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Molly's Cop

Page 16

by Joannie Kay

  * * *

  Molly didn't enjoy the movie at all. In fact, she couldn't concentrate on the highly publicized film, and it was all Michael's fault! She felt guilty for leaving the house after he told her not to, even though she was a grown woman and had every right to do as she pleased. She walked with a group of people toward the parking lot and was stunned to learn her car wasn't where she left it! She looked and looked, thinking she must have parked in a different spot, but after a while Molly came to the realization that her car was gone... stolen!

  "Miss, are you all right?" Two young men stopped when they saw her crying. "Did someone hurt you?"

  "My car is gone... Someone must have stolen it when I was inside watching a movie."

  "Oh no!" He looked at his partner and then said, "I think we should look again and make sure before we call the police. Don't worry. David and I will stay with you so you're safe, and we'll give you a ride home if we can't find your car."

  "Thank you." Molly sensed she was safe with them, and was grateful for their support, even though they were strangers. They spent more time looking and finally Molly said, "My pretty little car is gone!" She burst into tears and David and John comforted her, giving her a clean handkerchief.

  "We need to call the police," John said quietly.

  "I'll call my fiance," Molly said in a small voice. "He is a police officer." She took out her cell phone, and turned it on; she'd turned it off when she went inside the large theater because she didn't want it going off and disturbing others. Michael answered on the first ring.

  "Molly? Where are you? Are you hurt?" She could hear the fear in his voice.

  "I'm fine, but my car was stolen, Michael!" She started crying again. He asked her again where she was, and said he was on his way. She hung up and a few seconds later her cell started beeping from all the messages in her voice mail. She quickly played them while David and John waited with her for Michael to appear and heard Michael over and over again, begging her to call him. She felt less than an inch tall by the time he jumped out of his car and took her in his arms, hugging her tightly, and telling her how much he loved her.

  Molly felt so safe in his arms and she knew he would make everything all right once again. Two more police cars arrived, and the officer who pulled her over the night of Michael's Christmas party got out of one of them and walked over. "Are you all right, Molly?" he asked hoarsely.

  "Just shaken up," she answered.

  "Did he take your car at gunpoint?"

  "What?" Molly asked in confusion.

  David tried to help her. "Officer, we were all attending the same feature inside, and when Molly came out and couldn't find her car, we offered to help her. She didn't see who took her car."

  "He must have hotwired it, Trevor," Michael spoke up, keeping his arm around Molly's slender shoulders.

  "You sure had us all worried, Molly," Trevor told her. "The Lieutenant thought you were in the car when it flipped over three times."

  "What?" Molly looked at Michael in confusion.

  "Your car was involved in a high speed chase, Molly. The kid who stole it lost control; he was killed... and your car was totaled. Thank God you weren't in that car."

  "Lieutenant, you need to sign off the clock and take your girl on home," another officer spoke up. He was older than Michael, and could see the younger man shouldn't be going out on any more calls. "Things have slowed, and you've put in your shift. If we get swamped, we can always call you in."

  "You're right, George. I feel like a limp noodle right now." The men respected him for admitting he was shaken. "Call me if you need me." The Officers left since there was nothing more they could do for Molly. Michael made his call, taking himself off the clock, and then he looked at John and David. "I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself; Michael O'Keefe." He offered his hand.

  "I'm John Connors," John said as he shook hands.

  "I'm David Winters," David offered, shaking hands, too. "We couldn't leave Molly here by herself when she was so upset."

  "I appreciate that," Michael told them. "She means everything to me." He felt like crying he was so relieved. "And, I'm going to spank the everlasting daylights out of her for scaring me to death tonight!"

  Chapter Fourteen

  "Oh, Michael, I am so sorry!" Molly exclaimed, heartbroken. "I don't know why I had to be the brat tonight. I regretted leaving the house as soon as I got in my car, and I didn't enjoy the movie at all. I hope you know that I wouldn't have put you through any of that worry intentionally...? I beg your forgiveness." She buried her face against his chest.

  "It isn't Molly's fault her car was stolen," David felt compelled to defend her, shocked that the big man was threatening to spank little Molly.

  "No, it isn't. I hope you aren't really planning to punish her...?" John agreed with his partner.

  "Michael asked me to stay home tonight because he was worried something could happen... I had to prove that I could do as I pleased, and I ended up scaring Michael. I should have stayed home and I'm so sorry I didn't." She was crying again.

  "Shhh, now. You're safe, Molly. Thank God, you are safe." Michael was too relieved to be angry or upset. That would probably come later, but right now he just needed to hold Molly and reassure himself that she was truly all right. "Thank you both for staying with Molly when she was upset. I appreciate it so much."

  "You're welcome, of course," David commented. "We'll be going home now. Happy New Year."

  "Happy New Year, and thank you both so much!" Molly managed to tell them. "I think you're great people."

  "We think you're great people, too," John said with a grin, and then he and David hurried across the parking lot to find their vehicle.

  "Let's get you home, honey," Michael said, taking her hand and leading her to his car. He kissed her once more before putting her inside, and he fastened her seatbelt himself, gently testing the belt to make sure she was protected. Michael kissed her yet again, and she could feel him trembling. He rounded the car, got in behind the wheel, fastened his seatbelt, and then he folded his arms on the steering wheel and rested his forehead against them. "I was scared out of my mind, Molly," he admitted. "I listened as Ted called in that a car matching yours was trying to outrun his cruiser; then he called in your plate. I thought it was you, and I couldn't believe you would do that. The next thing I heard was that the driver lost control and flipped over three times. My God, Molly... I got there in time to see the medics pulling a body from the car. Thank God it wasn't you, but then I went crazy wondering where you were; if he'd hurt you in some way. Honey, that was over two hours ago. I had every available cop searching for you. Pop checked your room... I need to call and tell them you are safe." He immediately took out his cell and made the call. "Pop, Molly is fine. She went to a movie and shut her cell off; that's why she didn't answer my calls." He listened, tears in his eyes. "Yes, I'll tell her. I'm going to take her home with me, Pop. We'll come for the family thing, but I won't be bringing Molly home tonight. I can't let her out of my sight right now." He listened, and then smiled, before replying, "Yes, sir." He hung up.

  "What did your father want you to tell me?" Molly asked, positive she was in trouble for worrying them.

  "That he and Ma are thankful you are safe. He'll probably yell at you tomorrow, though," Michael predicted. He started his car, and then drove to his house. They went inside, and Molly burst into tears as she took off her coat and her boots.

  "Why are you crying, honey? The car is insured, and we'll get you another, I promise," he said, pulling her close to hug her.

  "I am a terrible person, Michael. I put you through hell tonight, and I deserve a spanking," she announced. "I should have stayed home."

  "You would have stayed home if I'd talked to you reasonably instead of trying to bully you into staying home. I pushed you into doing exactly as you did. I was treating you like a child, and you didn't like it. I wouldn't have liked it, either, if the situation were reversed."

  Molly was shoc
ked by his words, and even more surprised when he continued speaking. "I was going to call you and apologize, and ask you nicely to stay in, but I was so busy I didn't get a chance to make the call." He held her even tighter. "I was terrified I'd lost you, honey."

  Molly reached up to caress his cheek. "I'm here, darling. I'm safe. And, I love you so much!" She stood on tiptoe to kiss him, and somehow they made their way to the sofa and she sat on his lap, and did her best to comfort him. "If I had it all to do over, I would stay home and not put you through such hell," she whispered.

  "I believe you," Michael said. He gently pushed her head down on his shoulder and simply held her.

  It was hours later when Molly woke up. She was still on Michael's lap, snuggled in his arms, and they were both covered in a throw that he kept on the sofa. Michael was snoring softly, sleeping soundly. Molly loved him so much, and she knew that he loved her, too. She couldn't wait to be married, and was sure the next three months were going to be very long indeed. Michael opened his eyes to find Molly looking at him. "Happy New Year," she said, smiling.

  "Happy New Year," he replied. "Thank you, Molly."

  She smiled, puzzled. "For what? I didn't do anything except scare you to death," she said, frowning at herself.

  "You didn't complain one time all night, even though I'm sure you weren't a bit comfortable."

  "I was very comfy; what about you?"

  "I needed to hold you, and I did sleep," he said with a smile.

  "I promise I will never do that to you again," she told him, her expression full of guilt.

  "What did you do, honey...? You went to a movie; that isn't wrong."

  "I should have stayed home."

  "I should have asked you politely and told you why I was worried; instead I treated you like a kid and made it sound like you were being punished. You didn't appreciate it, and you went out to a movie. I wouldn't have scolded you for that; and it certainly wasn't your fault that your car was stolen."

  "I had the doors locked and everything," she told him.

  "He had a rap sheet a mile long, Molly. You did nothing wrong; now, repeat that to me," he ordered sternly.

  "I can't!" Molly told him. "I feel guilty as sin. I'd rather you scolded me for going out after you asked me not to, and spanked me for scaring you so badly!"

  "I can't do that, Molly. I'd feel like a jackass. Let me get a shower and change, and I'll get you home so you can do the same." He saw the look on her face, and said softly. "I'll make you a promise. If you still feel the same tonight, I'll set your sweet fanny on fire."

  Molly was sure she wouldn't change her mind, but after spending the day with Michael's family and listening to his siblings tell him what they thought of his trying to boss her without a good reason, she changed her mind. She was even able to repeat the words he'd asked her to say that morning, and instead of a painful spanking, he gave her a playful one.

  * * *

  Molly felt like a witch! Her wedding was only a few days away, and she was short-tempered with everyone. She was tired of dealing with all the details of a wedding, and she was angry with Michael for not giving in to her wishes to simply elope. Another thing that made her angry was the fact he wouldn't tell her where they were going on their honeymoon. She felt she should have some say, but Michael said it was to be a surprise, and he wasn't telling a soul. He didn't trust her not to worm it out of his parents, or one of his siblings. Even Drake Bridges wouldn't tell her how long Michael was making her take off work.

  Work was another matter altogether. She had so much piled up on her desk and try as she might, she couldn't get caught up! People kept interrupting her; Molly finally snapped at Liz and told her she was trying to get some work done, and she didn't have time to discuss the wedding. Liz's feelings were hurt, and when Michael came to take Molly to lunch she warned him that Molly was in a bad mood.

  Michael said it was 'bridal jitters', and he promised Liz that Molly would be in a better mood when she came back from lunch. He told Liz not to announce him, and he went on up the broad, carpeted staircase that led to Molly's office, wondering what kind of greeting he would receive. Molly was not happy with him last night because he wouldn't tell her where they were going on their honeymoon. She said she had no clue how to pack, and he told her not to worry about packing. It was the 'end' of a nice evening together; Molly was in a snit, worried about the wedding, and as far as she was concerned, he was giving her yet one more problem to deal with. She even threw up her arms and said she was sorry she'd ever agreed to get married. Michael knew that Molly had a temper; he'd known that since the call he went on to the apartment she shared with the roommate from hell! He figured she would calm down once the wedding itself was over and they were on an airplane headed for Hawaii. But right now, she was upsetting everyone around her, including her boss. Drake called him to tell him all about the tantrum she had this morning when he wouldn't tell her how long she was going to be off work for the honeymoon. Michael wanted his new bride to himself for a couple of weeks; he didn't think that was a crime, but Molly was concerned about taking off more than two or three days of work since the office was swamped with clients right now. Michael asked Drake if Molly's being gone for a couple of weeks would make life harder for him, and Drake told him he'd planned for Molly to take off two or three weeks in all. On the telephone this morning he suggested Michael get Molly out of the office now in the interest of saving her backside from the palm of his hand. Michael had never heard Drake hint at being upset with the little redhead, and if he was considering bending her over his desk and paddling her, Michael knew it was time to deal with Molly's temper. He opened the glass door and stepped inside.

  "Just leave, Michael!" she railed at him the moment she looked up and saw him. "I am too damned busy to go to lunch with you today! See this pile of work...? I need to get it all caught up before I leave here tonight! I only have tomorrow to make sure things are lined up for the temp who is coming in on Friday and staying a couple of days next week. DAMN it, Michael! I need to know how damned long I am going to be off work! Can't you see how fucking impossible it is for me to set things up for a temp if I have no clue at all what I am doing?" she yelled at him.

  The door to Drake's office opened and he stuck his head out. "Michael, thank God you are here! Take Molly home, please."

  "Mr. Bridges, I can't go home. I have too much work to get done!"

  "Molly, are you aware that you have been swearing all morning?" he asked quietly. "One of the things I like most about you is the fact you do not swear. You have a case of 'bridezilla', honey. I love you like a daughter; go home. I'll have one of the other secretaries get this work cleared, and I'll give the temp instructions. Please try to get some rest and calm down. The loveliest day of your life is only three days away, and you need this time for yourself. Work is a stress you don't need right now."

  "But..." Molly started to argue, but Drake held up his hand to stop her.

  "Molly, you aren't yourself right now. You are snapping at everyone, and using bad language. That has to stop... for your sake."

  Molly felt her cheeks turn red with embarrassment... and temper. "I apologize." The words were said stiffly and formally, and she didn't mean them at all.

  "I'm not scolding, honey," he said kindly as he reached out to capture her hand. "I am looking forward to Saturday." He pulled her over to him and then kissed her cheek. "You go on with Michael now, and put a smile on your face. No more work stress until after the honeymoon."


  "No 'but's', Molly," Drake said firmly. He took her hand and put it in Michael's. "I think I did that well. Good practice for Saturday," he teased, and finally got a smile out of his secretary. "I can't tell you how honored I am to be the one to give you away, Molly. I'll see you at the rehearsal Friday evening."

  "Make sure you bring your family," Michael reminded him. "Ma is planning for a big crowd."

  "I believe my little girl has a birthday slumber party that night, b
ut the rest of us will be there," Drake promised.

  Molly was fuming, and Michael could see that she was making an effort to control her temper. He quietly suggested she get her coat and purse and she glared at him. Michael went to the small closet where she kept them, and held her coat while she slipped her arms into the sleeves. She managed to say a polite 'good bye' to Drake, and then silently allowed Michael to take her arm and walk her downstairs. She walked over to Liz's desk and said, "I am being sent home, Liz; I'm not sure who will be covering for me this afternoon."

  "Good for Mr. Bridges. Why, you deserve this time to get ready for your wedding, Molly!" She jumped up and came around the desk to hug the much smaller woman. "We are all so happy for you, Molly!" she declared, and then added, "And, some of us are so darn jealous!" She winked at Michael. "You two are so perfect for each other," she announced. "Now, go, and don't worry about this place. I promise we'll get by, and we'll all be there Saturday. I can't wait to see your dress, Molly! Are you going to wear your hair up?" she asked curiously.

  Molly giggled, forgetting she was angry at the world. "I don't know yet." David's wife was a hairdresser, and she offered her services. Molly happily accepted her future sister-in-law's generous gesture, and promised her she could do what she felt would work best with the veil she bought. Michael was informed that his parents' home was off limits Saturday morning, and Sharon was doing hair in the kitchen. All the females in the family wanted to look beautiful for the special day, and Sharon told them to come early. Molly knew Sharon was always busy in the salon she owned, and she trusted her to make all of them beautiful.

  "Oh my goodness! What do you mean you don't know yet? Girl, you have to decide... quick! You need an appointment in a beauty salon!"


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