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Angelique Rising

Page 13

by Lorain O'Neil

  Wyatt sat back in his chair and stared at her.

  "That's where you want the five million to go, isn't it? To these nuns."

  "I've never been in a position I could repay them, Wyatt. Now I am. Would you be angry?"

  How could he possibly tell her he'd be angry? That he had a wife who hadn't married him for his money, that had kept telling the jeweler smaller, that the first moment she got her hands on some serious cash she wanted to use it to save a bunch of nuns from eviction? That didn't make him angry, that made him want to sweep her into his arms and tell her how much he loved her and tell her anything, I will give you anything. But he kept a stern look to his face, he was after all a pretty shrewd businessman who didn't let opportunity get away from him when presented. And she'd presented it. Big time. Bottom line was these nuns lived with her for two years --he'd find the answer there, he knew it. He'd find out what Angelique was.

  "I want to see this place first," he said. "Check it out. And I want to bring Johnson with us."


  "Angelique, Johnson is the staunchest Catholic around, re-found his religion years ago after he left his employment at the time, just before I hired him. If anyone can handle priests, nuns, and millions of dollars, it'll be Johnson."

  And I don't care a rat's ass about the five million, all I want is an intro to this Mother Superior and see how grateful she can be information-wise to the man who can save her convent.

  "The three of us will drive out there," Wyatt said.

  "When?" she asked.

  "First thing tomorrow morning," he answered.

  Progress, he smiled in contented deliberation, he was making progress.


  Later that night Lexa heard a loud click and then a whirring noise from the door as it swung open. Standing there was Malcolm Cochran carrying a large tray, behind him Donald. Cochran walked into the room and the door swung shut behind him, in Donald's face.

  "I trust you have been familiarizing yourself with your accommodations, Lexa?" Malcolm said smoothly and patiently. It was a danger sign.

  Despite being scared stiff Lexa willed herself to composure.

  "Why are you doing this Mr. Cochran?"

  "You may call me Malcolm, Lexa." He set the tray down on the table, removing two things from it and walking away to the bathroom. Lexa recognized her birth control pills and her box of tampons in his hand. He'd been through her luggage! He returned, ignoring her question.

  "I want you to fully appreciate your situation. Come eat, you never know when your next meal might be coming," he taunted holding her stare with his fierce and confident black eyes.

  No way was she going to touch anything he wanted her to eat. And she certainly wasn't going to sit down and "dine" with this --monster. That's what he was. Monster.

  "What do you want?" she asked cautiously struggling to keep her voice from cracking.

  "Directly to the point, Lexa, I like that. What I want, is your consent." He was sitting down at the table, spreading dishes of food before himself and the empty chair.

  She almost asked the monster if she consented, would he let her go? But she knew her question was useless, whatever he was going to do he would not honestly tell her. But maybe she could guess, from his expression.

  "You're going to kill me," she quavered.

  "Oh Lexa, what would be the point of that, after all the trouble I've gone to to get you here? Be sensible. Try the salad, it has your favorite vinaigrette dressing. And if you're good I'll even let you have one of your very dry martinis you enjoy in the evening so much."

  She knew he was playing with her, letting her know how thorough he'd been, how much he knew about her.

  "You want me to consent to have sex with you."

  "As legions of men at my Performance Center have coveted," he laughed fixing her with a mocking gaze, "but I applaud your selectiveness. Now come and sit down."

  She didn't move. She would have run to the bathroom but she already knew the door had no lock. She had searched for a weapon and come up with nothing. In a small closet she'd found a few new clothes her size but mostly it contained wrinkled, obviously worn clothes of various sizes, but all too big for her. In the bathroom she'd found drawerfuls of various cosmetics (many used), hairbrushes, open boxes of feminine needs, a new tube of toothpaste and toothbrush, and an old scratched blow-dryer, but other than those things, nothing.

  "Don't anger me, Lexa. Sit down." His tone was threatening, abrupt, despotic.

  Almost tottering under the impact, Lexa moved carefully to the table and sat, distraughtly trying to think of something that would convince the monster to let her go.

  "Good. Now eat."

  No, this she would not do. The food was probably drugged, poisoned, something.

  "Let me explain some things to you. Housekeeping formalities." He pointed to a polished wooden panel embedded in the wall by the door. "You will receive what I give you through that slot. You will return all dirtied dishes and laundry back through it. I expect you to maintain your living area in a cleanly condition, always clean sheets on the bed. Do you understand?"

  "Don't do this," she whispered despairingly.

  "Eat," he commanded in a calmly menacing voice.

  She knew that was it. The first of his orders to her. And the first time she said no... she knew what was to happen. But he wanted consent. As long as she didn't give it, she wouldn't be raped. No, the monster would instead hit her, beat her. Which was preferable? Doing what the monster wanted, or being beaten. She chose the latter, looking at the table for any utensil she could use in defense. The "silverware" she saw, was flimsy plastic picnic stuff. He saw her make her decision and he was aroused by it, he did indeed like that fight in the beginning. He stood and she instantly stood too, backing away from him. Never breaking eye contact with her, slowly and deliberately he took off his belt, then his tie.

  It went on for eternity which for Lexa was two hours. The tie he used to tie one of her wrists to the bed's brass headboard, he used her own underwear to tie the other. The belt he used primarily as a whip across her legs, she felt its bite deeply. Her mouth he used for himself, almost suffocating her with his penetration. He untied her before he left her, in uncontrollable tremors, gasping for air on the bed.

  "You do not disappoint, Lexa," Malcolm said collecting his clothes and pressing his hand to a small square of black glass in the wall. "Sleep well, I will see you tomorrow. Remember what I said about clean sheets." The door swung open and he left.

  Lexa rolled over and vomited. She prayed she would pass out. She didn't. Gradually she managed to get up for the simple reason that she needed the bathroom. She no longer cared that she was sure there were cameras everywhere, that he would watch her most intimate activities. Disorientated, she staggered to the bathroom, the light snapping on automatically when she entered. Dimly she wondered if that was to provide more lighting for the cameras. She stared blindly at herself in the mirror.

  Her eye was bright purple, where he had punched her. Her mouth was swollen, her bottom lip torn, it would have a scab soon she knew. She was naked. Bright pink lash marks were across her legs and buttocks and there was a bleeding laceration from her right nipple. There was vomit across her stomach. The worse thing though was his voice, his word, emblazoned in her mind, the word he'd kept repeating to her as he'd pressed his body against hers, his erection rubbing against her legs.

  Open, he'd kept saying at her. Open.

  And she knew eventually she would.

  Eventually she'd open her legs for the monster.

  That's when the tears came, racking her, wave after wave. And from his study, watching her progress on his monitors, the monster laughed in his conquest (job well done), went to his bedroom, showered, and went to bed stifling a yawn. Malcolm didn't really like late nights.

  Lexa showered too, slowly, trying to wash the monster's smell from her, but discovered that both the soap and the shampoo she found in the shower had his piquant
aroma. She wondered if he thought he was doing a nicety for his victims, providing them with his favorite scent but she doubted it. He probably just enjoyed knowing his victims, as they tried to wash him from their bodies, were forced to cover themselves with his smell. She brushed her teeth six times, searching for mouthwash but finding none. She would have used shampoo or soap but it contained his scent. She stumbled back to the bedroom wrapped in peach colored towels, collapsing on the sofa, she went no where near the bed, it had more than just his scent on it.

  She forced herself to think. Would anybody come for her? She had no family (she was in contact with anyway) but she had many friends. But she'd explained to them all she'd be gone an indeterminate length of time. They would phone her, not get through. They would probably chalk that up to her not adjusting her phone to take international calls yet. And he had her phone. He would listen to her voicemails. Read her emails and texts. He could answer the more urgent ones and they would appear to be coming from her. No, no alarm would be raised for her.

  She was on her own. Nothing was going to stop her slide into Hell.

  And then through the mist of terror for some reason she remembered the pretty little actress that had been running around the Center all abuzz when out of the blue she'd gotten an incredible opportunity to go to Hollywood, and had left. Lexa remembered because she'd listened to the girl's friends months later criticizing her for having left and never returning, no messages of any type, she'd just written them all off, forgotten them.

  And that was when Lexa realized she wasn't the first woman to be locked in the room, and who those clothes and cosmetics had been used by before her. And all of her predecessors would have searched for a way out and since no wisp of anything amiss at the Cochran mansion had ever made the gossip rounds at the Center obviously none of them had been successful. If she was going to get out it would have to be through the door.

  Just before dawn Lexa collapsed into an exhausted sleep, her dreams hideous and ravaged.

  Chapter Eight

  It was early the next morning when Johnson pulled the car up to the front of the great stone convent building with Wyatt and Angelique in the back. Angelique was bubbling with excitement, Wyatt with controlled intensity. In its heyday the building before them had obviously been quite impressive but now it had a shabby quality to it. Several of the statues of various saints, and the Virgin Mary, were damaged, though all looked clean and cared for. But the drive up to the convent, well, all Johnson could describe that as being, was lush.

  Acres of forest, hills, woodland, meadows, streams, he wished Cory was with him, they would have a ball exploring the place. And then the car had passed the vineyards, neat row upon row of mature grape vines, this vineyard was old. The pastures, they looked pristine, fertile, herds of cows many with calves meandering about the brilliant green grassland.

  This place was worth millions.

  A developer got his hands on this, well, one heck of a profit would be made, Johnson saw that clearly enough. And Angelique didn't want that. Mrs. Cochran wanted the nuns' home preserved. Angelique had saved Cory. So this convent was damn well gonna get preserved, those nuns weren't going anywhere, Johnson would see to that. Which was exactly the reason his boss had set up a bank account with five million dollars in it --more if needed-- and told Johnson to do whatever had to be done. Why Mr. Cochran was actually driving out to the place with the Missus, well, Johnson had his suspicion about that. And his intense curiosity. Whatever Wyatt found out about her from the nuns, Johnson was fervently hoping Wyatt would share. And whatever he found out about Angelique, well it would depend on what it was.

  "That's her," Angelique pointed gleefully to a woman coming down the steps happily, the look of welcome on her face deep and real. "That's Mother Superior."

  A woman paused at the bottom of the steps into the convent. She was wearing the black habit of a nun (and Johnson had to desperately squelch a zillion blasphemous foul mouthed 'overfed-penguin' schoolboy jokes from his youth that suddenly exploded forth in his mind), though not a full habit, and what she had was covered with a large apron that reached her knees. She had broad shoulders and a thick waist and though they really couldn't be seen too easily, Johnson suspected just as thick legs. Her face was lined and brown like a walnut, baring to the world it had been weathered by a thousand storms, but contrasting on it was an endearingly dancing smile as the nun's gaze fastened on Angelique.

  Staring at that smile, Wyatt knew, yes, there is history here.

  And Angelique was in the old woman's arms.

  "Too long, May-May," the nun crooned in Angelique's ear, "too long."

  Angelique stepped back, grinning in unholy anticipation.

  "I've been busy," she said eagerly, "Mother Superior Rosemond, I'd like you to meet my husband, Wyatt Cochran, and his assistant, Mr. Johnson."

  The nun's eyes widened, gaping at Wyatt and her mouth opened, her wrinkled face caught unaware.

  "Husband," she repeated and Wyatt knew there were volumes of meaning in the way she said it, that no person should be able to fit that much dark, deep significance into one word, but somehow she did. He just didn't know what the implication was.

  "Mother Superior," Wyatt nodded as he saw that Johnson had snapped his posture upright and had his best manners firmly entrenched on his face.

  "Mr. Cochran," she said, reaching out and shaking his hand firmly and Wyatt knew from the way her eyes sparkled at him that this was a woman with whom he could do business. And was eager to get to it. "Mr. Johnson. Welcome."

  She had not let go of Angelique who had made no attempt to extract herself from the Mother Superior's greeting.

  "Come inside," she motioned them, stepping back, "we'll have some port wine cheese, May-May's favorite."

  The nun settled them around a table in a large airy room overlooking a huge rolling vineyard as other nuns came in with trays of cheese and tea, each of them biting their lips when they spotted Angelique, stifling smiles (in one case, giggles), and all of them looking like they were giving Angelique conspiratorial messages of I'll talk to you later.

  "So, Mr. Cochran--"

  "Please call me Wyatt." [Johnson inhaled sharply at the interruption.]

  "--Wyatt. You have married our beloved May-May. And brought her to visit us. How wonderful." She cocked her eyebrow in an expression that Wyatt clearly saw meant and you dearly want some explanation, don't you?

  "Yes, Mother Superior, but it's a bit more than that. Angelique has come into some money --five million dollars to be precise-- and she wishes to use it for the betterment of your convent." And I'm the person who can approve it. Or not.

  They all heard a loud clang from out in the hallway. Someone had dropped a tray.

  And the Mother Superior was momentarily dumbstruck.

  "Five million dollars?" she murmured to Angelique.

  "It's a long story, Mother Superior, but Wyatt says the money is mine and I can do what I want with it, and Johnson has agreed to manage it so none of the priests rip you off--"


  "Okay, so they don't help you spend it and I thought maybe it could save the convent."

  "Mother Superior?" Johnson asked, his voice oozing deference. "I'm not sure what your situation is here, but would five million dollars be sufficient?"

  This time they heard several audible gasps, one oh my, and a few shushes from the hallway.

  "Obviously," the nun's face quirked up in a smile, an overbearing inherent kindness shining from her eyes, a woman defined by an unpretentious solid piety. "You wish to do this, Angelique?"

  "Yes, but Wyatt has to give his approval too."

  The nun looked at Wyatt suppressing a smile as her face softened.

  "Perhaps you should show Mr. Johnson around, May-May. So he can get an idea of what our situation is." And I, my reluctant little seraph, can open up negotiations with your husband which are not necessary because I will tell him everything and do my penance later, anything to hel
p your blessed protector protect you --praise God you've found him at last-- and do his duty against all who seek to devour you.

  Wyatt watched Johnson and Angelique leave, then heard the animated excited voices of nuns surrounding her, and then the whole quiet commotion moving away, and gone.

  "They are very fond of her," Wyatt said to Mother Superior Rosemond.

  "Oh yes. As, I'm sure, are you." She was smirking. And it was a naughty smirk. From a nun!

  "She told me what you all did for her, rescuing her from that Wadzniak."

  "Wyatt, that was a tragedy. A tragedy of ignorance. The Father didn't know what she was. Not until much later. You've no idea the regret he has."

  "What she was?"

  "Surely you have noticed Angelique is unusual."

  "She calls them 'talents.' The things she can do."

  The mother superior burst out laughing.

  "I'm guessing you know far more about Angelique's 'talents' than we do."

  "Why do you say that? She lived with you for two years."

  "You are her lover. Have you not discovered talents in that area?"

  Wyatt stared at the nun not believing what he was hearing.

  "Don't be shocked, Wyatt. Angelique is not the first and the Church is old, we have many archives. We know quite a bit of what Angelique is capable of, what you are experiencing with her. I believe the male locker room response would be 'you lucky dog.'"


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