Paradise Falls: A Bassett Hotels Novel

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Paradise Falls: A Bassett Hotels Novel Page 8

by AJ Riley

  Opening the door for the pair to leave she found Russ with his hand raised to knock. Forgetting the fact that she was only dressed in a robe her hungry eyes roamed over his body. She took in his dark grey slacks and the black dress shirt that was once again open at the neck. After last night she knew that the body his clothes alluded to was nothing compared to the reality.

  Thinking of his body and how sexy he looked standing there she knew with certainty that if he had arrived before the waiter that she would have tried to pick up where they had left off. The thoughts swimming through her mind had her rooted to the spot and her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. She was incapable of uttering a single word.

  Oh my God how could have forgotten that she was not alone in the room? The man had the ability to render her stupid just by standing there. Feeling a blush stain her cheeks she quickly broke eye contact “Oh goodness, sorry. Please come in.” She stepped back allowing him room to enter. She watched as he slipped both the man and the woman a tip, then closed and locked the door.

  Russ felt the breath catch in his throat. When the door first opened he hadn’t even noticed the employees in the background. All he could see was her. The way the robe clung to her curves, the way her damp hair hung around her face. On his way up, he had lectured himself about taking it slow but the minute he laid eyes taking it slow was the last thing he wanted to do.

  The second the closed behind the wait staff left he pulled Amanda into his arms and buried a hand in her hair. He had to feel her body pressed against his before he lost his mind. Running his free hand down her body to her lower back he brought her in closer. It felt like he couldn’t get her close enough.

  The silk robe beneath his hands was so sexy that he was hard and ready to go. He knew it wouldn’t take much persuasion to get her into bed, but he didn’t want her to think that was all he was thinking about. He was, but she didn’t need to know that. Reluctantly he pulled back from the kiss and took a step back putting some much-needed distance between them.

  He needed to gather his thoughts before he forgot about dinner. He had missed her today which was crazy since he saw her this morning. “As much as I hate the idea, maybe you should get dressed so we can eat before it gets cold.” He said as he tried to bring his breathing under control. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants to keep himself from reaching for her. Anything to keep from pulling her back into his arms and saying screw dinner.

  Needing a distraction while she went to put clothes on, he glanced around the room noticing that the staff had followed his directions and smiled. They had come along way. He loved seeing the changes that were happening in his hotel. It was a stark contrast to where it had been when he purchased it.

  His head swiveled toward the bathroom door where Amanda had disappeared to get dressed. With a sigh he walked toward the balcony and the bottle of wine he knew would be there. Grabbing a glass that the staff had filled he brought it to his lips, taking a sip, he leaned against the railing and looked out over the ocean.

  Lost in thought Russ felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and knew without turning around that Amanda had entered the room. Just the thought of her had his cock standing at attention and he wasn’t even in the same room. Waiting a few moments to see if she was going to join him he gave up any pretense of waiting patiently. He turned with a smile and felt it start to slip when he noticed the scowl on her face.

  The romantic gesture that he had planned started to replay in his head. Maybe staying in hadn’t been her idea of dinner. She hadn’t seemed to be that kind of person but how well did he know her? Maybe he should have asked if she had a preference? He felt a trickle of nervousness start to come over him. How is it possible for one tiny woman to have the ability to make him lose his cool? The fact was he wanted to please her, she mattered to him and he didn’t like seeing that frown. Before he could stop himself and temper his words the clipped questions shot out.

  “Why are you scowling? If you don’t want to stay in, we can go out. No big deal.” He shrugged trying not to let his inner turmoil show.

  The knot that had formed in his stomach started to relax as he watched Amanda’s expression relax.

  “I’m sorry I was lost in thought. No this is perfect. I love it, but you didn’t have to go to all this trouble”.

  Russ walked toward her sitting his wine on the table as he passed. Pulling her into his arms he gazed into her eyes “It was no trouble. I didn’t want to share you tonight. Now I kept my promise to have dinner with you and no one can interrupt us.” As if on cue, there came an aggressive knock on the door.

  “Ignore it.” Russ said as he bent his head and started to kiss her neck.

  “Russ, I have to get that.” She said breathlessly “I already have an idea who it is, and this might not be pretty. Do you mind waiting for me on the balcony? I’ll get rid of her as fast as I can.”

  Reluctantly Russ let Amanda out of his arms. The way she looked at the door with loathing he could only assume that Janice would be standing on the other side. He heard Amanda’s frustrated exhale and smiled. It pleased him that she didn’t want to stop what was about to happen anymore than he did.

  Striding toward the balcony he refilled his glass as he heard her unlock and open the door.


  As she walked toward the door she took a glance over her shoulder toward Russ. As she had asked he was walking toward the balcony. He wasn’t happy that she asked him to leave her alone with Janice, but she was hoping that she could defuse the situation before it got out of hand. She didn’t want to hurt her sister, she never had, but sometimes Janice made situations impossible.

  When their parents had married Amanda could remember how excited she had been that she would be getting a sister. She had done everything she could to make Janice feel welcome and in the beginning, it had been everything she hoped for, but something had shifted. She couldn’t put her finger on it or recall exactly what it was, but it was as if a switch had been flipped in their little family and suddenly she was the one on the outside with no idea how to get back in.

  After a while she tried to build a wall and not let Janice get to her, but it never seemed to work. No matter how hard she tried the verbal jabs always found their marks.

  Amanda needed to stop, stop letting Janice get to her, stop being ashamed that she wasn’t as pretty or as likeable. She had to make peace with who she was. This trip had come a long way in making that apparent to her. No more would she let others decide who she was and what she was supposed be doing.

  This is it, the moment of truth, could she actually go through with being the new person? There was only one way to find out, Amanda took a deep breath and reached for the door handle. No matter what happens she had to keep control. One last deep breath and she opened the door. Before she could issue a greeting Janice barged her way in.

  “Really, what took you so long to answer?” Janice said her voice dripping with ice.

  Amanda didn’t take her eyes off of her, she refused to let her eyes drop to the floor as she had so many times before. She knew the exact moment Janice noticed Russ on the balcony. She heard the shocked gasp and the temperature in the room seemed to plummet. Janice turned her icy glare toward Amanda it took everything she had not to shrink back.

  “Well doesn’t this look cozy? I thought I warned you that he was only after your money. I thought you said you would handle it. I thought we were going to go to dinner?” she whined.

  She almost expected Janice to stomp her foot like an agitated child and couldn’t help the smirk from crossing her face. The smirk died as she watched the fire flash across Janice’s face. It occurred to her that while Janice had seemed genuine earlier in her concern that she hadn’t really meant it. If the jealousy that was flashing across her face was any indication she was pissed that Russ kept showing up at Amanda’s.

  The peace keeper in her started to surface and she was tempted to placate Janice to try and avoid an outburs
t, but that was what the old Amanda would have done. Now she just wanted Janice gone.

  “Janice, we didn’t have plans. I haven’t heard from you once since you left this morning, so I assumed you had dinner plans already. I told you I was not here to entertain you. As far as what I’m doing with Russ, as I have said before, that really isn’t any of your business.”

  Amanda had never been a forceful person, but this time she wasn’t going to take any shit from Janice. She would protect what little time she had with Russ and not let her ruin it.

  Amanda watched as the fire lit in Janice’s eyes and knew that she had better watch out. That look was usually followed by a public outburst designed to embarrass Amanda.

  “Well I won’t keep you but don’t come crying to me when you see his true colors. Oh, and you will. A little mouse like you can’t keep a man like that and we both know it.” With that parting shot, Janice stormed out of the room just as she had earlier that morning.

  Amanda was shocked at how she had spoken to Janice. Some of her was proud that she had stood her ground, that she had stood up to Janice, but the other half of her was scared. Scared that Janice was right, and she wouldn’t be enough to hold Russ’ attention. She hadn’t been enough for Richard. The question that played over and over in her mind was, why would Russ choose her over Janice and was it her he really wanted?

  She had been squashing these doubts not just about Russ but all the men she met. Janice was always there in the back of her mind whispering doubts. Playing on her insecurities. She had been doing it for so long even her conscience starting to sound suspiciously like Janice. When was it going to be enough? When was she going to be able to break the vicious cycle and stand on her own two feet where men were concerned.

  Now, came the quiet voice in her head. Hadn’t she told herself she would be strong? Hadn’t she just given as good as she had gotten in a verbal sparring with Janice. Yes, she had. The confirmation of that fact had a slow smile starting to creep across her face as she stared at the closed door. She had done it.

  He could hear the raised voices from inside the room. He didn’t understand why Janice was determined to ruin whatever was between them. He had to get Amanda to understand that he couldn’t care less about Janice. He wanted her. He couldn’t watch the exchange between the sisters any longer. Refilling his wine glass, he walked back to the spot by the railing that he had occupied earlier.

  The sound of the waves started to drown out the heated words coming from inside but there was no mistaking Janice’s parting shot about Amanda not being able to hold onto a man like Russ. The funny thing was she didn’t have to hold on, she just had to decide not to let go, because he wasn’t going anywhere. As he heard the door shut he turned to look into the room. He could tell Amanda was upset, even though she was facing the door her shoulders were tense.

  He wanted to rush over and wrap his arms around her but instead he uttered the first thing that came to mind. “Don’t.

  “Don’t what?” she asked quietly as she turned to face him

  “Don’t let her get to you. I have no idea what she is talking about but I’m here because I want you. You, not her!” came his adamant response as he gestured toward the door.

  Russ didn’t make a move toward her. She would have to work this out for herself. If he tried to pressure her into believing him then it wouldn’t work. She would forever be second-guessing him. So, he did the only thing he could do. Nothing. He just stood there and waited for her make up her mind. She was either going to come to him or ask him to leave. He really hoped it was option one. When she met his eyes, he exhaled the breath that he had been holding.

  Russ was relieved as he watched Amanda walk toward him. He watched the sway of her hips and knew that she was not making a conscious effort to be seductive. It was just her and he found everything about her arousing. Even though she walked toward him he could see the shadow of doubt lingering in her gaze as it met his, while it was there he couldn’t pressure her for more. He would have to take his time and prove to her that she could trust him.

  “You’re right” she told him. “If you didn’t want to be here with me then there are plenty of women I’m sure, that would be happy to be spending time with you. I’m just glad I was the lucky one you chose.”

  When she stepped into his arms he had to use all of his self-control to keep the kiss as chaste as possible. He could tell she was disappointed, but he wanted her to know that he wasn’t just after sex with her. That he wanted to spend the time getting to know her. She was leaving in a few days and he wanted to make the most of each one.

  Reluctantly he stepped away from her, taking her hand in his, he led her out to the balcony and the beautiful dinner that was laid out for them.

  The tension between them was so thick she felt like she could choke on it. She wasn’t sure where they would go from here, did that scene with Janice kill the mood completely, and if so was there a way she could recapture it? When she had walked into his arms she had thought they would pick up where they had left off earlier. Her body was still tingling with the desire that had coursed through her. What the hell happened, he had seemed just as into it as she had been.

  Hell, he was the one who told her not to answer the door. Was that it? Was he mad that she stopped things to get the door? If she hadn’t Janice wouldn’t have just walked away. She would probably still be there pounding on the damn door. She wanted to ask him why he wasn’t touching her, to ask why he seemed so distant, but she couldn’t get the questions beyond her lips.

  She wanted their closeness back, wanted to rekindle the friendship that surprisingly had developed between them last night at dinner. Think Amanda think, unfortunately the first thing to pop out of her mouth wasn’t something she wanted to discuss. “So how was work today?”

  “Oh, it was fine. Busy. Had a lot of reports to go over.”

  “I have no idea what you actually do for the hotel.” She had no idea why that thought came strolling out of her mouth. That damn brain to mouth filter was broken again, dammit. She watched in astonishment as his emotions seemed to close off. If he had felt distant before he was practically on another continent now. Amanda didn’t know what to do.

  Had she touched a nerve with asking about his job? He had seemed reluctant to discuss it before and she wanted to take this whole night back. She wanted to rewind to when she found him standing in the hallway. She wanted to remove her foot from her mouth, how could she have been stupid enough to talk about work, she hoped that he didn’t feel embarrassed about his job. That was the last thing she would ever want to make somebody feel but maybe staying off the topic of careers was for the best.

  She didn’t want to share with him the humiliation of being sent here to do a better job. How would she explain to him the fact that even though her grandfather owned the damn company she still had to work twice as hard to prove herself? It sounded awful in her own mind and it wasn’t a true reflection of her grandfather, it was a reflection of her.

  She had berated herself that her first concepts were not accepted by the owner, what was lacking in her that she had thought they were good enough, but he obviously didn’t. Taking a deep breath, she knew she was determined to do better on the next go around, but if she never left the hotel to find her sparkling jewel, how was she going to salvage her reputation?

  She had to let it go, needed to focus on the here and now. When Russ abruptly changed the subject, she followed his lead.

  “I hope you like seafood. I ordered both steak and crab just in case you were not big into shell fish.”

  “No shell fish is fine. I actually like both.”

  “Oh good.” With that, he topped off their wine and they ate in companionable silence. Both lost in their own thoughts.

  Watching as Amanda stood at the balcony railing Russ couldn’t resist standing behind her and encircling her in his arms. They both stood staring out at the waves. The breeze caught her hair and it fluttered against his face. He was so h
ard he couldn’t take it any longer. If he didn’t get her out of this room, he was going to press her up against the rails and finished what they had started earlier. The only reason he had waited so long was to give her time to adjust to the fact that he wasn’t going to go anywhere.

  Now that thoughtfulness was turning into torture as the smell of her perfume filled his senses. His fingers tightened on the railing as he lowered his lips to her neck and placed a gentle kiss. Whispering in her ear “Would you like to take a walk on the beach? Its spectacular at night?” and hoping like hell she would tell him no. When she nodded he took the wine glass from her hand and sat it on the table.

  Entwining their fingers, he led her out of the hotel, and to a deserted stretch of the beach. As they reached the sand he stopped as she removed her heeled sandals. As she hooked them over one of her fingers his hand clasped her other. He couldn’t be near her without touching her. He looked down into her face and watched as the moonlight gently caressed her face. While he was lost in thoughts of her she seemed to be lost in thoughts of her own.

  He loved to watch her thoughts and emotions play across her face, but she wasn’t sharing them with him and he wanted to know what she was thinking. Determined to get the conversation flowing between them he asked the first thing he could think of. It just happened to be on his favorite subject which was his hotel. “Did you know that this hotel is part of a chain?”

  He noticed that she stumbled at his question and felt bad that he must have startled her out of her quiet contemplation.


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