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Underneath His Armor

Page 5

by James Cox

  Alone, I sighed. My head fell back, hands fisted, and I closed my eyes. He was okay. Lover was in one piece. All that blood had done something to me. It made my entire body tremble and my heartbeat was still fast. The guns, the violence, the near death for myself hadn’t triggered a panic attack like that. No, it was fine all those time before. It was when Lover nearly had his head blown off that I transformed into a stuttering, nervous oaf.

  I stood in the silence for a few more moments then pushed away the fear. The club didn’t need someone scared. The Outlaw MC of Mars needed a ruthless, smart leader and I was going to give them that.

  Chapter Six

  I sat on the couch staring at Lover. He was lying back in a chair, slightly angled with Grim pulling a needle and thread through his skin. For some reason, I didn’t want him out of my sight. “Prospect, did you call the peacekeepers yet?”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  We were in the bar where we had a “fight.” Two customers got rowdy, in fact, we had those customers sitting in the corner. They were friends of the club, possible prospects in the future, and were willing to spend a night in a holding cell to help keep our cover. Our story: there was a fight, Lover tried to break it up, and he was slashed in the face by a bottle. Honest accident, so we won’t be pressing any charges. Our club friends spend the night with the peacekeepers. We have an alibi for the gun battle and ensuing explosion. All is right with the world or so the saying goes. I heard the wailing of the sirens but kept seated. My gaze was still on Lover. Blood had dried on his lower cheek and his jaw. A few rivulets of dark red made their way down the tanned column of his neck and soaked into his shirt.

  “Peacekeepers! Do not move.”

  “We’re the ones who called you,” I said calmly. Thank God, they couldn’t see my pulse; it was beating like a motherfucker having rough sex.

  “We know that, shithead.”

  I glanced up. Two tall guys, both with brown hair entered, guns drawn. It made me roll my eyes. “They fought. My employee was caught in the cheek trying to break it up.” I remained standing behind the bar. Normally I was all sorts of nice when the enemy was in my bar. Not tonight. One peacekeeper checked on Lover, who confirmed what I just fucking said. The other one started looking around the bar, behind it, under tables. What the fuck was I going to hide under a table that would prove I was at the scene of a crime? Hello! I was a lawbreaker, not a dumbass.

  “Are you pressing charges?” The guy walked right in front of me. His blue eyes locked with mine.

  That’s when I recognized him. This was the bastard that had beat Chaos up when he was in holding. Chaos had spent six months on Earth to protect the club. That’s where he met Beau. I scrunched my lips together like I was thinking about the answer. “Nah. Let them cool off. I don’t want to lose no customers.” I smiled. As Chaos would say¸ it wasn’t friendly.

  “He need medical?”

  “We got it covered.” I kept staring at him and it seemed like a full minute before he looked away. He spoke to the other peacekeeper. “Take a count. I want to make sure all the Outlaws are here. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about a gunfight that happened about an hour ago?” His gaze went from Lover to me.


  “I hope not. Because two of my friends were hurt.” He leaned down. “And that would be very bad for”

  I glanced at his badge. “Well, Officer Daisy—”

  “It’s Day-Si.”

  “Yeah, right. We were here all night, trying to break up a bar fight. You can ask the two guys in the back of your car.”

  He stayed hunched over for a moment.

  “They’re all here,” his buddy confirmed.

  Day-Si gritted his teeth. “You have a nice night.”

  “You too, Officer Daisy.” Okay, that was a cheap shot. I didn’t like some man trying to piss all over my boots. He straightened, moving a table out of his way, knocking it over, and smashing the glasses that were on top. Deviant stepped forward and Grim placed a hand on his shoulder. We all stilled. The dumbass laughed, unaware of how close he came to being snapped in two by Deviant. Then he left. Prospect slammed the door shut and we were safe. Metaphorically.

  “Now what?” the prospect asked.

  I glanced at Lover, who was sitting up. His face looked something awful but in my eyes, he was still a gorgeous man. “We take the night to recover. Whip, keep an eye on the radio. Prospect, clean this place up.” I sighed and rubbed my hands down my face. “Lover, take a shower man. You look like shit.”

  He grinned at me. “Better than you look.”

  I snorted. He walked down the stairs that led to the club. I was surprised the peacekeepers didn’t check out the whole place. They should have. I sat up. “Whip.”

  He climbed to our level fast. His long black locks fell to his shoulders and obscured some of his face.

  I pointed to my ear and then made a circle with my finger.

  He lifted a dark eyebrow then nodded. Whip pulled out a small device and began walking it around the room. If we had any unwanted technology in here, that baby would find it. Whip stopped. The numerous bracelets on his wrists jingled as he back up then he nodded. Ah, so that’s why they were being pricks but not being thorough. They had some ears in the bar. I walked to the table he knocked over and pulled the listening device off. It fell to the floor. I crushed it under my boot.

  Whip scanned the rest of the room. “That’s it.” His necklace glinted off the dull light. Whip had a sense of style that would look downright silly on anyone else.

  I stood up then pointed down the stairs. “Check it.” I doubt anyone made it far enough to plant a bug down there but better safe than dead. Whip nodded. I went down first and headed toward Lover’s room. We needed to talk.

  Chapter Seven

  Lover’s room wasn’t as sparse as mine. His bed was unmade and had plain white sheets, but his comforter was bunched at the foot. It had a peace sign on it. I knew because I bought it for him a few years ago. There was a small desk. It had an unlit green candle on it, his cologne, an empty mug, and a picture frame. It was a simple design, but it held one of my favorite images. Our club. All of us when we had our first time in “church.” The meeting was just planning our future, what we wanted to accomplish. It had our fallen members in their seats and Deviant scowling, wearing a prospect cut. My gaze in this particular image wasn’t on the man taking the photo but on Lover. I didn’t realize I was caught looking at him.

  I heard the water turn on and glanced at the bathroom door. It was slightly ajar. Steam came out in long, blurry puffs. Seeing Lover’s blood had snapped something inside me that I’d been keeping closed for a long time. I walked to the door and stood in front of it. It seemed like minutes before I eased it open with the tip of my boot. I could slip in undetected and watch him. Would he invite me to join him? Probably. I toed my boots off and my socks, then took my cut off, placing it on the chair before opening the door all the way. The room was filled with steam and it all came rushing out. My skin warmed then I stepped inside. It was bigger than mine. The sink was at the far wall, tucked up. The shower was directly in front of me. The glass was fogged so I could just about see the blurry outline of Lover’s lean body. My cock was awake between my legs. It had been waiting to get inside Lover for years. Now, my head was finally agreeing with that decision.

  Lover turned from the falling water and froze. Even with the fog I could see the moment he saw me. His cheek was stitched up and an angry bruise was forming around it. “Outlaw?” His voice was low, uncertain.

  “You were right.” He had been about many things.

  “Me being right has to do with you standing there while I’m naked in the shower?”

  “Yup.” I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the floor. In the door reflection, I could see myself. My chest had some hair on it, and over my heart were the letters of my fallen brothers. My nipples stood out, dark and hard. I pushed my thumbs into the rim of my jea
ns and they slid down my legs. I stepped out of them. Now, wearing only my blue boxers, I walked up to the closed sheer door and pressed both my palms against it. “I love you, Liam.” His real name was husky on my lips. “I have for a while but seeing that bullet graze you tonight...” I shook my head. “This fight is going to be bloody and it’s just going to get more violent. If we... die, I want to go knowing I got to spend time deep inside you.”

  Lover groaned. He placed his hands opposite mine on the shower door.

  I dipped my head low, resting my forehead against the warm glass. The fog still kept me from seeing Lover’s full body but years of imagining it kept my lust under control. “We can’t let this stop our goal.”

  “I know,” he whispered. It was barely audible over the running water.

  “But we can’t let this war keep us apart anymore.” It took me years to come to that conclusion. My whole life was on hold until we brought down Wexmen, but that might not be in my lifetime. Did I want to pass up having this relationship with Lover for results I might not be alive to see? I pulled my head away and stared down. “Press yourself against the glass.”

  Lover moved forward, his chest blurry but his nipples were stark points. Then he shifted his hips. His cock was semi-hard as he pressed the length against the glass. His balls were still out of sight.

  I reached down and slid my hand over the spot. My fingers tapped the glass sending the vibration through to his side. “I want you, Liam. Hard. Rough. Forever.”

  He moaned.

  I pushed the door open. My man was standing there naked. I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I reached out, wrapping my hand around his throat and dragging him to me. Our lips met. I pressed hard, forcing my tongue deep. Lover groaned. I squeezed harder, ravaging his soft lips with my own. There was no finesse in this touch. No, this was years of pent-up sexual frustration for a man I denied. I pulled away. Lover gasped. I was breathing heavily myself. I let go of him and stepped up into the shower. It was big enough to hold three people so the water didn’t spray me yet. I moved close to him so that he pressed his back into the wall. I forced the full length of our bodies together. It wasn’t enough. I pulled my boxers off then embraced him again. The feeling was magnificent. A shiver ran down my spine as my bare dick touched his lower abdomen.

  “Big fucking balls,” he whispered.

  I smiled. “That’s my line.” I placed my hands on his chest and skimmed them down his wet body to his hips. My arms wrapped around his back. I started thrusting against him. The friction was enough to make us both groan. So many years wasted. I placed my mouth on his again. Our saliva mixing, our heavy breaths echoing, and then I grabbed his hands. I drew them above his head to the small window there. I forced them against the ledge with one hand. My other drew down the long column of his neck to his chest. I gave his nipple a caress and a single lick. He tasted like fresh water. I grabbed his dick at the base. The long length curved upward. “Fuck. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited to touch another man before.” My body was humming with fervor.

  “Then touch. Taste. Fuck.” Each word was raspy.

  “First, I want you to wrap those pretty lips around my dick.” I let him go and stepped back into the water. It was warmer than I’m used to so goose bumps broke out over my skin. I felt the hot rivulets down my back tattoo and trickling to the curve of my ass.

  Lover smiled. “Every time you stand near me I think about this.” He knelt. Lover took in my thighs scattered with dark, coarse hair. My balls were big and slightly darker than the rest of me. My pubes were trimmed neatly. The base of my dick was wide and it continued down to the tip of my uncut cock. The foreskin was like a bunched up blanket with the head of my dick peeking out. It made me think of Lover’s unmade bed. He reached out and I slapped him away.

  “I didn’t say anything about touching my cock.”

  Lover grinned. He liked the submissive position. He liked being told what to do.

  We were a perfect match. Always had been. I stared down as Lover placed his hands behind his back then leaned his whole body forward. He kissed my thigh, then the apex of my torso. I took slow breaths. Lover licked at my balls; soft, teasing strokes that made my head fall back. He placed his lips along my length, sliding them to the tip then wrapping them around me. I let out a shaky groan. “Years dreaming of this,” I muttered. Lover’s tongue slipped inside the folds of my foreskin. He was working the flesh with his tongue as the hot water soaked my back. Big fucking balls, why had I waited so long? One night would never be enough with this man. My VP, my Liam, my Lover. A shudder ran up my spine as he sucked on my tip. I opened my eyes and stared down at him. “You ready to play with the big boy?” I reached down and took his head in my hands. “You want me bad enough to feel some pain?”

  He nodded eagerly.

  His submission was like an aphrodisiac. “Take it deep.” I watched as he filled his lungs then began to take inches of my thick cock into his mouth. His lips were stretched wide to accommodate my girth. His teeth scratched oh so slightly against the sensitive skin. Fuck, I wanted to slap his ass and fuck his mouth so hard he gagged. I settled for controlling the speed. Lover pulled back and took a deep breath. I guided him, slowly easing my dick further into his mouth, down his throat, then out. I leaned against the wall. Water flowed over my shoulders and chest. It dripped from my balls. “Hands,” I mumbled. He lifted his arms. I twined our fingers together, dragging his hands up my body so I could hold them to my chest. I kept them tight against me and gave my hips a thrust.

  Lover sucked harder.

  I gave short, easy movements until I felt the need to come override all sense of thought. I pulled free of his mouth and he groaned. “Greedy.” I wrenched him to his feet and brought him flush against my body in a naked bear hug. “Lover.” I grabbed his ass cheeks, squeezing them. “You should be in a bed, legs spread.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “That’s an order from your MC president.”

  Lover let go of me and started to charge out the bathroom. I chuckled, following leisurely. I heard the bed squeak from his movement. When I stood in the doorframe, he was lying on his bed with the comforter shoved to the floor beside it. He sat with his legs wide open, knees bent, dick in hand.

  “You’re supposed to be on your back.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Stop playing and fuck me. I’ve waited too long for this.”

  “We both have.”

  He moved to all fours.

  I had the pleasure of seeing that hairless hole and thick balls. His ass cheeks were like plump apples, slightly red from the hot shower. The water was still on. I left it there. Who the fuck cared? Not me. Not when I had Lover naked in front of me. I walked to the bed and knelt on it. My hand was flexing as I touched the heel of his foot then dragged my palm along his calf. There was a tattoo there, the initials of our fallen brothers like the ones over my heart. I traced each one then tickled the crook of his knee with my fingers. I pinched his thigh before giving his cheek a gentle slap.

  “Please, Knox.”

  I smiled. Hearing my given name on his lips was nice. So was the begging. I moved behind Lover. “Toward the headboard.”

  He shifted so his hands were flat against the wall and he was bent but not completely over.

  I placed both hands on his back, massaging his tense muscles before shifting closer. I was kneeling between his legs, my cock a raging beast between us. I almost wanted to wait, prolong the moment, but I didn’t have enough willpower for that. My thumb moved to his crack and I slid it along to his hole.

  “Lube’s on the bed,” he said and let out a soft groan.

  I slipped my thumb in without any slickness. He flinched, moaned, and pushed his hips back. The bottle was on the sheets and I opened it. I squirted enough to help ease my dick inside him but not keep things frictionless. I wanted to show him how much he would like pain. My fingers moved inside him smoothly. His body jerked and he moaned my name. It was a good fucking
sound. I grabbed my dick at the base, stroking it once with some more lube. Then I pressed the tip against his entrance. “Say my name.”


  I paused, on the precipice of fucking the man I loved for years. “Tell me you love me.” I needed to hear it. Call me crazy.

  “Outlaw...Knox. I love you.”

  I smiled then pressed the tip into his hole. The sound he made was a mix of guttural groan and growl. I liked it. I sunk inch by inch into him. We could have used a touch more lube, but I kept pushing, forcing him to take my girth. Then I grabbed his hips. I started thrusting, but each time I pulled out, I felt like my soul was going with it. Listen to me being all dramatic. Our bodies were in perfect alignment. My cock was engulfed in warmth and wetness. My balls slapped his and I couldn’t resist leaning my body against his back. So much skin on skin. I caught sight of the tattoo on the back of his neck. Outlaw in bold font. I was never sure if that was for the club or for me. Either way, I loved it. I loved him. I nipped at the tattoo, sliding my tongue along each letter as my cock penetrated him. Lover was gasping, chanting my name. I thrust hard, making us both pant. I skimmed my hands along his side, to his shoulders, and then pressed his hands into the wall. He was trapped as I started thrusting harder.

  My cock was on the edge of fucking exploding from so much gratification. I bit into his neck as the first bursts of orgasm struck. My cum shot into Lover, searing the inside of him as I sucked on his flesh. He was mine. This was my mark of ownership. I came brutally. My hips slammed into him until I was completely void of sperm. I couldn’t think or speak or fucking cry out. The high of the orgasm spread through my every pore as I emptied myself into Lover’s ass. And just like that, I remembered the condom. Fuck. I raised my head, my fingers tangling with his. It was an awkward position, but we kept it and neither of us complained.

  My dick began to soften. I waited, savoring the feel of him around me. When my shaft slipped free of his hole on its own, I let him go. I sat back watching as a single rivulet of cum dripped from him and to his balls. That’s when I massaged them, smearing my cum into his flesh. He started thrusting into the air. His hand came off the wall and went to his dick. I wanted to drink him, swallow every drop, but I also wanted to watch. I pushed Lover over to his ass and watched him masturbate. His eyes were closed, his lips pressed together. His hand stroked the top half furiously and then he made an O with his mouth. The cum shot out in long ribbon-like streams. They splattered on his abs. Then he smiled and opened his eyes. He was fucking beautiful.


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