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HARD CASE (A John Harding Novel - Special Ops, Cage Fighter, CIA Agent)

Page 12

by Bernard L. DeLeo

  “Man, I thought you’d roll better. You John Harding, ain’t you?”

  I turned around because they were getting too close. The kid who spoke is a little over six feet tall, wiry, and sporting tattoos on his face and arms that only show faintly due to his dark skin. He’s looking at me with that kind of attitude his future cellmate in prison will adjust for him some time soon.

  “She’s a beauty alright. Want to buy her?”

  My remark sets off a snorting he-haw for a minute. The head thug continues to play for his crowd. “That fight with the big Russian was a lay down. No one could beat him. It was fake.”

  “That’s what I heard.” I’ll play.

  “How much the Russian get for takin’ the dive?”

  “Why don’t you go ask him? He has a room at the Highland Hospital hotel in intensive care. His face is broken so badly they’ll have to take gristle from somewhere else to rebuild it. His ribs are busted and he has a life threatening concussion. If he took a dive, I’d sure like to know how much he got.”

  Yeah, I checked on Rankin. I needed to gauge how much time I had before he was up shooting his mouth off again or hunting for me. When the kids hear the facts they take a couple steps back. Maybe they aren’t as dumb as they look. Motor-mouth is unimpressed.

  “Hell, you don’t look so bad.”

  I straighten the lapels on my suit jacket. “Thanks. You’re not coming on to me are you, Dexter? I don’t roll that way.”

  His friends start busting up laughing. Motor-mouth doesn’t like his posse making light of him. Out comes a long bladed stiletto which I snatch out of his hand before he can even point it. I bend it into a ninety degree angle slowly and toss it.

  “The next thing you reach for better be edible. Run along kids. School starts soon.” I grab Motor-mouth under his chin before he can turn away with the rest of his boys. “You look for payback on my friend Jafar, your picture will end up on the side of a milk carton. We clear?”

  “Yeah,” Motor-mouth hisses out between his clamped teeth.

  I release him and he stumbles away after the retreating thugsters rubbing his chin to make sure all the bones are in place. I wave. “Have a nice day at school, kids. Remember, no talking in class.” Gee, school’s so much more fun now. I’m betting elementary school this afternoon as Pseudo-Dad won’t be anywhere near as entertaining. Boy, was I wrong.

  * * *

  I go home, get some rest, and then work out for an hour. Tess calls as I’m toweling off from the shower. I can hear the anxiety in her voice.

  “John… you’re ready, right? I’m picking you up in half an hour.”

  “You think I might back out?”

  “Remember to wear your suit.”

  “I’m putting it on right now, Mom. Anything else?”

  Tess is silent for a moment. No sense of humor before the big meeting. “You can’t bring a gun, John.”

  I start laughing. That was funny. She doesn’t join me. “Tess, we’re going to an elementary school meeting. Why in hell would you think I’d bring a gun? You sound a little mental to me this afternoon. You’re a big time trial lawyer. Get a grip. What’s the worst that could happen – we all agree to disagree and the school keeps the two girls separated. This isn’t exactly cataclysmic stuff here.”

  “I started thinking about all the scenarios you pointed out. Now I feel jinxed. My sister can get that really disappointed look on her face I hate. Why aren’t you pumped after the reservations you listed yesterday?”

  “I agreed to go. I’m going. Dealing with my reservations coming true can’t be worried about now before they even happen. I listed the downside as advice for you before being railroaded into being part of this endeavor. I’ll see you in a little while.”

  Smiling, I finish drying and get into my suit for the second time today. In the mirror, Pseudo-Dad looks back at me with doubt. I try widening my smile – fail. It resembles a snarl instead of a smile. I try a concerned look with slightly knitted brows. That seems slightly better so I practice it until Tess rings the door bell. I open the door and step out scanning Tess from top to bottom. She is stunning in a black, sleeveless dress with her red hair worn loose around her shoulders. Tess probably thought her choice in dresses was austere because of the color – not even close.

  “I hope the principal’s a guy. The other parents won’t have a chance once he gets a look at you.”

  “The principal’s a woman as is the teacher. You look good, John - dangerous… but good. Did all go well at Jafar’s school?” Tess takes my arm and yanks me toward the car without waiting for an answer.

  “Jafar is back on the straight and narrow, destined to sin no more. Maybe now would be a good time to set down a few ground rules. Are you going to yank me around like a recalcitrant kid and am I to participate verbally or keep my mouth shut while looking grim?”

  Tess pulled open the passenger door of her car. “We’ll talk in the car. I want to be early.

  I shoehorn myself into the passenger seat without further conversation, grinning because up until now only the cops have shoved me into a car before. I admire Tess’s quick entry behind the steering wheel as her dress rides up. Maybe this meeting was a good idea. She notices where my eyes are glued while starting the car and yanks at the hem to no avail. Tess gives up the modesty attempt and launches us on our way.

  “I want you to be a polite, concerned friend of the family, John.” She glances over at me with a beseeching look for a split second. “I’m going to introduce you as my fiancé if that’s okay.”

  “You mean with your sister too?” I’m not opposed to some playacting since I do care for her; but I don’t want this sister of hers looking at me like I’m a monster after Tess and I get into business together and I piss her off somehow as usual.

  “No, just with the staff at the school, so it won’t seem like I’m bringing along some hired muscle to intimidate the other parents.”

  “Which would be the truth.”

  Tess’s hands tighten on the steering wheel. “Did I not claim to be the biggest hypocrite ever? Are you insulted to be considered my fiancé?”

  If I don’t keep my big mouth shut I’m never getting under that sexy black dress. “Of course not. I’d prefer your sister doesn’t get the wrong idea so when you get pissed off and stop talking to me for a couple months she won’t think it’s anything more than business as usual.”

  Tess snorts cutely while trying to stifle a full blown laugh. I gesture at the attractive diamond ring on her finger. “Is that our engagement ring? Very nice. At least I’m a big spender.”

  She does laugh this time. “This is so awkward as to be ridiculous isn’t it?”

  “Let me get back to you on that after the meeting.”

  We arrive at the little Corvallis Elementary school parking lot in San Leandro about ten minutes later. It’s almost full at this time of day. Some kids are playing on a small playground in front of the school while I guess waiting for their parents. Corvallis reminds me a bit of my old elementary school in Leavittsburg. It’s a spread out, one story structure with the usual façade of brick and mortar.

  I get out and stretch my aching ribs a bit. The aspirin I took before leaving is just kicking in. It’s a little breezy out but comfortable. I look around the area, taking in the kids playing, the fresh mowed grass, the line-up of cars waiting for kids with parents loitering outside their vehicles, and the crossing guard at the main school approach, thinking this picture should be on a postcard. Tess nervously taps her foot next to me with arms crossed in an almost defensive posture.

  “What kind of mayhem is flowing behind that fake look of serenity on your face?”

  I’m hurt. “Actually my good woman, it’s a real look of serenity.”

  “Maybe you should sit in the car. Everybody’s looking at you.”

  I see a couple young Moms checking me out but they don’t look hostile. “Calm down, Tess. Your Sis will be here shortly and we’ll go in. I’m not getting
back in the car.”

  “Okay… but… oh, there’s Lora.”

  Tess waves at a late model tan Toyota Camry driving into the parking lot. After it’s parked, a little strawberry haired girl gets out of the passenger seat, slams the door and runs with open arms to Tess. A red haired woman locked up the Toyota with a remote as she approached us. Lora looked like a slightly older version of Tess with a bit more sultriness, same height, good figure, long hair in a ponytail, and wearing a striking dark blue dress. She offers her hand to me with a welcoming smile.

  “You must be John. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  I engulf her hand gently for a moment. “If you heard it from your sister, don’t believe half of it.”

  Lora laughed as Tess clucked and released Alice, turning her to face me. “This is my niece Alice. This is my friend, John.”

  Alice stared up at me with her mouth open. “You…you’re kinda big, mister.”

  I give her a wave. “Hi Alice, nice to meet you. Did you stay home from school today?”

  Alice looks at her Mom before answering. “Yeah, I’ll come back tomorrow. Are you going to the meeting with us?”

  “Your Aunt Tess asked me to sit in with you if that’s okay.”

  “Sure. C’mon… I’ll show you where.” Alice grabs my hand and pulls me toward the school.

  I look back at the sisters exchanging pleasantries as they’re following close behind so I figure Alice must know where she’s going. Inside the school Alice walks me along the main hall to the office where a startled young lady behind the counter stares up at me like I’m a troll blocking the bridge entrance she’s trying to cross. Tess moves around me.

  “Hi, I’m Tess Connagher. My sister Lora Radcliff and her daughter Alice have an appointment with Principal Willis.”

  The young woman scans the computer screen out of our sight and nods. “Yes, of course. I’ll tell the principal you’re here.”

  The counter lady disappears through a rear door and comes back with a tall black woman in a dark green two piece business type dress. She smiled engagingly at us and held her hand out to Lora.

  “I’m Carol Willis. I talked to you on the phone.”

  Lora introduced Tess and me. The principal shook hands with each of us, holding onto my hand an extra moment. “Are you a family friend, Mr. Harding?”

  “This is my fiancé, Ms. Willis,” Tess chimed in.

  I smiled amiably and kept my mouth shut.

  “I’m sure we can straighten this misunderstanding out quickly,” Principal Willis assured us as she indicated we should follow her. “Maria Tolver and her daughter Michelle are waiting in my office with Ms. Tolver’s husband and grandfather.”

  Wow, this is getting exciting. Maybe we should have rented a hall. As it turns out the principal’s office is big enough for all of us. Alice clung to my hand still with both hers. The other little girl, Michelle, stared right at her with that malevolent look kids have no trouble summoning. A nervous looking brunette in slacks and blouse sat next to Michelle on her right. On the other side of the child demon sat a very surly looking guy in navy blue work clothes. Next to him sat Alexi Fiialkov. He met my amused look with one of his own. Standing quickly, Alexi stuck his hand out to me and I shook it. I hate coincidences but this one was at least entertaining. I need to get a Lotto ticket.

  “It is a nice surprise to see you again, Mr. Harding.”

  “Call me John, Alexii.”

  “You know this man, Papa?” Maria Tolver asks in a very respectful manner.

  “Yes, John and I discussed some business the other night.” Alexii turned and knelt next to his granddaughter. The look he was giving her wiped the malevolent one off little Michelle’s face in an instant. “Did you threaten this little girl, Mishy? Tell me truth.”

  Michelle didn’t hesitate. She nodded yes. Alexi sighed and patted her hand. He stood up and shifted his attention to Principal Willis. “I am very sorry for all this trouble. We will make sure my granddaughter is polite and respectful around all other children from now on. Is that not so, Mishy?”

  “Yes.. Da,” Michelle answered in a quivering voice.

  “Wonderful.” Principal Willis looked a little confused. “I’m glad that-”

  “Wait a minute.” The Dad jumped up next to Alexi. “What about-”

  Maria grabbed onto her husband’s arm with a fearful look. “Don’t Tim! It is as Papa says. Michelle has misled us. Kids are kids.”

  “Yes, Tim, we will not be wasting these people’s time any longer.” Alexi had turned to face his son-in-law, who took one look at Alexi and shifted his gaze to the floor. The old man gets respect at home. I’ll give him that. Fiialkov knelt down next to Alice. “I hope you and my granddaughter can be friends from now on.”

  “Me too, Sir.” Alice looked stunned but happy.

  Alexi straightened with an appreciative chuckle. He shook hands with Tess, Lora, and Willis. “I hope we will meet under better circumstances in the future.” He then grinned at me. “The stars seem aligned for us to continue running into each other, John.”

  “I will try to make sure it is by appointment next time, Alexii.”

  He laughed. With his family following close behind they trooped out of the principal’s office. Alice and Michelle exchanged little waves. Surly Tim gave me a final parting glare but it was meaningless. If it weren’t for Michelle’s obvious animosity toward Alice before Alexi’s intervention and her Father’s glowering participation, I’d think this was a setup. Some possibilities flitted through my head. I guess we’ll see.

  Chapter Ten

  The Sister Card and Meeting Samira

  Tess and Lora were still in quasi shock at the surprisingly quick resolution of what they had considered a monumental confrontation. I’m happy because this Pseudo-Dad foray was over without ending up in the gray-bar hotel. Principal Willis peered up at me with that look you see teachers give to the class clown.

  “Well, Mr. Harding, it was indeed beneficial to have you here.”

  “Thanks. I’m glad it worked out. May I be excused now, Ma’am?”

  She laughed as did Tess and Lora. Alice giggled, more at the adults laughing than her understanding of my adlib.

  “Yes, John, you may go now,” Principal Willis quipped after a moment. “Stay out of trouble. I don’t want to see you back in my office again.”

  “Me either.” We then left after the usual parting pleasantries. School was ending for the day so we sifted our way out to the parking lot through the streaming kids, teachers, and parents in a comfortable silence. Alice skipped along next to me obviously happy with the outcome. In the parking lot, Lora hugged me long enough to draw the attention of passersby.

  “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  I pulled away before it became obvious she was provoking an unintentional reaction from my little brain below the belt. “Thank Tess. This was her idea. She set a bomb in my big screen HDTV to go off if I didn’t come along. She has the detonator in her purse.”

  After laughter at my explanation of Tess’s recruitment tactics Lora made Tess promise to bring me over to their house for dinner soon. I have no objection. Lora’s very attractive and I like Alice. Maybe the next time Tess drops me like a bad habit I’ll go play the Pseudo-Dad card with Lora and Alice. Tess seems to be reading my mind because as Lora and Alice drive away she launches an elbow toward my damaged ribcage I block. I have Tess hopping toward her car a split second later with the weapon elbow pinched in a firm grip.

  “Ouch! Let me go you brute!”

  “I’m sure it slipped your mind but it would be very painful right now to take an elbow to my ribcage from anyone.”

  Tess relaxed, looking at me contritely. “Sorry, John. I forgot about your ribcage when you decided to dry hump my sister.”

  “In my defense, she hugged me. Besides, your sister’s single, right?”

  “We’re engaged, you predator!”

  That cracked me up. Tess growled sort of and r
an around to her driver’s side. She scrambled in without unlocking my door. I tapped on the window as Tess started the car and put it into reverse. “The second you drive away without me, I’m calling Lora.”

  My door lock popped open. I eased in quickly, not sure if she’d change her mind and take off with me halfway out. I’m not upset. This means I will be able to pull the Lora card with noticeable effect in the future. It’s all good. Tess is fuming for reasons only she knows. I’m keeping quiet while sneaking peeks at her legs. While diving in behind the steering wheel Tess’s dress had ridden up to the top of her thighs. Oh yeah! What can I say, this Pseudo-Dad gig has me aroused for some reason… probably because of Lora’s impromptu hug. Tess catches me peeking and tries to pull her hem down but can’t get the bunched material to cooperate.

  “You are such a pig!”

  I smile over at her and pull the card. “First I’m a predator and now I’m a pig? Maybe you should let me out. I’ll call Lora. She’ll come pick me up.”

  Tess takes a deep breath. I think she’s figured out what’s going on. “I sure gave you a weapon to bludgeon me with, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah you did. Your sister’s very attractive.”

  “No boy ever looked at me after they saw her when we were growing up.”

  “She gives good hugs.”

  Tess giggled. “You pulled away so quickly I figured little John was on the rise. It caught me by surprise and I overreacted.”

  “Yuh think?”

  “Deny your blood wasn’t racing when Lora latched onto you like a wet sheet.”

  “I can’t tell lies to a future business partner. So, is this some kind of deal breaker?”

  “No. I’ve always been jealous of my sister. How come my fiancé tapped into those long bubbling over feelings of inadequacy to make me mental?”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll wear armor plating if we have dinner with Lora and Alice.”

  “You aren’t going near her again.”


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