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Page 9

by Claire Marta

  Crouching down, Zook brushed his fingers against the curve of her cheek in a gesture of affection. “Are you sure you’re all right, Nell?”

  “Stop fussing over me, Zook.” She grumbled pushing his fingers away with a fragile hand. “Now, do as you are told.”

  “Will Nelly be all right there on her own?” Twitch asked as they hurried towards the town. Breathing in deeply, the smell of salt and sea air filled his nostrils. It was disorientating. Beaches were a place he did not normally go, nor had he visited Brighton before.

  “Oh, she can take care of herself. No need to worry there.” Zook shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather trousers. With an arrogant swagger, he led the way.

  Brighton was busy. Even though it was April there were plenty of people out enjoying the evening. As they passed a pub they could hear the murmur of voices through the open doorway. With a cheer, they rose as a football team scored a goal on the large plaza TV hanging above the bar.

  Twitch wrinkled his nose. Both Nelly and Zook had said this place was governed by darkness. Yet nothing felt dark or evil. It seemed like any other town he had visited. People were living their lives. Nothing looked hinky.

  “You know what we’re walking into?” He had a feeling his friend was not telling him everything.

  Rubbing his chin with the pad of his thumb, Zook grinned. “It’s no fun if I tell you.” His rings gleamed in the light.

  “It might save my life and I won’t have to kick you in the balls for letting me walk in blind,” Twitch countered.

  “Demons.” The serious look in his brown gaze conveyed just how risky things were.

  “What a fucking relief. I thought it was something dangerous.” Twitch responded sarcastically. Although there weren’t many around, he had enough knowledge of them to know they were walking into something potentially suicidal. For a first date, this was turning out to be a shit storm. Lexi was never going to forget it. Or forgive him.

  Brushing a wayward lock away, Twitch’s anxiety over her safety plagued him. Was she unharmed?

  “The Demon overlord who controls this area is a complete nut ball, but we can do this. Don’t panic and we’ll be fine.”

  As they turned left down a narrow street Twitch noticed a stranger. Leaning idly against a lamp post, he was watching them with interest. Grey, tousled hair didn’t deter from his youthful good looks. Dressed casually in jeans, a dark t-shirt, and a beaten up leather jacket, he remained standing, tapping a long, oak wooden staff against his shoulder. It had been crafted smoothly to perfection. Around the top, similar runes Twitch had seen on Zook’s dice were carved within the surface.

  Zook nodded at him as they passed. Hands still in the pockets of his leather trousers he seemed at ease with the interaction.

  With a half-smile, the guy nodded back.

  Twitch did not miss the flash of amber that danced in the male’s blue eyes.

  “Shifters?” He questioned, leaning in close to Zook.

  “Yeah. It’s not all darkness here. A local pack led by an alpha named, Chase, keep the demons from spreading too far.”

  The soft murmur of hushed voices penetrated the delirium Lexi’s mind had fallen into. Limbs aching, she groaned. A throbbing pain was beating away in her head. Cracking open her eyelids, she was blinded by a glow of light. Blinking rapidly, her eyes adjusted to the cluster of candles.

  With a growl, she tried to sit up only to find her ankles and wrists bounds. Raising her head, she discovered herself strapped down on what looked like an old hospital gurney.

  Thick, leather belts had been secured across her wrists and ankles so tightly her hands and feet had gone numb. Jerking her arms up they bit into her skin... Something that should have been easy to snap with her demonic strength was unbreakable.

  “You’re still weak from the hunter’s net, honey bee.” A voice told her off to her left.

  Swivelling her head, she became aware of her audience. Lounging around her on beaten up chairs and desks were a group of kids. They ranged from six years old up to sixteen. A mix of boys and girls.

  Beneath dirty faces were grubby clothes covered in stains she suspected to be blood. The metallic smell lingered. Stale, but still unmistakable.

  “Where am I?” She asked, glancing around the room. It looked like an abandoned building. Faded boy band posters were sagging on the walls. A collection of old magazines had been left to rot in a corner. More disturbing was the assortment of toys that were lined up below a boarded-up window. Each one had been mutilated in some way; a doll with her head cut off, a bear with needles poking from its eyes.

  “You’re where you should be. With your own kind.” A blonde girl answered her. She was the only one who was clean. Dressed up like a cheerleader it almost looked like she had come from school.

  A chill ran through Lexi as the words sunk in. Demons. These were demon children. Besides a succubus, there were many different varieties of hell spawn. What species were these? Her knowledge was limited. Even though her father had spoken about what she was he had never mentioned others of her kind. What she knew were things she had overheard from supernaturals visiting the club. None of it had been good.

  “Let me up. I want to go home.” Yanking on her bindings, she kicked her legs. Bound tightly, her efforts lead to nothing.

  “You aren’t going anywhere until he gets a look at you.” The blonde girl continued. It looked like she was the leader of the gathering. One leg crossed over the other, she was running a hand through her pigtails with a look of boredom.

  “Who’s ‘he’?” Lexi asked.

  Lips stretching wide, the girl gave her a smile that sent the icy clutches of dread through her chest. “The Demon Lord of course.”

  “You walk in,” Zook whispered. “I can keep the guards distracted.”

  They were across the road from a shabby, run-down, derelict building. It stood apart from the other occupied houses on its own lump of land. Wooden planks boarded up many of its broken windows. Fragments of shattered glass still lay littering the over grown front yard. The place had seen better days. Peeling red paint on the window frames were a testament that someone had once loved it. Two, large, muscled men were hanging around outside. Both were smoking. The ends of their cigarettes glowing orange in the dark as they chatted.

  “They’re demons. I can’t just stroll in like I own the place and if I did, then what? I bumble around hoping I run into Lexi?” Twitch whispered back furiously. This was the dumbest idea he had ever heard. From what he could sense there was very little technology in the crumbling, red brick dump. Without that, he would be forced to use his new powers. And that was not going to happen. No way.

  “If they were full demon we wouldn’t have been able to make it here without them sensing us. Trust me, you will know where to find her. Let your instincts guide you.” Raking a hand through his dark brown hair, his friend gave him a knowing grin.

  “I think this is the worse fucking idea you have ever had and yes, you’re a fucknugget.” Twitch complained back. He had no idea what he was walking into. How many there were inside. Or even if Lexi was in there.

  “Avoid bumping into the big old crazy that runs the joint and you’ll be in and out in ten minutes.” Zook’s palm slapping Twitch’s arse made him squeak. “Man up and go rescue your girl.”

  “Don’t do that.” Twitch snapped, as he watched the other male slink around the corner. Zook’s chuckle was his only reply.

  Humming to himself nervously, Twitch fingered the buttons on his shirt. How long was this going to take? What his friend planned was a mystery.

  The attention of the two muscled guards snapped to their right. Bodies tensing, they leapt into action. Discarding their smokes, they raced from the door and down the street. That had to be Zook. Twitch guessed this was his queue to get his arse moving. Attentively, he peeked around. Alone now, he had the perfect opportunity to slip inside.

  Sprinting from his hiding place, he headed straight for the door
. No one called after him. No shouts to stop. Without looking back, he darted into the waiting gloom.

  Something evil lived here. Twitch knew it the instant he stepped across the threshold. It was a feeling he had experienced before when he’d had to face the monster who took his sister’s life.

  Memories poured through his head; holding Mel in his arms, the weight of her lifeless body. Blood. So much blood had covered his hands and shirt. And the way her dead, sightless gaze had stared up at him would live with him forever.

  Like pinpricks over his body, the memory left a cold, frozen ball inside his chest as he released a shuddering breath. With it, came fear. That day he had stared death in the eyes. Seen its bony, leering face. He still remembered it’s icy touch.

  Trying his best to shake away the horrible memories, Twitch examined his surroundings.

  Mildew, damp and slimy, crept along the faded, yellow walls from where the rain had gotten in. Burning tapered candles had been secured in metal brackets, providing some light as he manoeuvred down the hall. The house was in a state of crumbling decomposition. Decaying around the occupants a piece at a time.

  “Where are you, sugar pants?” He muttered softly. Voices were echoing through the neglected passage ways. The hum of tech was low. Too low for him to use. Zook had told him to use his instincts. How the fuck did that work?

  How long he had until he was discovered was uncertain. Yet here he was hesitating.

  Closing his eyes, Twitch concentrated on Lexi’s image. Pink, soft hair that flowed to her shoulders. Her full pouty lips. That bright slash of lipstick she was so fond of wearing. A face so young and innocent it would make a Goddess weep. Lastly, he focused on a pair of dove grey eyes. So clear and true, he felt he could lose himself within them.

  A warmth spread within his chest. Washing through his limbs, it chased away the lingering fear and made his skin tingle. Slowly, Twitch turned. As if a cord had been strung between them he felt a pull. Eyes fluttering open, he found himself facing a corridor. Lexi. She was there at the end. How he knew he was not certain. But that did not matter right now.

  Creeping forwards, he passed several rooms. Bedrooms. Clothes were scattered around stained dirty mattresses lying on the floors. The stale smell of pizza hung in the air. He could see empty boxes scattered here and there. Who ever lived here certainly loved fast food.

  “You should be happy you were bought here.” The youthful voice spoke from the last door in the corridor. “He will show you what you truly are.”

  “But I don’t want to be here.”

  Twitch’s steps sped up as he heard Lexi’s voice. She sounded angry, but he did not miss the trace of fear. Obviously, she was not alone. How many were in there he had no clue. All Twitch knew was he needed to get to her. Bursting in through the half open doorway he was not prepared for the sight he found.

  A group of children were gathered around a hospital gurney. They looked underfed. Their scrawny bodies clothed in dirty stained clothes and their hair unbrushed. With nimble fingers, they were poking the female who was strapped to the bed. They looked hungry. Like a pack of starved dogs circling prey. Snapping and growling at each other they acted more like wild animals than kids.

  Twitch felt relief flood through him the moment he saw his pink haired girl. The invisible cord still connected them, but it’s strength lessened now in her presence.

  “Who the fuck are you?” A black-haired boy hissed as he noticed him.

  “The names Twitch. I’m her boyfriend so get your creepy fucking hands off her.” Twitch demanded as he stormed towards them.

  His words had the desired effect. The teenagers stopped. Instead, he became the focus of their attention. With eyes empty of pity or empathy, they stared at him as if they had just found a shiny new toy.

  “Twitch, how did you find me?” Lexi’s features sagged in relief.

  “Some friends helped me out.” He told her, drawing closer. The youngsters scurried back. They seemed uncertain of how to react to him. With a sense of clarity, Twitch realised he could not let any weakness show. If they were as far gone as he suspected, then they would attack.

  “You’re my boyfriend now?” Lexi asked as his hand found hers.

  “It sounded better than the bloke you had dinner with and kissed in the street.” Squeezing it in reassurance, he gave her a lopsided grin.

  “Two souls to play with. This is our lucky day.”

  The girl who spoke looked no more than sixteen years old. Fresh faced, her strawberry blonde hair was up in pigtails. Her slim, adolescent figure was dressed in a cheer leading outfit. One long leg crossed over the other, swinging idly in the air. Eyes lowering, he noted the pink kitten heels.

  “Don’t tell me you’re the Demon overlord of Brighton?” Twitch asked, raising his eyebrows in disbelief.

  “No. I’m his second in command.” She was examining the sparkly silver nail vanish on the fingers of one dainty hand. “Every one of the demon descendants in this room can kill you mage, but I am the one who can do it most efficiently. In fact, I can drag it out for months and years in the most excruciating and imaginative way.”

  “I’m guessing you have more psycho in you than the rest of the Brady bunch in here then?” Twitch snapped, not missing the cold deadness in her eyes. Any ounce of humanity in these youngsters had been crushed away. They were monsters now. Baptised in blood and pain by the demons who had taken them in as their own.

  “My genes are purer than the rest. Yes.”

  “That’s great, but we should really be going.” Twitch gripped the frame at the top of the bed. The metal was cold and solid. Wheels squeaking, he rolled it forwards.

  “What are you doing?” Lexi whispered frantically. Arching her neck, she stared up at him with big grey eyes.

  “Getting you out of here. I don’t feel comfortable untying you right now surrounded by our audience.” He replied with a confidence he did not completely feel. “Unless you like it here and want to stay?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Get me home, Twitch, please.” She was gazing at him with a look of trust and hope he felt like anything was possible. “I feel like I’m stuck in the village of the damned.”

  “What is going on in here?”

  The questioning voice startled them all. A man stood, blocking the way out.

  He was tall and reed-like. Skin so pale it appeared it had never seen the light of day. Bleached blonde hair styled up in a high quiff, his grey eyes were painted dramatically with thick black eyeliner. Bone structure fine, his features were more feminine than masculine.

  Rising from his head, were a pair of large, black horns. They curled upwards and ended in sharp deadly tips. A dressing gown open at the chest draped over his shoulders. It was a magnificent golden material. The graceful folds rippled around him as he moved, giving a glimpse of his satiny, red, pyjama bottoms. He looked like a seventies rock star. One who had just staggered out of bed.

  A small, brown dog was curled in his arms. With beady eyes fastened on them it licked its nose before barking in excitement.

  “Hush now, Eighty.” The new comer crooned in a deep southern drawl which was a strange contrast to his appearance. Raking his pointed fingernails through the creature’s caramel fur, his brows turned down, staring at them questioningly. “I don’t like being disturbed when I am watching my TV shows.”

  “Who the fuck are you?” Twitch asked in surprise.

  “I am Celion!” Puffing out his chest, he struck a pose.

  Brows scrunching together, Twitch stared back. “I’m sorry. Am I supposed to know who you are?”

  “Beast of the sixth pit of hell.” The blonde guy continued with a toss of his head making his gelled-up hair bounce.

  Pursing his lips, Twitch tried not to laugh. “Nope.”

  Confusion swimming in his gaze, Celion’s shoulders slumped. “Slaughter of the innocent and flayer of skins.”

  “No, not ringing any bells.” Glancing down at Lexi, he could see
the stunned disbelief in her expression. Giving her a wink, he tightened his grip on the bed.

  “The Demon overload of Brighton and the bringer of your doom.” Spitting the last word, Celion stamped his foot.

  “Definitely not heard of you.”

  Snickers and giggles erupted throughout the room. The children had moved to encircle them. Twitch knew he was playing with fire. Riling up the demon lord would go either way. He hoped he could get them out of the building in one piece without losing any body parts.

  “If he speaks again you have my permission to gut him and use his entrails as decorations.” The demon lord informed them with a curl of his lip.

  “Is this the new one, Stella?” Celion asked as he sashayed across the room. The Pomeranian nestled in the crook of his arm growled.

  “Yes, my Lord.” Grinning evilly, the blonde pigtailed girl slipped off the worn table she had been sitting on.

  Bending low, he sniffed Lexi’s leg. Heart pounding heavily in her chest, she was unable to jerk away with the straps confining her. For some reason he terrified her. It was a feeling that crept unpleasantly through every corner of her consciousness.

  “Pure blood.” The demon lord hissed. “I know this scent.” Straightening up, his expression became menacing. “So, the lost daughter returns to the fold. You look like your mother. No doubt, with the same daydreaming temperament by that ridiculous pink hair.”

  Lexi’s face creased in confusion. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Where did your mother hide you all these years, hmm? I never did get to torture it out of her. She was far too weak even for a full blood succubus.” Celion complained languorously as he petted his pet pooch. “So breakable.”

  Shock rendered Lexi almost speechless. “My murdered my mother?” Pain cramped her heart as tears sprung up in her eyes.

  Her mother was dead? The coloured ebbed from her face. Never once had she imagined this to be the case. She had always dreamed of a reunion between them. A fairy-tale ending.


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