Sucking Bites (San Francisco Vampires Series #3)

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Sucking Bites (San Francisco Vampires Series #3) Page 21

by Jessica McBrayer

  I take a steadying breath and take his hand. “Aidan, I do love you but you’re right about me still loving Sebastian.”

  “We need to wait until you’re ready. Then I will be the first one in line.” He gives me his crooked grin, the one I’ve always been in love with. “Besides, Hannah will be out here in a minute.”

  “Did I hear my name?”

  “Yes, beautiful one. Even with the pink tipped hair,” Aidan says.

  “Hey, we are getting off track. Fuck my hair. We need to focus on how we are going to kick this Gabrielle’s ass and give Sebastian the first vampire STD for being such a dick.”

  “That sounds a bit extreme, Hannah,” I say. Numbness allows me to consider the plan dispassionately. As soon as the pain threatens to overwhelm me I look to the horizon and think about the sun.

  “I knew you would wimp out on me. That’s why I’m going to a voodoo priestess. I’ll get a voodoo doll or something. Or better yet, my in-laws have tricks and connections. Oooh yeah. Now we’re talking.” Hannah starts rubbing her hands together with the evil glint to her eyes that I’ve seen before. The outcome is never pretty. I better put a stop to this before Sebastian loses his favorite appendage. Not that I really mind at the moment.

  “Whoa, Hannah. Let’s reel it in for a minute. I don’t want Sebastian losing any appendages.”

  “Why not,” Hannah and Aidan say simultaneously. Oh shit, they’re serious.

  “Guys, come on, that’s beyond cruel. No, out of the question. Now Gabrielle…”

  Hannah’s glint comes back. “I’ll see what I can do,” she says.

  We swim in the clear waters, playing with the fish. I try to lose my melancholy mood. About six, San Francisco time, we dress and Aidan cleans up after us, making everything disappear. He takes Hades home to Diel then comes back for Hannah and me. He takes my hand and Hannah’s and we pop back to the manse into the library in time to turn Liam and Andrew into vampires.

  In the kitchen Andrew cooks Liam their last meal. I slice onions for French onion soup. While caramelizing the onions and then reducing them in a wine and butter sauce, I chop vegetables for a salad. Hannah slips in behind me and puts her hand on my back. Her one touch tells me she is there for me.

  Aidan follows on her heels and retrieves the beef broth for the soup from the fridge. He cuts bread and cheese. We prepare the salad in companionable silence. I hear the front door open and I smell Sebastian the minute he hits the hallway. He smells of his unique scent and of sex and cheap perfume.

  “What are you doing here,” Helena asks angrily.

  “I’m here to help turn the boys.”

  “I don’t think that is a good idea, Sebastian,” Julian says.

  “Oh come on, you aren’t all mad at me, are you?”

  I grip the knife so tightly my knuckles turn whiter than normal. Aidan notices and puts his hand over mine, gently twisting the knife from my hand.

  “What’s got into you? Are you mad?” Julian asks.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sebastian answers casually. He doesn’t sound like himself. He’s behaving so oddly. It hits me hard, how lightly he’s discarded me.

  “I’ll go in and sort this out,” Aidan says with a glint to his eye I don’t like.

  “Please don’t hurt him, Aidan.”

  “I promise I won’t kill him. That’s all I’m promising.”

  Hannah chuckles and takes up his position at the chopping block. Aidan comes back after we have everything simmering.

  “He’s going to stay to help with the transformation, Lilith,” Aidan says gently.

  “How can I face him?”

  “We agreed that he and you would be in separate rooms for the duration of the process.”

  “I can’t stand the thought of being in the same house as he is. Ugh. What a mess!”

  “I did my best to champion for you, lover, but he is determined. So it was either leave it as a bad job or evaporate him. He has a small point. He says that Andrew and Liam are his friends too and he has a right to be here.” He kisses me gently on the head and then on the lips.

  I look into his eyes and then kiss him. He responds immediately. “I love you,” I whisper.

  “Oh Gaia knows how much I love you.”

  “Get a room—puke. I’m trying to cook human food and it’s hard enough without you two going all Gomez and Morticia Addams on me,” Hannah says making a gagging gesture.


  Aidan, Hannah and I gather in Andrew’s room. Sebastian stays with Liam in his room. Helena and Julian join us. Andrew is nervous but excited. He has changed into pajamas and is in bed now.

  He smiles tentatively. He bends his head to the side. Helena touches the side of his face and then quick as lightening, she bites his neck and drinks for a long time. Just when I think she will drain him she stops. She checks for his pulse. She makes us check too. It is still strong, though slow. So far so good. Helena's cheeks are rosy and her touch is warm. It's disconcerting. I've never seen her like this before.

  Helena covers Andrew with a heavy blanket. She turns a light on by his bed. His body temperature will be very low with his loss of blood. The virus should be well started. Someone will monitor him the entire time he is incubating over the next three days. Hannah and I sit with Andrew, while Julian and Sebastian sit with Liam. Helena leaves to arrange a place for Hannah to sleep tonight. Aidan goes with her to help with any last minute touches.

  “How are you doing, girlfriend?” Hannah asks when everyone is gone.

  “Not good but I will survive, I think. It was quite a shock to hear him tonight. I just can’t bear to see him yet.”

  “I understand. Well, no I don’t. I mean I don’t understand what the fuck he’s thinking.”

  “One minute he was professing his undying love for me and the next he is kissing that woman with his hand up her dress and moving out without a discussion.” I drag my fingers through my hair.

  “Something is wrong. That’s all there is to it. Something is just wrong.”

  “Wrong with me,” I whisper.

  “Stop it right now. Do you hear me? Get those crazy thoughts out of your head, girlfriend.”

  “I’ve tried. I must have done something wrong. Maybe this werewolf thing was too much for him? Maybe it’s just me,” I mumble.

  “Nonsense, he was all over you when you were transformed.”

  “Let’s not talk about it, Han. I’m going to bum out again and I’ve done enough of that.”

  “Okay, honey. We’ll put it on the back burner for now.” She gives me a big hug and pats my back.

  For once, Aidan uses the door to enter the room. He smiles at us.

  “Hey, Ganja Girl, I haven’t had a chance to ask you—what’s been happening in the East Bay?”

  “Not much, we had the annual naked march down Telegraph. It’s getting pretty sad looking though. Same old marchers and when I mean old, I mean it literally. Not much to look at anymore.” We all laugh at that. “But at least they are expressing their beliefs. Power to the people and all that. Diel was trying not to gag. I had to smack him and remind him he lived in Berkeley now. He wondered what happened to self-respect.”

  We laugh again.

  “Will he be coming over?” I ask.

  “Yes. He had some business to finish and then he’s hoping he’ll be here this morning.” I feel a pang, just a day ago I’d felt as confident in Sebastian’s love as Hannah is in Diel’s. I look away. I don’t want to diminish her well-earned joy.

  “Excellent. Can I get you girls some coffee or wine?” Aidan steps in.

  “That would be lovely, Aidan,” I reply. “I’ll have a peppermint mocha. Hannah?”

  “A cappuccino please, Aidan.” He summons our drinks and then sits down to join in our conversation. We pass a pleasant evening talking about everything but Sebastian.

  Soon it is time for all young vamps to sleep. Aidan accompanies me to my bedroom to tuck me in. He and Helena will m
onitor Andrew while we sleep.

  He gets up on the bed with me and spoons around my body, lending his warmth.

  “I love how warm you are, Aidan. It is so safe and comforting.”

  “Good, I want you to feel that way, Lilith, I want you to feel the love I feel for you.”

  “I love you too.” He kisses my neck and nuzzles me and it feels so good. I feel less lonely. Then he leaves me to my thoughts and I appreciate the quiet. I haven’t had a moment to myself to sort things out. I don’t know if I can, but I can plan and that’s what I do.

  I slowly unwrap myself from Lilith. She needs time to grieve and be alone with her thoughts. The now all too familiar furrows in her forehead and the hollow look in her eyes is gone in sleep. I pray to the gods that she finds peace and wakes up rested. These last two days have been hell for her and the cause of it all is under this roof right now. He needs to leave. The boys have been turned. There is no need for him to be here. Surely he wants to get back to his tramp.

  In Liam’s room I find Julian but no Sebastian.

  “Julian, surely we can talk Sebastian into leaving now that the boys have turned.”

  “Funny that you mentioned that. Sebastian just got a call from Gabrielle and he went running out to meet her. He said he would be back when the boys went to hunt for their first time.” Julian straightens the edge of his collar. “We’ll need Lily then too.”

  “She won’t be able to avoid him then.” She is going to have to face him one of these days, I suppose.

  “Sebastian is making noises about moving in with Gabrielle,” Julian says.

  “Is he insane?”

  “It appears so.”

  “Lilith talked about moving into her condo again. I guess that is what she needs to do or she can stay with me. I think I want her with me for a while. She is so fragile right now. Have you seen how empty her eyes are?”

  “Yes, I’m very worried about her too.” He runs his hand over his hairless scalp. “She’s been under unbelievable turmoil these past two months. You can’t change the circumstances, Aidan. Only they can figure this out. I’m comforted that she has you.” He looks away. I think he’s about to say more but changes his mind.

  “Would you mind watching Liam for a bit? I want to see Helena.”

  “Take your time. But I want to be with Lilith when she wakes up.”

  “Thank you, my friend,” Julian says. He squeezes my shoulder and leaves to find his lover.

  I sit thinking of possible ways to make Sebastian suffer without Lilith knowing. It’s a grim amusement and passes the time until she wakes.

  The incubation passes quickly and soon it’s time for Liam and Andrew’s first hunt. I wake up and know the boys are awake and aware. I can hear Liam talking. I shower and dress choosing a Dior yellow and pink guipure bustier dress worn with black wool shorts and heels. I have a feeling I will be doing some hunting today with Liam and Andrew since I am due to feed again as well. I hurry down the hall to Liam’s room.

  “I’m thirsty,” Liam says as if his thirst is a surprise to him.

  “Of course,” Julian says.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask.

  “Pretthy thirsthty. Why am I lissthping? Oh fangths. Cool!”

  Oh, yeah. They’re ready to hunt. If we had someone warm blooded in the room he would have a hard time controlling himself.

  He smiles and it is so cute to see the little fangsters.

  I straighten my shoulders and leave the room to tell Helena and Sebastian that Liam is getting dressed and Julian wants to take him hunting. Helena and Hannah are in the hall because Sebastian is supervising Andrew’s dressing. Both young vamps are still weak but coming on strong. They’ll get their full strength after their first feeding.

  “Andrew’s little fangs came out!” Hannah squeals.

  “I heard ttthat,” Andrew lisps from the other side of the wall. Super hearing has kicked in.

  “Oops, hehehe.”

  “I know, Liam’s too. They are sooo cute and the lisp is precious!” I coo.

  “Now girls, settle down. We have to help them control themselves while they feed for the first time and there is nothing precious or cute about that. It will be dangerous for us all. It’s broad daylight out,” Helena says. “Any suggestions on where to take them?”

  “Not Chinatown, too much garlic,” I volunteer. New vamps can’t handle a lot of garlic.

  “Maybe some tourists down by Pier 39? We could hit up a parking garage,” Hannah suggests.

  “I was thinking that very thing. We could nab two at a time. I believe Lily, you and Sebastian need to feed too. You could take them out again at night. That way we can keep them well fed and teach them just to take what they need at one feeding.”

  Sebastian opens the door. He has a fanged Andrew on his elbow. I give Andrew a wink. He quickly winks back at me and smiles. Then I see Sebastian. It’s like a slap in the face. He just looks at me with no expression. It’s like he has no emotions. How could he have the audacity to act like nothing has happened? I turn away. Aidan stands behind me and puts his hands on my waist, reassuring me.

  “Helena, I think that’s a good plan. We can take both cars and caravan there. Is Liam ready yet,” Sebastian says staring at me, again. As if I’m a stranger, but one he’s mildly curious about. I turn to Liam, but he answers for himself, right behind me.


  “He’s trying not to talk. He heard Lily say his lisp was precious and now he doesn’t want to say anything at all,” Aidan says.

  “Here, here,” Andrew says.

  Hannah laughs. Outside the two Mercedes sedans wait for our expedition. The boys wear sunglasses. They are both pale and gaunt. Fresh blood will fix them up. We split up, Aidan, Hannah, and I take Andrew. Sebastian, Helena, Julian and Liam take the other car. We drive to Pier 39 parking garage. We find parking slots next to each other.

  The boys smell warm blood. They instantly go on alert. Their pupils enlarge and their nostrils flare. They hiss, ready to pounce. This is a tricky time. Vampires turn vicious if left on their own. Sebastian holds onto Liam and Julian holds Andrew, with Aidan as back up. We edge into the shadows. Helena, Hannah and I split up to find a couple of tourists to lure back to them with a car trouble story.

  Helena entices a nice gentleman to follow her. I find a young guy at the same time. Perfect.

  “I don’t know what happened. It just won’t start,” I say, going into my maiden-in-distress routine. The hood to the sedan is up.

  “Maybe the battery is dead, babe,” my donor says. I give the ‘My aren’t you a big strong man’ smile and lead him off to dinner.

  I hear Sebastian and Julian whispering instructions to the boys. The biggest concern is that they will tear the jugular and kill the men. Then it won’t matter if they drain them or not.

  The men reach the front of the cars where we left the hoods up, out of the line of sight of passersby. Sebastian and Julian release Liam and Andrew and the boys are on the men in an instant. The donors don’t have a chance to be surprised, it happens so quickly. I hear the boys moaning with the pleasure of their first meal. It tickles me. When we think they have had enough, Sebastian and Julian step in and take over. If they are under control the new vamps will relinquish the men on their own. After some coaxing they do. I am impressed at their control, it’s a good sign. We promise them we will go hunt again tonight.

  The men’s necks are already closing, small bruises fading. Our venom helps that. Helena guides her donor to a curb and I help mine to the opposite side of the garage to another curb. Liam and Andrew are a mess. It will be a while before they master eating without getting blood all over themselves. Helena trances the donors and they forget the whole encounter.

  Watching them eat and the smell of the blood has made me hungry.

  “We’ll eat tonight, ma petite,” Sebastian says. “You are not the youngest anymore—that should make you feel good.”

  “Don’t talk to me,” I sn
ap at Sebastian. His look of surprise appears genuine. Hannah rolls her eyes at him.

  “I’m the big sister now,” I say to Andrew.

  Aidan laughs. “I can’t believe I have resorted to helping vampires feed.”

  “You’re a good guy Aidan,” I say.

  “Not always. You would be wise not to forget it.” Fire swirls in his eyes.

  For the next three weeks, we are so busy helping the two new vampires I don’t notice the passing of time. Andrew and Liam adapt to their new lifestyles like mosquitoes to bloodsucking. We buy unbreakable glasses because the boys have not mastered their new strength.

  Aidan and I are required to present ourselves at Zoe’s court in two days. I shift on the couch, restless, and unable to avoid hearing Liam and Andrew up in Liam’s room making noise. Pay backs are a bitch. I brace myself when the front door opens—it means Sebastian is here. The cheap perfume I’ve smelled on him is much stronger this time and sure enough I hear the sharp click of stilettos. Please, God, tell me he didn’t bring her here. I look around panicking. Aidan summons some hand sanitizer for me. The shock on everyone else’s faces matches my own. Aidan grips my arm, firmly, yet gently. The temperature rises. We wait for them to enter.

  “Good evening everyone. I thought it was time for you to meet my Gabrielle,” Sebastian says smiling.

  She glides into the room, clinging to Sebastian’s arm. She peers coyly from behind her curtain of long dark hair. Aidan’s grip is so tight I can’t move but I find comfort in it. The room is like a Bikram yoga class. It’s Gag-me-elle. The bitch that was flirting with Sebastian at court. The one he gave the once-over. Her curves strain the seams of her designer knock-off dress.

  “Gabrielle, I’d like you to meet my dearest friends, Helena and Julian.” Sebastian leads her over to them and they stiffly shake her hand. Aidan and I are treated as if we are invisible. Helena holds on to Gabrielle’s hand a moment too long.

  “You’re a witch!” Helena exclaims. Understanding flares in her eyes. She unleashes a spell at the tramp. “Aidan, gag her and bind Sebastian!”


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