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Leaving Triad

Page 7

by K. D. Jones

  “Zor, are you sure about this?” Curly whispered in his ear when he saw where Zor was headed.

  He didn’t respond, he just walked straight up to the Soto alien that was standing there. “How much will you give me for this one?” he asked.

  “Don’t, Zor, I’ll leave Emily alone. I promise,” Jeremy began to plead.

  “I can’t kill you and this is the next best thing,” Zor answered.

  “I’ll give you fifty for him,” the large Soto answered with a huge grin. “I’m sure I can find someone to buy him. We may have to lease him a bit to get broken in though.”

  “A hundred. He’ll sell great with the ladies, he’s got natural charms,” Zor returned.

  “I’m worth way more than a hundred measly dollars,” Jeremy protested.

  “We’re talking grand here,” the Soto answered laughing. “I’ll give you seventy five.”

  “Done,” Zor said and shoved Jeremy toward the large Soto.

  The Soto tossed Jeremy in a cage and activated the force field that wouldn’t allow him out. He continuously tried, getting shocked every time. The large alien counted out Zor’s money and handed it to him. Zor, Curly, and Henry started walking away. Zor enjoyed hearing Jeremy yell the way he made Emily scream, although he would rather have tortured him to death than to let him live.

  “Not a word of this to Emily, got that?” Zor demanded from Henry and Curly.

  “Aye, Captain.” They agreed, knowing that she would be pissed at Zor if she ever found out what had actually happened to Jeremy.

  They headed back on board the ship after leaving the outpost. While Henry and Curly headed back to the bar for some beer, Zor headed back to his room and pulled Emily into his arms. He took in her scent and held her even closer. He loved her. The realization hit him hard. He loved this woman more than life itself. He kissed her cheek and drifted into a sweet slumber. He felt a relief he had never felt before, just knowing the abusive male could no longer hurt the woman he loved. He found solace in it.

  Chapter Ten

  Emily stirred early in the morning still bothered by what happened, it had haunted her sleep that night. In her mind, she could feel him pushing her and slamming her into the walls and knocking her to ground again as she yelled at him to stop. Then she felt a body against hers. Her first instinct was to jump away, which woke Zor up instantly. She was hyperventilating and her body was shaking with fear. The panic soon stopped when she realized it was Zor sleeping next to her, with that realization, she felt safe and comfortable. It was still early in the morning, but Zor was wide-awake now even though he had just fallen asleep no more than three hours ago.

  “Emily, what’s wrong?” he asked, reaching out and pulling her gently against him so he could comfort her. He had no idea where these instincts came from, but he seemed to know what she needed from him. He couldn’t stand to see her so scared.

  “I can’t believe that he tried to do that to me,” she cried as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “If you had not shown up when you did, it would have been so much worse.”

  “It’s alright, I won’t let him hurt you again,” Zor promised. He used shushing sounds to ease her fear. He told no lies and used truth and kind words to soothe her. He would never let Jeremy hurt her again.

  “You didn’t kill him?” she questioned. “Did you?”

  “I was bound by code not to, Emily,” Zor started. “But even knowing code, if Curly hadn’t stopped me, I was so outraged I would have.”

  “Code?” Emily questioned confused but remembering Curly mentioned something about it yesterday.

  “Any Alien that kills a human, without the human attacking first, will either be held for judgment or will be sentenced to death. Aliens are at an advantage over humans. We are stronger and have more advanced technology. There had to be laws enacted to protect humans,” Zor answered.

  “And you were going to kill him?” Emily questioned. “Even though you could have been sentenced to death?”

  “It would have been well worth it to know he wouldn’t be able to hurt you again,” Zor answered honestly.

  Emily looked into his eyes, shocked he would have been willing to die for her. She had never felt safer with anyone else. She loved his strength, his kindness, and his generosity. She loved him for the security he made her feel. Suddenly, it seemed that all of the issues she had with Jeremy were unimportant. All that mattered was she was falling in love with Zor.

  She turned fully so she was facing him and pressed her lips against his tightly. She forced him onto his back on the bed as she kept her lips against his.

  “You’re probably going to be late,” she said, pulling away reluctantly. She felt an intense need for him, something that was unfamiliar to her.

  “Curly is manning the ship today, they’ll call if they need anything,” he answered, then took her lips with his.

  She ran her tongue across his lips, teasing him with her tongue. Then his tongue darted out of his mouth joining with hers. She ran her hands up his chest, grinding herself against him, causing his member to stiffen quickly. She needed to feel him inside her.

  He took her shirt off and sat up just enough to take one of her breasts into his mouth, sucking on the nipple until it was at a hardened tip. He did the same to the other, then flipped her over so he was on top of her. She was still wearing her shorts from work so he pulled them off, knowing there was no underwear underneath.

  “God, Zor, I need you,” she moaned as he removed his own shirt.

  “Not yet, I am going to lavish your body and take you to heights you’ve never been before,” he answered, giving her a sexy smile as he got back on top of her, meaning every word he just said.

  He ran his hand down her body until he got to her womanhood. He massaged the bud of nerves then gently slid in two fingers, pumping in and out of her, quickening his movements with her moans. He could feel her push herself against his hand as she moaned. Her fluids slid all over his fingers, he wanted to taste her, needed to taste her.

  He pushed her thighs apart and started flicking his tongue across her clit, barely letting the tip of his tongue touch it at first, until he knew she was comfortable with it. Then he started circling the bud with his tongue. He licked his tongue down until he got to her wet canal and thrust his tongue into her. She tasted sweet, good, like honey but better. He circled his tongue inside her, then started thrusting in and out.

  His cock was begging to be in her, but he couldn’t get enough of her taste, then finally she arched into his mouth, screaming, “Zor!” He took the last of her flavor with his tongue and suckled at the bud just to get it wet again.

  He moved back up, kissing his way up her perfect body to her neck. He circled the tip of his cock around her entrance getting it covered with her cream, then he gently pushed into her, moving as slow as possible.

  “Harder,” Emily whispered, then lightly bit down on his neck as she ran her hands up each side of him and onto his back.

  He picked up his movements, thrusting in and out of her rapidly. He took her lips with his again, deepening the kiss almost as soon as it started. He could feel her walls tightening around his cock as she mirrored his movements.

  He could feel her orgasm coming on. His was close too, but he wasn’t ready to finish. He wanted this to last all day but as soon as the walls of her pussy clamped down on his throbbing cock, he buried himself deep inside her and released his seed.

  He rolled to the side taking her with him. He kissed her and smiled at her, while catching his breath. That was amazing.

  They stayed like that for a while, holding each other, allowing their bodies to come down from such a high.

  Then Emily got up and smiled. “I’m going to shower,” she said as she walked seductively toward the bathroom.

  “Alright. Why are you looking at me like that?” he returned smiling.

  “Thought you might want to join me,” she answered.

  “I’m not sure how long I can look at your
bare body without taking it as mine again,” he answered, honestly.

  “And that would be a problem, why?” she answered invitingly, then started running the water.

  He followed her into the shower. He soaped up his hands and washed her body before she had the chance to even rinse the shampoo out of her hair. He stood there and watched as she put conditioner in her hair. His member was already stiffening again, what was it about this woman that always had him begging for more sex? She rinsed the conditioner out of her hair, glanced down, and then looked back up with a sexy smile.

  “Ready for me again?” she asked enticingly.

  “Fuck yes, baby,” he answered as he lifted her up and put her up against the wall. He didn’t even have to guide himself inside her, his cock just slid into her warmth.


  “Emily, take those beers to table number three,” Talia stated, breaking her from her thoughts of her early morning escapades.

  “Where’s Henry?” Emily asked as she set the beer down in front of each person sitting at table.

  “He said he had some business to tend to and he would be back soon,” Talia answered as she made one of the more complicated drinks and took it over to another table.

  “It’s the last day here at this port. How can he take off on one of the busiest days?” Bethany questioned, serving six beers at the bar.

  “He’ll be back soon. He said it would be an hour, he had to meet with Zor,” Talia answered.

  “He better be back soon,” Sarn started. “I’m working through my vacation,” she said smiling. “Not that I mind seeing you three girls.”

  “What the hell is a universal sex?” Emily questioned, shocked and not sure if that was the name of a drink or a sex position.

  Talia giggled. “It’s rum with something Henry buys called galaxy juice, three strawberries, half an orange and ice in a blender, then whip cream on top,” Talia answered as she made the drink. “Henry came up with it and it’s become pretty popular with the ladies and a few men. I’ll buy you one after our shift.”

  “I need three beers with that,” Emily answered.

  Talia loaded it all onto her tray and she walked it over to table two, the woman sitting there decided to stuff the tip down Emily’s shorts. The men just stuffed it down her shirt. Of course they all flirted with her.

  It was busy like that for the rest of the shift, even after Henry got back. Finally her shift was over and she was relaxing, trying Henry’s drink. It was a fruity drink, but it tasted more like a smoothie, you couldn’t even taste the rum although it consistency was about half rum.

  She said goodnight to everyone and headed out. Instead of heading back to the room, she headed down to the holding cell, she had thought a lot through her long shift. She wanted to tell Jeremy that she had moved on and was madly in love with Zor. She wanted to tell him that she was going to press charges against him for his attack and all the abuse. She also wanted to tell him how her life was so much better without him and he was pretty much nothing but a scratch in her life.

  She got to the stairs that led down to the holding cells but the guards stopped her. “I am here to see a prisoner,” she said, shocked they had blocked her.

  “Sorry, miss, but no one is allowed in or out of the brig while we are at port,” one of the guards answered.

  Emily had never heard of that before, but what did she know, she had never been to see anyone in the brig before. She turned and went back up to her room to see if Zor could get her down there so she could tell Jeremy everything she had decided. She walked into the room and watched him turn to her.

  “Hey, I was just coming to check on you,” Zor said, he had been right by the door when she opened it so she had no doubt that he was. “You’re twenty minutes late, I have to head to the control room soon.”

  “Yeah, I went to go see Jeremy in the holding cell,” she answered.

  “And?” he questioned, hoping she didn’t get down there, and if she did, he was going to throw a couple of guards in there too.

  “They told me I couldn’t see him, that no one is allowed in there while we are at port,” she answered.

  “Why did you want to see him?” Zor questioned, wondering if she still had feelings for him, but hoping she didn’t because he had no clue what he would do without her.

  “I wanted to tell him I was going to press charges against him,” she answered.

  “I can make sure the message gets to him once we get out into space again, you don’t need to concern yourself with him anymore,” Zor returned and kissed her lips quickly but aggressively. “I’ll see you at lunch,” he added as he walked through the sliding door.

  Emily felt as if Zor was hiding something from her, but she didn’t know what. Truth was her mind was clouded by the desire she still had for him. She wasted her time to go down and chew out Jeremy when she could have been up here making love to Zor, and she didn’t even get to chew out Jeremy so it wasn’t even worth it.

  She wished she had never went down to the holding cell, she wondered why she needed to tell him she was in love with Zor so badly. The truth was, it didn’t even need to be Jeremy, she just needed to tell someone, but she wasn’t ready to tell Zor, she didn’t want to tell him until she knew how he felt.

  She set the alarm she had on the phone Henry gave her and laid down for a nap before lunch with Zor. She had a really long, exhausting day at work. That and Henry’s drink had affected her just as bad as a few straight shots of rum would.

  Chapter Eleven

  Emily opened her eyes and found herself alone once again. This was three days in a row now that Zor made passionate love to her for hours after her work shift, held her until she fell asleep in his arms, then he would slip out of bed before she woke. She knew she would see him later that evening, but she missed waking up in his arms.

  She sat up which caused something to fall off the bed. She leaned over and reached down to pick up a thin box about six inches long. She sat back up on the bed and opened the box. She found a thin, gold chain necklace with a beautiful topaz stone encircled by tiny diamonds. It was gorgeous and looked very expensive. It matched the topaz earrings he had given her two days ago.

  She frowned. She didn’t care about the gifts, although they were beautiful and sweet. All she needed and wanted was him. She placed the box on the side table and got up to go take a shower. Yesterday he had sent her flowers at work. The girls, Henry, and some of her customers had teased her about it.


  “Girl, you must be doing something right in bed if the man is sending you flowers,” Sarn commented, leaning forward to take a whiff of the beautiful bouquet of red star lilies.

  Emily smiled as she sat her flowers on the bar. Jeremy had never done anything like this for her in all the years they had been together. Of course she probably would have paid for them so would that had really counted. Zor made her feel desired, admired, and worshipped. Looking at the beautiful flowers made her realize she hadn’t done anything to show him how much she cared.

  She wasn’t ready to tell him she loved him yet, but the time was getting closer to do that. She wasn’t sure what was holding her back. Maybe she was afraid she was rushing into another relationship too soon after Jeremy. The thought of Jeremy put a frown on her face. She still didn't have the closure she needed from Jeremy. She wanted to close the chapter on that once and for all.

  “Are you going to show him your appreciation later?” Talia asked with a wink.

  Emily blushed. She never knew what to say when it came to her and Zor. “Yeah, I’ll thank him as soon as I see him.”

  “A good blow job should do the trick,” Talia offered as she picked up her tray of drinks and went about her business.


  Today’s necklace was another gift she knew would not be the last. He had given her so much, and all she had given him in return was nothing but trouble. She needed to do something special for him for a change.

  She showered and chan
ged, getting ready for her shift. She left the quarters she shared with Zor and headed toward the bar. She was starting her shift early tonight because she wanted to get off early. She had a surprise planned for Zor.

  “Hey, honey, you look well rested this evening,” Henry called out to her as she walked into the bar.

  “Thanks, Henry. What would you like for me to do first this evening?”

  “Could you wipe down all the tables before the early crowd gets here?”

  “Sure.” Emily worked on getting the bar prepped for service. When the first customers of the night entered the doors, she was ready for them.


  A couple of hours later, Zor strolled through the doors of the bar. His eyes searched the room immediately for Emily. He didn’t find her anywhere. Was she in the back? He approached the bar.

  “Hey, Henry.”

  “Good evening, Captain. What can I get you?”

  “A beer is fine. Where is Emily?”

  Henry gave him a smirk. “You can’t go five minutes without thinking about the female, can you?”

  Zor didn’t respond to Henry’s jab. He took a swig of his beer. “Where is she?”

  “Easy, Captain, she came in early tonight and asked to leave early.”

  Zor felt the air leave his body. What if she was trying to go to the brig again? He had to find her so he could explain.

  Zor got up and headed out of the bar. He made quick work to get to down to the brig, but the guard he had posted on that floor said it had been really quiet all day and he hadn't seen Emily that evening.

  He then headed to his quarters, worried she might be sick. She was human and frailer than the other species on board. Zor was determined to take better care of her.

  He arrived to their quarters and found it empty as well. Where the hell was she? Then he saw a note on the edge of the bed, surrounded by the petals from the flowers he had sent her earlier. The note read:

  Meet me in the observatory, Em.


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