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Mommy's Hot Erotica

Page 30

by Alina Sawyer

  I needed to say something but I was very hesitant to speak, still in shock from the series of events. I managed a stutter.

  "I... I don't understand w... what I d...did wrong." The tears were coming back and he sighed as he looked into my eyes, showing his concern.

  'It's nothing" he said as he looked away "It's me, I just can't..." his voice cracked.

  "Can't what?" I asked, completely lost, and not just in his eyes.

  "Can't... I can't... you're a virgin... I can't" he whispered. That made no sense to me.

  "So, just please, this is what I want" I couldn't believe how easily the words came out, but the man standing before me made me feel needy.

  "You don't understand" He said, finally we agreed on something. He took a deep breath. "When I was young I hurt someone close to me, someone I loved. She never forgave me, I've never forgiven myself. I lost control for an instant... and it was no turning back. That made me come here. I needed full control, not only of someone else but of myself. I needed it, but I can't be a master, I can't get attached. So I came here... It's been the same work, it brings me pleasure without the hurt... but then you come along and..." I could tell this was tearing open old wounds by the pained look in his eyes. I kissed him, hard, and he pushed me away.

  "Why are you here honey?" He asked

  "I want to find a place in this world, I want to feel needed, I've failed at everything in this world... Please...please don't let me fail sir, please" I whispered

  He couldn't take it.

  Besides the fact that his mind was dead set against it, my moves and soft pleas gave his cock other ideas. He was caving, and I knew it.

  "I have other places I could go, If you don't do this some other sadistic man will" I said as I looked down and bit my lip. "you are trained in this, you must know how to make it the least painful" I continued to stare at him with puppy dog eyes.

  He returned the look with concern. "No honey, I'm trained to make it the most painful" I knew that this was sadly true but I didn't care.

  "Please" I begged. I didn't know what was happening to me but he was driving me insane. Even though I never done it before I had seen enough TV to know what would break him. I slid down him to wrap my hand around his cock. I had never seen let alone touched one before, but it felt right. He gasped at my attack and immediately tried to stop me, but was stopped in his tracks as I surrounded him with my lips and sucked. With that he gave up with a groan and in twined his fingers in my hair.

  I covered my teeth with my lips and attempted to swallow as much as I could. I gagged, This threw him, and he let go of me. Realising that he had lost he looked down into my eyes and warned me.

  "Honey, are you sure?" I nodded, unwrapping my lips from him. "You must tell me if it hurts and I will stop, okay?" He looked deeper into my eyes and saw the deep desire and innocence that lay there.

  Unable to wait any longer I pulled him towards the floor, but he picked me up and carried me into another room. It was a bedroom, perfect. He laid me down on the bed.

  "You really are a stupid girl" he said before he climbed over me. This time he was way gentler. He kissed me and moved his way down my neck, breasts and down to my core, causing me to moan with every motion. He trailed across my center with amazing skill and purpose. I nearly exploded when he reached my clit and gently nibbled on it. He looked up at me, his eyes were glazed. I wouldn't have thought that this would turn him on so easily, he must do it everyday. Then I thought of how he originally worked, and gathered that that he had probably not done this in a while. I couldn't take the wait any longer, and from the looks of his current state neither could he.

  He moved up me, kissing and nibbling along his way until he reached my lips once again. He was so unthreatening, calm, caring. He broke away from me and looked into my eyes questioning. I responded by smiling and shaking my head in agreement. Then I felt him, he was pushing gently, almost to much so, as he slowly made his way into my hidden depths. I sucked in a quick breath and he stopped. I just groaned at his pause and wrapped my legs and arms around him and pulled him closer until he once again met resistance.

  "Come on, please, just push through it" I stammered "Pretend I'm no different than anyone else"

  "But you are"

  I could tell he was fighting back the urge to fuck me, hard. So I finally got up the courage to ask him to.

  "Please... Please... just fuck me!" I said in an innocent and sexy tone. When that didn't do it, I moved my hips and grinded against him. That drove him crazy. I got my wish.

  Pain spiked though me, like an arrow. I tried not to show it, and looked away from him. He knew what I was doing and brought my face back to his. There was something there, hidden in the depths of his green emerald eyes that stopped everything, the pain disappeared. It was like his eyes healed me as he hurt me. I was loosing my mind. He had stopped and didn't move again until I grinded myself against him, clenching around him hard and he started moving too. We were both moving in pace with each other, on the quick assent to the edge and beyond. He was still very hesitant in his movements and thrusts, it was driving me insane. I groaned and simply said, with an underlying demand.

  "Harder" He complied. Sparks of pleasure shot through me as I moaned in time with him. It was a dance, him leading, me urging him on. I felt it building, building to incomprehensible heights. He looked deep in to my eyes with lust and said in a sexy sadistic voice,

  "Cum honey, now" That threw me over the top. I screamed and spasmed, bringing him with me.

  We both collapsed moments later onto the soft bed. He recovered faster than I did and just lied there playing with my hair until I had the strength to move. I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me in adoration and concern. I moaned as he rubbed the pad of his thumb over my sensitive clit, and he locked his lips with mine.

  "Honey, are you okay" he asked once he broke away. I smiled, he didn't.

  "I shouldn't have done this he said. He sat up. I grabbed at him, until he returned his eyes to look at me. The look of regret that was in his eyes burned me. I let him go. "I've failed haven't I"

  He looked surprised. "At what?"

  "Plea...Pleasing you Mas... Master." I whispered, stuttering.

  His eyes filled with lust as if a bomb had gone off.

  "What...What did you say!?" He asked

  "I'm sorry Master, I did not please you"

  He snapped, he pushed me over and jumped over me and kissed me until I had to gasp for air.

  "I am not your Master" he said, choking on the words.

  "I know, I'm sorry sir, I just... I just thought, or well wanted...." I trailed off.

  "You wanted what?" He asked, knowing the answer but needing to hear it.

  "I want to please you sir, to love you, to obey out, to suffer for you, to ...serve you. I want you to hurt me, to torture me, to force me, and... train me to be your slave. I want you to be my Master. "

  He got up, I clung to him. He got changed and strode towards the door.

  Before he left he turned to me and said "you have pleased me much".

  I cried, but as soon as he closed the door I heard a click, he had locked it!

  I didn't know what to think, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions, so I kept my mind busy.

  The room was of fair size, outfitted with a large black king size bed (with chains attached to the posts). The room was painted a dark almost blood red, with a white ceiling. There was a full length mirror on one wall behind me along with a large dresser and two bedside tables. I wondered to myself why they would need such furnishings in a training facility and soon found out when I opened them.

  The dresser had two drawers, the top one contained lubricant, condoms, and a variety of butt plugs, dildos and vibrators. Some where the size of... (the irony was I didn't even know his name) and others were so big they made me light-headed at the sight of them.

  I closed it, took a deep breath and opened the other. I was not prepared for what was in that drawer. Befor
e me was whips, crops, canes, nipple clamps, weights, straps blindfolds, ball gags and a black collar.

  I stood there paralyzed, What was I doing here? He was right, I wasn't ready for this. I couldn't stand the pain I knew would come. I would disappoint him. I hesitantly reached for the collar, as if I thought it would burn me the second I touched it, but I had to feel it. I had to make a decision here. This was all too much, I broke down on the floor crying.

  I stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity. Then I heard the door unlock and he walked in with a smile on his face. It disappeared the second he saw me on the ground. He was over in second and he picked me up and placed me on the bed. It was then that he noticed the collar that was involuntarily clutched in my hand and glanced over to the open drawer.

  "What's the matter honey?" he asked sympathetically.

  I gave him the collar and looked at him questioning.

  "It's the collar you'll be wearing when... sorry.... If you decide to join me" He said correcting himself when he saw a flicker of fear through my already scared eyes. He followed them back to the open dresser, then he understood. He embraced me tighter. "Oh honey, I know you are scared, you have reason to be. You are free to leave, but if you stay I will be very happy. Administration has approved you collaration, but only if you agree to it." this was not helping me, my gaze was still fixed on the drawer, on the thoughts of those whips swishing through the air and then...

  "I can't!"

  He kissed me.

  "Honey I would account for your inexperience." he said, running his hands over the various whips and other devices. "I can't promise you I would never cause you pain, as I would, and I can't promise you I would never use this" he said holding up the scariest looking whip. "As I probably would, but there is one thing I can promise you. You will always be safe in my arms, When you make a mistake I will punish you, but I will never hurt you. I would value you too much. I will shape you honey, not break you."

  I felt like passing out after I heard this. I felt sick to my stomach, I knew this is what I wanted, but now that it was presented to me I felt unsure. He ended my insecurity with a kiss.

  "You have two options here honey, your pleasure" He said as he slowly ran a finger over my clit and I gasped. "Or mine" he said as he stared into my eyes. I nearly melted.

  I couldn't think, my mind new the answer, but I couldn't vocalise it. So I took the another path. I stared back into his eyes and slowly moved to the bottom of the bed, I opened his fly, and he gasped,

  I knew this moment was going to define the rest of my life. But I couldn't think of any life that would be better. I sighed and said one of the words I knew I would never regret.

  "Yours" I said as I plunged my mouth over him. I gagged.

  He just laughed and said, "We can fix that".

  The End.

  Bukkake For Beginners

  It's been a long drive, plenty of time to think about what's going to happen. I cant think about it though. If I do I'll ask Mark to turn the car around and go straight back home. Every possible scenario went through my head when you told me what to do. The fact that you really hardly told me anything at all meant it was mostly a product of my overactive imagination. What exactly did you tell me? Can I still separate that from what I think?

  I look at the text message I received this afternoon again.

  'St Mary's lighthouse car park. Whitley Bay. 9pm tonight. Short skirt, strapless top and a smile. No underwear.'

  So you're taking me dogging. That much I can work out. My stomach's in knots. Again. The light is less but it's still a good half an hour away from full dark. We're not far away now, 15 minutes by the sat navs reckoning.

  I managed the first step last week. I've been going out and coming home again for a couple of weeks without doing anything at all. And each time felt like another failure. But last Friday I got four guys to cum on my tits in a late night bukake session at a dogging site near where I live. I sent you the pictures the very same night. I was so proud of myself for finally taking the plunge. The cum on my chest was my trophy and the pictures were all for you. It was exhilarating. But until I did that or something like it, you wouldn't even consider taking me out as yours.

  It was hard though. It took three hours or thinking about it. Three hours of standing around in the dark talking to men who's faces I couldn't see properly. Listening to them tell me 'See that fella in the veedub? He's gay. And you wanna watch out for that gadgie too, he's definitely gay."

  "They're all gay except you four." I joked back.

  "That's dead right love. He is too. Another one!"

  They made me laugh. I think it was their way of keeping me to themselves. And they did a good job. They chased off any competitors and did their best to make me feel safe, sexy and lusted over. After three hours I couldn't get the thought of them wanking over me out of my head and I knew that if I walked away now it would be something I regretted. So I took a breath and said "I've really fancied a bukake session for a long time now. Is four enough do you think?"

  One groaned and immediately started stroking his cock through his trousers. One suddenly looked much less bored and about to leave. One said "Oh don't tease us with that." While the other looked ready to race them all to the picnic table.

  "I'm not teasing. But I'm nervous. I don't wank fucking or to do anything other than wank you." I looked around at their faces for reassurance. "I would really like it though if you all came over my tits."

  Oh my god! I said it! And that was how within a few seconds we were all making our way over to the table. I was whispering to Mark "Oh my God. Oh my God" over and over again. He was smiling and saying he was looking forward to this.

  I looked at the table for a minute then reached out and touched it as though it might be hot or wet. It was neither. I tentatively slid up onto it so that my feet where dangling down. The men waited patently. They knew not to do anything first, they didn't want to spook me. I had to lead this all the way. I made some lame comment on how comfortable it was. Then looked at Mark and mouthed 'help me'. His eyebrows raised in a silent question to me. Do you want this? I nodded.

  He reached over to me and said "Well you'll need these out then." and pulled my top straight down to my waist exposing my tits. I actually said thank you and smiled as I slid backwards onto the bench until my feet were on it too. I pulled them up to bend my knees and with a grin let my knees flop open wide as I lay down.

  I heard them gasp, the men, not my knees, as they took in my knickerless hairless pussy. They all had their cocks out in an instant. Two where already hard, one I couldn't see at all and the forth was large but limp. Hands were all over my body, tweaking my nipples, stroking my belly and thighs and only after one asked if he could touch my pussy did they all feel me. I felt cold fingers slip into me, then warm ones. One made an effort to pleasure me by curling his fingers a little and rubbing hard on my g-spot. Another just fingered me aimlessly for his own pleasure more than mine. It was still my pleasure though. I was feeling used, something to touch and look at to get them off. Each time a finger slid out another one took its place and all the time their hands were everywhere. I kept my eyes on Mark. He was grinning and just watching it all happen. I asked him to take pictures for you. He only had his phone so that would do. And the pictures as it turns out are much better for it. It looks so much more real by mobile phone camera than the harsh flash of a real camera.

  I wished you could have seen me right there. I took a cock in each hand and two more being wanked lower down. I was rapt. One climbed up on the seat and stood over me ready to cum. He asked me where I wanted it but he was already aiming at my tits. He only wanted to hear me to say it.

  "Cum on my tits pleeeease, cover me in your cum" I begged. He obliged and another clambered hurriedly onto the seat on the other side. Cum splashed on me, hot and delicious. I almost came myself just watching it but the fingers had slowed down in my pussy as they watched their fellow doggers do what they were yet to do.
  The second wasn't far behind either. He splashed me from a great height on the other side. And all of it landed right on my tits. The third came on his coat on the floor. He couldn't climb up onto the seat anyway and I was too high up to reach without climbing. A deliberate step by the council to prevent the bench being used for shagging they thought, another 6 inches lower and it would be a perfect bukake table. But East Riding Council would rather it were used for sandwiches and tea flasks. The fourth gave up at that point and put his still hard cock back into his trousers.

  And so there I lay, sticky and grinning from ear to ear. I sat up with my legs wide and made no attempt to cover myself either with my skirt or my top. I was content to be as on show still as I had been since I lay down. I could feel the breeze on my wet tits and relished the feeling of the skin tightening as their cum dried on me. I ran my fingers over it and spread it out some more.

  And so here we are now. I know that it was only because I actually did all that the other night that I'm now being called upon by you. I would think of it as my reward if I wasn't so scared. I could think of it as being worthy now I've proved myself in a way, or simply that you missed it on Friday so you want to see it for yourself. Whatever the reason is I'm on my way to you and the excitement and the dread are equal.

  We're here. I can see your car as well as half a dozen others. We park next to it. You're sitting in the drivers seat looking at me, smiling. You beckon Mark and tell me to stay put for the minute. You two have things to discuss first. He gets out, gets in your car and sits facing away from me blocking my view of you too so I really don't know what you're saying. I wait.

  Mark winds the window down and tells me to get in the back. I do. I feel calmer now we're here. I think it's seeing you that's helped. I jump in the back seat of your car. You look me up and down. I sit with my legs open. You can see my pussy. You smile approvingly. You shouldn't have to ask to see it by now. I would never want to hide any part of me from you. I quickly pull my top down so that my breasts are free too. Now you talk to me.


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