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His Rogue Bear

Page 13

by Vella Day

  Ronan followed him, probably to talk a bit of shop. She turned back to Vinea. “How are you feeling?”

  Talking about children was a subject Blair always avoided. Even though she wanted a child, she wasn’t sure she was built to bear one—no pun intended.

  “It was a little rough at first, but I feel great now. You? How have you been holding up?”

  “Like what you would expect.” She told Vinea about how Ronan planned to learn to fight with a sword in case Darinda challenged him.

  “Is he going to walk around with it dangling from his waist or something? I’m not sure that’s the best idea. A sword is about the only thing that can kill Darinda, but I doubt she’ll make an appearance if he’s wearing one. Then again, Darinda isn’t the brightest bulb in the realm. She’s so freaking arrogant, she might try to call Ronan out.”

  Blair’s determination not to become depressed just flew out the proverbial window after that comment. Before she could ask Vinea any more questions, Ronan and Devon returned. He handed Vinea her water.

  Blair and Ronan sat across from Vinea and Devon. “I’m sorry to hear a dark realm goddess has you in her sight,” Devon said.

  “Tell me about it.”

  Vinea patted the seat next to her. “Come here for a minute.”

  Blair switched sofas and sat next to her. Vinea reached out and clasped Blair’s hand then closed her eyes. While she had no idea what Vinea was up to, she trusted her.

  “I can feel the remnants of evil inside you where Darinda erased your memory.”

  That was totally creepy. It was bad enough that part of her conscious had been altered, but to leave some evil inside her freaked her out. Who knew what a bit of evil remaining could do down the line. “Can you remove it?”

  Vinea opened her eyes. “I can try.”

  “Vinea?” Devon said. “You don’t need to be absorbing Darinda’s evil.”

  She shook her head. “It won’t be like when I heal someone. I will be putting my light into Blair, and the light will cancel the evil.”

  “Will I get my memory back?” Blair asked. She wasn’t sure she wanted to remember the shooting, though Ronan had already detailed what had happened.

  “Yes, but more importantly, Darinda won’t have a hold over you anymore.”

  Blair looked over at Ronan who nodded. “Ronan had his memory erased, too.”

  “Okay, Ronan, switch places with Devon. I need to be touching both of you for this to work.”

  He sat on the other side of Vinea. While Blair was aware of the talking and laughing going on around her, it seemed as if they were in a cocoon surrounded by an impenetrable dome—a place where no harm could come to her. Vinea might not be immortal anymore, but she seemed to possess a lot of abilities.

  Vinea grasped their hands tight. “Now close your eyes and concentrate on clearing your mind. I must have your complete attention.”

  Blair did as she asked. Images flitted across her mind, but she tried to keep them at bay in order for Vinea to do her job. A sharp ache stabbed her heart, and the image of an old man bending next to her car appeared. Wait a minute. That wasn’t her memory. It was Ronan’s. Just as she was about to say something had gone wrong, Vinea let go.

  “Can you remember what happened now?” Vinea asked to no one in particular.

  Blair opened her eyes to see Ronan’s gaze on hers. She glanced to the side in order to concentrate. Like a tidal wave of photos, the movie unfolded from her walking out of the back door to seeing that woman hold the gun and shoot a man. “Yes,” she whispered, not sure if she wanted to see what had really happened.

  Blair dropped her head in her hands. A second later, Ronan moved next to her and clasped her shoulders. “It’s okay. We need to use it to our advantage.”

  He was right. She looked up at him. “What an evil woman. She just shot Timothy Delahart without provocation.”

  “She is evil,” Ronan said.

  Blair sniffled, unable to keep her hands from shaking. “I know what Darinda looks like now, unless she changed her hair color and length.”

  Vinea smiled. “That’s my trick, not Darinda’s. I can’t erase memories like she can. If I had her talent, I would have deleted all the bad things I’d previously done to Devon from his mind.”

  Devon smiled. “It worked out for the best. I love you more because of what you went through. Now if you’re finished, how about we chat with the others?”

  “I’d like that.”

  The love in Devon’s eyes was inspiring. While Blair would have liked to pick her brain further, she understood that Vinea and Devon’s time in Silver Lake was limited.

  Devon helped Vinea up. Before she took a step, Ronan reached up and touched Vinea’s arm. “If Darinda does decide to take us out so to speak, do you know of any weaknesses she might have that I can exploit?”

  Her brows rose, and Vinea’s cute smile spoke of mischief. “I know of a few things you can try.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  For the next three weeks, Ronan spent every night practicing his sword wielding skills with Zane. His new good friend had made two amazing swords unlike anything he’d ever seen. While they both weighed twelve pounds, Zane handled his as if it were no more than a gun whereas Ronan still struggled with the four-foot length. However, if he wanted to cut off a person’s head, he believed this would be the ticket.

  Zane held his sword in front of his face. “Are you ready for another round?”

  “Yes. What should I focus on today?” Ronan asked. “The footwork is getting easier for me, but my swinging technique is slow and clumsy.”

  “How about trying to cut off a head? I think you’re ready for this next step.”

  Ronan laughed. “Excuse me? Not that I believe I’ll succeed, but all it would take is one lucky swing, and I doubt Missy would forgive me.”

  Zane laughed. “I wasn’t talking about my head. Missy has watermelons planted in the garden. I bet she won’t mind if we borrow a few.”

  “That I can do.”

  They both walked toward the back of the property where a variety of vegetables and herbs were planted. “She’s okay with decimating a few?” Ronan asked.

  “Yes, if it’s for a good cause.”

  “Vinea said that Darinda has her weaknesses, but what if she conjures up some kind of magic sword to use against me. I won’t stand a chance.”

  “It’s possible,” Zane said. “You said Vinea told you that Darinda doesn’t possess the skill to use a blade effectively. However, if the metal of her blade holds enough magic, there might be nothing you can do against her.” Zane’s cheer suddenly disappeared.

  “Then why am I trying?” Ronan hated himself for sounding dejected. He had to suck it up and try. “Never mind. Let’s do this.”

  Zane’s grin returned, obviously trying to bolster Ronan’s spirits. “Okay then. I think we should focus on the best angle to slice off a person’s head.” He picked an eight-inch diameter watermelon. “Let me demonstrate.”

  He placed the melon on a log. With one quick slice, the top half of the fruit rolled to the ground. “A slightly downward stroke works quite well. Given Darinda is a few inches shorter than you, you just need to swing naturally.”

  “Let me give it a try.”

  They took the fruit to the front of the house, where Ronan placed it on the hood of his Jeep. If he didn’t want to ruin the finish, he needed to be accurate.

  “I’m ready.”


  After two hours of cutting watermelons, Ronan’s arms had turned to rubber, but his spirits had improved, in part because Zane deemed him worthy of fighting any fruit. His friend’s patience and wonderful sense of humor helped Ronan slog through the long workouts. Connor had been wonderful also, allowing him to take time off whenever Zane had a free moment. Missy deserved a lot of credit for graciously giving up her mate for hours on end.

  When Ronan arrived home, all he could think of was a hot shower and some even ho
tter sex. All during his workout, he’d been distracted. His wolf kept turning Ronan’s focus to Blair’s wonderful breasts, her sassy mouth, and divine body. To say the least, his aim had gone awry. He could still hear Zane chastise him every time his eyes turned golden.

  But now he didn’t have a sword—at least not one made of metal. That one was safely stored in a long leather case he left in the back of his Jeep.

  After unlocking the front door, he stepped inside to the heavenly scent of something cooking.

  Blair came out of the kitchen and smiled as she wiped her hands on a towel. “How did it go?”

  “Zane dubbed me master of the watermelon.”

  Her brows drew downward. “And that helps you how?”

  “Let’s just say, I improved my ability to aim and cut cleanly.”

  “Ah.” She moved closer with a sensual look in her eyes, and his wolf sat up and took notice.

  He held up his hands. “I’m not fit to be around.”

  She wrinkled her nose then laughed. “You definitely have a man-sweat odor about you.”

  That was an understatement. He was almost blinded by his stench. “I’m going to shower. I’d ask you to join me, but I’m not sure I have the energy to lift the soap and wash your back. Besides, you might pass out before I get clean.”

  “You might be right,” she shot back with eyes that sparkled gold.

  As he headed down the hallway, Blair’s wonderful laugh followed, the colors dancing around him, lightening his step.

  Once in the shower, the heat sluicing over his body helped soothe his sore muscles, but it might be days before he was back to one hundred percent. The image of Darinda kept edging its way into his head. Both Blair and Vinea had described her in such detail that he was certain he’d recognize her when he saw her, no matter if she had altered her appearance or not. Vinea said Darinda’s cruel black eyes would be a giveaway.

  He slapped his palm against the shower wall. It wasn’t fair. He finally had everything he wanted in life, and then some vindictive dark goddess bitch decided to exact revenge on Blair—or rather on Vinea by wanting to kill Blair.

  When they spoke with Vinea again at the party, she’d said that Androf would be displeased that one of his own had left witnesses. Darinda’s honor was at stake to clean up her mess. Damn.

  A knock sounded on the bathroom door. “You okay in there?” Blair asked.

  “I’m fine.” He’d been wallowing in self-pity for too long. He did a final scrub and rinse before shutting off the water and stepping out.

  She knocked again and eased open the door. The steam swirled around her, encasing his beautiful mate in a mystical cloud. When her eyes widened, he completely forgot about swords, dark goddesses, and revenge.

  “You clean up nicely,” Blair said as she lifted her top to expose the prettiest pink bra.

  As if all the fatigue had been swept away by the sight of her beauty, Ronan advanced, his gaze bouncing between her beautiful smile and those delicious tits. “That’s because I’m refreshed; ready for anything.”

  Blair grinned. “Anything?” She grabbed his cock, a sly smile teasing her lips.


  Colors abounded, and his energy soared. Ronan reached behind her back with one hand and unhooked her bra. Her gaze never leaving his face, Blair helped him by sliding the silky straps down her arms.

  Without a word, she grabbed his hand and led him toward the bedroom. His wolf howled, and Ronan could wait no longer. He plastered her against the hallway wall and devoured her lips. His feral instincts reached a new high, and desperate for her taste, he delved into her mouth. He closed his eyes, and her lime green hues blended with the pinks and purples so vividly his libido shot into high gear, rejoicing at the onslaught of endorphins.

  If their time together was going to be cut short by the dark goddess, he wanted to be with Blair as intimately and as often as possible.

  Her nails scraped down his back, sending shivers of need straight through him. Not breaking the seal, he slipped her shorts and panties past her hips but his reach wasn’t enough.

  Blair kicked off her sandals and moved to the side. She dragged her shorts down her hips, and as she bent over to step out of them, her mouth happened to find his cock. Dear goddess. His wolf sang, and his need exploded. “That feels so fucking good,” he grunted.

  Unable to take any more, he tried to guide her upward, but she moaned and shook her head. Who was he to stop her from sucking on his cock?

  Not me, his wolf chimed in.

  Unbelievable erotic pulses shot up his hard shaft, forcing Ronan to use all of his willpower not to shift or come. Blair had a hold over him that was unlike anything he’d ever experienced.

  Take her, his wolf begged. We need her.

  I know.

  Just as he was about to lose it, Blair released him and stood. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her breasts against his chest and kissed him hard. When she wiggled her hips against his dick, he broke. Ronan could no longer keep from loving her. Lifting her up by her butt, he walked them toward the bedroom, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, exciting him further.

  “I’ve missed you today. I want you to fuck me hard, Ronan.”

  At her glorious words, his blue glow pulsed and expanded. He pressed his face against her cheek. “I intend to,” he whispered a second before he ran his tongue along the soft spot on her neck.

  She moaned, and he eased her onto the bed. As much as he wanted to lick her tiny pearl nub until she screamed her release, if he waited any longer, his wolf would make his presence known.

  Kneeing open her legs, Ronan drove into her with one push. White-hot heat swamped him as a myriad of colors swam in front of his eyes, and his blue Wendayan sparks danced around her.

  “Oh, Ronan.” Blair’s eyes opened wide as she gulped in air, arching her back. She grabbed a handful of his hair and tugged. When she let out a primitive cry, a shock of pure bliss sped through him.

  As if his wolf decided he was in charge, he demanded Ronan withdraw then thrust into her again, which he happily did. Blair met him with an equal push of her own. At that moment, it was as if they were floating on the same beautifully colored wavelength, matching each other’s passion.

  Dropping her head back, she opened her mouth, exposing two sharpened incisors. Her golden eyes hazed over as if she were holding on by a thread.

  “Let it go, Blair. Come with me.”

  As if she’d been waiting to hear those words, she sucked in a large breath, closed her eyes, and sent out a keening sound so deliciously decadent that Ronan could not hold back any longer.

  “Yes!” Her grip tightened, and her muscles tensed.

  His climax shot his hot seed into her. It seemed like minutes before his breathing slowed. Ronan rolled over and dragged Blair on top of him, wrapping his arms around her.

  Her body sagged, and she patted his shoulder. “I needed that,” she said.

  She needed that? “I needed it more.”

  She mumbled something he couldn’t understand, but all he cared about was holding her in his arms forever.


  Blair placed the bowl of spaghetti on the table, along with the meat sauce and garlic bread, while Ronan poured the wine. She couldn’t keep the good news to herself any longer. “Guess what?”

  “From the shimmery pinks radiating off you, it’s good news. I could sure use some.”

  Blair had debated telling Patsy not to bother looking for a place for them since they might not live long enough to move in, but then she decided that kind of negative energy was not healthy. “Patsy Howard, a local realtor, thinks she’s found a place for us.”

  They’d been looking for over a week, and nothing seemed to fit the bill.

  “Really? That is good news.”

  Even though her one-bedroom was small, during the month that they’d lived together, they’d found a certain rhythm, allowing them to find their own space when needed. Blair had mo
ved some of the clothes she wasn’t wearing at the moment into her old room at her parents’ home, providing space for most of Ronan’s stuff.

  Blair sat down at the table, and Ronan followed. “I know it’s probably a little premature to be looking for a place since we have no idea what Darinda is planning, but frankly, I’m tired of waiting,” she said. “We haven’t seen or heard from her in over a month.”

  Ronan sipped his wine. “I’ve been thinking the same thing. We should remain cautiously optimistic and live each day to the fullest.” He held up a finger. “But I still want to keep my sword fighting skills honed.”

  “I agree. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure not to be alone for any length of time, though how I can stop her from suddenly appearing in my office or here, I don’t know.”

  Ronan’s teeth extended, and his eyes darkened. “We can’t let her get into our heads. She’s probably waiting for us to let our guard down. Then she’ll make her move.”

  “That’s not a pleasant thought. It’s not easy to pretend all is well though. Even my patients have begun to ask me if everything is all right. I don’t like to lie, but I’m not about to say that I’m waiting for a goddess to seek revenge against me for something I haven’t done.”

  “Panicking or losing sleep over the wait only feeds into Darinda’s hand,” he said.

  “That is even more depressing.”

  Ronan leaned forward and moved an errant strand of hair behind her ear. “When can we see our potential future home?”

  She loved his positive attitude and appreciated the change in subject. It would do no good to dwell on what couldn’t be changed. “Tomorrow?”

  “What time?” He acted enthusiastic, almost as if Darinda didn’t exist. “I need to spend some time at the office, so after work would be best. I know it’s been hard on Connor trying to pick up my slack, but he says he wants me to be as prepared as possible should Darinda show up.”

  Connor was a good man. “I have patients all day too. How about I tell Patsy we’ll meet her at 5:15?”

  He smiled then stabbed a fork into the spaghetti. “Works for me.”


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