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Ante Up: A Sin City Collectors Novella

Page 7

by Amanda Carlson

  “Something like that. But my brother is most likely a pawn, just the next incubus in line for marriage.” Ginger hesitated. “I have to stress here that the ways of The Sumerians are not the ways of normal succubi and incubi. Their leader is only interested in one thing—gathering power. He does so by choosing a unique female mate for each of his followers. It has nothing to do with love, something normal demons value above all else. Regular incubi and succubi choose their own match based on love, which provides the strongest bond possible for a good union.”

  Diesel grunted. Shifters mated for life—their animal sides demanded it—but there was free will in the choice. Their animal side drove them toward a good pairing, but their human side made the ultimate decision.

  “Witches don’t have fated mates or anything like that,” Sofia said. “We choose our own matches, so it doesn’t really make sense that your brother would come after me if his advances weren’t welcome. I’m completely repulsed by the fact he would force himself into my head against my will.”

  Diesel was repulsed, too. He narrowed his eyes. “Isn’t that what most sex demons do?” He couldn’t filter all the disgust out of his voice as he glanced at the succubus. “That’s how you eat, right?”

  Ginger answered by shaking the box of crackers at him. “I’m sorry to burst your bubble, dude, but we eat just like everyone else…well, except for vamps, who suck blood, and a few other species who eat strange things, we demons eat normal food. We don’t get our ‘meal’ from sex.”

  Diesel’s eyebrows shot up. “I know you get something from the act, so don’t lie to us. If you didn’t, why would seducing people against their will be your thing?”

  When Ginger didn’t answer him, he saw that Sofia had her hands fisted and looked like she was ready to burst, but Neve stood up before anyone could react.

  “All righty then,” the dhampir said, smoothly interrupting the tension that had built in a very short amount of time, “as fun as this party is, it’s time for us to split. We can pick this up tomorrow. I’m past caring. It’s two thirty a.m., and it’s time for me to take my hellhound to bed.” Jake growled his agreement as he placed his hand in the small of Neve’s back. She turned a sharp eye on Ginger, and then glanced between Diesel and Sofia. “Witch, if things get sticky, call us. I’m billing you for this entire night no matter what, so you may as well get something out of it.”

  “No problem, dhampir,” Sofia answered. “I appreciate you showing up. It’s proof that miracles do happen. I’ll keep you on speed dial.”

  Neve grunted. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  They headed out and Luke rose from his chair. “What’s the plan?” he asked Diesel. “Do we stay or go?”

  Diesel folded his arms. “We stay.”

  “It’s doubtful my brother would come back tonight.” Ginger came out of the kitchen. “What happened would be considered an unacceptable near miss. He’ll be reporting back to his leader, his head hung in shame.”

  “How can you be sure?” Diesel asked Ginger. “Why wouldn’t he come back? I would.”

  Sofia didn’t miss the harshness in Diesel’s voice as he addressed her friend. She immediately came to Ginger’s defense. “If Ginger says I’m safe tonight, I believe her. So, really, I appreciate it, but there’s no real need for you and Luke to stay.” After the words left her mouth, she wanted to snatch them back out of the air. If she was being completely honest with herself, she did want Diesel to stay. The thought of trying to fend off another incubus attack tonight made her weary all the way down to her bones. It’d been a rough few nights.

  “Sofia, we’re staying.” Diesel’s voice brooked no argument. “It’s late, and I’m not taking any chances. I need to ask Ginger some questions tomorrow, if that’s okay.”

  Sofia realized then that Diesel had been asleep for most of Ginger’s explanation about why her brother was here. If Diesel’s job was to bring the incubus in, he needed the information Ginger had given them. Sofia glanced at Ginger. “Can you fill him in on the details tomorrow?”

  Ginger nodded. “Yes, that’s fine.”

  Sofia yawned as she glanced between Diesel and Luke. She had three guest rooms, but a bed in only one. “Um, I have only one guest room ready, plus my own—”

  “I’ll take the couch,” Luke volunteered with a smile. “Looks plenty comfortable to me, and if Diesel can fit his oversized body on it, there will be enough room for me.”

  “I’ll take one of the guest rooms,” Diesel said. “I don’t need any more than a pillow and a blanket, if you’ve got them. If not, I’m fine the way I am.”

  Yes, yes, you are, she thought, remembering her dreams and trying not to blush. “I can’t possibly let you sleep on the floor—”

  He held up his hand. “I can handle the floor just fine.” His voice was gruff. “Just set me up as close to your room as possible. If there’s trouble, I’ll be there. Just call out my name.”

  The bedroom she’d been using as an oversize closet shared a bathroom with her own. She swallowed. “Okay, follow me.” She beckoned to Ginger as well. “Luke, I’ll bring you down a blanket and a pillow in a second. Ginger, I have the guest room at the top of the stairs made up for you. The furniture was delivered this morning.”

  The three of them made their way upstairs, a regal winding staircase that led into a large main hallway.

  “This is quite the house.” Diesel whistled behind her. “Beautiful, and very tastefully done.”

  “Yes,” she responded. “It seems a little big for one, but I love the view of the mountains behind, and of course, the amenities. Witches are used to a certain way of living.” She paused on the stairs, looking over her shoulder. “We love wealth. The value of the coin is taught to us at a very young age, and I can’t really help how I was raised.”

  “Nothing to be ashamed of.” He shrugged. “If you got it, spend it. Most of the supes I know are extremely wealthy, just from the sheer fact they’ve been around for so long. I’ve got enough stashed away to last a long time, but simple living agrees with me. I have my house and my truck. Life is good.”

  Ginger’s room was the first door on the left. Sofia ushered her friend inside, and while she showed her where everything was, Diesel waited in the doorway—taking up the entire space. Sofia felt distracted, her gaze shifting toward him again and again, until her friend finally laid her hand on her arm and leaned in. “It’s good to see you so happy.” Then Ginger kissed her on the cheek. “I’m fine in here. I have everything I need. You go. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Sofia embraced Ginger in a long hug. So much had been shared tonight. It’d been a bit on the surreal side. “Okay, we’ll talk more tomorrow,” Sofia said, turning to leave.

  As she approached, Diesel backed away from the door. His gaze was intense, but it wasn’t predatory. She felt relaxed knowing Diesel was such an incredible force of nature. The incubus would be foolish to try anything tonight. But that didn’t stop her insides from fluttering like a teenager’s. Diesel was here. In her home. It had been too long since she’d been this attracted to anyone so completely.

  “My room is this way.” She affected a calm tone, stopping at a linen closet that was barely populated and grabbing out two blankets and two sheets. She’d luckily bought a number of sheets and blankets, knowing she would need them soon. “My room is straight ahead. Yours is here.” She opened the door and went in. “Don’t mind the clothes. I’m sort of using this room as an overflow closet.”

  Clothes hung on portable racks along one wall, but there was more than enough space in the middle for Diesel to sleep. She watched him pace over to the bathroom and look in, and then he glanced back at her. “Is this connected to your room?”

  She nodded. “Yes, but you have to go through another door.” She moved into the space. “It’s kind of a Jack and Jill setup.” She slid the door open to show him. “You have your own toilet, so it’s semiprivate, but this door opens up to the master bath, so you have use of th
e bathtub and shower, too.”

  “Leave both doors open,” Diesel said as he leaned over and took the stack of bedding from her. He walked back into the spare room and spread one of the sheets on the floor. “I want to hear every groan and creak in this house. I’ll scent danger if it’s here, so don’t worry about sleeping.”

  Sofia swallowed. “Um, okay.”

  Before she could argue or tell him the house had been built only a few years ago and had very few creaks, he strode out the door with the other blanket under his arm, shouting, “Luke, come get your stuff.”

  She poked her head out the door and watched him stride down her hallway. His broad back swayed and his muscles rippled under his torn T-shirt. His ass looked like it had been chiseled out of stone, and his jeans were slung low. They were old enough to have that well-worn, comfortable look. She tried to stifle her sigh as he tossed the blankets over the balcony to his waiting brother.

  She ducked back into the room before he turned.

  Good gods, she was acting like a child. What was wrong with her? She had to get it together.

  As Diesel walked back into the room, she eyed his ripped shirt. “I have some guys shirts,” she said. “I’m not sure if they’ll fit you, but over the years, people have left—”

  In one motion, Diesel peeled his shirt off and tossed it in the corner of the bedroom. “No need. I usually sleep naked, but I’ll keep my jeans on tonight.” He gave her a wink, grinning with one corner of his mouth going up at the side in the way she loved.

  Sofia nearly choked on her next words as he flexed, but she managed to keep it together when all she wanted to do was run her hands over his chest. “You can…you can…sleep however you’d like.” She cleared her throat. “I mean, I’ll…be in the next room, but you have this room all to yourself.” She made a ridiculous gesture with her hands to encompass the room. “Minus the clothes racks, of course, but…” Oh, lords, she had to stop. She was making a fool of herself.

  Diesel chuckled as he came forward, stopping directly in front of her and placing both his hands on either side of her face, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. Sofia had to glance up at him because he was so much taller. Then he brought his lips down, and she gulped as he placed a chaste kiss, featherlight, against her forehead and moved down to her ear and whispered, “Sleep tight, Sofia. I’ll be right here if you need me.”

  Sofia cried out in her sleep again. Diesel stood over her and watched her undulate as she moaned. He’d tried to wake her once already, but had failed. He leaned over her again and slid his hands along her bare shoulders, trying to stabilize her. She was wearing a tiny scrap of fabric that barely covered her body, and it was distracting as hell. “Sofia.” He shook her lightly. “I need you to wake up.”

  Instead of obliging him, she shifted in his grasp, one of her hands sliding down between her legs, another moan escaping her lips.

  The incubus bastard had to be back. Without thinking it through, he ripped the rest of her covers back, trying to ignore the fact that she wasn’t wearing any panties, and eased her out of bed, making sure her silk nightie fell around the tops of her thighs, covering her.

  “Sofia, can you hear me?” He held her against his body, rocking her. But the witch wouldn’t wake up. Instead, she fell limply against his pecs, her head lolling on his shoulder.


  He had no other choice. He headed for the bathroom. Once he was there, he walked right into the shower. Luckily, it was a big space. He turned the nozzle and cold water erupted immediately.

  Sofia opened her eyes, sputtering. She looked up at him with surprise. “What…what are you doing?”

  “Waking you up,” Diesel said matter-of-factly as he reached around her and shut off the water. “That incubus asshole had you under his spell again. You were moaning and tossing and turning. I tried to wake you up by shaking you, but it didn’t work.”

  “Um, you did?” She appeared sheepish, and Diesel narrowed his eyes. “I don’t feel the incubus now,” she said, “but maybe the shock of the cold drove him out.” She looked hopeful.

  There was a granite bench across the end of the shower, and he sat down, organizing her soaking-wet body on his lap, holding her closer to him to transfer some of his body heat. Diesel glanced into her beautiful eyes. “You were out cold. I couldn’t wake you. Is that normal?”

  She glanced away from him, a small blush rising on her cheeks. “Yeah, um, sometimes I’m really hard to wake up. Ever since I took those tranq spells, which are super concentrated, the night Ginger left, I sort of fall into a deep sleep when I’m overtired or overstressed. I haven’t slept much this week, and almost not at all in the last few days, and you’re here, so I guess I felt safe, and so, um…yeah.”

  Diesel grinned down on her like he’d just won the lottery. “So, who exactly were you thinking about while you were in this deep sleep?”

  She shifted in his grasp, her backside deliciously teasing him, turning him on even more. Then she ran a tentative hand up his chest, ending by threading her hand around the back of his neck. “You.”

  That was all he needed.

  His mouth slanted over hers, hot and demanding, just like his wolf had been urging him to do since the first time he’d ever laid eyes on her.

  She met him lash for lash and their mouths melded together deeply. She tasted just like she smelled, like sunshine and honey. His hands slid to her thighs and then upward, but they halted at her hips when he remembered she wasn’t wearing underwear. He broke the kiss with effort. “You aren’t wearing…bottoms.”

  “I know,” she panted, her eyes unfocused. “Like you, I usually sleep naked. The nightgown was a…compromise.”

  He groaned as he pulled her toward him tighter, his arms locking around her waist. She angled her head up to meet his lips and wove both her arms around his neck. Their kisses were deep and rough, hungry on both sides. Her tongue was hot against his, their mouths seeking almost more than they could each give. He was so hard, it was painfully straining against his jeans. Her nakedness was so close, but he wasn’t going to rush this. It’d been too long since he’d been with a woman like this—one he cared about. He realized with certainty that he had feelings for her. He pulled back and saw Sofia’s deliciously bruised mouth and slightly dilated eyes. She had gotten under his skin in a very short amount of time, and he liked it.

  As she wiggled against him, her breasts firm beneath her almost nonexistent nightie, he was unable to contain his joy. His mouth took hers again and again, the raw sounds coming out of his throat were sounds that he’d never heard himself make before.

  “Diesel”—his name sounded sweet coming out of her mouth—“I want you, and I mean I really, really want you. Please. Let’s go back to my room.”

  He didn’t need any more prodding.

  His mouth went back to her lips, and he stood, carrying her back into her room. He laid her down, appreciating her outfit—or lack thereof—as it rode up her hips, exposing her beautiful body for him. As he took her all in, he realized she was utterly unashamed of her sexuality, and it hit him like an arrow right through the heart as he climbed over her, unbuttoning his jeans.

  This had to be what heaven felt like, Sofia thought as she raked her hands along Diesel’s torso. His real chest, not the fake one in her dreams. Her body shuddered as he placed his weight on top of her. He was so alive—so virile. She’d never been with a man as full of testosterone as he was. His body hummed with masculinity, and it made her wild.

  She arched her neck up to kiss him. He came down to meet her, his tongue plunging deeply, devouring her. They sank back into the pillows, her arms wrapped around him as he pressed his need into her. She responded by hooking one leg around his calf, forcing him closer. “Diesel,” she moaned, “you are so damn sexy.”

  He paused, breaking the kiss, his eyes filled with wanting as he gazed down on her. Then his mouth went up at an angle. “No, that would be you, Sofia. You are unbelievable. I don’t think I’ve ev
er seen anyone who holds a candle to you. The moment you walked into the bar, you had me under your spell, and please tell me that’s only a figure of speech”—he nipped her bottom lip—“and not the truth. I couldn’t stand it if you were playing me.”

  Sofia ran her hands through his hair, loving the feeling of his weight on her. She saw the intensity in his face as he’d asked her in a roundabout way if she was spelling him. She knew how much he hated sex demons, or she would’ve been offended. “Of course I’m not spelling you.” She curled a strand of his hair behind his ear. “Even if I could, spells don’t work well on emotions. A talented witch can manipulate some base thoughts in the short term, but those kinds of spells are unreliable and never last. Supernatural brains are much too complicated for that kind of thing.” She leaned up and ran her tongue over his top lip. “Honestly, Diesel, why would you ever think I’d spell you to like me?” She placed a kiss on the tip of his nose. “I’ve never needed a spell to help me gain a lover,” she whispered, leaning up to his earlobe and nipping it. “And I’m not going to start now.”

  He kissed her and she groaned. His lips were so warm and firm.

  If Sofia was being totally up-front with herself, the thought of spelling him had crossed her mind the first time she’d seen him, but only in passing. Her old sixteen-year-old self had reared up and whispered, “If you can get him to notice you just once, that will be all he needs.” That was typical Witch Adolescence 101.

  She’d told Diesel the truth. Spells never worked when emotions were involved. As a young witch, if she’d even been caught trying to make a love potion, she would’ve been severely punished. Spells like that could ruin someone if improperly crafted.

  His tongue ran down her neck as he growled, “Good. I have a real problem with mind tricks.”

  “Don’t we all,” Sofia murmured as she nibbled his ear some more. “Sometime you’ll have to tell me what happened to you.”


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