Chosen By The Prince

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Chosen By The Prince Page 6

by Calyope Adams

  The Prince had walked her to her room again after lunch. She felt him hesitate before he took his leave. He had things to do she was sure, but he had wanted to come inside. He looked a bit cranky as he walked away from her door. Wasn't the whole point to keep him from getting distracted?

  She walked around her chamber, waiting for Sephina. She was bored she realized. Was she allowed to do anything but wait for his pleasure? It wouldn't so bad, if he was actually taking her up on her constant availability!

  Jillian stopped in her tracks, staring out the window. Did she just admit to herself that she wanted to be used? To be taken without a word?

  Oh god, she did. Not by just anyone of course. She wanted him. She was falling in love with the Prince.

  She sunk to the window seat, her hands covering her face.

  That's when Sephina knocked softly and opened the door. She held a basket, covered with a piece of cloth. It hid the contents from prying eyes. Jillian tried to put her thoughts from her mind. She was instantly curious about what was in the basket.

  Sephina raised her eyebrows in unspoken question. The older woman could tell something was bothering her. It didn't bother Jillian that she read her like a book. But they'd already gotten adept at silent communication. So when Jillian shook her head, Sephina didn't press her for an answer.

  "Come in, come in!"

  The maids had put out plates of fruit and two glasses with herbed wine. They clinked their glasses together and drank. Jillian peered into her glass comically, wondering as always what was in it. Sephina laughed.

  She pulled Jillian to the pillows in front of the fire and sat, putting the basket between them.

  "Go ahead."

  Jillian lifted the cloth that concealed the contents of the basket. She peeled it back to reveal... bananas. There were bananas inside. Also what looked like a lollipop and something else- oh.

  A glass sculpture of a- oh my! It was a phallus and it looked a lot like the Prince's manhood... in fact...

  "It's an exact replica. Well, more or less. I'm told he refused to sit still long enough to get a proper mold."

  Sephina was laughing at the shocked look on Jillian's face.

  "We'll get to that later. First let's have a look at the banana. It's good place to start because it's so tender and you have to mind your teeth."

  That evening as the maids prepared her for dinner, Jillian was busy mentally reviewing everything Sephina had shown her. They covered her in a dress made of dark gleaming bronze, then placed her new collar around her throat. The topaz headpiece was worked into her elaborate hairstyle.

  An image of the Sofriquette kneeling before the King came to her unbidden. The King's face was relaxed, awash in pleasure as the dark haired woman worked her head on his shaft.

  Oh my.

  She didn't want to think about that. It didn't seem right to think of their monarch that way. Much better to think about the Prince, his head thrown back, as she knelt before him... hmmmm. Maybe she would get the hang of this 'object of desire' thing after all. Then again, she had a lot of conflicting feelings. It had barely been a little longer than a week since she'd been a pampered young woman of the upper class.

  Now she was the pampered pet of the future King. She had very few of the freedoms she had taken for granted before. But in a way, she had much greater power. It was a strange twist of fate to be sure.

  The door opened and she greeted the Prince. He stared at her hungrily, as if he would skip the meal altogether. She smiled, thinking that the meal she had planned would consist of him.

  He clipped the gold chain onto her collar as she let her eyes rest on his groin. She could have sworn she saw it grow under her gaze... she looked up and caught the look of frustrated desire on his face. She turned and followed the guards in their procession, letting her hips sway under the revealing gown.

  She was quiet during the meal, sharing secretive smiles with Sephina. Every time she looked up the Prince looked more and more frustrated. It was a good thing she had a new trick up her sleeve because he looked like he might burst if he had to have her only once again that night. Then again, she also meant to make sure he knew that he could have her twice or three times without hurting her. They just couldn't go for five again anytime soon. That had to be some kind of a record.

  The meal seemed to drag on as she sipped her wine. Inside she felt warm but her skin was cool. She wished she had something to cover her, and not just for modesty's sake. It was shocking how quickly the desire to cover her body had dissipated. She hardly even noticed that her hard nipples attracted the gaze of every man in the castle. She almost pitied the guards who tried the hardest to hide their stares. She was displayed to arouse desire, to be available for the Prince's viewing pleasure. She could hardly blame them for noticing.

  Finally she found herself back inside her chamber. The Prince stepped inside behind her, his eyes hot on her body. She melted into his embrace, feeling his turgid shaft pressing against her. He started licking her neck as if he would devour her. His hands were at her hips immediately, pulling her mound against him rhythmically. She sensed his urgency to be inside her.

  "Am I permitted to have desires of my own?"

  Her whisper sounded tentative to her ears. She hoped her plan would work... He stopped what he was doing, lifting his mouth from her neck. He swallowed and nodded, watching her eyes carefully for a clue as to what she was after.

  She slid down his body as he watched intently. His eyes widened as she knelt before him.

  "I want to taste you your highness."

  She slid her hands up and over him, caressing him through his pants. He closed his eyes in indecision.

  "You give me so much pleasure when you kiss me there... can I not give you some pleasure in return?"

  He moaned and opened his eyes, his hand shifting to his pants, pulling them apart. His member sprang free and she grasped it, guiding it to her lips. Her tongue snaked out and twisted around the head as she pulled him gently into her mouth. He moaned helplessly, already losing control. His warm hands tangled in her hair.

  She held the base of his engorged manhood with one hand as she sunk her soft lips over him, taking him deeper into her warm mouth. Then she began the rhythm that Sephina had taught her. Bobbing her head slowly on his shaft, twisting slightly with each stroke. He was gasping for air as she increased the pressure of her hands and lips and increased the tempo.

  His hands were gripping her head now, allowing him to insert his rod deeper into her throat. She gagged slightly as he pumped into her mouth. She covered her teeth with her lips and worked her tongue along the base of his cock, making him moan in ecstasy.

  Down on her knees, she suddenly felt a sense of power unlike she had ever known. The Prince was beyond himself, totally under her control. And this was a skill she would only improve at.

  His body was shaking as he stroked his member into her eager mouth, pressing into her again and again. Finally he froze and a warm liquid erupted from his cock head. It tasted salty and strange in her mouth but she swallowed it quickly. Sephina had been very specific about this part. Her tongue danced over the tip of his shaft as it spurted jets of his seed into her mouth.

  His hands loosened their grip on her head as the last of his juices were released. She suckled him for a moment longer, then licked his tip once more before leaning back on her heels. He was looking down at her with a look of pure awe. He took her hand and lifted her into his arms.

  "My god Jillian..."

  She smiled as he cuddled her. Then she went to get them each a glass of wine. Tonight there was only one bottle. She looked at him questioningly.

  "I thought we could share the same vintage tonight."

  She lowered her eyes, wondering if the aphrodisiac was in this bottle. They would be in for quite a night if so...

  Hours later she wasn't sure if it was Sephina's advice, or the wine but they had reached a new level of lovemaking. He had tak
en her again, making love to her tenderly. Before he could dress, she had rolled on top of him and straddled his hips.

  "I'll never tell you what to do, but you don't have to go..."

  He moaned and grasped her breasts as she arched her back above him.

  "Are you sure? I don't want to-"

  "Yes, your highness. I'm sure."

  They had made love again, with her on top, finishing with her beneath him once again. He had fallen asleep then, tangled in her arms. She was drifting off herself when she heard the furtive noise coming from the window. Someone was in the room.

  "Well, well, not so reluctant after all."

  She opened her eyes to see the blade pointed directly at her heart.


  The Royal Concubine


  Henry's eyes swept over her naked body with contempt. Not just contempt... there was also hot lust. Jillian felt heat on her skin as his eyes slid down her body. He was staring hungrily at her bare cleft when the Prince opened his eyes.

  Jillian felt him stiffen, his hands instinctively clutching her naked body where she tangled with him. It was barely dawn and they'd been sleeping when the Duke, her former fiancé, had broken into her chamber. He had a razor sharp sword clutched in his hand.

  "Get up, whore."

  Henry was looking at her face now, sneering. She couldn't help it, she whimpered in fear.

  "Don't move, Jillian."

  The Prince was tensing, trying to position himself in front of her but the Duke was too fast.

  Henry stepped forward, his blade pointed at her throat, touching her skin. Jillian's whole body started to shake.

  "Get up or I will cut you."

  She closed her eyes tightly, the Prince's hands closed like manacles around her.

  "And then I'll cut him."

  The Prince inhaled sharply. Everything Duke Henry was doing was treasonous, but threatening a Royal was immediately punishable by death.

  "Leave now and I will let you live Henry. We can forget all about this."

  Henry laughed bitterly, letting his sword slide down Jillian's body, the sharp cold point digging into her flesh. He tilted his head to the side, licking his lips.

  "Forget that you stole my bride? Turned her into this trollop... it is quite a display I must say. What a delightful bed partner you must be."

  Jillian stared at him as he licked his lips grotesquely.

  "Don't hurt her Henry."

  He looked away from her body finally, staring at the Prince.


  Henry's eyebrows shot up. Then he threw his head back and laughed. He slid his hand onto Jillian's arm and started pulling her away from the Prince, out of the bed.


  The Prince was forced to let go as the sword pressed into her tender flesh. He watched in horror as Henry held Jillian against him, his hand splayed over her belly.

  She stared into the Prince's eyes in utter terror, begging him to stay put, not to move...

  "I'm not going to hurt her. I'm just going to fuck her. I'm going to fuck her a lot."

  His tongue lapped at the side of her face. She cringed away from him, disgusted.

  The Prince's eyes flared.

  "You know I can't allow that Henry."

  "Oh that's right, if someone else contaminates your precious harlot, you can't have her anymore. Isn't that right?"

  Jillian whimpered as Henry's hand slid up, cupping her breast and squeezing it painfully.

  "Please Henry. I'll give you anything you want. Just ask."

  "I want her. And now I've got her. Making you suffer is just an added bonus."

  Jillian felt herself starting to faint, her body slipping in Henry's grasp as he held the blade to her throat. The Prince was reaching for her, a desperate look in his eyes.

  "Henry. I am begging you. Please... I love her."

  The words barely permeated the haze of fear Jillian was in. She started to fall forward, causing Henry to yank her roughly up again. His blade nicked her throat, causing a trickle of blood to dribble down her chest. She moaned.

  "That's unfortunate but as you said, unavoidable. Don't worry, I'll send her back with my baby in her belly in a couple of months."

  He laughed again and started dragging her backwards toward the window. Jillian felt him pushing her onto the ledge outside. She realized that she was nude and two stories up. Anyone standing in the courtyard could see her clearly. Her eyes opened finally, registering shock as he pushed her closer to the edge. She knew that her life was over. She stared at the Prince, looking deeply into his anguished eyes. And then she fell.

  Faint sounds of revelry greeted Jillian when she woke. Her entire body was sore. She tried to stretch before realizing she couldn't move. She was tied to a wooden chair, sitting up. Her arms were pulled back behind her cruelly and her legs were spread, each tied to the outside of the chair legs with a rough and scratchy rope that scraped her skin cruelly. She moaned around the gag in her mouth.

  She must be in a private room at a tavern she thought, straining to regain her sense of equilibrium. The sounds coming from below confirmed her suspicion. She heard gulls and the faint smell of the ocean drew her attention. A tavern near the wharf. Henry must be planning to escape by ship on the eastern sea. With her.


  She lifted her head, scanning the shadows of the room. There was someone there, in the shadows. He was lounging in a deep chair, his booted feet on a table. There was a tankard of something clasped in his fist. He pulled on it deeply then dropped the empty cup to the floor where it rolled across the room.

  "Sleeping beauty is awake at last."

  His words sounded slurred as he dropped his feet heavily to the floor. He stood and walked toward her, coming into the light. Her eyes were adjusting so she could see him. She could see the look on his face.

  "I thought about defiling you while you slept but I decided I wanted to see your eyes. More fun that way, don't you think?"

  She whimpered pitifully. He grinned at her cruelly and reached out, pulling down the sheet he'd partially covered her body with. Her nipples pointed obscenely into the air. She wasn't sure if it was the cold or the stimulant cream that was doing it.

  He inhaled sharply and ran his hands over her breasts. She tried to speak to him through the gag, to get his attention, to make him stop. Her eyes searched his face but his gaze was intent on her body. He concentrated deeply as he massaged her round breasts again and again. Then he frowned, seeming to come out of his daze.

  His eyes looked to hers. There was an accusation there.

  "You were supposed to be mine."

  She tried to reason with him but the gag muffled her words. He pulled a knife out of his boot and fingered it, considering. He reached for the gag in her mouth.

  "Don't scream."

  Jillian nodded her head, desperate to try... maybe she could make him listen to reason. He pulled it down around her throat.

  "Please, Henry. Please... let me go. You don't want to do this..."

  He frowned at her again, confusion dimming his blue eyes. She had once thought those eyes were so fine, so noble. He had no honor now. She closed her eyes, knowing she had to hide her disgust from him if she was to survive this.


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