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Mommy's Hot Erotica

Page 126

by Alina Sawyer

  He climbs up my body, straddling my hips. I flail my arms, trying to land a hit anywhere I can, even trying to scratch his face. He grabs both of my wrists and pins them to the floor above my head, holding them in one hand. He uses his other had to slap my face very hard, harder than he has ever hit me before. For an instant, I am shocked senseless and I stop fighting him. I'm not used to him using this kind of force with me.

  Then he clamps his hand around my throat, squeezing, his other hand squeezing my wrists. He leans in very close to my face, his voice is low and deadly calm, "I am really going to make you pay for that, slut."

  As he speaks, his hand tightens even more on my neck to the point where it feels like he might rip my head right off. My eyes bulge, my mouth gapes open trying to suck in air, and a chill runs through my whole body. Feeling the strength in his hands, the weight of his body on top of me, the hardness of his stare and the menace in his voice, I am utterly frozen with fear. In this moment I feel like I'm looking at a complete stranger. He's not my loving and cuddly daddy. He is a cold hard killer.

  I know about his background, but I've honestly never given it any thought until right this moment. He's had police training, military training, private security training, even martial arts training. His body and mind are weapons and he knows how to use them. But he's never used them on me like this before. Of course, I've never come in looking for a fight before either.

  I have taken his tenderness for granted. I know he loves me and takes care of me. I know in my heart that he would never hurt me, but my mind doesn't recognize the man looming over me with violence in his eyes. And it's not just violence, but controlled violence. He is calm and steady, not even breathing hard after our struggle.

  All of this registers in my mind in a fraction of a second while I gasp for breath. I don't care how much fear is showing on my face. I know now that I am way more out matched than I had thought. This is a side of him that I've never seen before and it scares the ever-loving-shit out of me. I have no more fight in me. No strength to fight him off, no will to be defiant. I surrender.

  He shifts his body and releases my neck, but not my hands. As I suck in air, he flips me onto my stomach and quickly resettles himself on my back, pressing my hands into the floor above my head. He grabs the neck of my shirt and rips it down my back in one fast motion, using such force it leaves me feeling stunned again. I don't fight him, I'm too afraid. He reaches under me grabbing one cup of my bra and yanking it open, breaking the clasp. He releases my hands, pulling my arms up behind my back as he finishes pulling the remains of my bra away. He uses the torn pieces to bind my wrists together tightly, the straps cutting into my arms a little.

  Holding my wrists, he wraps my hair around his fist, right at the base of my neck. Then he leaps up, yanking me up by my arms and hair. I scream out in pain as I get to my feet. He lifts my arms making my back arch to relieve some of the pain. I scream again, the pain and fear making it impossible to think.

  He gives me a hard shove, slamming me into the wall in front of us. As my face collides with the immovable wall, more pain explodes across my cheek. Again, the breath is knocked out of me, leaving me gasping for air that feels like it will never come.

  Next thing I know, he is pressed against my back, pulling my head back by my hair. In that same low voice he says, "I'm going to rape every hole you have, and you're going to let me, aren't you?"

  Without waiting for me to answer, he pulls away and turns me around, pressing my back to the wall. He swiftly leans down, shoving his right shoulder into my left hip. Wrapping his arms around my legs, he hoists me up over his shoulder then heads to the bedroom, giving my ass several more sharp slaps.

  In the bedroom he throws me face down on the bed, with my legs hanging over the side. Other than little whimpers, I try not to make any sound. I don't want to provoke any more wrath from him. He reaches under me and pulls open my jeans then yanks them and my panties off, pulling my shoes off with them.

  He puts a hand on my back, holding me down. Then he slaps my face with his other hand. "Don't. Move." he growls.

  He kneels down behind me and rifles around under the bed. A moment later I feel him buckling straps around my ankles. Then he reaches up and slaps my ass, making me jump a little. "Spread your legs." he orders. Another hard slap, "Further." I spread them as far as possible. I can't see what he's doing, but I can tell that he is hooking a spreader bar to the straps around my ankles.

  When he finishes, he stands up and walks to the end of the bed, next to me. My head is facing the other direction so I can't see him and I'm too afraid to turn my head.

  Then I hear it...

  The unmistakable sound of his belt being unbuckled. My heart stops, my breathing stops, my whole body goes still as I listen to that belt being slowly pulled out of his pants. Oh dear God! This isn't going to be pretty. This isn't a regular 'Dom' spanking, this is a punishment spanking.

  "Now you are really going to submit to me, slut."

  Fuck, fuck, fuck! Not able to hold my silence any longer, I turn my head to look at him, pleading with my eyes and begging frantically, "Daddy, please! I'm sorry! I was being bratty and I'm sorry! Daddy....please? PLEASE???"

  He is standing there with a very relaxed posture, holding the belt in his hands. "I think you were testing me, baby." he replies calmly. "I think you wanted to make me physically dominant you. You wanted to see if I could. You underestimated either my strength or ability or both and now you're afraid to face the consequences." He reaches down and strokes the side of my face gently, lovingly, pushing the hair away from my face. He smiles warmly as he continues. "Isn't that right, baby? You wanted me to re-establish my physical dominance?" He is nodding his head, encouraging me to admit that's what I was doing.

  "Daddy....I....I...." Not knowing how to end that sentence, I settle for more pleading. "Please, daddy. I'm so sorry. Daddy..." I let my plea trail off. I have no idea how to get out of this. Pleading has never gotten me out of a punishment before and it certainly won't now. I really didn't think my actions through very well. Yes, I was in a mood when I came in. I can't even remember why now. Was I testing him? Did I want to see if he could physically dominate me? I don't know....maybe. He's right about me underestimating him though. I knew he was strong of course, I just didn't know he would use his physical training against me. Maybe I thought I had him wrapped around my finger. Maybe I thought he would go easy on me when push came to shove. Maybe I thought I could 'cute' my way out of any situation. Maybe I'm stilling thinking that now? Hell, I was definitely thinking that now. I still believe there is some way to charm him out of punishing me.

  "I can see it in your face, baby. You think you can get out of this, don't you?"

  Using my best puppy dog eyes, I try again. "Daaaaaddddddyyyyy." Hey, I'm not above whining. "Please. I love you. I wasn't trying to test you. I just had a really bad day. I'm sorry. Please let me make it up to you. Let me show you what a good girl I am." I bat my eyelashes flirtatiously and smile sweetly at him.

  His smile widens and he laughs. "That doesn't work on me, sweetheart. Nice try though. I love you too, and trust me, you WILL make it up to me." He chuckles as he starts to slap his folded belt against his palm, the noise making me cringe. "Baby, you've been naughty. Now you're going to be punished and you deserve it. Don't you?"

  I whimper and fidget, wishing desperately that I wasn't in such a vulnerable position.

  "Answer me." he commands.

  I jump a little at his stern tone. That tone always makes me feel like a scared little girl. "Yes, daddy." I respond in a small voice.

  "Say it. Say, 'I've been naughty, I'm going to be punished, and I deserve it.'" His tone brooks no argument.

  "I've been naughty, I'm going to be punished, and I deserve it." I repeat in a defeated voice.

  "Good girl." He slaps the belt against his palm again, making me jump and squeeze my eyes shut.

  I hear the whoosh of air as the belt cuts a path to my ass f
or that first punishing blow. SMACK! I bury my face in the bed to stifle my whimpers. SMACK! Holy shit! He only just started and it already hurts this much? SMACK, SMACK! My hands curl into tight fists and my whimpers get louder. SMACK, SMACK! The belt criss-crosses my ass.

  "Who do you belong to, baby?"

  "You, daddy."

  "And why am I doing this?"

  "To train me, daddy."

  "That's right, baby. You know I love you very much." SMACK!

  "FUCK!" I scream into the mattress. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! "Ahhhhhh!" SMACK, SMACK! "Son of a bitch!" SMACK, SMACK! "Daddy, please!" SMACKITTY, SMACK, SMACK! I can't help jumping around, trying to pull away from him, not that I can go far.

  "Stop tightening your ass cheeks, you're only making it worse." He sounds amused, the fucker!

  SMACK, SMACK! Holy hell, the PAIN! My ass feels like it's on fire! He keeps hitting the same spot. I uncurl my hands and try to cover my stinging ass cheeks. "Move those fucking hands, slut!" he barks. Reluctantly, I obey.

  SMACK! "AHHHHHHH!" I can't stand it anymore! My hands go right back to trying to cover my ass. I shift, pulling as far away as I can with that damned spreader bar between my legs.

  "That was going to be your last one, but since you are disobeying a direct order, you get five more." he says, sounding disappointed.

  "Oh daddy, PLEASE...."

  "Move. Those. Fucking. Hands!"

  The very thought of another slap starts the tears flowing. I can't help it, it hurts so much. With a gargantuan amount of effort, I slowly pull my hands away and immediately there is another SMACK! I sob harder, burying my face in the mattress again as I cry out. SMACK, SMACK! Feeling utterly defeated, my body goes limp on the bed, the tears flowing freely. SMACK! I don't even have the energy to scream anymore. I just let the tears fall to the bed. SMACK!

  That's it, that was five more. My knees buckle and I assume I will fall to the floor, but I really don't care anymore. I just want to curl up in a ball and cry until there's nothing left. But I don't fall, daddy catches me and lays me gently on the bed. He reaches down and removes the spreader bar, then he unties my hands. He climbs up on the bed and pulls me up next to him, cradling me in his arms.

  "It's ok, baby, let it out." he coos. "I'm here for you, I've got you." I am tense at first, but I start to relax at the sound of his soothing words, resting my head on his shoulder.

  He is stroking my body, petting my hair and laying soft kisses on my face. Using his thumb, he gently wipes away my tears. All this loving attention makes me cry harder. I don't know why. He's the one that hurt me, but yet I want to snuggle deep in his arms and let him comfort me, take care of me.

  "I love you very much, baby. I know you don't want to be a naughty girl. You're my good girl, aren't you?"

  I'm still crying too hard to make any coherent sounds, so I just nod. "Of course you are. And you want to make daddy happy, right?"

  Again I nod. I do want him to be happy with me. I shouldn't have taken my bad mood out on him. He is always so good to me. He was right to discipline me, I deserved it. "I'm so sorry, daddy. I shouldn't have been naughty. I'm sorry. I love you."

  "I know you do, baby. I love you too, very much. Do you want to show me how sorry you are?"

  "Yes, daddy."

  "Ask me, baby."

  "May I apologize to you properly, daddy?"

  He smiles at me, his soft blue eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yes, baby."

  As he lays back onto the pillows, he unbuttons his pants, working them down his hips. I sit up, gasping at the fresh wave of pain that spreads through my ass. I give it a second to pass, then turn to pull daddy's pants the rest of the way off his legs as he pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it to the floor. He's not wearing anything underneath and I get a good look at his beautiful naked body. He spends a lot of time working out and it shows in his broad shoulders, nicely muscled arms and softly sculpted abs.

  He clasps his hands behind his head, looking completely relaxed. His legs are stretched out in front of him and slightly spread. I climb between his legs, settling myself on my stomach. I lay my cheek against his thigh and gaze up at him with a smile. He returns the smile, staring deep into my eyes. "I really love you, baby."

  "I love you too, daddy," Before I've even finished the last word, I gently suck his balls into my mouth. I hear his satisfied, "Mmmmmmm" as I release them and lick up his sack, slowly making my way to his already hard shaft. Gripping the base of his cock in my left hand, I run the tip of my tongue over the tip of his cock, wetting it. I swirl my tongue around his head, then look up at him as I take him in my mouth. His eyes close as he groans in approval. I smile to myself, loving that I can please him like this.

  I let my lips slide all the way down his shaft, then bring them back up slowly. I love the feel and taste of him in my mouth. I love every contour, ridge, and vein of his throbbing cock. I love the pressure of him pressed against the back of my throat and the fullness in my mouth when I take him deep. I give just his head a few hard sucks before taking his full length again. As I ride his cock with my mouth, I press my tongue against the bulging vein on the underside of his shaft, adding a little pressure. I tilt my head from side to side, swiveling up and down.

  He reaches down and strokes my hair, petting me. "Such a gorgeous little slut for daddy. That's my good girl."

  With his cock deep in my mouth, my lips and chin pressed against his balls, I make my own 'Mmmmm' sound, sending little vibrations through him. With a groan he grabs two handfuls of my hair and guides my head up and down his shaft. "Fuck!" He pumps my head a little faster, occasionally pressing and holding me against his abdomen, gagging me with his cock. When I start to choke and cough, he pulls me back up, leaving a line of saliva from my mouth to his dripping wet head.

  "Let me see that incredible ass, baby." he says in a low, throaty voice. I shift around to his side, never taking my mouth off him. I kneel next to him so he'll have access to my ass. "Oh fuck, baby!" He runs his hand over my ass, cupping one cheek roughly. I whimper, tears springing to my eyes. He slides his hand between my legs, rubbing his fingers up and down my pussy. He slides two thick fingers inside, pumping fast and hard. I am instantly aroused and my pain is quickly forgotten.

  I release his cock and take his balls in my mouth, sucking and rolling them with my tongue. With my left hand, I stroke his cock, with my right, I rub the soft spot under his balls. I pick up his balls to suck the skin underneath. Pressing my tongue into that soft skin, licking greedily. I slide one of my fingers into my mouth, getting it wet then slip it down between daddy's cheeks, finding his hole and rubbing. He spreads his legs a little wider, giving me better access. Moving my mouth back up to his throbbing hard cock, I take in deeply. I suck him faster as I continue to tease his ass.

  I feel his body start to stiffen and his cock grow thicker in my mouth as he gets close. He pulls his fingers out of me and puts both hands on my head, forcing me down on him and he pushes his hips up at the same time. His cock pushes all the way to the back of my throat. With a loud grunt he releases. His hot seed fills my mouth and I swallow furiously so I won't gag or spill any. I work my throat muscles on his cock, milking every drop from him. His hands are still holding my head tightly as his body slowly starts to relax. I continue swallowing, loving the feel and taste of him sliding down my throat, loving that I can please him this way.

  As his body goes completely limp and his cock starts to soften in my mouth, I pull up, licking his shaft to be sure I clean him properly. I smile up at him as I do this and he smiles back, petting my hair. "Good girl."

  I lay down next to him, snuggling into his side as his arms wrap around me, holding me close. He kisses my forehead and rests his cheek on my hair, humming contentedly. I love that sound. It means my daddy is happy and satiated and I am the one that made him that way. He strokes my arm and back, rubbing little circles. "I love you, baby. I love that you belong to me."

  I smile to myself. It makes me giddy eve
ry time I hear him say that. "I love you too, daddy."

  With a heavy sigh, he untangles our bodies and starts to get up. "Let's tend to that gorgeous ass, hmm? A cold compress and some oil to sooth away the heat."

  As he goes to the bathroom for supplies, I stretch out on my stomach, anticipating the touch of his hands as he gently sooths away my pain. The same hands that were wrapped around my neck, squeezing the life from me a little while ago, will now be the hands of mercy, bringing me comfort. They will be gentle and loving, tender and affectionate. He will delicately tend to the welts and sensually caress my skin at the same time. He will whisper loving things in my ear as he kisses my neck, shoulders, back. Even place tiny kisses on each of the welts on my ass.

  When my pain is gone and my loins are burning with need, he climb up my body and nestle himself between my legs. His weight will rest on my back and he will push my hair away from my face and neck so he can cover me with kisses. He will stroke my body and make me feel beautiful. Then he will part my lips with that gorgeous cock and slowly rock me into oblivion.

  The thought makes my whole body feel alive with passion and lust. I want that man as deeply in my body as he is in my head. I start to giggle, feeling tickled that he has claimed me as his own.

  I hear him come back into the bedroom and turn to look at him. He has a half grin on his face and looks a little confused. "What's so funny, baby?" he says as he sits on the edge of the bed next to me.

  A wave of playfulness washes over me and I push my body up, coming to all fours. I wiggle my ass and bat my eyelashes mischievously as I say, "Nothing daddy. I'm just really looking forward to having you kiss my ass." The arched eyebrow expression he gives me makes me bust out laughing.

  "You just don't know when to quit, do you?" He lunges at me making me squeal with delight. Rolling around together in the sheets and laughing without care is a great way to begin a night of amazing sex.


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