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Paradise Falls: A Bassett Hotels Novel

Page 4

by AJ Riley

  Russ reached Amanda’s side and without a word he gently placed his fingertips under her chin and tilted her face up until her eyes met his. His intentions shone from his gaze and he was only giving her a brief second to tell him no before he lowered his lips to hers. Kissing her hadn’t been on his agenda but the need to make it apparent to everyone that she was his and to back off was too intense.

  She didn’t pull away from his touch or break the connection their eyes had, and he took that to mean she was ok with the fact he was going to kiss her. The fingers that had been under her chin slid around to the nape of her neck and gently angled her lips up giving him better access.

  As her lips parted on a sigh he slid his tongue into her mouth tasting her and the whiskey he assumed was in her glass. Hearing a quiet groan, he didn’t know if it came from himself or her. He wanted to deepen the kiss, to pull her against him and see if she fit into his arms the way he had imagined when they met on the pool deck. He didn’t care that they were in the middle of his bar, or that his employees were probably watching, all he cared about was the woman whose lips were pressed against his. He wanted to carry her out of the bar and continue this without an audience and if he didn’t break the kiss now that was exactly what he was going to do.

  With what self-control he had left he ease his lips from hers and stared down into her face. He felt a sense of satisfaction as he watched her eye lids flutter open giving him a glimpse of the lust he was feeling reflected back. He placed his hand on her cheek and silently looked at her, she was even more beautiful than he remembered. The intenseness of the kiss caught him off guard, he cleared his throat trying to get his equilibrium back. He wanted to lean back in and take her lips again but instead he told her, “Hi honey, sorry I’m late.”


  Amanda leaned into the hand resting on her cheek. Unable to break their gaze she looked into startling blue eyes and saw fire in their depths. She couldn’t believe that he had walked up and kissed her in the middle of the bar. What had he been thinking? The shock of the kiss had Amanda’s mind spinning and she wasn’t sure if she could speak without begging him to kiss her again. She cleared her throat quietly and managed to stammer out the first thing that came to mind, “Oh that’s okay I was just people watching until you got here.”

  She could feel the dopey smile that was plastered across her face but couldn’t help it. She watched in fascination as Russ’ gaze left hers and a scowl appeared on his face. The look confused her until she realized he had turned his focus toward the man that had uninvitedly joined her.

  She wanted his attention back on her, she wanted to watch him smile at her like he had when he first walked up, but most of all she wanted to feel his lips pressed against hers again. She had tried to never be rude to people but she found herself turning to the stranger with an overly sweet smile and the off you go wave she had seen Janice do to countless men, “I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name and it doesn’t matter, but as you can see I was waiting for my boyfriend and you’re sitting in his seat.”

  The man huffed but luckily didn’t say anything to call her bluff. He slinked away, and Russ took his place with a wicked grin.

  “Boyfriend huh?’ He joked

  “Well considering you just stuck your tongue down my throat what else was I going to call you?” Oh my god was she flirting with him? She never flirted. Feeling suddenly shy, she was still trying to calm her racing heart from that toe curling kiss. Holy crap that was some kiss. It felt as if he had branded her. She trailed a finger across her still tingling lips and watched in fascination as his eyes tracked the movement. Knowing that he was just as turned on as she was only made the kiss hotter.

  He placed his hand over hers, “I don’t know if you remember but we met earlier.”

  “Of course, Russ, right?” Like she even had to ask.

  His eyes darkened, and the cocky grin reappeared on his face when she confirmed that she remembered him. How the hell could she not. He was gorgeous, and she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him.

  “Amanda, right?”

  Amanda started to answer but a movement out of the corner of her eye stopped her. She turned her head slightly and tracked the movement of the pretty bartender as she walked toward them. Amanda sat stunned as she sat a beer in front of him and another Whiskey and Coke in front of her. She smiled her thanks, but her momentary confidence was suddenly giving way to shyness. Russ and the beautiful woman obviously knew each other. Of course, they did, they both worked here, why wouldn’t they know each other? A sudden spark of jealously went through her at the thought that they may have been more than co-workers at some point in time. With a wink in their direction, the bartender left them.

  This was the new her, the one that was going to live in the moment and the moment would only be ruined if she let it. Picking up her drink she took a drink. It occurred to her that she hadn’t introduced herself earlier so how did he learn her name? “I don’t remember giving you my name earlier. How did you finally figure it out?”

  “From your sister.” He picked up his beer bottle, took a drink, and then turned on the panty wetting smile that he had used earlier.

  “That was dangerous.”

  “Why?” his confusion had his brow furling and she couldn’t help but smile.

  “Because when Janice shows an interest in something or someone she usually doesn’t take no as an answer. When you throw my name in the mix it brings out her need to win the prize, sometimes at any cost.

  “I take it I’m the prize.”

  “Yes, so just be prepared. She can be tenacious.”

  “I’m prepared for anything she can throw at me. I love a good challenge.” He shot back with a grin.

  “Keep telling yourself that.” Amanda chuckled and took a sip of her drink. She needed to buy herself some time to get a grip on her emotions and her damn hormones.

  “Does that mean you’re here looking for Janice? If so I have to tell you that I don’t know where she is. I haven’t seen her since I left the two of you on the pool deck.” For a moment when they were flirting it seemed that he had been interested in her but maybe she had been wrong. Maybe he was just killing time until he found Janice and had decided to help her out when the weirdo sat down next to her.

  Russ smiled “Janice is parasailing with a group of other single people. I know exactly where she is. That’s why I’m here.”

  “I’m confused.” Amanda confessed. She tucked her hands into her lap in a nervous gesture and looked at a point just over Russ’ shoulder. She couldn’t bear to meet his gaze afraid to hear what he was going to say next.

  Russ noticed when she wouldn’t meet his eyes and it felt like she was slipping out of his reach. He had to get the flirty Amanda back, the one that kissed him with as much desire as he kissed her. Reaching out he took her hands out of her lap and held them in his. He wanted to make sure that he had her attention when he told her he wasn’t interested in Janice. Was it possible that Amanda couldn’t see how beautiful she was? That any man would be lucky to have her and not as a way to get to her sister? If she couldn’t tell that he wanted her then he would have to show her. He wanted to get to know her, to spend as much time with her as he possibly could.

  “What I meant was, that I am free to sit here and talk to you uninterrupted. You and I both know that if your sister was here neither of us would get a word in. She would try and be the center of attention. No offence.”

  Russ smiled as a startled laugh escaped her. Amanda clamped her hand over the mouth he so desperately wanted to taste again as her eyes continued to dance with laughter. He watched as a softer giggle escaped her before she was able to respond “I’m sorry. No, no offence taken. She does tend to monopolize a conversation.”

  Russ didn’t know what to say to her, didn’t know where to start their conversation, should he just ask her out? Tell her that he wanted to spend time getting to know her? As the minutes ticked past he realized that the silence betwee
n them wasn’t the awkward silence of strangers. It was comfortable, as if they had known each other for years, when was the last time he had been this comfortable with a woman? When hadn’t he been expected to fill every moment with his life story? He took the last swig of his luke-warm beer and started to ask Amanda if she wanted another drink when she suddenly turned to him.

  “Sorry but I think it’s about time that I head up to my room.” A lift of his eyebrow had her rushing to add “Alone.” As her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

  “I knew what you meant but I like how you blush when you get nervous.” He couldn’t stop himself from brushing his fingers across her cheek. He loved that her face showed her emotions. She wasn’t trying to hide what she felt.

  “I do not.” She tried to counter but the heat flooded her cheeks even as she tried to deny it.

  “You do. But that’s ok I find it charming. Allow me to walk you to your room. I promise not to ask to come in.” he winked at her in a playful manner.

  “Ok as long as you know this ends at my door. I’m on vacation and I’m not looking for a fling.”

  He could read the mortification as it registered what she had blurted out. Russ stood there and waited until she brought her gaze up to meet his. “A vacation fling might be just what we both need, but I’ll leave you at your door. This time.” He smiled. The look that crossed her face told him that she wanted to argue that there wouldn’t be a next time, but he knew there would be.

  He stood and reached out his hand to her. Helping her off the chair he waited as she gathered her hat and sunglasses. He waved her ahead of him and couldn’t help but place his hand in the small of her back. With a quick nod and smile in Steph’s direction he led her out of the bar and toward the elevator.

  He could feel the excitement course through his body as he hit her floor number on the elevator panel. He would now have a room number and wouldn’t need to sneak around his front desk to find out more about her. He would easily be able to find her and convince her to spend more time with him. He hated that he felt like a stalker but there was something about her that drew him in. Everything inside him rebelled at the thought of just leaving her at the door and walking away. He wanted to take her inside and see if she felt the jolt when their hands met at the pool or when he kissed her in the bar.

  He wanted to find out if the desire in her gaze was there or if he had imagined it, more than that for the first time in a long time he wanted to get to know a woman for more than just a night or a few days. He wanted to know all about her. She captivated him, and he didn’t want to walk away. He wanted a guarantee that he would see her again.

  “This is me.” She said shyly.

  He had to get her agree to go out with him again. Even though she said this ended at her door he wouldn’t let whatever this was between them drop, he couldn’t. He mentally ran over the list of things he had to take care of in the morning and wondered what could be rescheduled and what had to take priority. He groaned silently, there was so much that still needed to be finalized for this hotel, but he had to make time to see her. Suddenly he asked “Can I see you tomorrow? Dinner, say 6 o’clock?”

  “What about Janice?” Her uncertainty made her voice falter.

  “Um I guess you can bring her if you really want to, but I was hoping to spend it alone with you.”

  When she flushed with pleasure at the thought he wanted to see her again, it occurred to him that maybe she wouldn’t need as much convincing as he thought she would. Even if she did he was up to the challenge.

  “Ok, let her find her own date.” She reached into her bag and withdrew the room key.


  Amanda reached out her hand to push the door open reluctantly. Knowing that she needed to end things and doing it was two different things. She wanted to be brave and bold but no matter how much she willed it she was still the quiet and timid Amanda. With a sigh she started to push the door open when she felt him put his hand on her arm to stop her. Looking up at him questioningly her eyes fluttered shut as he lowered his head to hers. If he kissed her like he did in the bar there was no way she was going to be strong enough to resist him. She wondered fleetingly what he would do if she grabbed the front of his shirt and dragged him into her room. She wanted to beg him to take her inside and make love to her, she wanted to throw caution to the wind and for once not have a plan, to just react to her feelings, but there was no way she could.

  She was still painfully aware of what happened to her the last time she let her guard down. Hurt and betrayal like that wasn’t something that she could just ignore, but as she felt Russ’ lips press gently against hers she consoled herself with the thought that she could, and she would, throw caution to the wind just this once. No more thoughts of cheating fiancés, no thoughts of Janice, just the feel of Russ’ lips pressed against hers. She relaxed her face against the palm that lay against her cheek.

  It seemed to be becoming a habit of his to hold her face in his hands as he kissed her. She felt his reluctance to end the kiss as he slowly withdrew his lips from hers and she savored the tingling sensation of her lips. The smell of his cologne filled her nostrils and she couldn’t remember a time that a man had ever smelt so good. Dreamily she watched as he took a step away from her and smiled down into her upturned face.

  “Until tomorrow then.” Was all he said as he turned from her and walked toward the elevator. Part of her was glad that he didn’t turn around. If he did she wasn’t sure that she would have been able to stop from reaching out to him. As soon as the elevator doors closed blocking him from view she pushed on the door only to find that it had closed without her hearing it during their kiss.

  Chucking quietly to herself she took her key back out and reopened the door. Sitting everything down on the table she walked toward to mini bar and grabbed a bottle of water. She couldn’t get the kiss off of her mind. It replayed on a loop. She took her water and walked toward the balcony and leaned against the rail looking out over the darkened water. When was the last time she had done something just for herself? Something that didn’t benefit anyone else or the company? It had been so long she couldn’t remember.

  Disgusted with herself she walked back into the room and got ready for bed. Amanda flicked on the TV and channel surfed for a few minutes hoping something would hold her attention long enough to relax, but she was not in the mood for news, it always bummed her out, and sitcoms were not distracting enough to keep thoughts of Russ from her mind. The kiss they shared was seared on her brain. She turned the TV off and grabbed the romance book she had packed. She loved to read when her life started to stress her out, but she found herself imagining Russ as the leading man. Inserting his name where the heroes should be. Imagining herself as the woman who could reform the rake, fall in love and live happily ever after.

  Frustrated she tossed the book on the nightstand and turned off the light. She was being silly. Maybe if she laid in the dark long enough sleep would take her. It didn’t, she found herself staring at the darkened ceiling listening to the ticking of the bedside clock. This was never going to work.

  Frustrated Amanda threw the covers off and padded over to the dresser. Grabbing her swimsuit, she quickly changed and headed toward the pool, maybe if she did some mindless laps it would help her figure out her tangled thoughts.

  The pool deck was dark, only illuminated by the lighting in the gently swaying palm trees that surrounded the deck. The submerged lights in the pool gave the water a sparkling tranquility and she prayed the tranquility would rub off on her. Laying her towel on a deck chair she unwrapped her sarong, and mentally braced herself for the pool to feel cold, but when she stepped into it, it felt more like the temperature of bathwater. She submerged herself and then started toward the other end in long strokes.

  Her thoughts drifted back to drinks with Russ and the stranger that had sat down beside her. Russ hadn’t hesitated to come to her rescue. He didn’t push when she said that it would end at her door, even th
ough she could tell that he wanted to. It gave her a thrill to find out that he wanted her. For a moment she wondered if maybe it was the alcohol that had them reacting to each other like lust filled teenagers but for her she knew the alcohol didn’t have anything to do with it and it didn’t feel like Russ was suffering the effects from only a few beers. It felt like he had truly wanted her.

  She could lie to herself all she wanted and pretend that she didn’t want to see him again but deep down she knew that she would spend whatever time she could with him. He made her feel things that she hadn’t felt before. Not even with her ex-fiancé Richard. She was a grown woman, she could handle a short-term affair she assured herself. When the time came for her to pack up and return to her real life she would have the memories of Russ and their time together. There would be no regrets.

  Smiling at the thought that she would be able to tell Stacy all about the hot hunk of a man that turned Janice down just to spend time with her, Amanda pushed off the side of the pool to do another lap.

  Russ felt his hand tighten around his computer mouse, he must have looked at this set of numbers a dozen times but for the life of him, he couldn’t focus. The numbers swam on the computer monitor and looked like gibberish to his sluggish mind. The deadline to have these numbers correct and emailed over to his accountant was way overdue. Okay, so he wasn’t a numbers person, he had used any excuse he could to get out of doing the accounting but today was different. He wasn’t putting the numbers off intentionally. A beautiful blonde had captured his attention and he couldn’t see or think about anything but her.

  Pushing away from his desk Russ leaned back in his chair and folded his arms behind his head. He sat staring at the ceiling unfocused as thoughts of Amanda invaded his mind. When he had seen her in the bar he felt that same instant attraction from that afternoon at the pool. The instant spark of awareness drew him to her and he had to wonder if she had felt that tug also. Wondered if the power of their meeting had turned her on like it had him. Had she thought about him before seeing him in the bar tonight.


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