Chosen By The Prince

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Chosen By The Prince Page 5

by Calyope Adams

"The whole Palace has been on eggshells, trying to avoid the Prince. He's been in a foul temper for days. Well, go on, open it."

  Jillian lifted the lid of the box. Inside were jewels. Lots and lots of jewels. There were emeralds, sapphires and rubies. But it was the enormous topaz necklace that caught her eye. No wait- it was a headpiece, not dissimilar to a crown. Of course, she didn't need necklaces when she was the wear her collar at all times.

  The golden stones were the exact shade of her own eyes. And the emeralds laying beside them matched the Prince's beautiful green eyes.

  Sephina was laughing at the shocked expression on her face.

  "I don't think he could chose so he just sent them all. You should have seen the jewelers face!"

  Jillian swallowed. He hadn't forgotten her after all.

  "I thought he was angry at me..."

  "Oh, he was angry all right. But not at you."

  Sephina stroked her hair softly.

  "Never at you. I think things will change around here a bit, truth be told. No one will lay a finger on you again, that's for certain."

  "He knows about that?"

  Sephina nodded.

  "It was a close call there. I thought he was going to order your maids to be executed when he heard about the rod."

  Jillian's face went white. The maids had been especially gentle and subservient with her the past few days. Now she knew why.

  "But he didn't of course. So, not to worry."

  Jillian set the box aside and gathered her nerve.

  "Sephina, can I ask you something?"

  Sephina said nothing, just waiting.

  "Do you- do you love the King?"

  Sephina smiled.

  "Of course. What devoted subject does not?"

  Jillian rolled her eyes.

  "You know that's not what I meant."

  The woman simply smiled at her. Jillian realized she would not answer that question, maybe not ever. Perhaps that was an answer in and of itself.

  "What is your question, really."

  Jillian bit her lip


  "The Prince is to marry next year. My own marriage has just been called off. Now I will never be a wife. I'm somewhere in between. I can't imagine what that will be like, or how I will bear it..."

  Sephina sighed and stood. She walked back and forth in front of the fire, gathering her thoughts.

  "It's so different for you. No Sofriquette has ever been selected from the nobility before. There was quite a hullabaloo a few years ago when he made his choice. There was a long while they argued and made sure it was even legal!"

  "There was?"

  Sephina nodded.

  "Oh yes. They tried to change the Prince's mind, parading lovely young things in front of him for months, but he would not be dissuaded."


  That sent a warm rush of feelings through her. He had been awfully determined to have her. That had to count for something.

  "I can't tell you how you will bear it my child. I was not to marry a Duke. I gave nothing like that up, other than the hope of having my own children."

  Jillian raised her eyes to her.

  "What do you mean? Are we not allowed to-"

  "It's not so simple. We are fed food and drink to prevent contraception but there is no hard and fast rule against it. Of course, he must have a legitimate heir before he can have a bastard but it has been done. Many of our finest families are descended from Sofriquettes."


  The word bastard hung heavily in the air.

  "I don't envy you my child. Even in my position it was difficult to watch him marry another. To sit beside her in a way I never could. To bed her at night. He didn't want to at first. He often came to me before hand, to, um.. get him going."

  Jillian's mouth was open, trying to imagine how that must have felt. She must have felt so used.

  "But the Queen is a good woman. He grew to care for her. He cares for us both in different ways. For me it has always been enough."

  She sat back down, and laid her hand over Jillian's.

  "For your sake, I hope it can be enough for you too."

  That evening the maids prepared her body carefully, following the same routine as they had before she was on bed rest. Instead of dressing her for dinner though, they slipped an elegant pink silk robe over her nude body and guided her to a chair. Soon servants were bustling into the room, carrying a table and laying it with plates and cutlery. They rolled in a cart piled high with food and drink, then withdrew.

  A moment later, the Prince entered. He was dressed casually, his shirt partially unbuttoned, his hair still damp from bathing. He looked so handsome he nearly took her breath away. She felt so shy as she stood and curtsied. He was staring at her when she rose. He looked... nervous.

  He walked forward and took her hand, kissing it formally. Her eyes lifted to his face in surprise. This is how he used to greet her when they met in public. It brought back the feeling of unreality that she'd felt so many times since her change in position. He'd always known though... each time he had seen her, or spoken to her, he'd had this arrangement in mind.

  He smiled at her and sat in the chair opposite her. He poured them each a glass of wine from separate bottles. She wondered what was in hers this time... contraceptives no doubt. Did he also take an aphrodisiac?

  "How are you feeling?"

  He watched her face carefully as she answered.

  "I'm fine your highness. Truly."

  He nodded, clearly relieved.

  "I have been so worried and... sorry. I would never hurt you intentionally."

  He looked so sad and earnest. She wanted to soothe him immediately. Even though the truth was that he held the power of life and death over her. She was sure now that he'd never use it, not matter how much she aggravated him.

  "I know that. I never thought-"

  Her voice trailed off as she stared awkwardly at her lap. She looked up and he was watching her with the softest look on his face.

  "Come here Jillian."

  She took a deep breath and stood, walking around the table to face him.

  He moaned and pulled her onto his lap. His arms surrounded her, pulling her tightly against him as he kissed her.

  "Hmmmm... so sweet..."

  He kissed her for a while, his hands softly stroking her back. She felt his manhood rising against her and smiled. But he just held her there for a few minutes before carrying her back to her chair.

  He strolled over the rolling cart and smiled at her over his shoulder.

  "I think we are supposed to serve ourselves..."

  She stood.

  "I will do it your highness."

  "No! You sit!"

  He gave her a stern look before turning his attention to the cart, lifting a cover to reveal a small salad.

  "I think that's mine."

  He stared at her, not understanding.

  "I'm on a strict diet."

  "But that's ridiculous! You're perfect just as you are!"

  She smiled.

  "I think it has more to do with other things actually."

  "Go on."

  "Sephina told me that our food is liberally dosed with aphrodisiacs and contraceptives."

  His mouth opened. He didn't know... interesting. He looked intrigued, though.

  "Do they work?"

  "What, your highness?"

  "The aphrodisiacs."

  She smiled at him, shrugging.

  "I don't know. They do apply something to my skin that makes it extra sensitive."

  He closed his eyes and moaned, obviously aroused by the thought.

  "They always apply extra to me here... and here..."

  She was teasing him now, her hand sliding up to cup on breast, and then the other, lightly circling her nipples through her robe. What had gotten into her?

  He was staring at her, his mouth agape. He looked like he wanted t
o pounce on her. But he didn't move.


  She looked up at him, her fingers still circling lightly over her breasts.

  "Yes your highness?"

  "Please... oh god... don't do that. I don't want to hurt you..."

  Ohhhh... so that was it.

  She stood and walked toward him. He was staring at her as if she were the devil incarnate. His eyes slid down her body and he closed them, willing himself to look away. She slid her hands up over his chest, feeling his muscles jump under her fingers.

  "You won't."

  His eyes snapped open. He stared down at her urgently.

  "You're sure?"

  She nodded and he was on her so quickly she would have missed it if she blinked. His hand yanked her up against him as he kissed her deeply. He was like a starving man who had unexpectedly been given a banquet. He scooped her up and carried her to the bed, laying her down and undressing quickly.

  She stared up at him, desire radiating from her face.

  "Shall I put on my cuffs, your highness?"

  He moaned and reached for her robe, tearing it open. He was on top of her instantly, his warm body pressing her into the bed. He kissed her and let his mouth slide to her ear.


  A thrill went through her at his word, and the unspoken promise there. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. And she wanted to feel him inside her... the sooner the better.


  His mouth was on her breasts, licking and sucking frantically. Then he slid down, his mouth closing over her soft cleft. He kissed her tenderly, slowly, using all his skill to drive her wild. He made little nibbling kisses all over her bare skin. Every touch made her more sensitive. She wiggled, wanting more.

  He chuckled as she rocked her hips helplessly, then slid his tongue between her plump lips. Again and again he drove his tongue into her, making her cry out and writhe on the bed. She was so close to her peak- she was-

  "Oh, oh, oh, oh, OH!"

  She leapt off the bed, her hips bucking her body against his mouth. He moaned, clearly loving it as she climaxed. He used his fingers to lightly stroke her nipples as he slid his tongue up and down her slit, prolonging her orgasm endlessly.

  Finally he lifted his head and looked at her. She was looking at him with pure adoration and trust. He could have done anything to her at that moment and she wouldn't have complained.

  He saw the look in her eyes and froze. Then he unleashed his passion on her, guiding his shaft to her cleft and driving in. He worked his manhood deep into her opening insistently. But also gently.

  He pumped himself into her for a long while, pausing every time one of them came close. He wanted to make this last, that much was obvious.

  She was whimpering as he made love to her, teasing her, denying them both. Her nipples were stimulated with every stroke as his chest rubbed against them, again and again.

  He was watching her face as he slid a hand between their bodies and softly circled his finger on her sensitive nub, making her gasp.


  He smiled grimly, holding himself back. He made long slow thrusts into her as his fingers dancing over her, faster and faster.

  She was going to climax she realized. It was about to happen and it was going to be big.

  Her hips jerked against him. If he hadn't been on top of her, holding her down with his shaft, she would have flown through the air. The force of her orgasm was that great. He moaned as she convulsed around him. He threw his head back and unleashed, finally allowing himself to pour himself into her, taking his pleasure.

  She felt his shaft pulse as he exploded inside her. His heat filled her up, warming her with his seed. Her body grasped at him instinctively, pulling him deeper inside her.

  They both moaned in ecstasy as they held still, trying to regain their breath.

  Finally she opened her eyes to find him staring down at her tenderly. He kissed her and lifted his body up. He stood and started pulling on his clothes quickly. When he was dressed he kissed her again. Then he pulled away with an effort and smiled.

  "Enjoy your dinner. Please promise me you will more than the salad."

  She nodded her agreement. And he was gone.

  The next few days developed into a pattern. The Prince escorted her to meals and then made love to her just once immediately after dinner and then left. Each time he labored over her endlessly, making it last, bringing her to climax again and again. After the first night where he took her five times, she was starting to wonder what was wrong.

  Finally, after almost a week of this, she asked Sephina what she thought during lunch.

  The older woman was eating a berry as she pondered how to answer her.

  "You really don't know?"

  Jillian shook her head softly.

  "Has he tired of me?"

  The Sofriquette laughed.

  "Have you looked at him lately? He looks like a general going into battle."

  Jillian stole a look at the Prince. He had been watching her constantly, as usual. Right now he was grimly staring into the space below her collarbone. She turned away just as his gaze slipped back to her face.

  "He does look... intense."

  "He's waging a war with himself. Desire and control. You said he leaves you every night, after you make love?"

  "Yes, but only once. I know it's not my place to ask him to stay..."

  "True but there are other ways. You could always ask him to teach you something else."

  "Like what?"

  "Has he ever pleasured you with his mouth?"

  Jillian blushed hotly and looked away. She ended up catching the Prince's eye at that moment. He was studying her hotly. It was as if he knew what she was thinking. She looked down and nodded.

  "Well, we can do that for them too."

  "We can? But it's so-"

  "Hmmm... perhaps I can give you a small lesson this afternoon. Would you like that? It can be our little secret."

  Jillian nodded eagerly. She realized that she wanted nothing more that to please him, and to be pleased by him. She would try anything the Sofriquette suggested.

  "Very well. I'll come to your room in an hour."

  They smiled at each other. Jillian counted herself lucky to have the older woman as a friend.


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