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Sucking Bites (San Francisco Vampires Series #3)

Page 16

by Jessica McBrayer

  “Oh, Andrew. It’ll be okay. I don’t know if being a vampire is the sane choice.” I pull back and smile at him and get a weak smile in return. “But it seems like it will be the better choice for him. By the way, Andrew, why don’t you just call me Lily? I’ve asked you to before.”

  A shake of his head accompanies a protest. “You took me in when I had nowhere to go. You pay me an exorbitant amount of money to make tea and coffee and pour wine. You treat me like family. You will always be Miss Lily to me.”

  I hold my hand up to stop him. “You are family.”

  His takes a deep breath. I hug him some more and Helena joins us.

  “As family, you should call us by our names, Andrew,” Sebastian agrees.

  “I’ll try.”

  “Good.” Julian says, finding us in our usual haunt. He’s done in the lab for a bit. “We need to talk about what you will do once you are turned. I imagine you will want to have that happen soon, since Liam will.”

  “I want to continue doing my job, if that’s all right?”

  “Of course, but you don’t have to. You will be experiencing a lot of new things. Let’s just take it one day at a time,” Julian offers as he leaves for his lab again.

  “You’ll see. I’ll be an even better butler.”

  Andrew wants to check on Liam, so I make coffee and tea for everyone. Aidan watches me with longing in his eyes. I know that look. He always gets it when he thinks I’ve done something that is kind or giving. The look he gives me makes me want him. I’ll have to be careful to stay around Sebastian for the near future. I’m a weak wench.

  Julian returns carrying an IV for Liam.

  “Aidan, I wonder if you could help me administer this to Liam. He is going to dehydrate unless we can get some fluids into him. Can you just zap this into him or is it easier to do it manually?”

  “I can ‘zap’ it into him, but I will have to be in the same room as he is to do it. It will probably be a good idea for me to check on him anyway. I want to put a pallet down for him to lie on. Check if he is comfortable.”

  “Thank you, my friend. The IV should hang from a pole.” Julian hands Aidan the mixture meant to keep Liam hydrated. “We will have to change it periodically. I figure that will give us an opportunity to check on him. He has destroyed the camera I installed.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Aidan pops into the cellar with Liam. At first we hear nothing, then we hear a deep howl and a growling that is so guttural it makes my hair stand up on the back of my neck. I start to whine. I go to the door and start to pound on it. I whine louder. I howl too. Then everything is quiet. I am surprised to see all my family surrounding me.

  “What happened?” I ask.

  “Liam woke up when I inserted the IV. I had to put him back into the trance,” Aidan says.

  “His response triggered something in you, Lily,” Julian says. “You started whining and then you went straight to the door and started pounding on it. And you howled. As soon as he was quiet you seemed to snap out of it.”

  “We’ve learned that she that it isn’t good for her to be around other full-blooded werewolves,” Helena says.

  “Yep, that’s a big fucking no-no,” Hannah says.

  Julian frowns at Hannah. Sometimes he thinks Hannah’s language is unbecoming a female vampire. Hannah shrugs. Sebastian has no expression on his face. I think I freaked him out. Aidan has a twinkle in his eye. That one he gets when he’s found a way to cause trouble.

  “Lily, let’s do those tests now,” Julian suggests. Aidan becomes serious again. “Is the IV in Liam?” Julian asks Aidan.

  “Yes. He wasn’t fully cognizant of what was going on. I can go in and change the bag without waking him up now.”

  “Come, Lily,” Julian says.

  The others follow. Look at me, the world’s largest guinea pig.

  First, Julian takes more blood. Then he has me run some sprints across the room. I’m a blur. I don’t think that I am any faster than normal, though. Next he tests my reflexes and they test the same as before. He tests my vision and hearing. They test out to be the same as before also, except for my new heat sensing ability. That’s a definite plus for hunting but it’s taking some time to get used to it. Finally he tests my strength. He hands me a steel bar. As a vampire I could have bent it. As a werewolf, I am able to twist it into a bow. Everyone is impressed by this new attribute.

  “That must be why you couldn’t get away from Liam when he attacked you last month,” Julian says.

  I stand back and do some back flips and twist in the air. They all move back and look wary. I’m exhilarated.

  “What? I told you my joints felt different. They are more elastic. I feel like I’m flying when I jump. Woo hoo,” I shout as I jump across the room in one leap.

  “I guess if she has to have side effects these are relatively harmless ones,” Aidan says.

  I jump back across the room, grinning from ear to ear. Now everyone is smiling with me. I grab Hannah and take her with me across the room with a giant leap. She screams the whole way.

  “Give a girl a little warning! Shit, Lily!”

  I giggle uncontrollably at Hannah’s uncool expression of fear.

  “Who’s next?”

  I grab Helena and soar across the room with her. Her husky laugh brings out Julian’s fangs.

  “It’s just like flying!” she agrees.

  “Bast, come here, darling.”

  “I’ll pass, Cherie.”


  “I already fly, love.”

  “Julian? Come on, I know you want to.”

  “You know I do!”

  I take him up in my arms and leap and spin in midair. He is beaming when we land.

  “Andrew, come here. I won’t drop you, I swear.”

  Andrew lets me take him across and then demands I do it again. It’s good to see him enjoying himself. When I’m done showing off, it is time to change the bag on Liam’s IV. I stay in the conservatory/lab just in case. Sebastian stays with me.

  “Cherie, it is so much fun to see you happy. It warms my heart.”

  “I was having fun. Are you sure you don’t want to have a go?” I tease. I’m sure it’s a male thing. I know he won’t take me up on my offer.

  “No, that’s okay. I like my feet on the ground.”

  “Let me know if you change your mind.”

  “I’m more excited to see what this new flexibility will mean in bed,” he says wiggling his eyebrows. Leave it to a man to think like that. I give him a stern look. But I am relieved that he isn’t put off.

  “It’s not much longer before we can retire for the night. Here comes Hannah. They must be done with Liam.”

  “I’m closing my eyes just in case there are indecent things happening,” Hannah yells.

  “Rest easy, ma petite, nothing going on here.”

  “You guys are starting to disappoint me. No action in the shower this morning either.” Hannah shakes her head in disgust.

  “We’re just waiting until we can respectably say goodnight and then watch out. I plan on making Lily howl again,” teases Sebastian.

  “Ohmygod, what if I do?!”

  “Then my reputation as an arduous lover will remain intact.”

  “And I will lose my dinner and have to buy earplugs and probably have to sit on Aidan to keep him from blasting you to oblivion.” Hannah’s lips curve down in a smirk.

  “I won’t howl. I promise. I would die if I did. I would just die.”

  “We’ll see,” Sebastian says with a wicked grin. I can tell it is going to be his mission now.

  “Stop thinking whatever you’re thinking, Mr. St. John.” My eyes feel as big as saucers as I back away from him.

  “I’m not thinking anything.” His innocent expression fails miserably.

  “Yeah, right.”

  “Come on you two,” Hannah interrupts. She puts one of her petite arms around me. She is a small but mighty thing. She pulls me
away from Sebastian. “Andrew made some mulled wine for us. We were going to meet in the library. I’m too innocent for this kind of conversation anyway.”

  “Oh pleeeaasse! Hannah, the puritan,” I say. She smirks again, her point made.

  We retire to the library. Andrew pours wine, I sit near Aidan and Sebastian takes a seat on the other side of me. Zing and Zang. Flanked by two hot men. We pass the evening talking and take turns in a Scrabble tournament. Andrew beats everyone but Julian. Finally it is late enough for Sebastian and me to respectably retire.

  “Julian, I am going to change the IV bag for Liam again and then pop out to rejuvenate for a while. I’ll be back in four or five hours if that’s okay?” The tired tone of his voice surprises me.

  “Sure, Aidan. This would be a horrible experience without your assistance. Our energies have to get boring after a while. I imagine you’re hungry for something different,” Julian says.

  “Fortunately, you all have very rich and exciting energies.” Aidan smiles. But he still looks tired. Didn’t know a fire spirit could run low, but his human form looks a little frayed around the edges. “I just need to clear my head for a bit.”

  “You do what you need to, my friend.”

  Aidan takes care of Liam, but is back to kiss me goodnight and then is gone.

  “I think that was his tactful way of being out of the house while you two make noise,” Helena says.

  “He and I talked for many hours last night. I don’t wish to cause him pain,” Sebastian admits. “Come, Cherie. Let’s go to bed.”

  I follow with a mixed heart.

  Sebastian shuts the door to our room. Sitting on the bed he removes his shirt and shoes and socks. He pulls me to his side, then he takes off my shirt. I shiver when he runs his fingers across my collar bone. His lips follow as he nips my neck. I gasp when he gets to the space between my breasts. He smiles.

  “At least we know everything still works,” he says.

  He undoes my bra so smoothly, it’s got this vampiress purring. Gently, he cups one breast while he takes the other in his mouth. My back arches to meet his exploring tongue and I wrap my fingers in his hair.

  He continues his assault while he slips his hands lower to unbutton my jeans. I eagerly help him. Moments later I struggle with his buttons. He distracts me, moving his hot, wet mouth from one breast to the other. I finally have him unbuttoned and tug desperately at his jeans. His tongue laves my breast as he releases himself from his jeans, then scoops me up and lays me on the bed, lowering his body, his knee nudging my legs apart.

  I am on fire. Our kisses become more urgent. I stroke him and he shivers.

  “What do you really think of my eyes,” I ask, insecurity racing through me. Its ugly need demanding an answer even as he makes me feel loved and wanted.

  “They really turn me on,” he answers, his voice hoarse.

  He slips his hand into my moist panties and rubs me until I moan. He slides his fangs across my neck and then my breast. I come so hard I shake. Sebastian divests us of our remaining clothes until we are both naked and his cool body moves to cover me again. But in my were phase I am stronger and I roll him over and get on top. I find his look of surprise delicious. I lick his lips letting my fangs nip his lower lip. He sighs. I look into his eyes as I guide him into me.

  The heat builds between us. His hands are all over me, caressing my breasts, pinching them, rolling my nipples to hard little points. He urges me on and I begin to speed up as he meets me thrust for thrust. Before long we climax together. I know they must hear us downstairs. We aren’t shy about screaming each other’s name. Sebastian even groaned some things in French. I collapse on top of him. He holds me and runs his fingers through my hair, kissing me and whispering how much he loves me. Perfect.

  “Lily, that was amazing. I bow before you, my goddess.”

  “Ready for round two?” I ask.

  “Oh my God…the first time a vampire meets the true death with a heart attack.”

  I giggle.

  We spend the rest of the night making love until I have to go to sleep. I fall asleep in Sebastian’s arms. I wake up in them too.

  “Did you leave me?”

  “No, I was too embarrassed to go down stairs without you. I thought we could face them together.” He smiles.


  “Absolutely! Come on, let’s get in the shower.”

  I can’t seem to get enough of Sebastian. It must be a were thing. Whatever it is, I take my pleasure with Sebastian once more in the shower. We have learned from experience to make sure he isn’t holding on to anything important, like the fixtures. He is positively glowing when we finish. We towel each other off before we dress.

  I’m in the mood for something fun so I decide on a mini dress with an empire waist, cream colored with a bold pattern in the hem. Cute and it looks great with some of the new shoes I got when I went shopping with Aidan. Bast puts on a sweater and jeans that fit him like a glove. I want to run my hands all over him.

  “Oh no, uhh huh. I recognize that look in your eye. We have to go downstairs. Behave yourself, young lady.”

  “But you look so hot!” I purr, reaching for him.

  “Let me change then,” he says capturing my hands.

  “Don’t you dare. I’ll behave. I promise.” I don’t want to lose my eye candy.

  “Let’s go face the music.”

  He takes my hand, my heels click-clack down each marble step, announcing us. Everyone looks up with smiles when we enter the library. It has taken so long for us to get ready that Hannah is up too.

  “Well, it seems Lily has other appetites during this time of the month,” Julian suggests, fountain pen poised over his new notebook. Oh God he really does want to record this too.

  “Thank goodness Sebastian is a vampire or he would be dead by now,” Hannah says.

  “Where’s Aidan?” I ask, refusing to acknowledge the low humor.

  “He’s checking on Liam and he’s in a bad mood. He caught the gist of your show and he is less than impressed,” Hannah says.

  “Great,” I say.

  “It’s okay, Cherie. We’ll deal with it together.”

  “Good of you two to join us,” Aidan says shortly.

  “Good to see you too,” I say.

  The look on his face softens as he kisses me on the cheek. I smile and hug him warmly. I take his hand and lead him over to the couch. Sebastian serves me coffee with a long suffering look. He sits down on my other side.

  “You know, your eyes are really bewitching, Lilith,” Aidan whispers.

  “Thank you, Aidan.” I shift on the couch. “You know I am feeling kind of stir crazy. Sebastian, would you mind if Aidan took me out somewhere, where there aren’t any people to see me? I just need to get out in the sunshine for a bit?”

  “I think that would be acceptable. What do you think, Julian?”

  “Yes. I think it’s safe. Just make sure there is no one near. Just in case, wear sunglasses to hide your eyes.”

  “Aidan, have her back in two hours?” Sebastian says evenly.

  “Of course. Let’s see. Where to take you. There were some islands off Greece that are uninhabited. How would that be, love?”

  “That sounds charming.” I smile. “Let me go pack a swimming suit.”

  “Or I can summon one for you.”

  “Why don’t you get one for me? That way we can leave right now. Bye, everyone.”

  I give Sebastian a long kiss goodbye. Letting it linger. Bast gives me a desperate look.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay? You’ve been having some symptoms…” Sebastian says, alluding to my newly aggressive sexual tendencies without putting it right out there. Okay, downright voracious, sexual appetite. I concede his point. But Aidan doesn’t give me a chance to answer, he takes my hand and we are gone in a flash. We pop onto a beautiful sandy beach full of sun, blue skies and blue water.

  Aidan points his finger and a changing tent pops up. He
hands me a skimpy little bikini and I raise my eyebrow at him. He grins, unrepentant. I hurry into the tent to change. The bikini is black and there isn’t much to it, but it contrasts nicely with my pale skin. When I emerge, Aidan is standing in swim trunks waiting for me. The wind blows through his hair and he looks like a Fire Spirit trapped in a human body. His chest is chiseled with hard abs and sun kissed skin. He is beautiful and I’m dancing on dangerous ground. I’d say I’m hip deep in alligators. I’d have an animalistic need for sex in any form. I can’t keep my eyes off Aidan. I never should have come with him.

  He holds out his hand to me and I take it. As usual, it is warm. The breeze carries his scent to me, cinnamon and sunlight. We wade through warm cerulean water and let the waves wash over our toes. Aidan pulls me into him. He leans in and takes a deep breath of my hair and shudders. I can feel how excited he is. Djinn have all the requisite parts. He is pressed up against me and I move away but in doing so brush against him. He moans, bends down and kisses my neck, he kisses my ear and whispers he loves me. It takes everything in me not to jump all over him and it has nothing to do with love. I stumble away from him and fall in the sand and water, gasping though I don’t need air. I think it’s my body’s way of fighting itself. The werewolf in me needs sex and the girl in me wants to be faithful to Sebastian. I start to cry and then I feel hot hands around my waist, lifting me up and turning me around

  “I love you so much, but I can see how you’re struggling. I don’t want you unless you want to be with me one hundred percent.”

  I nod, not daring to speak.

  “Let’s swim for awhile and see if we can’t calm you down.”

  He coaxes the dolphins to come near us with some jinni magick and I swim with them. Being with them is magickal. They’re so free, living in the moment. The new animal in me rises. I play and swim to my heart’s content. Aidan watches me from the shore, not wanting to get me riled up again.

  Too soon it is time to go. I change into my dress and Aidan decides to get rid of my bikini. He thinks Sebastian might object to it for some reason. He evaporates the changing tent too. Taking my hand we pop into the hallway.


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