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Page 8

by Shelia M. Goss

  Samson seemed to glide into the sanctuary when he entered with Calvin and Reverend Regis Judges, Samson’s dad. Delilah watched his every step. When her eyes met Samson’s, Delilah saw her dream of them being together dissipate into thin air.

  Chapter 20

  Guilt swept through Samson’s being when he laid eyes on Delilah. Seeing her there reminded him of his broken vows to God. Her beauty had blinded him on many occasions. He refused to let his mind wander.

  Calvin nudged him in the side. “Man, you all right? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Just nervous.” His mind should have been on Julia only, but here he was minutes away from saying I do, and he couldn’t break eye contact with Delilah.

  Delilah’s smile glowed. She mouthed the words, “I love you.”

  Calvin looked in Delilah’s direction. “Man, just ignore her. She’ll have to get through me to ruin this day.”

  “I hope she behaves.” The increased sound of the music playing broke the trance.

  “Samson, are you ready?” Samson’s dad asked.

  Julia originally wanted her father, Reverend Rivers, a noted minister in the community, to preside over the wedding, but he wanted to walk her down the aisle instead. Samson’s dad was more than happy to take on the role of marrying his only child. Regis called out his name again.

  “I’m just ready for this part to be over with.”

  “It’s about to start, so if you’re having any second thoughts, now’s the time,” Regis said.

  “I love Julia, and I’m ready to make her my wife.” Samson confessed those words to his father, but his eyes were looking in Delilah’s direction.

  The organist played “How Great Thou Art,” and the ushers signaled for everyone to take their seats. The time was at hand.

  “You do have the ring?” Samson asked Calvin.

  Calvin patted his chest. “It’s right here. I got you. No need to be nervous.”

  Samson chuckled. The tension from his body eased as the wedding party entered the sanctuary. His heart skipped a beat as the traditional wedding march rang throughout the sanctuary. Everyone in the church stood up. Samson would remember for the rest of his life the moment Julia and her dad entered the sanctuary.

  Julia glided down the aisle like an angel dressed in a strapless white satin dress adorned with pearls and diamond studs. Her long train followed behind her. Samson’s smile widened the closer she got to him. He heard both his mother and Julia’s mother sniffling.

  “Who gives this woman to be married?” Regis asked.

  Julia’s father responded, “I do.” He placed Julia’s hand in Samson’s.

  Samson and Julia turned and faced Regis. Regis stated the occasion and followed up with a prayer. One of the associate pastors of Peaceful Rest Missionary Baptist Church stood at the podium and read the second chapter of Genesis verses eighteen through twenty-four. “…Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

  Samson knew the passage from memory. After a scripture from the New Testament was read, all eyes were on the couple. Regis said, “The couple has written their own vows.”

  Samson pulled out the slip of paper he had written his vows on. He glanced at it then looked into Julia’s eyes. “I don’t think I’ll be needing this.” He placed the paper back in his pocket. “Julia, you’re my best friend, my heart, the love of my life. I have been shown the favor of God by having you take my hand in holy matrimony. I promise to love you like God loves the church. I promise to honor you and treat you like the royalty that you are. My heart overflows with joy as I stand here before you, and our family and friends. I vow to love you, cherish you, be faithful to you, and support you. You have my heart, and I commit to you on this day that nothing will ever tear us apart.”

  Julia wiped a few tears from her face and said her vows. “Samson, my love, God answered my prayers when He sent you my way. I promise to be the supportive wife to you and your ministry. With everything in my being, I promise to make our home a safe haven for us and any children we may bear. I promise to honor you and love you unconditionally. You’re my heart, my best friend, and the love of my life. I commit to you in front of family and friends my loyalty and eternal love.”

  Regis said, “If anyone feels this couple should not be united in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  Someone cleared her throat. Samson and Julia turned around in the direction of the noise. Delilah looked away. Regis proceeded with the ceremony. Calvin handed Samson the rings. Regis recited some of the traditional vows as they exchanged rings. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Ladies and gentlemen, I present Mr. and Mrs. Samson and Julia Judges. You may now kiss the bride.”

  The crowd cheered as Samson lifted Julia’s veil and kissed her. Samson noticed the smiles on people’s faces as he held Julia’s hands and marched down the aisle. Everyone was smiling, except for Delilah.

  Chapter 21

  Delilah’s heart broke into several pieces as she watched Samson and Julia exchange their vows. They looked so happy when they walked past her down the aisle. She waited for the crowd to dissipate before leaving the church.

  She called Keisha while on the way to the reception. “Why are you putting yourself through the torture?” Keisha asked.

  “It wouldn’t look right if I wasn’t there,” Delilah responded.

  “From what you tell me, nobody would care if you were there or not, so just go home or come by here. I’ll order us some pizza, and we can have a girls’ night out.”

  Delilah wanted to see this through. If she could come to grips with Samson and Julia’s relationship, maybe—just maybe—her heart would let go of the love she felt for Samson. “I’m almost there, so thanks, but no thanks.”

  She ended her call with Keisha and searched for a parking place. The hotel where the reception was being held had valet parking, and she opted to use it when she couldn’t locate a close parking place.

  The wedding party hadn’t arrived, so Delilah took the opportunity to take a bathroom break. She ran into Ms. Dorothy coming out of one of the stalls. “You’re looking pretty today, Ms. Dorothy.”

  Dorothy looked Delilah up and down. “Thanks.” She washed her hands and left the bathroom without saying another word to Delilah.

  “I hope someone tells her there’s tissue stuck to the bottom of her shoe.” Delilah chuckled.

  Delilah relieved her bladder. She heard familiar voices so decided to remain in her stall until after they left.

  “Can you believe that heifer? She had the nerve to sit on the groom’s side,” one of the women said.

  “Julia better watch out because Delilah’s nothing but a Jezebel, and I wouldn’t trust her around my husband,” another said.

  “I told Calvin that if I ever caught him talking to her, he would have some explaining to do.” Delilah recognized Michelle’s voice.

  Calvin thought he was all that and then some, so as far as Delilah was concerned, Michelle didn’t have to worry about her or any other sensible woman wanting her man.

  “You have to admit, though, the heifer knows how to dress,” the other woman said. She got one more time to call me a heifer, Delilah thought to herself.

  “Not better than me, but she does all right,” Michelle said.

  Delilah waited until they exited the bathroom before leaving the stall. She washed her hands and got in line to greet the wedding party during the reception procession.

  “Congratulations,” Delilah said as she shook Julia’s hand.

  “Thank you,” Julia was forced to say. They both knew she wasn’t sincere.

  Julia ignored the next person in line as she watched Delilah shake Samson’s hand. She rolled her eyes at Delilah. Delilah left the line but felt like she was being watched. Delilah filled her plate with appetizers and found an empty seat as close to the wedding party’s tables as she could.

She attempted to ignore the conversations going on around her. “Is this seat taken?” an Idris Elba look-alike asked.

  “No,” Delilah responded, barely looking at him as he took a seat next to her.

  After dinner was served, Delilah watched the happy couple get on the dance floor for the first dance. Luther Vandross’ “Here and Now” rang in her ear. Other couples began filling up the dance floor.

  “Would you like to dance?” the guy next to Delilah asked.

  She thought about declining, but after hearing Samson and Julia laugh on the floor, she changed her mind. “Sure.”

  The song was replaced with another slow tune. This gave Delilah time to size up the man who had been sitting beside her. He wasn’t bad-looking at all. She noticed how some of the women reacted when they passed by their tables to reach the dance floor. Delilah pulled him closer when she caught Samson looking in her direction. They danced a couple of songs then exited the dance floor.

  “So what’s your name?” she asked after returning to their table.

  “Luther,” the gentleman replied.

  “I’m Delilah.”

  “I know,” he responded.

  “Who told you that?” Delilah was curious.

  “My brother-in-law was more than happy to after I inquired about the prettiest woman in the room.”

  Delilah blushed, but curious about his brother-in-law’s identity, she asked, “Who is your brother-in-law?”

  “He’s your church’s attorney.”

  It didn’t immediately register with her. “Oh, Calvin. I didn’t know. In fact, you two look more like brothers than brother-in-laws. “

  “But I’m the better looking one.”

  They laughed then Delilah said, “I don’t know. Calvin is handsome.”

  “And married. Me, I’m single and available.”

  “Oh, really now?” Delilah leaned closer to him.

  “Very much so. I understand you are too.”

  Delilah pulled back. “I’m single, but my heart belongs to another man.”

  “One way to get over one man is to start dating another one.”

  “That’s what people say.”

  “Let’s make it happen.” Luther pulled out his Blackberry. “How can I reach you after tonight.”

  “I like a confident man, and because of that I will give you my number.” She recited her number to him.

  “Do you want mine?”

  “I’ll get it when you call me.”

  “I’ll be sure to do just that.”

  Delilah peeped Calvin’s game. He thought sending his brother-in-law over would distract her from the glowing couple. She enjoyed the diversion, but Samson was still on her radar, and no matter how good-looking Luther was, he could never replace Samson in her heart.

  Chapter 22

  Samson couldn’t recall ever feeling this happy about any other woman. Only two other days of his life rivaled this one—the day he confessed Christ at the age of eight and the day his father ordained him as a minister.

  “Mrs. Judges, I think we should be making our exit soon, don’t you think?” Samson said to Julia.

  Julia read between the lines. She tapped Michelle on the shoulder. “Michelle, it’s time to throw the bouquet.”

  Michelle went to the deejay table and grabbed the microphone. “All the single ladies come to the front.”

  The crowd dissipated only to be replaced with women, young and old. “Come on, Ms. Dorothy,” someone yelled out. “You’re single. Get on up there.”

  “Child, I’m too old for a man,” Dorothy replied.

  Delilah said, “She got that right.”

  Samson watched Delilah as she made her way into the middle of the crowd of women. To everyone’s surprise, the bouquet landed right at Delilah’s feet. She picked it up and held it in the air to showcase her victory. The disappointed single women left the dance floor. Delilah walked toward Julia, who bore a frown on her face.

  “Smile or you’ll mess up your pretty wedding album,” Delilah advised as she stood next to her holding the bouquet. She leaned close to Julia as if they were best buddies.

  Samson moved out of the way as the photographer snapped their pictures. He heard Delilah say to Michelle, who was standing nearby, “Your brother’s kind of cute. I think I might take him up on his offer and go out with him on a date.”

  She didn’t waste any time moving on, Samson thought to himself, feeling a tinge of jealousy as he stood on the sidelines, still within earshot.

  When Delilah walked away Michelle said, “She’ll find out soon enough, Luther’s nothing but a player. Ms. Delilah has met her match.”

  Julia stared at Samson. He knew she was trying to see how he would respond to Michelle’s comment, but he didn’t. Instead, he took Julia’s hands in his. “Can I have this last dance?”

  Samson pulled Julia close to him as they danced. There were other people on the dance floor, but Samson’s heart and mind were on his wife only. Julia laid her head on his chest, and they rocked back and forth. The song ended, but they were still dancing.

  “Baby, it’s time we made our escape,” Samson said.

  “Give me a few, and I’ll meet you out front,” Julia said.

  Samson said good-byes to the groomsmen and his parents.

  “Don’t worry about things here. Enjoy your new bride,” Calvin told Samson.

  “Oh, I definitely plan on doing that. It’s been a long time coming.” Samson said thank you and good-bye to guests as he left out of the reception area.

  “Hold up. You’re telling everybody good-bye but me.” Delilah rushed up to him.

  Samson looked around to see if he could locate Julia. He and Delilah were the only ones in the hallway. “Goodbye, Delilah.”

  “Aww, come on now. You can do better than that. Can a sister get a hug like the other women?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Delilah pouted. “All I’m asking for is a hug.”

  Samson ignored his reservations and hugged her. Delilah held on tight. “Think of me when you’re making love to your wife tonight.”

  Samson pushed her away and Delilah giggled. “Good-bye, Samson.”

  He was glad no one saw the exchange. His body wasn’t supposed to react the way it had, not toward Delilah anyway. Disappointed in himself, Samson said a silent prayer. He was still trying to gather his senses when Julia approached him.

  “Let me get that.” Samson reached down and took the small suitcase Julia was now carrying.

  A long, white stretch limousine with the words “Just Married” on the windows filled several parking spots in front of the hotel. The driver held their door open as they headed in the direction of the limousine. Samson helped Julia in, and they waved at people standing outside of their limousine as it pulled away.

  “You just don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do this,” Julia said.

  “What?” Samson asked.

  Julia removed her shoes. “They’ve been hurting me all day.”

  Samson laughed. “I don’t know why women like to torture themselves.”

  “We do it all for you men,” Julia said as she leaned closer and they shared a kiss.

  Samson picked up a bottle of champagne on the bar and poured them each a glass. “To Mrs. Judges.” Samson held up his flute.

  “I like how that sounds.” They tapped their glasses together.

  “Where are you taking me?” Julia asked.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I might not have the right outfits packed.”

  “Your mother has packed for you.” Samson couldn’t stop smiling. He couldn’t wait to surprise his bride. She had always wanted to go to the Bahamas, and thanks to the good deal he got with his travel agent, he was about to make it happen for her.

  She kissed him. “As your wife, I demand you tell me.”

  “We’re going to Dallas. I thought we would take a limousine drive there instead of flying since it’s so close, and from there you�
��ll just have to wait and see.”

  “Great. I can do some shopping.”

  “We’ll only be there for one day, dear.”

  “I don’t need but a few hours.”

  Julia didn’t drink or smoke, but she had one vice, and that was shopping. Samson had dated Julia so long this didn’t come as a surprise. They kissed and cuddled during the three-hour drive to Dallas.

  Samson checked them into their honeymoon suite at the Adam’s Mark hotel in downtown Dallas. Julia screamed with joy when he picked her up and carried her over the threshold. “Oh, this is beautiful,” Julia said, admiring the suite.

  “You can put the bags over there,” Samson said to the bellhop. After putting Julia down, he retrieved a ten dollar bill out of his wallet and handed it to him. Samson made sure the door was secure after the bellhop left.

  Samson smiled at the excitement Julia displayed as she marveled at how beautiful their hotel suite was. “Let’s continue to explore.” Samson hoped the hotel had done what he had asked. When he opened the bedroom door, rose petals met them at the doorway and led directly to the huge king-sized bed. Chocolate-covered strawberries and a chilled bottle of champagne sat next to the bed. “Where’s my bag? I want to freshen up,” Julia said.

  Samson fetched one of her bags and asked, “Is this it?”

  Julia opened the bag and looked inside. “Yes this is it. I won’t take long.” Julia left to go to the bathroom to freshen up.

  Samson removed his tuxedo and went to the other bathroom in their hotel suite. Shortly thereafter, he lay across the bed anticipating Julia’s return. “I’m waiting,” he shouted.

  “Close your eyes,” she replied a few seconds later.

  Samson closed his eyes. He could sense Julia’s presence. Samson inhaled her fragrance. He felt her touch him, and his eyes immediately opened. “Oooh. There are no words to describe how good you’re looking, baby,” Samson complimented.

  “Good. Because talking is the last thing I want to do.”


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