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Sucking Bites (San Francisco Vampires Series #3)

Page 10

by Jessica McBrayer

  “You bastard,” Celine says as she lunges for him.

  Helena is a blur as she restrains Celine first.

  “Easy, my child. We have to make sure this is the one that infected Liam and then we will dispose of him,” she says, warning her.

  “What do you mean dispose of me? You aren’t going to kill me are you? I bit him. He’s going to be a werewolf too now. You going to kill him too? Huh? Murdering bitches. Like you could kill me if I wasn’t all stuck together.” I encourage a few hundred beetles to come and check him out.

  “Stop, Oh, God. What are you?”

  Then Celine flashes her fangs at him.

  “Vampires! Damn bloodsuckers. Filthy parasites. You aren’t supposed to be out in the open.”

  “Neither are you, dog boy,” I say. “Let me take him back to San Francisco and I will come back for you two.”

  I pick up Antoine and take him to the manse. I’ll have to warn Sebastian to keep him alive, though I definitely sympathize with his probable reaction.

  After Aidan and Helena leave for New Orleans, Andrew cleans up the coffee tray. Liam and Sebastian talk about politics. I follow the Baroque music and the light to Julian’s lab. Standing in the doorway I’m afraid to ask any questions but desperate to know something.

  “Jules, how is it going?” I keep my voice casual as I run my fingers over the spotless granite counters.

  “I think I have some exciting news.” His usual controlled, analytical style is infused with cautious excitement. “It appears that your blood is still carrying the vampire virus and it’s battling the werewolf one. It appears Vampirism is the dominant virus. Which means that you should not be contagious.”

  “That is the best news I’ve had in days.” I do a happy dance. “I can’t wait to tell Sebastian, and the others. Do you think that if we turned Liam the same thing would happen to him?”

  “I have been considering that. There’s a good possibility. There is a chance that it won’t, but I think the benefit would outweigh the risk. If it works, we can only hope his quality of life will improve and at least he won’t be contagious anymore. Of course, there’s no guarantee he won’t lose all his human personality and the bloodlust completely rules him all the time.” Julian’s brow furrows as the purely hypothetical reasoning lines up with the real ramifications for all of us.

  “If the vampire virus is dominant, why am I burned by silver?” Skipping over the horrible possibilities. I’ll think about that tomorrow.

  “The werewolf virus is still in your body. It has become recessive. That means only some of the symptoms will manifest.”

  “I guess we’ll have to wait and see what they’ll be then,” I say. I hug myself, hanging onto hope and elation.

  “Yes, my dear. I am sorry I do not have more answers.”

  “You’ve given me a great hope already, Jules. Thank you.” I put my arms around him. “I’m going to tell Liam and Bast.”

  I’m relieved I haven’t infected the man I fed off the night I was attacked. And it looks good that I will probably be able to feed and not condemn someone to this life.

  “Sorry to interrupt guys, but I have fantastic news.” I climb onto Sebastian’s lap.

  “What is that, Cherie?” he says wrapping his arms around me.

  “Julian has determined that the vampire virus is the dominant virus in me and it appears I’m not contagious.”

  “Thank God,” Sebastian says. He kisses me with life-affirming force.

  “That is terrific news, Lily,” Liam says, the implication for him putting a warmth in his expression we hadn’t seen yet.

  “If this is true, it may give you a choice,” I say. “I know it may not seem like much of one. But if you wanted to become a vampire, you might lessen your symptoms and you would no longer be contagious.” I slip off Sebastian’s lap and take Liam’s hands. “We don’t know what the effects the full moon will have on me yet. I would put off any decisions until we know that, but it is something to think about.” We are aware of the ramifications if Julian’s theories don’t prove out as no one else.

  “I have been thinking about it,” he admits. “I’m praying you don’t have a total melt down during the moon cycle like I do. If you don’t, then I’m going to beg one of you to turn me. I can’t keep going like this. I’m too dangerous and too miserable. If I have to live my life like this I would rather not live.” He is completely sincere, I’ve heard it too many times on the other end of a phone line. I try to ignore the option Julian worried about. He leans forward, with his hands between his knees, staring at the floor.

  “Liam, we can help set you up in your own practice and help you manage your symptoms,” Sebastian says quietly. “We would help you with this. You would have a choice no matter what. Ending your life would not be one of them.”

  “Why would you go to all that trouble for me?” His head comes up.

  “Because we will be helping Lily at the same time. Because it is our duty to help our own and you are one of us now because you are our friend,” Bast tells him.

  “Thank you.” Liam’s voice breaks. He looks away. We give him a minute.

  “Why don’t you stay here for a few days and rest,” I suggest. “You need to be around people for a while. It will do you good.”

  “I don’t want to be a burden. You have a full house already.”

  “Yes, and we love it,” I say. “Besides, Andrew gets tired of eating alone. He needs someone to keep him company and Helena loves to cook. I’m sure they will be back soon.” I’m full of good will towards men, women, vampires and werewolves, oh and not to forget demons. Julian’s news has restored my optimism.

  “It’s nice being here. There’s always something happening.”

  I laugh easily now, while I ring for Andrew.

  “Andrew, would you take Liam back to his condo and help him get a few things. He is going to be staying with us for a while.”

  “This will be like a big slumber party, Liam,” Andrew says. He gives me a sideways glance. “That is if you can stand the noise.”

  I throw a pillow at him and Liam laughs.

  “I think I can manage it,” he says.

  Liam and Andrew head out and Sebastian gives me that look he does when he wants sex.

  “You are insatiable!”

  “That is a common trait of vampires,” he whispers while he nuzzles my neck.

  “I suppose since the house is moderately empty,” I say running my finger down his chest. He picks me up. We couldn’t move faster flying. He bursts through the door to our room and throws me on the bed.

  Then he slows down and kisses me while he unzips my dress. I let my fingers run through his curly hair. It’s soft and smells like frankincense and myrrh. I kiss his neck and my fangs come out as I move to his ear. He moans when I tilt my hips and move against him. It doesn’t take long to take his jeans off after that. We lay entangled in each other’s arms kissing until I turn his head and sink my fangs into his neck and drink from him, surprising him and making him moan loudly. We make love for ever. Too long to have time for a shower. Liam will be waiting.

  We hurry—Liam and Andrew are in the kitchen. Julian is cooking. He loves to cook as much as Helena, old habits and all that. Greek salads were on the menu for Liam and Andrew.

  “Nice of you two to join us,” Julian says and winks at me.

  “The house was relatively empty,” Sebastian says, not the least bit embarrassed.

  “That was two hours ago,” Andrew reminds him.

  “God, I wish I could last for two hours,” Liam says.

  “Vampires are sluts,” Andrew says.

  “Andrew!” I say.

  “We have heightened sexual appetites,” Julian says with the dignity only the very old can pull off.

  “Sluts,” Andrew says again.

  “Another reason for me to become a vampire.” Liam jokes as he steals an olive from the salad.

  “Are you thinking of being turned?” Andrew asks.
  Liam nods. “It might lessen my symptoms and I wouldn’t be contagious anymore.” The surprise and pleasure on Andrew’s face speaks volumes about his feelings for the werewolf. “Lily and Julian think I should wait to see what happens to Lily at the full moon first. It may be just as bad as me.”

  Julian’s eyes meet mine. He looks torn. “The data is hopeful,” he says. But there are still too many variables to predict exact outcomes.”

  I whip out my hand sanitizer and handi-wipes. I wipe down the counter top and slather on the sanitizer.

  “I understand there is uncertainty, but I’m willing to risk it.” He watches me attack the already clean surfaces of the kitchen. Liam says looking confused. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “She gets a little germ-a-phobic when she gets anxious,” Sebastian explains putting his arms around me. “Easy, Cherie, it will be okay.”

  “Sorry, Lily,” Liam says. Andrew nudges him towards the stools at the island and dishes up generous portions.

  “No worries, Liam. How’s the Greek salad?” I ask trying to divert attention from me.

  “Uhmm, it’s great. Julian and Helena really know how to cook. I am going to get fat staying here.”

  “Not on your life. Not with your build,” Andrew says enviously. Liam blushes. Hmmm wonder what exactly is happening here.

  “I’ll make the coffee and then let’s all have some in the library, shall we?” I say.

  “That sounds like an excellent idea to me,” Andrew says.

  “Liam, do you crave protein more than usual?” Julian asks. “Any cravings?”

  “Maybe, I think so,” Liam postulates. “Seems like I am hungry every couple of hours.” He runs his hand over his short hair, which looks thicker and longer than yesterday.

  “That is the virus acting on your metabolism.” Julian says. “We will make sure there is plenty of meat in the house.” They all head off to the library.

  I fumble with the French press. It’s been a while since I’ve made coffee. I get all the creamers and sugar out and reach for a spoon and drop it in midair.

  “Damn!” I squeal. “Double damn!” I hate squeaky females.

  “What is it?” Sebastian is at my side instantly.

  “I burned myself. Dammit dammit dammit! That hurt!”

  Sebastian takes my hand and kisses it better. He gets Helena’s calendula ointment and applies it then wraps the burn in gauze. He replaces the spoon and carries the coffee tray into the library.

  “Lily, what happened?” Julian asks from the doorway, Andrew and Liam are behind him.

  “I grabbed a silver sugar spoon.” Never yelp in a house full of protective males.

  “Andrew, tomorrow, would you put all the silver cutlery in storage and make sure it is all stainless steel?” Julian asks.

  “Of course, Mr. Julian. I never thought about Miss Lily working in the kitchen. I should have anticipated that.”

  “How would you have guessed? I can’t remember the last time I’ve made coffee here.” I hug him with my good arm. “Let’s have our coffee. I’ll probably heal up before we are done.”

  While we sip our first cup I feel a whoosh of warm air.

  “Aidan’s coming,” I say.

  Aidan pops in with a screaming, smelly man.

  “Sorry to ruin your coffee. But I think I found your man. Julian, Sebastian, if you will watch over him. Julian, I’ll go and fetch your lover.”

  He’s gone.

  In a matter of seconds he is back with Helena and another woman wearing an Ann Taylor black pants suit and a sharp pair of stilettos, the better to stake you with.

  “Helena, Aidan. How nice of you to bring us back a gift. Rum is always acceptable too you know,” Julian says.

  “I think you will like this too, Julian. Liam, have a good look at this man. Is he the one who bit you while you were in New Orleans?” Aidan asks.

  “Yes, this is the man. You bastard! You’ve ruined my life!” Liam shouts at him. Andrew is surprisingly quick to stop our new friend from jumping the stranger.

  “I set you free, you fool. You are just too stupid to realize it,” Antoine spits at him.

  “That satisfies me. I will tell the Queen of your help. Move aside now so I can kill him,” Celine says as she moves towards Antoine.

  “No! I would like to take a sample of his blood first,” Julian says. “I have been trying to develop a cure, or at least a potion that will lessen the effects of the symptoms. I would like to analyze his blood along with Liam’s and Lily’s.”

  “I will kill this Lily and Liam. We must not have any of this scourge left on the earth,” Celine says calmly with her deceivingly charming French accent.

  Two furious supernaturals get between me and the female terminator.

  “Whoa, sister! No one dies here except for Antoine. Liam is an innocent victim and so is Lily,” Aidan says.

  “You will kill Lily over my dead body,” Sebastian growls.

  “I am the Chief Investigator of the wolf attacks and the Queen has ordered all infected must be killed,” Celine insists in her inflectionless way.

  “That was in New Orleans, Celine. This is different. Lily is a vampire and Liam is considering becoming a vampire. Lily is not contagious. If Liam chooses to become a vampire he will be the same way,” Julian says, stretching his findings. He never colors outside the provable data. Makes me feel unaccountably better.

  “That’s not for you decide,” shouts the cat woman wannabe.

  “We are willing to take responsibility for them,” Helena steps in.

  “Lily’s blood is mostly composed of the vampire virus. She is not a threat,” Julian reiterates.

  “But this Liam,” Celine says pointing her finger at him. “He is at this moment very dangerous. You must discuss this with the Queen. Now you will let me kill this wretch. Take your blood sample.”

  “Celine, I believe you are forgetting your place once again. I am in charge of this operation. If I want I can have Aidan take you back to Zoe this instant. Behave!” Helena warns as she stares into Celine’s eyes, using her glamour on her. Celine backs up to a chair and sits quietly in it. She stays that way after Helena turns back to us.

  “Sorry about that. She is young and full of herself.”

  “I hope I don’t act like that,” I say. I think the hit-vamp’s behavior goes beyond arrogance. French drama queen.

  “No, ma petite, you couldn’t be like her even if you tried,” Sebastian says.

  “Will the Queen want me dead too, Helena?” Liam asks.

  “Not if I have anything to do about it,” Helena says. “I am going to the other room to call her right now. I’m going to tell her what a pain in the ass her little helper has been too.”

  “Let me get the samples I need from this creature and then we must try to find out who else he has infected before you can dispose of him Aidan. I think your method is cleaner for our carpets anyway,” Julian says returning to his lab for the necessary supplies.

  Antoine keeps rolling his head back and forth trying to free himself.

  “Why are you infecting other people?” Helena questions him.

  “Why not? Isn’t it a lovely thing to see how my work has blossomed? First this guy and then the pretty little redhead. There is no way for you to control them when the moon comes full. They will get loose and they will hunt. My little family will grow and grow,” Antoine taunts as Julian rolls up his sleeve.

  “But you won’t be around to see it,” Aidan assures him. “Now tell us or I’ll make your blood boil,” Aidan says. I am shocked. Aidan notes my gaping expression. He grins and gives me a one-shouldered shrug.

  Julian puts on a latex tourniquet and looks for a vein. He finds one and gets his sample, his expression intent.

  “I’m not sure we’re done with him,” Julian tells us. “We need to know how he’s able to infect his victims without being transformed.” Julian shoots the nasty creature’s blood into sterile vials. “We also need to know wh
ere his other victims live.”

  Antoine growls at Julian. Aidan makes a fist and Antoine is gasping. He quiets immediately.

  “Where have they been from, you piece of camel dung?” Aidan roars. I had never heard this omnipotent djinn voice before. It scares the panties off me. It must scare Antoine too, because he reconsiders.

  “Many places. Rome, Paris and last night I bit someone from New York.”

  “Under-belly of a warthog, how long have you been doing this?”

  “Screw you!”

  Aidan sends a blast down on the man that leaves him smoking with his hair standing on end.

  “F-for a few months now.”

  “Good God, this could be an epidemic by now,” Julian says.

  “We have to search the foreign newspapers and alert the kings and queens,” Sebastian says.

  “We can start in Rome, New York and Paris, but they won’t stay in those places for long. They’ll have moved around by now,” Aidan says. “I think we have all the information we are going to get out of him. I won’t say it’s been fun,” Aidan says. The were is foaming and snapping at Aidan now.

  “Wait!” Julian shouts as he runs towards Aidan and the were with scissors and more vials. “I want to take more samples.” He then proceeds to clip hair and nail samples storing them in more vials. When he is done he steps back and strips the gloves off, dropping them in a plastic bag.

  Aidan looks at him to make sure he’s done with the wolf. Julian nods. Then Aidan blasts a jet of light at the smelly, evil man on our library floor.

  The man disappears in a cloud of steam. Andrew opens a window to air out the room.

  “Shit, I’m glad I am on your good side,” says Liam in an awed voice.

  “Yeah, me too,” says Sebastian. Aidan arches his eyebrow at Sebastian. “Okay, at least it would make Lily sad if I disappeared in a blast of smoke.”

  “That’s better,” Aidan says.

  “That’s not funny,” I say.

  “Just keeping it real,” Aidan says.

  Helena snaps her cell phone shut as she returns to us. Her forehead is lined.

  “The Queen has tentatively agreed with me for the time being. She has decided to let Liam and Lily live as long as they are in our care and are our responsibility.” She brushes her hair off her forehead. “She is less worried about Lily, since she is not contagious. She said that if Liam chooses to become a vampire she will evaluate the situation based on Lily’s moon phase. If Lily is containable at the next full moon and if Liam is turned so that he is less of a threat she will let him live. We must guarantee that he will not be a danger to others this next full moon.”


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