The Wright Mistake

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The Wright Mistake Page 26

by K. A. Linde

  He turned me back around to face him. “I missed everything about you while I was gone. But this body…” He shuddered. “You are my undoing.”

  His thumbs brushed against my nipples until they hardened into points. Then, he took one in his mouth, sucking on it, until I writhed beneath his touch, and when I was purring in his grip, he moved to the other one.

  “We’re…we’re going to have to get you out of that shirt,” I muttered, trembling from his touch.

  My eyes dropped on that Captain America shirt. It showed off those biceps and that chest. But, fuck, I couldn’t wait until it was off.

  “I…I think I didn’t get you the right size anyway.”

  He laughed. “It’s a bit tight.”


  “Guess I’m not a Captain America guy after all.” He stripped the shirt off over his head.

  And then…yes. I trailed my nails down his pecs, down those abs, and to that V. Then, I hastily removed his remaining clothes and saw all my other favorite parts of him that I loved to run my hands down.

  Austin threw his head back and moaned when I palmed his cock in my hand.

  “God, I want to get inside you,” he said. “Want you to know just how much I love you.”

  I licked around the head of his cock before popping it into my mouth. His hand went through my hair, tightening ever so slightly. I released him from my mouth with a smirk and then crawled back on the bed. He followed after me, his cock jutting out toward me.

  Austin settled down between my legs, hiking them up around his hips. He leaned forward onto his elbows to stare down at me. I gripped his biceps as he eased inside me, stretching and filling me to the hilt.

  His gaze was intent on me as he pushed my hair out of my face. He didn’t move at first, and I squirmed under him.

  “What?” I whispered.

  “It’s different this time.”


  “It was always amazing,” he said, “but this time, I just feel more connected. I’ve…I’ve never felt like this before, love.”

  “Me either. It’s a little scary,” I confessed.

  “I’ll take it slow.”

  He leaned forward to kiss me and then started moving, keeping to his word. I couldn’t even describe how good it felt. His body pressed against mine. His cock sliding in and out of my pussy. Our breath mingling in the space.

  There was no rush. We had all the time in the world. And, still, he barely had to move as our bodies eased together and then apart and then back together. We weren’t just fucking, like we always had before. For the first time, we were really making love.

  While I liked both options, when we finally came apart at the same time, my orgasm hit me relentlessly. I saw stars. My mind went blank. I probably could have spoken in tongues.

  Nothing compared.

  And I realized that nothing ever would with Austin.

  Being away from one another for those three months was the best decision of our lives. I’d found my art again. Austin had stopped drinking. We’d both healed. It had been necessary. Without it, we never would have gotten to where we were right now. We never would have been able to move on. It had taken that time to show that we were strong enough separate…but better as one.

  We might be works in progress separately.

  But, together, we were complete.



  Five Months Later

  “Do I finally get to see what you’ve been working on?” I asked Julia as we drove to the First Friday Art Trail.

  “Maybe,” she said coyly.

  She’d been hinting at a big event that she had been working toward for months. But nothing I’d said or done—and, trust me, I’d tried—could get her to change her mind. She was set on me finding out with everyone else. Because of that, I hadn’t been allowed to step foot into her art studio at her apartment. I’d respected her privacy, but it had been killing me not to know.

  Julia had a parking spot for the event this time, so she wouldn’t have to park in a tow zone. I hopped out of her Tahoe and followed her around the corner to one of the warehouses already crowded with people.

  “Are you ready?” she asked.

  I took her hand and kissed the palm. “I can do anything when I’m with you.”

  She laughed. “Oh, boy. Well, here we go.”

  Julia walked me to the back of the exhibit, and when I realized what I was looking at, I stopped dead in my tracks. Julia shot me a worried look. And then I burst into laughter.

  “Austin!” she gasped.

  “You put up the naked picture of me?” I said through my laughter.

  “It’s kind of the centerpiece of my exhibit.”

  “Oh, Jules,” I said, sliding back into that nickname. It had taken a long time before she decided that I could start calling her that again. I was glad. I didn’t want her to associate anything with that douche.

  “You’re not mad?”

  I wiped a tear from my eye, and then I scooped her up in my arms and twirled her around in a circle. “How could I be mad at you?”

  She giggled when I set her down. “Well, I don’t know. Everyone in Lubbock can see you naked.”

  “Everyone is just looking at your talent.”

  “Well, I could have had the space for this months ago. Nina told me to do it whenever I was ready. It took longer than I’d expected to get there. I’d started on a lot of these while you were away, but I didn’t get them just right until last month.” She bit her lip and then glanced around at the fifteen canvases that showed the range and depth of her abilities. “It’s kind of an ode to our relationship and the struggles we’ve overcome.”

  I could see it when I knew what I was looking at. A watercolor of Waffle. A collection of letters. A charcoal of water. And so many more that I recognized. It was perfect.

  “I love every single one.”

  “One more surprise.”

  Then, she handed me a piece of paper. I glanced down at it and beamed.

  “All proceeds are going to the foster care system in Lubbock?” I asked in awe.

  “It was the first time that I really saw how there was so much more to you. I thought it was only fitting. I have a full-time job. The money I make from the pictures should go to something worthwhile. I’d rather make a donation.”

  “You’re amazing,” I told her. “I love you.”

  She beamed. “I love you, too. I was really worried you’d hate it.”

  “How could I when you put so much effort and love into it?”

  I leaned down and drew her into a kiss. A throat cleared behind us, and I whirled around to find Patrick standing behind us.

  “What the hell is that?” he asked, pointing at the naked picture of me.

  I laughed at his astounded face.

  “When Julia invited me, I didn’t know I’d have to look at your naked ass.”

  “Can’t you appreciate art?” I asked in mock seriousness.

  “My eyes are bleeding.”

  A minute later, the rest of my family showed up with David in tow once more. He had Jason on his shoulders, and Sutton actually seemed not to be miserable at the gesture. That was something at least.

  Jensen’s and Landon’s eyes rounded in the same way that Patrick’s had when they saw the naked picture of me that Julia had painted last summer.

  “So…how exactly did you get into doing that?” Landon asked.

  “I volunteered to sit naked for an art class I signed Julia up for. It was full, and that was how I got her in.”

  Jensen raised his eyebrows. “You know, when you came to me last summer and I told you to lay it all out there for Julia…I didn’t actually mean everything.”

  Julia snort-laughed, and I couldn’t keep my laughter in. I clapped my brothers on their backs.

  “It’s tasteful,” I insisted.

  “If you say so,” Landon said as he wandered over to look at the picture of Waffle.

Heidi came forward and hugged Julia. “I’m so proud of you!”

  “It’s really freaking amazing,” Emery agreed.

  “Especially that middle picture,” Heidi added with a wink. “Pretty impressive.”

  Emery tilted her head as she stared at the picture. “Well…now, I’ve seen all the Wright brothers.”

  “Emery!” Julia said, covering her face.

  “It does run in the family,” Heidi added.

  It was my turn for my face to turn beet red. “Jesus, y’all are worse than us guys.”

  “Duh,” Heidi said, swishing her blonde hair off her shoulder.

  Emery just shrugged. Her eyes glanced down to my shorts once, and then she laughed. It was Julia who finally herded them away. I could hear them chatting and giggling. As thick as thieves, that trio was.

  We spent the rest of the First Friday camped out near Julia’s exhibit. She sold three pictures while we were there, but I thought she was more excited about the experience of the whole thing. To use her art for good, no matter what money it brought in.

  When I could see she was flagging, I finally drew her away from the warehouse and out to the food trucks to grab something for dinner.

  “Lemonade?” I guessed.

  “Don’t act like you know me,” she teased.

  “Oh, but I do.”

  I got her the lemonade and both of us barbeque. My eyes drifted to the red Solo cups everyone was carrying and the signs for alcohol. Several months ago, I wouldn’t have even been able to come to First Friday. It was a testament to the fact that I was now eight months sober and that I was able to be here for Julia. It wasn’t easy. There were times when I thought I’d never make it, but it was the right choice. And, as we moved to an empty picnic table amid the chaos and I sat across from Julia, I knew that it was worth the effort.

  “I’m really proud of you, you know,” I told Julia.

  She flushed. “It feels good to be doing what I love again.”

  “Will you move in with me?”

  Julia’s eyes flashed up to mine. “What?”

  “You know…move in with me.”

  “Your house isn’t even done,” she said with a laugh.

  “I know. We have another month or two. That means, you will get final say on everything. You can decide which room you want your art studio in, paint the walls, decorate, choose the details that you’re good at. I want you in my life. I want my house to be your house. I don’t want it to feel like a bachelor pad. I want everything to have your touch on it.”

  “Austin, that’s a huge step.”

  I grinned. “That’s why I’m asking you now. So, you’ll have a couple months to get used to the idea.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “That’s not what I mean.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…it’s a huge step, and I’m excited to take it with you.”

  “You are?”

  She nodded and then laughed. She jumped up from her side of the picnic table and then threw herself into my arms. Exactly where she belonged.

  Our road hadn’t been easy.

  In fact, at some points, I’d thought we were never going to make it.

  But Julia was my forever. Full stop.

  One day, I’d put a ring on her finger, give her my name, have her carry our children. But, today, knowing I had a future with her was enough.

  She was enough.

  The End


  I’m the only Wright who has it all together.

  Except when it comes to my brother's best friend, Patrick.

  You think you know everything about us.

  But you don't know…





  Note from the Author

  This book was one of the hardest I’ve ever written. Loving an addict is hard. Loving an addict who refuses to get help is even harder. And I know so many of you out there have had to deal with family members and friends who have substance abuse problems. You’re not alone. We’re all here for you.

  Austin’s road through alcoholism was brutal, and in the end, it all worked out. He had a support network, loving friends and family, and the will to keep going. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case for everyone. So, if you or someone you know is suffering from drug or alcohol abuse, please get them help. Let Austin and Julia’s story be the push you need to help those that you care about in any way that you can.

  Toll-Free Drug or Alcohol Hotline


  Alcoholics Anonymous

  (800) 396-1602

  Resources to get help:


  Thank you to all the people who helped make this book come to life. I was on a crazy deadline and was pretty manic through the whole thing. And you all only thought I was half-insane…okay maybe ¾ insane. But, also, for helping me make Austin’s and Julia’s struggles realistic. All around being the best friends ever. So, thanks—Anjee, Rebecca, Katie, Polly, and Lori.

  Mindi—for letting me make you a butcher-knife wielding psycho and for reading my cop scenes for accuracy. Lauren—for all the help with guns and the firing range.

  Sarah Hansen—for the gorgeous cover. Eric Battershell—for the hot picture of Austin that made me fall out of my seat when I saw it. Danielle Sanchez—for helping me make all the hard decisions. Kimberly Brower, agent extraordinaire—for all your brilliance and for already getting this book in audio! Jovana Shirley—for the wonderful editing job and formatting, especially on a tight deadline. I owe you one.

  Finally, my husband, Joel, and our two puppies, Riker and Lucy! You’re the ones who have to deal with my vampire schedule. I love and appreciate you!

  About the Author

  K.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of the Avoiding Series and more than twenty other novels. She grew up as a military brat and attended the University of Georgia where she obtained a master’s in political science. She works full-time as an author and loves Disney movies, binge-watching Supernatural, and Star Wars.

  She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband and two super-adorable puppies.

  Visit her online at and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @authorkalinde.

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