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Sweet Ride!

Page 11

by Bonnie Edwards

  But when she'd wanted to talk to Jace about the situation this morning, he'd been in too much of a hurry to get to Seattle to give her any time. She assumed Jace was busy making all the arrangements necessary for living and working in a foreign country. Perhaps he'd discerned that her feelings were deepening and by not talking about it, was trying not to remind her of his imminent departure. It would be just like him not to want to cause her any distress.

  * * *

  It wasn't until deep into the night, in the quiet darkness of her bedroom, that Katie was able to thank Jace properly for his whimsical gifts. He accepted her appreciation with good grace and evident pleasure.

  "What's going through that steel-trap mind of yours?" Jace asked after a long, leisurely cuddle.

  "Nothing much. Just some snippets from my childhood. The doll must have reminded me of more than I realized."

  Jace propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at her. He brushed at a lock of her hair, tucking it behind her ear.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't think about that when I bought the thing. Are the memories awful?"

  She smiled. "Not at all. Actually, they're kind of funny."

  Relief glowed in his gaze and he smiled. "Okay, give, lady. You can't say that and not tell me."

  "Okay," she agreed, shifting so she sat with her back against the headboard. Jace laid his head in her lap the way he had at the picnic. Again she slid her fingers through his short black hair.

  "I was with one family whose father wanted the house cleaned thoroughly on a weekly basis. Like spring cleaning each and every Saturday. I got tired of the routine mighty fast. I was told to wash the walls in the living room once too often." She chuckled and Jace's head jiggled against her stomach.

  He raised his head to look at her, his eyes filling with amusement. "What'd you do?"

  "I washed them, all right." She waited for maximum effect. "With turpentine."

  He laughed and hugged her close. "I love it. I love how you can look back on all those things and talk as if they don't matter."

  "They don't. All those foster families fed me and clothed me and taught me to rely on myself. I was the one who chose when I would act up enough to be sent back."

  Jace sobered. "You wanted to be sent back?"

  "Sure, especially after I started to like them. Knowing when I was leaving made me feel better, more in control."

  "Even when you were little?"

  She shook her head no. "I didn't learn that tactic until I was older." Her hand tingled where he touched it. She turned it palm up and he traced the lines there. Their gazes locked and heated.

  "I'd change all of that for you, if I could."

  "I know."

  When she saw the latent desire in his eyes she couldn't catch her breath. Then he kissed her deep and slow and she no longer cared about breathing.

  She woke the next morning with Jace's leg stretched across hers. If Harry learned that Jace had been in her bed all night he might not like it. At least that was what Jace seemed to think since he was the one who wanted to be discreet.

  "Hey, wake up, sleepyhead. It's time for work." She traced Jace's spine with one feather-light touch. He stretched as sleep left him.

  His arm came up swiftly and wrapped her in a tight embrace. "Rrrr. Fe-fi-fo-fum, I smell... my woman." He grabbed her in a furious lunge and dragged her under the sheet with him.

  She giggled and wriggled against him, joining him in the sex play wholeheartedly. When she was again allowed to breathe normally it was far past her usual rousing time. She checked the time and tsked. "It's time to open. Damn. You sure can turn a girl's head."

  She stood out of his reach and called Bill at home. "Hi, it's Katie. I'm, ah, running a little late." She batted at Jace's seeking hands. "Could you open up this morning?" Jace buried his face in her stomach and blew a raspberry. "Cut that out," she whispered in vain. "No, no, not you, Bill. I'll see you later."

  She hung up. "What am I going to do with you?"

  He nuzzled her again and sent hot quivers shooting south. "Love me?" he suggested.

  She smiled and cradled his head close to her, saying nothing.

  They showered together, playing and teasing in the water. They took their time dressing, with lots of breaks in between to touch and explore and enjoy.

  When they found Harry wasn't home, Katie voiced some of her fears. She left the coffee makings on the counter and turned to face Jace.

  "Don't you think it's too soon for Harry to be...." she trailed off suggestively.


  "To be, you know, with a woman?"

  He shrugged. "I don't know. But I'm certain they wouldn't jeopardize his recovery. He'd have checked with his doctor."

  "Would Harry ask about sex specifically? It's not as if he's married. The doctor may not know Brenda exists or that Harry wants to resume activity."

  "I see your point. But this is Harry's life, his personal business. I can't dictate how he lives." He cracked eggs into a fry pan, and then slid bread slices into the toaster.

  "You're right. There's nothing worse than being at the mercy of someone else's whims." She turned back to the coffeemaker and filled it with water. She'd had enough loss of control in her life to take Harry's control away from him.

  Jace made breakfast. But it was clear to Katie he was preoccupied. "I shouldn't have brought up my worry about Harry. I've been thinking about asking Brenda to go to lunch."

  "To pump her for information on their sex life?"

  "Of course not." She flushed with guilt. "I want to get to know her. She's nice and friendly and if Harry likes her this much... What are you laughing at?"

  He grinned from ear to ear. "You. You're so obvious."

  "About what?"

  "You don't want Harry to date."

  "I don't want Harry hurt. Emotionally or physically."

  "Right." He nodded and pursed his lips to keep from laughing.

  "Wipe that smirk off your face, Donner."

  "Or what?"

  "Or I'll wipe it off for you."

  He laughed. "Try it."

  With that, she straddled his lap, bracketed his face in her palms and kissed him until he was breathless. "No fair," he murmured when she was through. He smelled heavenly and felt firm beneath her thighs.

  "Now that I have your undivided attention, tell me what these mysterious trips to Seattle are all about," she asked.

  He snapped his fingers. "It's the circus. I'm planning to run away with it."

  "As an acrobat or the bearded lady?"

  He sobered. "There are still a couple of details I need to take care of." He smiled right up to his eyes. "I promise, as soon as I have my plans worked out, I'll tell you. As a matter of fact, I wanted to tell you last night, but sex got the better of me. Now, I've decided to make you wait for it." His eyebrow shot up in that rakish way she loved. "You know how much you like to wait for it."

  Her cheeks heated as she recalled how wonderful his brand of waiting could be.

  They went to work together and Bill made no comment about her early morning phone call when they arrived. But he couldn't possibly miss seeing the touches and glances between Katie and Jace. What scared Katie most was that she didn't care if the whole world saw and understood. It was scary in a good way, though, like being in a rollercoaster at the top of the climb, still anticipating the rush down.

  She waited there all day, knowing that when this peak was reached she had nowhere to go but down, in a blaze of heightened fear and awareness.

  Harry called late in the day and spoke to Jace for some time. The office door was closed and Katie couldn't hear their conversation. When Jace came out he was smiling.

  "Harry wants me to pick him up at Brenda's. Can you manage on your own?"

  She laughed at his concern. Not long ago, she'd have bristled and told him off for being too proprietary with her lot. Now, he was so much a part of her, she wondered which would win if she had to choose between Jace and her job.

>   She followed him to his car. He leaned on it and pulled her into his arms. "Jace," she admonished. "People will see us."


  "They'll think—"

  "That you love me?" He grinned and studied her closely. "Would that be such a terrible thing?"

  She kissed him lightly. "Stop fishing."

  "But it's true, isn't it? You do love me."

  She smiled in spite of herself.

  "See, you can't deny it." He ran his hands down her back and squeezed her rounded hips playfully. "Mm, nice buns."

  She stepped back and shook her head, laughing. "Get out of here before I do something dangerous."

  He climbed into his car. "Kate?"


  "Harry's relationship with Brenda is pretty serious." He watched her closely. "Are you okay with that?"

  Her fear must have shown on her face, because he sighed. "Kate, you can't live his life. I understand how much you're worried about him but you can't make his decisions."

  She gripped the top of the car door and nodded. "I've been learning that some change is good. And if Brenda makes Harry happy, then it's all right with me."

  "If it's any consolation, I believe she really cares for the old geezer."

  "I know. She'll take good care of him." She backed away from the car and watched him leave.

  It wasn't until his sedan had cleared the first intersection that she remembered she'd forgotten to ask about the money for her seminars. She'd been so wrapped up in him and their affair that she'd let business slide for too long. Harry would soon be ready to return to the daily routine.

  She wanted to get her classes at least organized. Once Jace left for Zurich she'd need the hectic pace to keep her grief at bay.

  Katie planned to bury herself so deep in work she wouldn't see the light of day for years.

  She sat at her desk and pulled out the sales files from the previous six months. More and more, women were coming in on their own to purchase cars. Real estate agents, single mothers, sales reps. More and more women were spending their working days away from office desks and out on the road. Women like this would appreciate the information a seminar on auto maintenance would give them.

  Like she'd said, some changes were good.

  Jace called and invited her to dinner with Harry and Brenda. A double date, he said.

  Manageable, she decided and appreciated his kindness in thinking of a foursome.

  They all met at a steakhouse south of town and settled in for a pleasant meal. Harry was on his best behavior.

  Katie couldn't resist Brenda Houseman's warm smile and the glowing friendliness in her eyes. Brenda was good for Harry, anyone could see that. She even watched over Harry's diet.

  Harry squeezed Brenda's hand affectionately. "We haven't told Jace and Katie about our cruise."

  "Cruise?" Jace asked.

  "Can you do that, Harry?" Katie demanded, suddenly frightened all over again. Jace exchanged a startled glance with her. Their earlier conversation seemed to reverberate between them.

  Brenda's smile widened. "We checked with Harry's doctor today. In fact, he suggested it." She leaned back into her chair. "This must seem rather sudden. After all, Harry and I hardly know each other. But, sometimes a person has to trust something is right." The soft glow in her eyes when she looked at Harry was love, pure and simple.

  "How soon?" Katie asked. "And where?"

  "We're considering a cruise to Alaska. They're only a week long. We'll go in early September."

  Katie nodded. Jace would probably be gone by then. Her worry over Harry eased. He'd be that much stronger in a few weeks. "Things will be quiet at the lot. Bill and I will definitely manage."

  Harry's gaze shifted to Jace, who glanced at the ceiling. Harry frowned. Brenda looked as surprised by the byplay as Katie felt.

  She narrowed her eyes at Harry in suspicion. "Are you certain the doctor thinks this is a good idea?"

  Brenda reached across the table and patted her hand. "Katie, I wouldn't put Harry's health in jeopardy. I've just lost my mother...."

  Her lovely velvet voice trailed away, as Katie remembered how Brenda and Harry had met. Brenda had been crying in the hospital lounge, overcome with grief when Harry had spoken to her. Whatever he'd said had prompted her to visit with him several times.

  It was obvious Brenda was saying that she'd do anything to keep Harry with her for a long time to come.

  "You must have a helluva lot of that trust you mentioned, if you can put up with all Harry's bad habits." Katie smiled at her, and then laughed outright when Harry shook his head. Who was Katie to burst the woman's bubble? She'd find out soon enough what a grouch he was.

  "Ahh, for cryin' out loud, what bad habits?"

  Brenda chimed in with a soft laugh. "Like smoking those cigars you told me you gave up and sneaking into the refrigerator at midnight. I swear I've rearranged my whole shopping list so he won't sneak and eat something he shouldn't."

  Katie glanced at Jace and got caught in his loving gaze as Harry tried to deny what everyone at the table knew for fact.

  Over coffee and dessert the conversation naturally turned to work. Brenda was fascinated by the business and Harry and Katie were more than happy to explain it to her.

  "That brings me back to my maintenance seminars, Jace. When will we get started?"

  He shrugged and looked at his uncle.

  Harry answered. "Listen, Katie, I'm aware you've cooked up some plan for all that, but I'm not convinced it's worthwhile. Let's leave it alone for now."

  She looked at Jace for help, but he was busy signing his credit card slip and hadn't heard his uncle.

  * * *

  Later, when the couples had gone to separate homes, Jace bedded her immediately and Katie forgot about the seminars. But just before she drifted into sleep, she remembered the odd glance between the two men at dinner. Determined to get to the bottom of her misgivings, she reminded Jace of the conversation that had been cut short. They'd been discussing the timing of Harry and Brenda's cruise and how Katie and Bill would cope without Harry.

  "Jace? Is there something wrong?" she asked, worry simmered under the words.

  "No, of course not," he muttered, half asleep. Then he shifted and sat up higher in the bed. He scrubbed the top of his head and yawned. "To tell you the truth, I'd almost forgotten about the seminars. Harry's been preoccupied with Brenda and hard to pin down. From what he said at the restaurant, he's in no hurry to commit to the idea."

  She frowned. Harry's reluctance was nothing new, but still she suspected there was more happening than either of them were saying. "I know how he can be. But I would like to get going on this. It's important to me."

  "Maybe you could get things finalized while he's away on the cruise?" He cupped her shoulder and slid down the bed. "Now go to sleep."

  Until that moment Jace had pretended she wouldn't be on her own here after he left, as if he wanted to forget he was leaving. Flustered with disappointment that he'd finally admitted the truth, she lay awake for a long time letting her thoughts spin in wild directions.

  * * *

  Jace handed his credit card to the sales clerk who beamed a smile at him. The young woman was pleased with the hefty sale she'd just made and Jace was nearly as excited about it as she was.

  His plans had come together beautifully. That Harry was involved with Brenda made everything easier. With Brenda here to take care of his uncle, it would be easy to convince Katie to leave. She understood how good Brenda was for Harry.

  The double date with the older couple the night before had been a stroke of genius. Brenda's natural warmth and friendliness had broken through Katie's reluctance; and by the end of the night, Katie had been won over.

  Jace had come close to blurting his plans when Harry had given him that arch look, but he was glad that he'd held his tongue. Katie would be bowled over with surprise and delight when he presented her with her new life.

  He keyed in his PIN number and
the clerk prepared to haul his purchases off the shelf. He helped her and carried his purchases out to his car.

  Last night in bed, he'd felt guilty when he'd fudged on the truth about the seminars, but Katie would understand why he'd had to do it. Why worry her about a complete life change when she was antsy about changing the simplest things? She'd said it herself that some changes were good.

  And her life with Jace in Switzerland would be very, very good.

  As he pulled out of the Bellis Fair Mall's parking lot, he couldn't help but grin. Kate couldn't chastise him for his methods when she'd pulled the same stunt with Harry many times. He recalled the fax machine she'd purchased without his uncle's knowledge or consent. She'd worked on and paid for radio ads before she'd told him. And she thought she'd be setting up the seminars while Harry was on an Alaskan cruise.

  So when Jace presented her with the gift of freedom, she wouldn't have reason to refuse. His grin got wider as he edged onto the freeway ramp and headed for home.

  Oh, yeah, presenting Kate Calhoun with a whole new life would be sweet. Anticipation made him grin like a fool.

  * * *

  Katie slid a meatloaf into the preheated oven and shut the door. Jace would be home soon, but Harry was still at Brenda's. She set the table for two and began to scrape fresh carrots. The meal was so simple she chastised herself for being nervous about it. But still, Jace had done most of the cooking and his meals were masterpieces, right down to the correct cutlery.

  She smiled when he came into the kitchen.

  "Hi," she said, too quickly. "You should take a picture of this. It isn't every day you'll see me cooking."

  He kissed her cheek, growled in her ear and nuzzled her neck, causing a topsy-turvy reaction she expected and enjoyed. He looped his arms around her waist and held her loosely.

  "Hi, I missed you," he said, exaggerating a sniff. "What's that I smell?"

  "Meatloaf. I hope you like it. It's one of the first meals I learned to prepare." She'd been eight—or was it nine?—when she'd lived with the people who'd expected her to wait on them hand and foot.

  "I love meatloaf," he said easily. He opened the refrigerator and stared at the contents. "Especially with twice-baked potatoes."

  "I don't know how to make those." She did her best to keep her disappointment out of her voice. Maybe he liked mashed potatoes just as much.


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