked, finally looking up into his smoky gaze.

  “You have no idea.,” Everything about him serious, she could tell by his voice.

  “I think I do.” Taking hold of one of his hands, she pressed it against her panties—her wet panties.

  He hissed, the sound giving way his impatience. Diane watched his hand as he cupped her between her thighs his thumb pressing against her swollen clit. A moan escaped from her as the delicious tingles worked inside her body.

  “That feels so good,” she cried out as another wave of pleasure hit her sending her spiralling towards a peak. As if he knew what her body wanted more than she did. Or maybe the fact that he took what he wanted? Diane didn’t know the answer. She just knew she loved it.

  “I can make it feel even better.” The timbre of his voice sent shockwaves of lust through her body.

  She loved the sound of his voice. She imagined she could come just by listening to him talk.

  Diane groaned in frustration. She could quite easily allow him to take her, to have the control, but she didn’t want to. She wanted the control. To take Mark to a peak of mindlessness and bring him back to earth.

  “Um, stop.” His finger continued to rub her clit. She put a hand to his wrist, opening her eyes. Lust filled her vision leaving his face blurred around the edges. How she managed to keep thinking straight she didn’t know however, the fact she managed to think straight filled her with pleasure

  “I told you to stop.” She pushed his wrist away, moving out of his grip.

  “You want me,” he simply stated.

  “I want your dick.”

  “You want me.”

  Diane wasn’t in the mood to argue. “Think what you like. The only reason I’m here is because you’ve got a big dick and I want it.”

  She pulled his pants from his body, about to show him how she intended to use it.

  * * * *

  Mark watched as she pulled and tugged until he stood before his beautiful woman as naked as the day he was born.

  He smirked as her eyes widened at the sheer width and size of him. Never before had he had any complaints before and if Diane was determined to make this about his cock, then she wouldn’t have any complaints from him.

  “Touch yourself,” she demanded.

  She wanted to watch him jerking off, her wish, now his command.

  Grasping his hard dick, hard for only one woman.

  The woman stood before him as bold as brass. She pulled her bra and panties from her body and threw the panties at him. Mark reached out and caught them, holding them between his fingers as he fisted his cock.

  She sat down across from him and opened her legs. Her snatch wet creamy and juicy, clearly glistening for him to see. He wanted to lick all of her up for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  Her fingers brushed the swollen wetness. He could hear slippery sounds as she slid them around her clit, and then thrust inside her pussy.

  Mark moaned, wishing his fingers were inside her, creating delicious torment.

  He rubbed his cock, fingering the cream leaking out of the tip. He put on a show. Using one hand to rub his cock, while his other hand traveled over his body touching himself.

  She copied his movements. Her hands touched and caressed her own body while he watched. Mark took a step closer to her, but Diane shook her head.

  “Take a step back,” she demanded gasping for breath.

  He smiled but took a step back. Her climax so close, her pussy wet and pulsing visible for him to see. Hands fisted above her head and her teeth bit into her lip trying to stop her crying out. She cupped his balls, starting a slow glide of his hand as he pulled his foreskin back. In the light, Diane would be able to see it glistening.

  He tensed
as he watched her get up from where she had been playing with herself and came over to him presenting her fingers.

  “Taste me.”

  She ran her fingers along the seam of his lips spreading her juice. His tongue peeked and he sucked her fingers inside his mouth. She tasted like sin and sunshine.

  “Do I taste good?”

  He moaned in appreciation.

  In the next moment, he gasped as she sank to her knees in front of him. She moved his hands out of the way and replaced them with her lips.

  He growled when her warm wet lips surround his aching cock.

  Mark cupped her head in his hand. He waited to see if she would push him away. When she didn’t, he thrust his hips, pushing his dick all the way to the back of her throat. Mark watched as his dick thrust between her swollen lips, coming back out soaked with her salvia. He had to hold himself back from ramming himself down her throat. So focus on the pretty picture before him, he was surprised when her hand squeezed his balls.

  She licked the head of his shaft, her tongue repeatedly flicking over the top capturing every bit of his pre-cum.

  Mark could feel his orgasm approaching, the tightening in his balls, his stomach quivering, his body tensing up. He was having trouble holding himself back, but he didn’t want to come yet.

  Having Diane at his feet, kneeling in the ultimate submissive pose and sucking his cock drove him crazy.

  “I’m close,” he panted.

  After flicking the head of his cock with her tongue, she asked, “Do you want to come?”

  “Yes,” he growled at her.

  She smiled and took him in her mouth, bobbing her head around his shaft.

  She stopped for a few seconds teasing him.

  “Say pretty please.”

  Mark had never in his life begged for a woman to suck his cock. Never. He wasn’t doing it now.

  “No,” he bit out.

  Diane chuckled. “Oh well.” She moved away.

  Mark hadn’t expected that kind of reaction. “What the fuck? Where are you going?”

  “You don’t say pretty please. You don’t get to come.”

  Diane laid down on the floor spread before him. She opened her legs giving him a tantalizing view of her bare pussy. He wanted to be inside her so bad, he could taste it.

  “Please,” he begged. He needed her and if begging for it was how he was going to get her, then he would beg for it.

  She got up from the floor. “What did you say?”

  Mark looked at her and said as clear as day, “Pretty please suck my cock, Diane.”

  Diane came back, taking his cock all the way into her mouth. She gazed into his eyes so he could see her taking him in as far as she could swallow.

  Mark reached out and stroked her face moving strands of her hair out of the way. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  Her hand moved up to match the rhythm of her mouth.

  She caressed his balls with her other hand and they tightened in agony with his need to come.

  Their moans mingled. Mark could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge.

  “If you don’t want me to blow down your throat you’ll have to let go,” he warned her.

  She moaned around his shaft, the vibrations shot up inside him.

  “Oh shit.” He pumped his hips, pushing his cock inside her mouth, once, twice and then a third time, then grabbed the back of her head and pulsed wave upon wave of cum inside her mouth. He growled, feeling his balls empty as he watched her swallow everything he gave her. The sexiest thing he’d ever seen. She took him without complaint until he layspent and gasping. He collapsed to his knees beside her. Reaching out, he kissed her on the lips not caring that he could taste himself.

  He just wanted to feel her.

  He kissed her with a passion he had never felt for any other woman since Kelly.

  Diane returned his kiss with as much enthusiasm.

  His hand reached down between her legs feeling her slippery wetness. He loved that

  it was all for him. He made her wet, no one else, just him.

  Mark had as much power over Diane as Diane had over him.

  Her hips thrust up to meet him. He circled her swollen clit.

  “My turn,” he whispered against her mouth as he went between her legs. Her musky female smell inviting, he opened her pussy lips with both of his thumbs. Her clit red, distended and ready for his tongue. Mark took one delicious swipe of her beautiful cunt and she tasted as sweet as she looked. He would die if he didn’t get another taste. Usually oral sex is one thing he declined with a woman but with Diane, sucking her pussy became a natural instinct to him to give her pleasure. Her scent and taste were completely addictive. Lapping up her juice, he wanted it all to himself. He circled her clit, moving down until he could thrust inside her cunt. Even though her cunt remained tight around him, fitting like a second skin, he still wanted to sink balls deep inside her.

  This was for her now. He would wait to get inside her. He would take his time, have her mindless with the pleasure and then make her his in a way no other woman had never been.

  He shifted one of his hands away from her pussy to squeeze her breast. Tweaking one nipple, moving to the next. She arched up trying to get away from the pleasurable pain he created. He stroked her clit with his tongue and slid down to fuck her pussy. Her climax so close to exploding from her. He could feel the contractions of her inner walls around his tongue, taste the cum leaking from her body. Her body withering with need.

  Mark replaced his tongue with his fingers, fucking her with three digits and used his mouth to attack her swollen clit. When she finally screamed, he quickly pulled away to watch her face as she arched up, her cunt holding his fingers like a fist. Diane continued to shriek as her orgasm washed over her.

  He lapped her up, feeling her juice coat his fingers as he fucked her.

  Mark brought her down slowly, teasing her to wonderful little nips of his teeth.

  “Thank you,” she whispered seconds before she passed out from the pleasure.

  Chapter Six

  Diane woke on a bed surrounded by the most delightful silk sheets. They ran over her naked breasts teasing the beaded points. She moaned, her hands going up to cup her breasts.

  “You’re finally awake.”

  Diane opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the voice.

  She wasn’t in her own bed or even in her own house. She didn’t have a clue where she was.

  Looking around at her surroundings, it all came flooding back. She lay in Mark’s bed in Mark’s apartment. It may be a single man’s pad but he had great taste in bedding.

  She relaxed, enjoying the luxurious feeling of the bed.

  She only opened her eyes again when she felt the bed dip and saw Mark come into her vision.

  “Hello, sleepy head.” He tapped her on the nose with the tip of his finger. The act should have made her angry, but she thought it kind of cute.

  “How long was I out for or do I even want to know?” she asked him, levering herself up on her elbows.

  The silk sheet slid down, pooling in her lap.

  She liked the way Mark couldn’t keep his eyes from looking at her. As if he couldn’t help himself and the attention doing wonders for her ego.

  Diane gasped as his lips surrounded the nipple nearest him and he bit down using his teeth to nibble her nipple. The sensation shot straight to her clit, causing her to shiver.

  “You have a wicked mouth,” she moaned as he kissed the little sting away.

  “Wait until I show you what else I can do.”

  Diane laughed. “You’re setting yourself up there with all your promises.”

  He smiled his hand coming to cup her breast, his thumb flicking the swollen nub. “I never make promises I don’t intend to keep.”

  “Well you keep talking like that and I’ll have to put you and your mouth to the test,” she warned him.

  “You weren’t complaining earlier.”<
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  “You did very well earlier.”

  He laughed, pulling his hand away.

  “I think it is time to eat.” He got off the bed, treating Diane to a nice view of his naked body.

  He was confident even when his cock lay flaccid and she sure couldn’t complain about his size.

  Pulling the blanket off her, she followed him into the kitchen..

  “So what do you want?” Mark asked as they entered the kitchen. “I may be a guy and I may be single, but I can certainly cook. Don’t stigmatize me.” He pointed at her with a frying pan.

  Diane laughed, holding her hands up in surrender. “How about some fried eggs and bacon?” she suggested, her stomach growling in appreciation.

  “A woman after my own heart.” Mark placed the frying pan on the stove and heated up the grill. From the fridge he brought out butter, bacon and eggs and set to work cooking their snack.

  Diane enjoyed watching him move. She couldn’t stop laughing when he hissed as the bacon snapped and spat fat at him. Teach him to be cocky, cooking with no clothing on.

  About twenty minutes later they were sitting at his table eating fried eggs and bacon with bread and butter.

  Diane wasn’t even going to worry about the calories this would put on her. She had a feeling Mark would be spending the rest of the night working them off her.

  “Well, can I cook?” he asked as she finished the last slice of bread.

  “Yes, you certainly can.”

  Diane could feel his eyes staring at her. When she looked up, his gaze filled with lust and something else she didn’t want to think about. Not yet. Not now.

  She licked her lips, his eyes following the movement. She sat in his kitchen, butt naked and he was getting turned on by her tongue.

  “Do you trust me?” The question came out of the blue.

  “I don’t understand?”

  “Do you trust me with your body?”

  Diane hadn’t ever really thought of trust. No man had ever asked her that. Intrigued she asked, “Why?”

  “You know I’d never hurt you, right?”

  She nodded. She couldn’t find the words to speak.

  “Nick and Karen know where you are so no problems with me being an axe murderer or anything.”


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