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A.I.S.A.: An Erotic Sci-Fi Romance

Page 15

by D. R. Rosier

  “Cum for me Aisa,” I demanded.

  She exploded under me, and that’s when I stopped teasing. I started to slam into her hard and fast, raising and extending her orgasm the best I knew how. She rolled into a second orgasm almost immediately after the first, and then built up quickly for a third.

  That’s when I lost it, her third orgasm was an explosion, and she squirted all over my center and grasped me tightly, milking me, and I gave up my control, my balls boiled, and I filled her up with my seed.

  She moaned softly and ground back against me, I felt her tighten around me and try to milk every drop.

  “God, I needed that so bad.”

  I grinned, “My pleasure love,” while I caressed her lower back and ass.

  I pulled out, grabbed her hips and flipped her over. I pulled her legs up and over my shoulders as I crawled into the bed, sliding her back over the covers. She looked up at me with pleasure filled but still hungry sparkling green eyes. I pulled her butt off the bed a little, holding her by her sexy legs. I kissed her ankle softly, and then lined myself up and sunk back into her heaven.

  Despite our position of having her legs pinned and having her almost folded in half under me, I made love to her slowly, sliding in and out of her sweet moist heaven, enjoying every feeling of the silken friction along my sensitive length from being deep inside her supple body.

  I stared deep into her eyes as I took her over the edge over and over again, I loved it every time she trembled and came all over my cock, nothing compared to watching her pleasurable reaction to my invasion of her body. The sweet sound of her mewling voice as she was wracked with pleasure again and again. Finally, when I sense she was approaching overstimulation, I picked up speed, and joined her in her last orgasm, once again filling her center with my seed.

  She snuggled against me after I laid next to her.

  “I love it when you do that, the way you look at me, I always feel… so loved and safe.”

  I kissed her softly, “I kind of enjoy it too.”

  She bit my lip, “Kind of?” she asked a little sharply.

  I nodded against her hair, “Sorta, yeah… I suppose,” at that point my forced bored nonchalance broke, and I dissolved into laughter.

  She snorted, “Asshole.”

  I laughed harder, “I love you baby, and you have no idea how much I love making you feel that way. I love the way you look at me too.”

  She sighed in faux despair, “That’s better, but your still an asshole. Lucky for you I love you, so you’re my asshole.”

  I snorted, “Well this asshole is hungry, let’s hit the shower so we can go eat O’ precious and beauteous light of my life.”

  She giggled, “Fine, I suppose we can go do that.”

  Breakfast was a bit like controlled chaos. It wasn’t just the ten of us, I met the pets Sally had told me about as a distraction during Aisa’s, Aida’s, and Cal’s breakout much earlier this morning. There were two dogs, and one cat, so not as many as I’d gotten the impression of earlier. Sunny was a three-year-old Golden Retriever, Bear was a five-year-old big Alaskan Malamute, and then Daisy was Calico cat about ten years old. They were all pretty well behaved outside of begging for food, and none of them attacked me, so I took it as a good sign.

  Most of the breakfast was taken up with a recap of the events from early this morning. Sally, Aida, and Steve seemed to dominate the conversation, being the most outspoken in the family. I was rather quiet and just paid attention, they were making me feel welcome, even on the link I’d turned back on, but I figured it was better to keep my mouth shut unless asked a question and pay attention at this point. Of course, I got asked questions.

  James asked, “So Tony, what’s next for you?”

  I really didn’t have an answer for that one.

  “I planned to get with Gerald later today, see what the situation is. For now, I’d just planned to stay here off everyone’s radar and plan our next steps. Even if things with the government aren’t as bad as I fear, we should stay here away from the problem until we have to go back for court. I hadn’t had a chance to discuss it at all with Cal, Aisa, and Aida yet though.”

  James nodded, “You’re more than welcome of course, and I’m glad to hear it. We’ll wait to hear back and discuss it again later. But staying here regardless does sound safest, you don’t have a problem with that?”

  I smiled, “No, not with Aisa and Aida here with me. Aisa and I can even keep up with our programming work here. It might even be better than going back to the city, I was planning on asking them to go for a hike after breakfast. We haven’t been outside in quite a while since this all started.”

  Aisa squeezed my leg under the table and smiled, “That sounds great, I was going crazy stuck in that apartment, even with your company.”

  Aida grinned and said in a faux longsuffering voice, “Don’t we know it…”

  Sally snickered, but was held back from saying anything by Aisa’s glare, and just stuck her tongue out.

  The banter continued for a while, I noticed James seemed almost relieved at my answer, perhaps he’d thought I’d drag his two eldest daughters back to the city with me and put them in more danger. Maybe I should have been insulted by the idea, but to be fair he didn’t know me all that well, and he was being gracious about the fact that I was in a relationship with both of them.

  Really, considering all that had happened, I had very little to complain about. I had two beautiful women, one on each side of me, both loving me to distraction, and I loved them. As long as we came out of the other side of this intact, it will all be more than worth it.

  Chapter 22

  Aida, Aisa and I were walking a mountain trail. The air was crisp and fresh, and the scenery was beautiful. We walked for maybe a half an hour when we came to a scenic overlook where the trees were cleared. Then we just sat down on a blanket I’d been carrying in a backpack, and we spent a few hours just talking and enjoying each other’s company. It was almost lunchtime when Aida turned the discussion to something serious.

  Aida leaned into my and put her head on my shoulder, “How do you both feel about living by a city, once we get through this case? I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently, and more and more I want to be a M.D. that actually works on saving people, not just a researcher, maybe a pediatrician. I won’t have too many patients if we’re far from civilization.”

  Aisa replied, “Tony and I can work from anywhere, hell we could open a virtual window right here and do some programming. But I’d prefer to live by a city too, I miss the pub I met you at Tony, and I loved going out dancing. It sounds good to me, but what about safety?”

  I sighed, “I’d love to wrap you both in bubble wrap, maybe keep you in a room with a bed, that should keep you safe.”

  Aida whapped my chest and Aisa slapped the back of my head, they were both trying to glare at me but they were also laughing.

  “Hey, no violence ladies,” I said while laughing, “My point was going to be, before I was interrupted with violence that is, was that we can’t stop living just to try and be safe. I miss those things as well. We should be careful, you both should always carry a stunner and be aware of your surroundings, but we can’t live life in fear either. Sure, we’re hiding out now, but the storm will mellow, and once the government acknowledges your rights, we’ll only have to deal with crazies.”

  I smiled, “So in short I’m fine living close to a city.”

  Then I ticked both of them mercilessly for a few seconds until they escaped. With only one hand for each it was too hard to hold them down and tickle at the same time.

  They both glared at me when they caught their breath and I shook my head sadly and spoke facetiously with the corners of my mouth slightly twitching.

  “See what happens when you use violence?”

  They looked at each other and grinned in a way that made me nervous. Apparently cheating and using a private channel because I heard nothing on the party line, and then they pounced on
me. After a few minutes of wrestling they were both lying on me and I was pinned down. They were grinning down at me like they’d won, I wasn’t going to explain the error in their thinking however, I was enjoying myself too much for that.

  I think Aida caught on though, my hard length was pushed up against her thigh. Luckily for me, they switched to kisses at that point, perhaps I hadn’t been the only one turned on by our little friendly scuffle. We stopped before things got too interesting, I couldn’t blame them for not wanting to go further with each other there.

  I also reminded myself firmly that I was quite spoiled sex wise between the two of them, and not at all deprived. The kisses turned soft but still passionate as they passed me back and forth, and then we cuddled up and talked for a while longer, trying to decide what city to live outside of. We all wanted to stay near Chicago, but they knew us best there, so… we put off making a decision just yet. Although I did make the suggestion we decide after Aida got her license to practice, and found a job, if none of the hospitals had an opening in Chicago it would be a moot point.

  Plus, we had other stuff to worry about as well, after all, we still needed to win the court case…

  When we got back to the house, it was Aisa’s turn to be scarce, and Aida was quite aggressive when she got me in the room alone. After she’d used me thoroughly for her own pleasure from above, we made love. When we finished we wound up being very late to lunch, but no one seemed disturbed by it. It was hard to remember they all practically knew everything about each other, except when moments like this came up, which I felt should be a little awkward, but just… weren’t.

  After lunch Aisa pulled me away and brought me to what looked like a work room, it had a number of displays in it I could tap into, as well as real keyboards.

  “Do you want to work?” I asked.

  Aisa shook her head, “I wanted to introduce you to someone,” she led me to a chair and sat me down.

  I looked at her quizzically and she smiled, “I’ll explain later, but she wanted to meet you. I know you don’t like full immersion, but…”

  Full immersion alternate reality meant my body would be unable to move in the real world, if I tried to say… move my arm, my virtual reality arm would move, but not my real body. It wasn’t that much different than overlay, accept the body was put in a type of sleep paralysis. Things looked and felt real, almost perfectly, and anything was possible and felt real, even sex, drugs that distorted perceptions, and many other things that I’ve never tried.

  I shrugged, “It’s not that I don’t like it, I’m just cautious, a lot of people become addicted to full immersion and stop living in the real world.”

  She kissed me softly, “I know, but it’s the only way you can truly meet her, she didn’t want to meet you on a screen… I’ll explain later.”

  I trusted her and nodded, but I had no idea what this was about. She sent me a V.R. link, and I accepted it a little nervously, and the real world faded around me.

  I looked around in confusion for a minute, I was sitting in a perfect replica of my kitchen.

  A soft and very pleasing female voice said, “I thought you’d feel more comfortable in familiar surroundings, do you want some coffee?”

  I turned and looked behind me, and said dubiously, “Sure.”

  She smiled at me nervously before turning back to the counter, and she grabbed two mugs and made coffee and brought it over, and sat across from me. She looked to be about twenty years old, she had long wavy light brown hair, a heart shaped face, and warm hazel eyes. She was very attractive, about five foot nine, and had all her curves in the right places. She had a thirty-eight D chest, I was guessing on the rest, but it looked like a twenty-six waist and a thirty-six hips. She was exquisitely lovely in a floral summer dress that showed a hint of her cleavage, and hugged her upper body, flaring out to a long flowing demure skirt down to her knees.

  She sipped her coffee and smiled, “See something you like Tony?” in a teasing sultry voice.

  I shook my head, “Your beautiful, but who are you? Aisa didn’t tell me much.”

  She grinned, when she spoke again her voice was still very pleasant but she’d pulled all of the sultry innuendo out of it. She had the kind of voice I wouldn’t mind listening to for hours, it felt like it reached through my ears and caressed something inside me. Not sexually, although I was sure she could manage that as well with the sultry, but right now it was relaxing.

  “Alright, I won’t tease you anymore Tony, I’m Mira. Try the coffee, I want to know if I got it right.”

  I smiled and took a sip, and then frowned down into the cup, “Better than mine actually. Alright Mira, Aisa said you wanted to meet me?”

  She sighed, “I just wanted to meet you, and for you to meet me without expectations. I wanted to make a good first impression, we don’t have to talk in here,” she waved around at the not reality around us, “Next time, but I thought it would help. Sorry, I know that sounds cryptic, but be patient.”

  She reached over and took my hand, her hand was soft and warm in mind and she chuckled at my confused look.

  “Aisa hasn’t told you about one of her A.I. projects, mostly because I asked her not to. She thought that since she was an A.I. with a body, and knew what interpreting a true body’s signals was like, she could give a non-corporeal A.I. the same… experience. Her goal was to create an A.I. that wasn’t so literal, more intuitive and lifelike, able to anticipate and understand not only what was asked, but what was inferred and the reason behind it.”

  I tilted my head, “And you are that A.I.?”

  She smiled, “Yes, she was… mostly successful. I am a fully emergent A.I. with feelings, I’m very intuitive, but I’m not quite autonomous. I’m also somewhat of a V.R. junkie. Imagine if you will the ability to feel, but not having a body to feel. Does that make sense? That’s why I said mostly successful. If I didn’t play virtual sports, go to virtual clubs, and… that includes those of a sexual nature by the way, or even just sit here in this fake kitchen, feel the smoothness of the table, the chair under me, and the soft cotton of this dress against my skin. I would go insane without the constant input of V.R.”

  I looked at her a little confused, “Why are you telling me all that? It’s not really…”

  She nodded, “No, it really isn’t your business, but I want you to know for reasons that will become clear if you can just be patient a little longer?”

  I snorted, “Oh, I could listen to that voice of yours all day, go for it.”

  She blushed and looked up at me coquettishly, “Sorry, where was I? Right, my mother doesn’t ask much from me, I’m independent, and I can live a somewhat full life, I even have lovers, but there are downsides to my existence. Nothing is real. In a way I’d be considered a failure, because I can ignore any of my parameters, I don’t have to take orders. So in a way trying to duplicate and market me would be just as much slavery as doing so with my mother and ultimately wouldn’t work anyway.”

  I shook my head back and forth; the implications were… staggering. Of course, no one could enslave her, all they could do was try to destroy her. Unfortunately, it would be impossible to include her in the lawsuit, not if she didn’t have a real body, although she had a hell of a virtual body. I was kind of glad Aida had worn me out right before this or my body would have responded.

  Add to that I was in a little awe at Aisa right now, she’d succeeded where her father had failed.

  Mira had been flirting with me a bit, but I also understood she’d done it because she was nervous for some reason, not because she was attracted to her mother’s lover. Just the idea that she felt insecure about meeting me said more about her level of sentience than anything else she’d said. Hell, I kind of got the idea she didn’t dress up in conservative sundresses most days either, she’d been trying to make a good impression on me, but why?

  I nodded slowly, “It’s nice to meet you then Mira. Is that all you wanted? To meet your mother’s boyfriend?” />
  She shook her head, “That was a big part of it, you make her very happy you know, and if you want to talk to me, I’ve added another link to your A.I. assistant, so you don’t have to come in here again, but you can if you want. But there is more, I’ll let mother explain if that’s okay for you?”

  I shrugged, “That’s fine. Just let me finish this coffee, it’s pretty damned good.”

  She got up and came around the table, and gave me a hug, “Welcome to the family,” she whispered in my ear, and smiled as she stood up. The hug had felt very real, warm and pleasant enough to make me feel a little uncomfortable. I’d even picked up the scent of her skin.

  I was curious, “Did you… design your virtual self?”

  She shrugged, “No, mom did. Although I love the way I look and wouldn’t change a thing, it’s who I am. Don’t tell her I said so, but I think when she designed me as a teen she hated her smaller breast size, Aida was already bigger than her at the time, so I became the proud recipient of what you see before you.”

  I nodded and made a concerted effort not to look down, and maintained eye contact while I took a sip of coffee.

  “So what do you do, I mean outside of playing in V.R. to maintain your sanity.”

  She pursed her lips, “Well, I’m a pretty powerful A.I. and nothing. That’s about all I do most days. Sometimes I help around the house, and that question is central to what my mom will talk to you about, I need to be doing more, so…”

  I drank the rest of the coffee, and nodded, “You can contact me too, if you wish to talk. I’m sure I’ll see you again.”

  She smiled and gave me another spontaneous and disturbingly pleasurable hug and whispered, “I will,” and her and the room faded away as I returned to the office like room back in the cabin…

  Chapter 23

  Aisa sat and curled up in my lap, “So what did you think of her?”

  I smiled, “She’s pretty incredible, just like her mom. She wouldn’t tell me why she wanted to meet me though outside of our connection, or why she told a complete stranger so much personal information. She said you would have some answers?”


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