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Maneater 3_Raven

Page 12

by Caitlyn Willows

  Rachel eased away, taking the belt with her. The leather slithered over his skin until only the tip touched him. She flicked it. The sting against his side set Will in motion. He rolled over without hesitation, shoving pillows out of his way so he could curl his fingers over the edge of the mattress. Eyes closed, he spread-eagled.

  The mattress sagged with her weight. He heard the rattle of the belt buckle seconds before she pulled it between his thighs and up to his balls. Will gasped at the cold, but the metal soon absorbed the heat radiating from his sac.

  Her knee brushed against his side. Then she was astride him, butt cheeks on his shoulders, calves locked around his sides, toes tucked under his arms. She’d locked him in place.

  Will couldn’t catch his breath. Anticipation was too much to bear.

  “Shh…” She rubbed her palms over his ass. “It’s going to be all right.”

  The belt slithered over his thighs as she retrieved it. The buckle tinkled, then was quiet. Will strained his ears but could only imagine Rachel doubling the belt, wrapping it around her hand. Fingers scuffed his ass again, brushing from side to side, kneading deep and hard. He felt her weight shift, then…

  His breath caught with the first stroke. Heat pooled up behind it. Another followed, then another and another, barely giving him time to absorb the burn before dealing with the next.

  Will writhed under the steady assault, grinding his cock into the mattress. His Lady was relentless, spanking him through an orgasm that clenched his toes. Harder and harder, demanding access to the inner sanctum of his soul. The tension in his muscles came unlocked, gave Rachel the key she needed. Her rhythm alternated, hard and soft, fast and slow. Each stroke fed the burn crawling over his ass and thighs. He found himself floating, blissed out. The spanking eased. She rubbed her hands over her handiwork, between his thighs.

  Rachel slid up beside him, leaned into the headboard, and tugged him into her lap. He rested his head on her lap while she combed her fingers through his hair.

  Will glanced up. She looked so fine, so sweet, so his. The smell of her pussy called to him. He knew this wasn’t about sex; neither was it about wanting to eat her out. It was about something so much deeper. Soul defining.

  “I want to make you come.” He slid his hand over her hip. Soft panties barred the way—a minor inconvenience. “I want to taste you.” When Rachel didn’t protest, he curled his fingers into the waistband and eased them down. The smell of her grew as she raised her ass to help him, doubled even more when she pulled one leg free, spreading herself wider.

  Will lifted her other leg and draped it over his shoulder. She kicked the panties off and nudged her heel into his back, letting him know she wasn’t going anywhere. Cupping her bottom, he pulled her down. Heaven opened up to him. She was swollen and ripe. He nudged the second leg over his shoulder, licked his lips…and then licked hers.

  Her low moan settled into him. She cupped his head, urging him to take more. Will traced the outer swell again, then kneaded her labia up one side and down the other. She whimpered and rocked into it, the grip on his head tightening. A rush of moisture flooded his mouth. He lapped it up, then tunneled his tongue inside her for more.

  “Oh God,” she whispered and slipped farther down the headboard.

  Will pushed his hand under the skimpy nightgown. Hard nipples greeted him, hard like the clit that nudged his nose. He flicked his fingers over one, then flashed his tongue over her clit.

  Rachel clenched her fist against his shoulder. He smiled and circled his target again. She clamped her thighs around his head. Damned if he wasn’t hard again, a record for him.

  “If I make you come real good, can I fuck you, my Lady?”

  “You can fuck me even if you don’t,” she said in a rush of breath.

  “Yeah…but I doubt it would feel as good.” He sucked her clit between his lips and flashed his tongue over it.

  Rachel froze, muscles locked. Her shudder of release quaked through them both. He kissed her thighs, her belly, her breasts, wadding the gown as he went until he could pull it over her head. Her eyes were glassy with pleasure, her body limp. Will fumbled for the nightstand drawer, unwilling to leave the cradle of her thighs for even a second. The reach was impossible. Reluctantly, he shifted position.

  Rachel shoved the bedding down while he retrieved the condom. Once it was seated, she reached for him, lips parted, legs open. He fell into her. Nothing had ever felt so sweet, so right, so fucking hot and tight. He couldn’t tell which one of them moved first, but soon they were riding each other. Slow and steady, then hard and fast. She wedged her hand between them.

  “Let me.” Will looped his hand around her wrist and pulled it free, replacing it with his own. Her clit was slick and hard, like she hadn’t come minutes before. He sure as hell knew how that felt.

  “Harder,” she ordered.

  He pounded into her, lost in the glide of the muscles clamped around his cock and the hard little clit under his thumb. Teeth clenched against orgasm, Will tried to focus on a thousand other stupid things to avoid coming. He needed her to come first, needed it like he needed air to breathe.

  “Come for me, my Lady,” he whispered against her ear.

  Rachel groaned softly.

  “Yes, just like that. I’ll wait for you…always.”

  Her breath quickened, her body clenched. Will thrust deep and held, letting the force of her orgasm carry him away.

  Chapter Twelve

  Rachel didn’t know how long she lay there staring at the ceiling, Will sound asleep and curled against her side, his head resting on her chest. Each exhale warmed her breasts against the air conditioner’s chill. The words he’d whispered right before he fell asleep lingered in her mind, twined around her heart.

  “I love you, Rachel. I’d give you the moon if I could. Do anything and everything for you. You are my Lady.”

  He’d said them before, but now Rachel knew what he really meant, the extent he’d go to keep her—them—happy. She picked apart his words and actions and realized she and Ben had been manipulated. Perhaps even with Oliver’s help. She wouldn’t call Will on it. How could she, considering what he’d given the three of them? She wondered how long Will had planned it, how frustrated he’d been when she’d merely signed the papers rather than come in person. All this time, waiting until no legal proprieties stood in their way.

  Rachel smiled. He’d chosen well for them. Ben was perfect. They were perfect together. Easing into it.

  Like great sex.

  A tiny shiver wiggled through her body.

  Ben had the answers she needed. In turn, maybe she’d had some answers for him too. It helped to know he was as nervous about all this as she. He’d calmed her worries, assured her they were going to take their time. He didn’t have all the answers, but offered solutions and possibilities.

  Ben had backed up his words, not by bending her over the fence rail and fucking her brains out, but by holding close as they’d watched the stars overtake the fading sunlight. Keeping her warm, despite his own chill when the ocean breeze slipped over the mountains. Calm and assured. He didn’t crowd her or push, was willing to take his time and do this right.

  And started to capture her heart in the process, something Will already owned. He’d known exactly what she needed. What they all needed.

  She watched Will sleep, a smile attached to whatever dream he was having. The only thing that could have made this moment more perfect was to have Ben on the other side of her. Giving her and Will this night had meant he didn’t plan on sleeping with them. That wouldn’t do at all.

  Smiling, she crawled from bed, grabbed her white cover-up from where she’d dropped it on the bathroom floor, and went to look for him. She didn’t have to search hard. Ben sat at the breakfast bar looking at Will’s laptop. He’d yet to change from his swim trunks. Rachel appreciated the sculpted view.


  He jumped like he’d been caught with his hands in his pants.r />
  Rachel laughed and walked toward him. “Are you looking at porn? Or snooping?”

  “No porn.” He chuckled, then drew her against him when she neared, sliding his hand under the cover-up and around her hip. “A little snooping. I saw the B-and-B proposal on Will’s laptop and decided to take a closer look. It’s brilliant, by the way.”

  Of course. Will would leave nothing to chance.

  “I swear, I don’t know what I would have done without him all these years. Once the paperwork’s signed on Monday, I’m going to offer him a partnership. I would have done so years ago, but I had to know I could make this work first. I didn’t want to drag him onto a sinking ship.”

  Taking his time to make it last. Easing into it. God, she was liking Ben more and more with every second.

  “Look what else I found open.” He switched screens to a layout for a house.

  Rachel draped her arm around his shoulders. “What is it?”

  “Document name says ‘Our House.’ Looks like he’s been working on the design for a while. Very clever and devious, our Will. From what my mom told me, he threw this surprise party at the last minute, though I can’t imagine what the point of that was. But I’m sure he had one. Will doesn’t do anything without a good reason. At least in his mind. Honestly, Rachel, I think we’ve been had.”

  She brushed her fingers through his hair. “By a true master, I think. And I don’t mean Oliver. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Will’s a Dom in sub’s clothing.”

  “And isn’t that what attracted you to him in the first place?”

  Rachel gave a little laugh. “Yeah, it was.” But she’d needed more. Will was Dom enough to realize that and loved her enough to see she got it.

  “Will’s always very goal oriented when he wants something. It’s hard for me to get too upset at the man for helping me get what I’ve wanted for so long.” Smiling, he flicked the buttons open on her shirt. “I figure I’ll let him have his way on this one.”

  “Especially since it’s such a nice arrangement.” She shrugged the shirt from her shoulders. “And there’s no sense letting him know we’re on to his clever little tricks.”

  “True, but you really need to get a better handle on your sub.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. But he is truly the worst sub I’ve ever had.”

  “Aw, but you love him to bits.” A huge grin split his face.

  Rachel matched it. “I do.”

  “Me too.”

  She slid astride his lap, scooting until her crotch cradled his cock. “Care to take this into the other room?”

  Ben cupped her ass. “Nice to know we continue to think alike. I’ll drive. Hang on tight.”

  Rachel had little time to lock her heels around his waist as he stood. He anchored her against him, taking his time so they wouldn’t fall, then set her gently on the edge of his bed. The covers were peeled back, the sheets cool and inviting. She crawled to the head of the bed, watching Ben the entire time, as he did her.

  He pushed the swim trunks down, unleashing that beautiful erection. Such a shame to have to cover it with a condom. Did it matter so much if they were going to be exclusive? Two steps took him out of the trunks and next to the nightstand.

  “I trust you,” she said as he pulled the drawer open.

  He frowned, not understanding at first. Then the light clicked on. “I trust you too.” He closed the drawer and crawled in beside her.

  Rachel reached for him with her arms and legs, pulling him atop her right where she needed him. He slid his cock into her pussy, his tongue around hers on a muffled groan that mirrored her own. And he kissed her, over and over again while gentle sweeps of his hands played in unison with hers. They built each other up, that slow rocking rising to hard pounding with the urgency to climax. This was what making love was all about.

  They came together with a force she couldn’t have imagined and knew she could never adequately describe to another person. Except Ben.

  That’s when Rachel knew… Will might be the love of her life, but Ben was her soul mate.

  She hugged him close as their breathing and heartbeats slowed, not ready to let go just yet. “I like you, Ben. I really, really like you.” God, it was growing to be so much more than that, but that was all she could manage for now. It would have to be enough.

  Ben smiled down at her. “I really, really like you too, Rach.” He gave her a quick kiss, patted her thigh, then eased away. “Come on, let’s go freak Will out.”

  “I like the sound of that.” Grinning, she grabbed the hand he held out to her and hopped off the mattress.

  They tiptoed into the other bedroom like thieves in the night. Each crawled under the covers from opposite sides of the bed and curled up next to Will.

  Will’s eyes flashed open. “That better not be a dick poking me in the back.”

  She and Ben laughed.

  Ben rolled over him and into place next to Rachel. “Chill out. It was only my knuckles.”

  “You guys are mean,” he mumbled and snuggled into Rachel.

  “We love you, Will,” they said together.

  He smiled. “I love you guys too.”

  * * * *

  Will waited what felt like an eternity for Rachel and Ben to fall asleep. Then he crept from bed and went into the kitchen. His laptop was still on, the house design document open, and he knew he hadn’t left it that way.

  So they knew. He grinned. Better than that, neither had freaked out about it.

  My work here really is done.

  Smiling, Will found his cell phone and shot off a quick text to Oliver.

  It worked. As I told you it would. You owe me five bucks.

  Oliver’s response was quick. Yes, well played. I bow to a new master now. The check is in the mail.

  Thanks for working with me. Oliver had followed Will’s instructions to the letter. Bitching all the way.

  It was my pleasure. You’re brilliant. Could use a Dom like you back, now that Sledge and Raven are out.

  Will was honored, of course, but the offer took a bit of the joy out of the evening, resurrecting memories he hated to face. A man lost his finger because of me. A woman bears a scar because of me.

  The man was stupid and ducked in the middle of whip play. Everything is his fault for stepping in the path of a master at work.

  Oliver made no excuse for the woman. They both knew Will had screwed up.

  There was a few seconds of quiet; then Oliver texted again. I lost control once. A man carried more than one scar as a result.

  Will didn’t know how to respond to that. The revelation meant a lot, soothed some of his angst.

  How long are you going to punish yourself? Oliver asked.

  Will laughed a little. Oliver still didn’t get it. Not punishment. Sub has control. Now everyone has what they need, esp me.

  LOL. And they never knew what hit them.

  But they would. One day. It was only a matter of time.

  Will turned off his cell, stretched big, then returned to their bed and the first day of the rest of their lives.

  Loose Id Titles by Caitlyn Willows

  Buddy System

  Have Mercy

  Wake Me Up

  Yellow Ribbons

  * * * *


  Into the Lair

  Into the Night

  Into the Wild

  * * * *

  The MANEATER Series




  Caitlyn Willows

  No one is more surprised than erotic romance author Caitlyn Willows at the direction life has taken her. Blessed (or cursed) with a vivid imagination, Caitlyn weaves deep emotions and sizzling sensuality into her action-filled stories. Believing life is to be lived and felt, not merely watched, Caitlyn delivers real-to-life characters in unforgettable tales of love, adventure, and always steamy passion. She lives in the beautiful desert of Southern California with her
husband (a genealogist) and the animals she loves.

  See what’s new in Caitlyn’s life by visiting

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Loose Id Titles by Caitlyn Willows

  Caitlyn Willows




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