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Never Surrender

Page 3

by Deanna Jewel

  Too late now.

  Dismissing the vision, she brushed back stray strands of hair from her face that had escaped her long, French braid.

  She scooted back when the second warrior joined them, his appearance much the same as the first, though not as tall. This one wore a beaded, fringed leather shirt.

  He pointed at her black jeans and boots. Amused, he looked at his friend. “Kai kia sotem manankuhten nukkiwa’iyu sukka tahimahkaute.”

  More words she didn’t understand, and though she refused to look at her captor, Kate sensed his gaze upon her. Again visions of her warrior filled her mind, confusing her even more since all this seemed so unreal.

  Sore muscles knotted throughout her body from traveling so far and she scrunched her shoulders in an attempt to relieve the tension. Despite her weariness, she pushed away any thought of sleep; she had to stay awake. Prisoners were raped and killed. She had no idea what they intended to do with her, but knew she had to take the first opportunity to escape.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw her captor open a pouch, pull out a piece of dried meat, then grab a blanket. He dropped the blanket at her feet and held the food out to her. Kate took it, the hunger in her stomach being greater than her pride at the moment. Tired and hungry, she would have eaten anything. The tough meat forced her to tug at it with her teeth, yet the flavor surprised her; it actually tasted good.

  She watched with caution as the men built a fire, and then ate their portions of meat as they conversed. While the friend talked with her captor, his gaze kept drifting back to her, and he almost appeared to be enjoying this. Kate met the dark gaze of the shorter Indian and stiffened her back. “What do you intend to do with me?”

  He glanced from her to his companion and back, though his handsome friend had yet to raise his dark lashes in her direction.

  “Is he afraid to speak for himself?” She ignored them both for a moment and again sank her teeth into the delicious meat, wrenching off another piece. The succulent flavor of the course meat made her mouth water as she kept her gaze trained on the man across from her. The dark gaze of her captor’s friend left hers for only a moment to eye his companion, who had stood and now faced the looming, snow-capped mountains ahead, staring into the night.

  With her legs crossed, Kate rested her wrists on her knees and glared at the man still sitting. “What do you want with me?”

  “Ne kai en tsaya’a. Usen kai nean tenimmapaianna.”

  She didn’t understand his nonchalant reply. “Do you think I’m going to go up into those mountains with the two of you without a fight?”

  Only a deep chuckle reverberated from his chest.

  Frustrated and sore, she finished her meal, then wrapped the blanket about her shoulders. The warrior across from her rose to retrieve his blanket from a stiff-skinned pouch, and returned to the other side of the fire to bed down for the night.

  He waved his hand in her direction. “Eppeikku. Imaa tammen nahato’i so’i.”

  She assumed he gave her an order to sleep, which, of course, she would ignore.

  Kate glanced at the other warrior. He stood with his broad shoulders straight and tall, never once turning to see what the argument might be between her and his friend. Then he raised his arms, fingers reaching toward the heavens and began to chant in a low voice, the sound of which sent another chill shivering down her spine at the near similarity.

  Weariness attacking her, Kate curled up closer to the fire for warmth. Though they were in a wooded area, the trees blocked little of the wind, and the cold seeped into her body. Thoughts of Brandon invaded her mind and she remembered how the sound of his voice had created the feeling of warm silk. Had that actually happened today? It seemed so long ago. For some unknown reason, the sound of her captor’s voice made her feel the same way, and they both wore their hair alike, but what could the connection be? They both also made her feel the same comforting feeling when they spoke, but she dared not let him know how his voice affected her. Yet, though his voice might be comforting, his actions so far were not.

  Unseen crickets chirped in the night.

  The fire hissed and snapped. Kate watched the orange flames lick at the crackling, glowing logs that sent red embers floating toward the flickering stars. A wave of sleepiness washed over Kate, and her eyes finally closed against her will as she snuggled into her blanket and breathed in the smell of the open fire.

  Sometime later, warmth at Kate’s back startled her from her sleep. Before she reached a full sitting position, an arm with the strength of a bear trap encircled her waist, dragging her back down against the ground and the firmness of a warm chest. The cold hand of fear gripped her heart and she struck out at the arm of steel with all her might. As quick as a trap, he confined her wrists atop one another in a tight grip. Sharp pains shot through her delicate bones as if they were breaking, and she cried out from the pain.

  He loosened his hold some. Then with a shake of her wrists, he growled, “Yuu napi. Ne eppeimi’a.”

  Glancing beyond the glowing embers of the once-blazing fire, Kate noted the smaller warrior lay asleep across from her. She wondered if her whole body shook with fear or just her insides. Or was it something else that tightened every muscle? The stranger in a brown duster again came to mind, his blue eyes had penetrated hers. Even now, her heart raced at the memories.

  She wiggled her cold, numb fingers and to her surprise, his grip loosened enough for her to move them. Then his hand slid to her waist, splaying his fingers over her stomach, securing her where she lay. Her heart beat like butterfly wings. Kate held her breath, not wanting to experience the melting at her woman’s center. He’d captured her and could rape her should he choose, yet she couldn’t explain the sensual betrayal of her own body. And damn the musky scent of his body that drifted her way. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been with a man but she yearned to be touched and caressed. The way he’d watched her sometimes told her more than he meant to, she was sure.

  His breathing evened out as he slept. Though she detested this man for not releasing her, she was thankful for his warmth; if she could only stop her rapid heartbeat and the fluttering in her stomach. She decided to remain still and sleep once again overtook her.

  Later, when something struck the bottom of Kate’s boot, her eyes snapped open to bright sunshine. Instantly she regretted it. Protecting her eyes against the sunlight, she met the dark eyes of the smaller warrior.

  “Oh, God!” She sighed, realizing this was no nightmare, but hard, cold reality.

  The warrior held a hard, crusty biscuit out to her. She closed her eyes, shook her head in disgust, then opened her eyes as she sat up to accept it, knowing she might travel all day without another bite.

  Kate glanced around. The taller warrior knelt next to the pouches, his back to her, packing to move on.

  The man who’d offered her the biscuit stared at her and she took the opportunity to speak her mind. “I’ll be heading down the mountain today, alone, but thank you for the food.”

  She rose with her blanket around her shoulders, and strode away, not looking back. Perhaps they would allow her to leave. Long strides carried her into the distant trees to descend the mountain, only to collide with the hard body of the shorter Indian who appeared in front of her. He pointed behind her, toward her other captor.

  “Hakappu mi’akwanto’i mai e suakka?”

  The angry shout of her taller captor caught her attention, stiffening every muscle in her body before she even turned around. If they wanted her to understand, they should speak English. Damn them! The man before her raised a brow, waiting for her to move.

  These men frightened her, but if she showed it, perhaps things would be worse. Releasing a disgusted moan, Kate clenched her fists and turned to walk toward the smoldering fire pit. The taller warrior strode away, and she glanced at the man behind her, who pointed in his companion’s direction.

  “No!” Kate shouted, but he prodded her shoulder, forcing her to ta
ke a few more steps, only to stop again. Shaking her head and widening her eyes, she had enough. “No, I’m not going up that mountain with you. Why can’t you just release me?”

  His gaze appeared as determined as her own, and he slowly reached for the knife sheathed at the waist of his buckskin leggings. Her breath caught as new fear seized her stomach, knotting it.

  Kate held up her hands in protest. “Fine...I’m going.”

  She walked with the Indians, their horses trailing behind while they traveled through a thick forest. A meadow before them on the mountainside ended at the dense forest line ahead. Above the trees, snow covered the mountain’s peak, amazing Kate at its height. Though sunshine began to warm the morning, she knew the weather would grow cooler the higher they traveled. Reluctant, she trudged on through the meadow, then followed the warrior already entering the woods on the meadow’s far side.

  She turned around to look one last time from where they had come. A stream snaked through the beautiful green valley below, weaving itself around sparsely scattered trees and bushes. A warm, sage-scented breeze caught at her hair, blowing it back from her face as she began to walk, sending warmth into her cold, stiff muscles.

  Hours later, the soles of her feet tender, Kate refused to give in to her need for rest, hoping instead the warriors would stop sometime soon. She wished for her softer Asics walking shoes rather than her good snakeskin boots she now wore. Blisters wouldn’t be forming then!

  The cool water rushing down the narrow mountain stream would feel exquisite on her throbbing feet right now; even though she knew it was impossible. The warriors must be in a hurry to arrive at their destination, wherever that might be in this rocky wilderness; they seemed to trudge on forever.

  Except for the roar of the water over the rocks, the woods were silent. Perspiration trickled down Kate’s back. She carried the blanket in her hand now, and she brought up her other arm up to wipe the dampness from her face. Not daring to stop even for a moment’s rest, she moved ahead.

  The path became steeper, and her energy waned. Her heart raced from the exertion and the high altitude stole her breath. She continued to climb over rocks and skirt around tree stumps. Then stepping upon a decayed log, Kate’s foot slipped.

  She cried out as her feet scrambled to keep her upright. Losing the battle, she stumbled downhill, unable to grasp anything to stop her descent.

  Reaching out for trees she passed, Kate’s fingers burned when the bark split open her skin. By digging in her heels, she steadied her feet and slowed her pace, then tripped over a large rock. Her head and back slammed into a tree where she landed at its base. Pain shot through her shoulder blades and finally giving up the struggle, she allowed herself to slump to the ground in agony.

  * * * * *

  Taima walked farther ahead of his companions, but the woman’s scream made him turn around. He watched her slender body topple down the hillside, watched her desperately attempt to hold on. Dropping the parfleches he carried, Taima ran toward her, his long hair tugging on his scalp as it caught on low branches. Before he could reach the woman, he saw her body crumpled at the base of a pine tree, face down among the brown needles. He hurried to her side. Though he hadn’t wanted a woman traveling with them, he didn’t wish her any harm. He’d only brought her along to keep her away from the treacherous Blackfoot warrior, who would have killed her for sure.

  Kneeling at her side, he lifted her long, dark braid from her back, ignoring its silkiness. Gently, Taima touched the back of her head, which rested on her extended arm. Something warm and sticky met his fingers as he located the swollen bump and he looked into the dark gaze of his friend, Ahanu.

  Taima took care while he cut a piece of cloth from the lower half of the back of her shirt. Moving his fingers over her skin, he noted its softness, then quickly stepped to the stream.

  Returning to her side with the wet cloth, he touched the back of her head, his fingers lightly grazing the tender skin of her neck. The woman moaned and tried to move, then stilled. He dabbed at the wound, cleansing away the blood and dirt, seeing the cut wasn’t as serious as he’d first thought. She would need tending once they arrived back with his people; their shaman would know which ointment to use to prevent infection.

  Touching her like this reminded him of how, last night, he’d observed her while she watched Ahanu across the fire. Her dark hair had cascaded down her back like the mountain waterfalls, and her delicate facial features had reflected the glow from the flames. Since he hadn’t been able to see into her eyes last night, he wondered at their color. Would he be able to read her thoughts with the same ease he read his mother’s when he used to look into her eyes?

  He also wondered if this woman was as outspoken as she appeared to be, always speaking her opinions and telling others what she would and would not do? A woman like that was only trouble.

  As Taima tended her back, checking for broken bones, he ripped more cloth and handed it to Ahanu to wet in the stream. With concern evident on his features, Ahanu did as requested.

  Taima continued to rinse the wound, when a moan broke the silence and the woman’s back arched away from his touch. Slender, white fingers moved to her temple as she uttered another sound. The woman rose on one elbow and turned her head toward him.

  Long, dark lashes fluttered before opening, then brilliant green eyes stared into his; eyes so different from those of his people. Eyes more like that of a wary cougar.

  Then her green eyes widened.

  Chapter Three

  Pain shooting up Kate’s back shocked her--but not with the same impact as when she gazed into the warrior’s face, only to look into the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. She parted her lips to speak, but nothing came out.

  Never in her life would she have believed a Native American could have blue eyes. And God, he was handsome. From his cheekbones to his sculptured jaw line, the chiseled features spoke of controlled, unleashed strength, ready to burst forth like a wild animal at the slightest invitation. Yet, at the moment, his gentleness shocked her, a side she was sure he would deny to anyone.

  Kate gazed lower to his chest. Though barely audible, she gasped at the contoured muscles that lay beneath the bronze flesh, matching the strength of the lean, taut body.

  She glanced to the bloodied cloth held in his long fingers; unable to believe he could possibly possess the tenderness that had touched the back of her head. Again, she searched his blue gaze, wondering how much more delicate his touch could be.

  Kate tried to ignore her racing heart. He’d kidnapped her, for God sakes. He and his friend had forced her to follow them into these mountainous woods and tried to control her every move...and if not for that, she wouldn’t be lying here, helpless.

  She would hate them both for this!

  A cool cloth pressed against her forehead and numbed some of the pain as she gazed into the dark eyes of the other warrior.

  The two men spoke to each other and her anger mounted.

  “If you can’t speak in English, I wish you wouldn’t speak at all when you’re around me!” She knew they couldn’t understand her either, but she felt better. Covering her eyes with her hand, Kate slumped back to the ground.

  Again the men spoke, and then laughed. She didn’t care, couldn’t care. The pain in her back and throbbing in her head consumed her thoughts. She only wanted to rest.

  Hearing movement, Kate opened one eye. The handsome, blue-eyed warrior rose and walked to the stream. Filled with loathing, her gaze followed him until he knelt at the water.

  She looked at the other warrior. Tapping a finger onto her chest, she blurted, “Kate! My name is Kate!” then pointed at him as she raised her brows. “Do you have a name? What should I call you?”

  “Ahanu.” He tapped his own chest with his fingertips.

  “Ahanu,” Kate repeated, then pointed to his friend.

  “Taima,” Ahanu stated.

  “Taima,” she repeated after him, pointing toward the handsome companion. A
hanu nodded, a grin stretching across his tanned face.

  When Ahanu’s friend returned, she stared at him, and curling her lip in disgust, said his name, “Taima.”

  With a scathing look, Taima glanced at Ahanu.

  Ahanu grinned, pointing at her. “Kate.”

  Taima met her gaze, and then gently grasped her upper arm, moving her forward, touching the cold cloth to the back of her head. She couldn’t help but flinch and grit her teeth as the cold material sent gooseflesh popping out across her heated skin. Then Taima placed the cloth over her entire upper back, providing her with much needed relief from the bruising.

  Gingerly searching through her hair with her fingers for the source of pain, Kate’s eyes widened when she touched the gigantic bump. A warm, sticky substance covered her fingertips. She brought her hand around for inspection.

  My God! Blood!

  She glanced at Taima as she wiped the blood on her jeans. Again, astonishment tore through her when their gazes met; his sparkling azure eyes left her gaping speechlessly at him, forgetting about the wound.

  Thankfully Taima didn’t note her surprise; Kate searched the depths of his eyes, locking with his for what seemed an eternity. The blueness unsettled her. She’d have to refrain from looking directly at him whenever possible, rather than walk around mindlessly each time she did so. Even though his eyes affected her, she still hated the fact that he wouldn’t release her.

  Taima broke their eye contact first and carefully parted her hair to check the bump. Though Kate tried to lie still, she jerked when he touched the wound, yet she refused to show any weakness.

  Warm fingers grasped both her hands. Taima and Ahanu pulled Kate to her feet. Once standing, Taima turned and walked away, picking up his bow and pouches before moving on. She reached behind her to find the lower part of her sweatshirt had been cut open. Cooler air caressed her back. A throbbing pain stabbed through her head with every beat of her heart and she swayed on her feet, nearly passing out. Luckily, Ahanu helped her take a few steps, and though she didn’t look at Taima, she could feel his gaze on her.


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