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Mate Her

Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  Lukin turned her around so she was facing him, and cupped her cheek. “Do I scare you as much as these creatures and my world do?”

  She didn’t respond for a moment, and then licked her dry lips and glanced down at his mouth. This low noise left him, like he could sense how much that was, in fact, the opposite of how she felt for him and his brothers.

  “No, you don’t frighten me,” she said softly. He started stroking her cheeks with his thumbs, his hands so big and strong, yet cupping her face gently. He stared right into her eyes, and despite the things going around them, the danger that presented itself, Lukin started to lean forward. She wanted this, wanted his lips on hers, his kiss taking everything else away, and to have her getting lost in everything else that wasn’t right here and now. His mouth was on hers seconds later, and he speared his hand in her hair, keeping her stationed for his ministrations. Minka could just focus on the two of them, and that nothing else mattered, but as he swept his tongue along hers, the sound of scraping behind her had Lukin thrusting her behind himinstantly, the arousal leaving her right away.

  Minka looked behind his massive shoulder, and saw this winged creature crawling up the side of the mountain, right toward them. The flames provided her with enough light that she could see one of its wings was sliced in half, barely hanging on. This black substance, which she assumed was blood, dripped out of this gaping wound in its boney, spike-like head. It stopped a few feet from them, and this hissing, screeching noise came from it. It was loud and ear-piercing, and Minka forced herself not to cry out from the sound.

  Lukin grabbed a blade that he had tucked in his boot, and pushed her back another inch. “You stay back. Do not move to draw attention to yourself, and everything will be okay,” he said but didn’t look at her. “It’s injured, confused, and on any other occasion wouldn’t dare confront a warrior. It’s unstable, and I don’t know how it will react.”

  The creature hissed, and more goo came out of its mouth to land on the rock beneath it. She didn’t move, didn’t even breathe for that matter, but when the creature lunged forward she stumbled over a rock. She crashed down, and stars danced in front of her vision as her head slammed back against the hard ground. She opened her eyes, but remembered Lukin told her to stay still. Everything inside of her screamed to move and ease the pain, but she tried to breathe through it all. The rock that was piercing her flesh wasn’t nearly as painful as her head that throbbed, but she forced herself to stay still. The sight before her was fantastical as it was frightening.

  Lukin was slashing out with his blade, cutting the beast like it was nothing more than a nuisance. With the light flickering over his massive body, and the blood from the beast splashing on his nude chest, even if Minka wanted to move she wouldn’t have been able to. Watching him fight, cut into the animal’s scaly and oily flesh, and hearing the roars come from Lukin, had this power moving through her. It was strange to be injured, and to have this danger right in front of her, but to also feel drawn to it all. Bracing her hands on the rock, she felt a razor sharp piece dig into her skin. The pain was indescribable, and she hissed out softly. But the beast heard the sound regardless, and lunged past Lukin to get to her. Right when it was inches from her Lukin brought his blade to its spindly neck, decapitating it. Blood sprayed on her chest and face, and she stared at the lifeless body and ghastly head just inches from her. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, and she tried to calm herself, or at least not cry from her emotions.

  Boots stepped into her line of vision, and then she was in Lukin’s arms. He didn’t say anything, but he was tense, and the scent of the animal’s blood that covered them both had her nearly retching.

  “Are you okay, mate?”

  She nodded and rested her head on his chest. “I’ll be okay.”

  “Fuck, Minka, I shouldn’t have taken you out of the cave, and not without telling my brothers.” He sounded angry, and she knew it was because he was upset with himself.

  “It wasn’t your fault, and you did protect me, Lukin.”

  He curled his hands into her body and kissed the top of her head. “We will get you healed as soon as we have you back in the cave.” He held her tighter, and his voice had gone deadly hard. “But my brothers are going to kick my ass, and rightly so.”

  She knew everything would be okay, but what would Brawn and Thorque say when they realized what had happened? She was just as much to blame as Lukin. Minka had willingly left the cave, but she knew she had never been in any real danger, and aside from her head and cut palms, Lukin had protected her from the real threat.

  Chapter Seven

  They arrived at the cave, and Lukin kept her in his arms as he moved through the tunnels. Aside from her head hurting and her palms scraped up she was okay. But Lukin refused to allow her to walk, and she would be lying if she didn’t admit that she liked being in his arms. They entered the main part of the cave, and she instantly saw Brawn and Thorque. They stood side by side, dressed in their leathers and boots, and having fierce and angry expressions on their faces.

  “What the fuck, Lukin,” Brawn growled out and moved forward.

  “Wait, it was my fault for leaving, too.” She shifted in Lukin’s arms until he set her down, and then took a step toward Brawn. He was staring at Lukin, and his rage was tangible. “Please, it wasn’t his fault. He was leaving to get more water, and I asked to go with him to get out and see what my new home was like. I wanted to leave. It was nice, up until…” She shrugged.

  “You’re hurt,” Thorque said and moved closer to her. He grabbed her hands and looked at them, and then looked at her head. When he touched the back of it she winced. “Let me get you something to heal them.” He was gone and moving toward the cooking area to grab a few vials off of a ledge. Brawn took another step, and she held her hand out, placing it on his warm chest.

  “I understand why you’re mad—”

  “Do you?” Brawn clipped out the word, his anger evident. “If he would have let us know, we could have gone together. It is even more dangerous during the night, and we would have not wanted you out there with only Lukin to watch over you.”

  “I can watch over our mate just as well as the two of you.” Lukin sounded enraged. “She fell, and I took care of the Hellion that came after us.”

  “There was a fucking Hellion that came after you?” Brawn was positively shaking now, and she moved back an inch.

  Thorque had her in his arms and was leading her into the sleeping chamber seconds later. When she was sitting down she heard flesh hitting flesh, of things breaking, and of the clear fight that she should stop.

  “No, you’re not going out there when they need to get this out,” Thorque said determinedly. “He shouldn’t have taken you out in the first place, and especially not without letting us know. You are all of ours, Minka.” He grabbed a hide rag and poured some of the gel in one vial on it. When he grabbed her hand and placed the rag on it, the pain instantly vanished. He held it there for a few seconds, and then placed it on the other one. She looked at her palms once he removed the hide, and was amazed that the open cuts were now sealed.

  “That’s amazing.” The sound of something else crashing in the other room prompted her to stand. “What if they kill each other?”

  “I assure you they will not, but they need to get this out or they will be huffing and growling until they do.” He handed her the vial. “Drink, and it’ll heal the wounds from the inside out.”

  She grabbed the small black piece of rock, removed the wax-like lid, and then took the substance. It didn’t taste like anything, but warmth filled her as it traveled down her throat. The pain in her head might have faded, but she was left with the memories of that horrid beast. Brawn and Lukin were out there right now fighting over this situation that she had put herself in, and she didn’t want that, but she didn’t know them well enough to understand why they did the things they did. They were a species that was strong and feared by many, and so it was only natural, she supposed,
that they needed violence to ease their energy.

  “Do they fight like this often?” She looked at Thorque, who was cleaning up the supplies.

  “When the tension is high, or Lukin acts before thinking.” Thorque stared at her and smiled.

  “Why aren’t you out there releasing that energy, too?” She stared at him, not wanting him to fight, but surely he had the need as well?

  “I may be a Hades warrior, but I tend to use my mind more than my muscles when the time calls for it.” When he was finished putting the supplies away he sat beside her. Taking her hand in his, she stared down at the different tone of their skin color. She was a pale, peachy shade compared to his dark red tone. She lifted her gaze to his face, to the sharp angles of his square jaw and strong nose, and looked at his black yet soulful eyes. This male used his brain to figure things out, to solve his problems. It may not be what was in his chemical make-up being a superior species, but for him it was what he knew. It was so strange being able to look into their faces, and know what these men were about. Could the mating and breeding heat be reflecting from them and onto her?

  “Our desire for you, and the things we want, can be transferred to our mate. It’s a chemical reaction that ensures we procreate and will always be connected to you, Minka,” he said softly, deeply, and then stared at her mouth.

  “I said that out loud.” She didn’t phrase it like a question.

  He shrugged, and his massively broad shoulders moved slightly. “I’ve noticed you tend to do that, or at least you have been while with us.” He smiled, and she stared at the twin points of his fangs. “But don’t mistake the fact that I think rather than act on first impulse, because I am still a male that was born and trained to kill.” He reached out and brushed a finger along her cheek.

  A shiver moved through her as she stared into his eyes. The sound of more things breaking in the next room was even louder. “We should make sure they really don’t kill themselves. Besides, it wasn’t Lukin’s fault. I insisted on going with him.”

  Thorque stood, reached out and cupped her nape, and pulled her close. The air left her on a whoosh.

  “Right now everything inside of us is heightened because of the breeding need that has awoken, but now that we have you it is even more intense,” he said and leaned down an inch. “Every day that you are here with us is a temptation that drives our inner beasts wild. It is an instinct to take you, mate with you, and make you ours.” The sound of his voice became more guttural, harsh even, and she watched as his pupils dilated. Gone was the male that had healed her, thought about her instead of fighting. And in its place was a male intent on having her. She could see that on his face, hear it in the change of his breathing, and feel it in the way he held her neck in an ironclad hold.

  “Thorque.” She said his name on a breath, and before she knew what was happening he was kissing her. The taste of him was intoxicating, and right now her body and emotions were heightened. With the threat to her life again, and these men saving her, fighting for her, and to want her so intently that they couldn’t control themselves was an aphrodisiac as well as it was frightening. She didn’t know what the future held for her, but she did know these males had shown her the lengths they would go to save and protect her.

  The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but she had gotten so wrapped up in it that it felt like forever. Thorque pulled away, and the flavor of him stayed on her lips, increasing her need. She shouldn’t want this, shouldn’t want to have any sexual contact after everything that had happened. But she couldn’t help it. Maybe it was because of everything that made her need this from them. Deep grunts had her breathing out and turning to head toward the sitting room. She moved out of the sleeping chamber and felt Thorque right behind her. Lukin and Brawn were throwing punches, and there was an array of broken items scattered around. They were breathing heavily, had blood marring their faces, but as if they sensed her they stopped and turned to face her.

  Right at this moment they seemed so amped up and dangerous. Her pussy became wet, her nipples tightened to hard points beneath her shift, and she started to sweat. Thorque placed a hand on her shoulder, and she held back the need to moan. This was insane, her feelings were ludicrous, but she didn’t know how to stop it.

  Minka didn’t want to stop it, though.

  Brawn moved closer to her, cupped her cheek and searched her face with his gaze. “Thorque healed you,” he said.

  She licked her lips, and nodded. “He did, while you two were beating each other.”

  Brawn smirked, shook his head, and then breathed out. “You shouldn’t have seen that, but sometimes it’s hard not to let our basic needs overcome us.” He moved his thumb along her cheekbone. The scent of blood, sweat, and male aggression still filled the air.

  Lukin moved closer as well, smoothed his hand down her arm, and held her hand. “I shouldn’t have taken you out without telling Thorque and Brawn.” “I wanted to go out. If you were in the wrong so am I.” She looked at all of them. “But I won’t lie and say that up until the whole freaky creature attack I felt free and loved you taking me out, Lukin.”

  He smiled, leaned in, and kissed her softly. But right when he pulled away she wrapped her hand around his neck and deepened the kiss. Lukin groaned. She pulled back and then started kissing Brawn. It was like something broke inside of her, and all this need and desire washed through her. She turned away from Lukin and Brawn and started to kiss Thorque again. Her lust was a hard, violent creature inside of her, and there was no desire to tame it.

  Chapter Eight

  “Are you sure about what you’re doing right now, Minka?” Thorque murmured against her mouth.

  She nodded, not able to think clearly as her actions were purely instinct right now.

  Lukin grabbed her again, turned her around, and took her mouth in a hard, almost brutal kiss. She was so far gone that she liked it rough, needed it that way even. Being with them was freeing, made her feel alive and open, and she was not going to fight or hide from her arousal any longer. Spearing her hands in his short hair, she kissed him just as frantically. Knowing that Thorque and Brawn were right there with them, watching it all, and just as aroused, turned her on even more. Minka was wet, needy, and wanted all of them. She wanted this life, was prepared for what it offered, and just had to accept that things would always be different. They could have hurt her ten times over by now, left her in that forest on that horrid planet for the Razzora to finish her off. But they hadn’t, and she knew they wouldn’t hurt her. When she listened to them talk about her being their mate, about them wanting to cherish and protect her, and make sure she never wanted for anything, there was solid truth in their words. She heard it, felt it, and wanted to live it. Never in her horrible life had she ever felt the smallest amount of desire to have a family. The fear of the world they lived in was not just her emotions playing with her, but a fact and reality. This world, planet, galaxy, whatever it was all made up as, was not how it had been for her ancestors. Humans no longer had a safe haven to grow and prosper, to have families and thrive. They were all but wiped out, and the ones that were still alive were in hiding, running for their lives, and trying to survive each and every day.

  These deep, growling noises came from Lukin as he kissed her. He stroked her tongue with his, and the heat from his body seeped into her. Sweat beaded her brow, adrenaline pumped through her veins from the situation they had just gotten out of, and she was so aroused she couldn’t even think straight.

  Lukin pulled her head back with a hand in her hair, looked down at her lips that felt so swollen and wet, and made another deep, needy sound. “You’re ours, Minka. Only ours, and we are about to claim you right now because we can’t wait any longer.”

  She felt Brawn and Lukin’s body heat fill her, surround her, and make her even hotter with lust. Licking her lips and nodding, she knew that she wanted to be theirs as well. She reached up, not able to eve stop herself as her lust consumed her, and ran the pads of her finger
s along one of Lukin’s dark, eyebrows. A shiver worked through his massive body, and he tightened his hold on her hair, as if it were an involuntary action.

  “If you only knew what your touch does to me, Minka,” he said harshly, and claimed her mouth again. She had her hand wrapped fully around his bulging bicep now, and felt herself grow wetter.

  “We need you, Minka,” Thorque said, and she broke the kiss and glanced at him and Brawn who stood only a few feet away now. Even though they wore their dark leather pants she could see how hard they were, and how thick and big their erections were as they pressed against the material of their pants.

  She swallowed and then nodded, needing them as much as they needed her. The time hadn’t been very substantial since she had been with them, but it felt like an eternity. With her life hanging in the balance twice now in the last couple of days, she felt like she needed something to make that negativity fade away. Minka glanced over her shoulder toward Brawn’s room, which when she had been walking around the cave and becoming familiar with everything she had realized was the largest room. When she looked at the men again, she knew they would want her to tell them she was ready. They hadn’t been shy or discreet when telling her she would be theirs or that they wanted her, but they also had not pushed her into anything sexual.

  “I’m ready,” she said softly, and the noise that came from the three of them, vibrations that were masculine and powerful, strong and alpha, seeped into her body. Before they could respond she turned and led them into the sleeping chamber.

  She stepped through the entryway, the room a vast cavern with sharp, jagged rocks protruding out of the walls, and the lighting coming from heating plates that reflected off of the lava. For all of the technological advances in the universe, these males lived simple lives, and she welcomed that.

  There was a large bed in the center of the room, and dark, almost liquid in appearance coverings lined the top of the plush looking frame. Across from the bed was an opening in the wall, and there she could see a fire burning brightly. The cave was warm as it was, comfortable for her, but she supposed the warriors were used to much hotter temperatures.


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