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Molly's Cop

Page 11

by Joannie Kay

  "I gave her a couple of bruises, too!" she declared.

  "I don't want you fighting."

  "You would rather I permitted her to beat me up?" she asked sarcastically.

  "No, I would prefer that you called me and asked me to go with you to confront her. I have had a little experience in this sort of thing, and I could have called her Dad and asked him to be there so she couldn't accuse us of anything afterwards. Honey, it just wasn't safe for you to put yourself out there when you knew she was trying to get you fired. You saw the look on her face when she wanted me to arrest you."

  "As if!"

  "If she pursued it, I would have had to arrest you both. She would have been charged, and you would have been released, but do you think I want to put you through that?" he asked calmly. "Why didn't you call me?" he asked the question he'd been dying to ask since Drake Bridges called to tell him what was going on.

  "I'm used to taking care of myself and my own problems, Michael. I can't depend on you for everything."

  "Sure you can. I would call you in a heartbeat if I needed help with something."

  "This is a bit more serious than picking out the right birthday present for one of your sisters," she informed him. "Michael, I am not helpless."

  "I didn't say you were," he calmly answered. "But, this situation was serious. Natalie Jamison committed slander of the worst sort, trying to get you fired. If you were let go for this reason, do you think you would have been able to find another position? Bridges is considered the best law firm in the area. You would have been out of luck if anyone checked your references, and they would because no one in their right mind would leave a job with Bridges unless there was a serious problem. You should have called me, and the spanking I'm going to give you right now is so you will remember that in the future. When something affects you, it also affects me. I love you, Molly."

  "If you love me then you will forget spanking me, Michael. I was beyond miserable the last time, and I don't want to go through that ever again."

  "That was a serious punishment, Molly. I am not going to spank you that hard again unless you physically put your life in danger. That man had a gun pointed at you!" He shook his head. "I'm not a complete bastard, but you earned a spanking today, and you are going to get one."

  "No!" she argued, and tried to run for the hallway, which led to the front door. It was a mistake. Michael caught her easily and pulled her back into the kitchen and over to the table. "Let me go!" she yelled, trying to twist away from the grip he had on her arm. It was useless; he was used to dealing with criminals!

  Michael took a seat on a chair he pulled from the table, but instead of pulling her over his knee, he sat her on his lap. "Settle down, Molly," he ordered, his voice soft and gentle, but still firm. "We are going to talk this out," he stated.

  "I want to leave now," she insisted.

  "No. You aren't going anywhere. Instead, you are going to tell me why you are so frightened."

  "I am not frightened!" she argued.

  "Yes you are. I saw it in your eyes before you got into your car at the Jamison's house. Talk to me, honey. Let's fix this right now," he coaxed.

  "You really hurt me the last time you spanked me," she said, her green eyes filling with tears. "I know it was because you were frightened out of your wits by what nearly happened, but, Michael, it hurt. Not just then, but for days afterwards. I couldn't function well at work. Sitting was impossible. Worse than that, everyone knew I'd been punished, even Mr. Bridges. He even asked if I needed his protection! I was embarrassed."

  "He called me and we discussed the matter for some time, honey," Michael admitted. "He cares about you, and not in strictly the boss/employee manner of caring. He feels responsible for you since he knows you are all alone in the world, with the exception of your Gram. I told him how I felt, promised him that I would never do anything more than spank you soundly when and if you deserved it. He agreed that spanking was far from abuse, but warned me the rest of the world would not see it that way. We discussed a few other things as well, but I'm not at liberty to talk about any of that since it was to do with his own marriage. He felt bad I spanked you for saving his life, but he did understand why I had to do it. He wasn't amused at your expense, and he did order you a new desk chair that was much softer to sit on, didn't he?"

  Molly's mouth dropped open. "You saw that, huh?"

  "He asked if he could do that to ease his own guilt. I agreed." He looked at her for a few moments and then said, "Was not asking for my help today as serious as dodging a bullet, Molly?"

  "No!" she answered.

  "I agree. The spanking you received for that was serious. The spanking you're going to get now just my way of reminding you to call me the next time you have a problem. I love you, want to be part of your life, and I want to help you. From now on we will deal with things as a couple."

  "Can't you accept my agreement to that without the spanking?" she asked.

  "Nope. It is my way of sealing a bargain with the woman I love. The question now is whether or not you trust me enough to accept a spanking from me...?"

  Molly felt as if the entire world rested on her decision. Somehow she knew that whatever she decided would shape the rest of her life. If she refused the spanking, Michael would still care for her, but he wouldn't marry her. If she agreed to the spanking, it would set a precedent for their relationship. She couldn't imagine life without Michael. She was still afraid it was going to hurt, but she had to trust that Michael wouldn't take off his belt again. "Do you promise you won't use your belt?" she asked in a small voice, needing some reassurance.

  "Just this." He held up his hand, his dark eyes solemn. He waited while she gathered her courage and finally nodded.

  "I love you, and I do trust you... but I am scared," she truthfully admitted.

  Michael nodded. "I'm not going to flip you over my knee this time, honey. You are going to have to put yourself in position." She looked at him in horror, but he gave her bottom a gentle pat and she immediately stood up, her cheeks blushing.

  "I don't know if I can," she confessed, feeling helpless.

  "Did you call me when you needed me today?" he asked.


  "How would you feel if the situation was reversed?"

  "I would trust you to handle Natalie," she promptly responded, and then giggled at his expression of disbelief before she put a hand on his shoulder and said in a conciliatory tone of voice, "It's okay; I get it, Michael. We are a couple, and we should call each other when one of us has a problem. I promise you I will do that if there is a next time."

  "There will be a lot of 'next times' in the years ahead, honey. You know that I intend to offer marriage when the time is right...?" He wanted to make that clear. He knew Molly was his.

  "You do know that I intend to say yes when the time is right?" she asked softly, leaning down to kiss him. "I'm sorry I didn't call you today," she whispered contritely.

  He patted his thigh, and was pleased when Molly put herself across his lap. He gave the seat of her skirt a firm spank, but felt it was too muffled from the heavy fabric. "This skirt is too heavy," he complained. "It needs to come up. Raise up a bit," he ordered, and when she complied he slid the skirt up to her waist. Now all that was covering her was a pair of sexy black panties. It made him think of other things, and he felt his body respond immediately. He did his best to bring his mind back to the spanking he felt Molly needed and gave her another spank. Twice more his hand fell, and then he simply had to caress those very sexy panties.

  Molly sighed in pleasure as Michael's hand roamed over her bottom cheeks and her upper thighs. It was far from the spanking she'd expected, and she loved this type. Michael gave her another stinging spank, but then rubbed away the sting. She heard him groan and she had to giggle.

  "Molly, this is not what I planned," he complained. "You look so darn sexy right now that I can't think straight." His hand was still covering her bottom, and he found it impossible to sp
ank her properly in his present state of arousal. "Honey, you'd best get up and pull down that skirt before..."

  "I don't want to," she admitted.

  "I'll have to spank you if you stay here," he warned.

  "Will you rub it all better?" she asked.

  Chapter Ten

  "Molly, I just can't do this right now," Michael admitted, his voice low and husky as his right hand rested on her rounded bottom. How could a spanking go so wrong in the space of a couple of seconds? "I hope you will keep your promise and call me the next time...?" he asked, giving her another half-hearted spank. Looking at her bottom in those sexy black panties was giving him a distinct problem and he was sure she could feel his erection poking her!

  "I already gave you my word, darling," Molly answered, well aware of his arousal. "I promise I will call you the next time I have a problem of any sort." Even though she was lying face-down over his lap with her panty clad bottom turned up for a spanking, she was turned on from the gentle caresses Michael used to take away any sting the spanks created. To her great disappointment, Michael gave her one more spank and then picked her up and put her on her feet, tugging her skirt down to cover her.

  "Baby, you are sexy as hell... Those panties..." He pulled her down on his lap and claimed her lips with his own. Molly returned his kisses, surrendering to her own desires. His lips were softly persuasive and the slight sting that his hand created on her bottom grew into an intense pleasure that had her eager to make love with the man she knew was hers. She craved his touch, and to her surprise, she decided she loved the little spanking he gave her.

  "Michael, I am ready," she whispered.

  "It's too soon, Molly," he said, kissing her once more, and feeling his manhood throb and ache in response to the sweet torture.

  "We aren't children," she complained.

  "No, we aren't," he agreed, but with a heavy sigh, he put her on her feet. "It's too soon, baby. We're still getting to know each other, and when we make love the first time, it's not going to be in this kitchen." The oven timer chose that moment to start buzzing.

  Molly felt tears sting her eyes as Michael got up to take the casserole out of the oven and sit it on the stove top. Her body ached and she needed release in the worst way, and from the bulge in Michael's pants, he was in the same frustrated state. "You don't trust me, do you?" The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them.

  "Molly, I trust you with my heart and soul," he answered without hesitation. "I want you so badly that it's all I can do to keep from ripping off my clothes and yours, and taking you on the table," he answered, his voice raw. "But, you deserve better, and I am going to make your first time special, and not a reaction to events of the day. I want you to be able to look back on our first time together and know it was planned with love. Does that make sense to you, baby?" he asked, his dark eyes still filled with passion.

  "Michael, all I want is you," she whispered.

  He crossed the floor and pulled her close and kissed her and then hugged her tightly. "When the time is right, honey. I promise the wait will be worth every moment." He held her, comforting them both, for a long time. "We need to eat our dinner before it gets cold," he finally announced. He tilted her chin up so that he could look into her eyes. "I love you, honey. Waiting to make you mine is definitely one of the hardest things I have ever done."

  "It's hard for me, too," she told him, trying to smile.

  "I believe you, Molly." Michael fixed their plates and they sat at the table and discussed their days. When they were finished eating, and the dishes taken care of, Michael insisted on following Molly home. It was far from being late, but he didn't trust himself to keep his hands off Molly. He loved her and he wanted her in his bed. It was time to make serious plans.

  Molly was still frustrated after Michael left his parents' house and everyone was in bed for the night. She decided to go downstairs and make herself a cup of herbal tea in the hopes it would help her relax. She put on the kettle to heat water and was getting a mug from the cupboard when Seamus joined her. "You couldn't sleep, either, Miss Molly?" he asked.

  "No," she replied, and then offered, "I'm having a cup of tea; would you like one, too?"

  "Yes, please, honey," he replied, taking a seat at the table. He waited until she placed a mug of tea in front of him and then sat down with her own tea to say, "I'm in a bit of a fix, Miss Molly."

  "What's wrong?" she asked, hoping she could help the man. She loved and respected Michael's parents and would do anything for either of them.

  "Honey, you're living in my house, and that makes you mine to keep safe and protect... and yet, the man I'm worried about protecting you from is my own son."

  "Michael?" Her voice squeaked. "I don't need protecting from Michael; he would never ever hurt me!" She defended the man she loved.

  "I'm not talking about his harming you in that way, Miss Molly. I'm worried he'll pressure you into his bed before there is a commitment made. I know he loves you and I can see you love him... but it is still too soon."

  "Did Michael discuss this with you?" she demanded, her cheeks bright red with embarrassment.

  "No, Miss Molly; I have eyes in my head, though, and I know my children well. I don't want him rushing you."

  "That isn't the problem, Seamus," she said, pouting. "He says the time isn't right yet..."

  "Then my boy is showing good common sense," Seamus commented, nodding in relief. "You can ask Mary about this, honey. She'll agree with me. Waiting only makes the giving more special." When he saw how embarrassed Molly was, he reached across the table and patted her hand. "I would have this same talk with my daughters, Molly. In fact, I have had it with the older two girls... before they were married. I don't know if they listened to their Da," he admitted with a smile, "but I hope you know that I am only speaking out of love, Molly. I consider you one of ours, and I know Mary does, too. That moment is too special to be rushed... You listen to Michael. If I know my son, and I do, he'll be putting a ring on your finger soon and claiming you for his in front of God and family."

  "I love Michael, Seamus. He has nothing to prove to me, and I'll say 'yes' when he asks," she informed the man who was an older version of Michael.

  Seamus smiled again. "I believe you, Molly, and we'll be pleased to have you become an O'Keefe in name as well as in our hearts." He got to his feet and said, "Thank you for the tea, honey. Now, you finish yours and get on up to bed. It's late."

  "I will, Seamus," she replied. "Thank you for caring about me," she added, her eyes filling with tears of happiness. "I don't know what I did to deserve all of you, but I feel blessed each and every day."

  "You're a lovely girl, Miss Molly, and we're proud of you." He gave her a kiss on the cheek and then went on up to bed after another warning to her to get some sleep.

  Thanksgiving came and once again Mary and Seamus filled their house with family and friends. This time there was no tension between Kathleen and Molly and Kathleen was happy to inform the family that she and Lloyd were going to have another baby! Everyone was elated, but most of all, Lloyd! Since Kathleen hired an assistant she was home more and it felt as though they were a family once again. Daniel also made an announcement that stunned the family, with the exception of his parents. He said that he'd finally figured out what it was he was called to do with his life and admitted he'd felt the call to serve the Church for several years now and was going to become a Priest. His siblings questioned his decision, worried about him, and were even more shocked when he told them this was not a spur of the moment decision, that he was finally admitting what he'd known all along. Seamus finally stepped in and told them that Daniel had discussed this with him and Mary several months earlier and they were convinced it was right for Daniel. Daniel told them of the classes he'd already taken, and the interviews he'd had before being accepted into the Seminary. Finally, he received the well wishes of his siblings, but a lot of teasing, also. Michael teased him about his love life, and Daniel simply
grinned and asked, "What love life?" Molly sat back and watched all of this and was thankful she was part of such a loving family. Last year she spent all of Thanksgiving with Gram, and yet feeling all alone. She and Michael visited Gram earlier, but she did not respond at all to them. The O'Keefe house was so full of vibrancy and love that it warmed her heart.

  Once the long Thanksgiving weekend was over Molly went back to work, looking forward to the holidays. She helped decorate the office for Christmas, but this year her heart was involved. Her life was absolutely perfect for the first time since Gram became so ill she had to be moved into the home for her own safety. Molly was already picking out gifts to give Michael, his parents, and his siblings and their spouses and children! Her gift list was so large she couldn't believe it, but instead of fretting, she was elated.

  It was late in the day when her cell phone rang. It was Ellen, one of Gram's nurses, calling and asking her to come right away. Gram's condition had worsened. Molly immediately called Michael and he said he would be there to pick her up as soon as he could get there. Molly went in to tell her boss she needed to leave early, and Drake immediately offered to drive her since he could see she was very upset. She told him that Michael was on his way, and he put his arm around her and accompanied her downstairs, and gave her strict orders not to come in the next day if she needed to be with her Grandmother.

  Molly was surprised when she saw Michael get out of his Pop's truck. Seamus got out, too, just to give her a hug. Michael took Molly's keys and then drove her in her own car to the nursing home. They hurried down the hallway and found that Ellen was in the room with Gram. She came forward and spoke quietly to Molly. "I'm sorry, Molly, but Isabel is failing." She went on to explain what was happening, and told Molly that she was losing her precious Gram.


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