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[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander

Page 10

by Jennae Vale

  “Aye. Ye do,” Isla said. “Here ye go. Climb on into the bed. Merry and I will join ye shortly, won’t we Merry?”

  “Aye. We will. And if ye dinnae fall asleep before we get back, we’ve much gossip to share with ye.”

  Kat smiled reassuringly at them. They were so kind to want to care for her, she wished she could stay and be a part of this family, but it was not meant to be.

  Chapter 11

  Nick was angry with himself for his inability to protect Katriona from that bastard Calhoun. He’d only stepped away for a moment and fate had made it impossible for him to get to her without going through Calhoun’s armed men first. By the time he’d reached her, the damage had been done. Kat had gone back into her shell and no longer trusted him to be her protector. He had to win her trust back somehow. He only hoped he could keep her from running away. He understood her fear and knew that if he were Kat, he would be skeptical that anyone at Dunaill could protect her. His frustration was such that he wanted to hit the first person he came across.

  To that end, Nicholas saddled up Laoch and headed into the village. He’d have something to say to that meddlesome innkeeper. It was because of him that Kat was hurt and he had a need to visit the man and find out why he’d betrayed them. As he rode, Nick cooled off, going from ready to tear the innkeeper’s head off to merely wanting to rattle some fear into him. It wasn’t a long ride to the village and the cool air was slowly clearing his head. Once he arrived at the inn and dismounted, he handed his horse over to Rabbie, the inn’s stable boy. “I won’t be long, so there’s no need to remove his saddle.” The boy nodded and walked away with Laoch following.

  Entering the inn, Nick immediately spotted Osgar seated in a back corner of the dining room, gossiping with another villager.

  “Ye gossip worse than an old woman, Osgar,” Nick spat out as he grabbed Osgar by the shirt collar and hauled him up from his seat.

  Osgar began to shake and cry from fear. “I’m sorry, Sir Nick. I didnae mean to cause ye any trouble, especially nae on yer celebration day. I had nae idea that Maguire would search out the lass’s husband.”

  Nick dropped him back into his chair, where the man cowered. “See to it that ye never spread another word of gossip regarding the Mackalls or ye’ll have me to answer to and it willnae go as well for ye as it did today.” Nick turned and strode from the inn. The stable boy was waiting for him and handed Laoch over with a nod of his head.

  Control was something Nick had learned over the years. He didn’t always have the luxury of controlling what was happening around him, but he did have control over how he reacted and today Osgar was lucky that by the time he’d reached the inn, he’d cooled off. He had no doubt that Osgar would be keeping his mouth shut from now on. Now to convince Kat that there was good reason for her to stay and to grant him her trust once again.

  * * *

  Kat sat alone by the window of her room gazing out on Mackall lands, saddened by the predicament she now found herself in. Nick was as sweet as could be and it would be easy to love him. In fact, she thought she might already love him, but theirs was a love that could never be. She didn’t belong here among these people. This world was dangerous to her as she’d found out on more than one occasion. Nick tried his best to protect her and take care of her, but even he couldn’t manage to stop Bearach Calhoun from getting to her. Now she had to find a way out of this mess. She realized that what she needed was that emerald. It had disappeared from her hand while she was in transit from her own time to Nick’s time. Where it was now was anyone’s guess, but she knew that if she stood any chance at all of going home, she’d need to find it. She needed to get back to the sight of the archeological dig at Sinclair Castle. Once there, she hoped that the emerald would be in the same place she’d found it. There was no way of knowing where it had come from or how it got there. Would it be visible to her in this time period? It had to be. Why else would it have deposited her here at this time in history? The fact that there was a possibility of finding it, cheered Kat immensely, as did the sight of Nicholas Mackall riding like the wind back to the castle.

  Seeing Nick brought a smile to her lips and warmth to her heart. He was such a handsome man, but more than that he was a good man. A man to be trusted. He was her trusted highlander, but as much as she put her faith in him, she still had to get out of this time and back to her own. Bearach Calhoun didn’t seem at all intimidated by the Mackalls. He’d be back for her, she could feel it in her bones. What would happen then could be nothing but bad. She thought about all those times she’d thought her life in twenty-first century London was boring. She’d give anything for boring right about now. Although, she had never felt quite as alive as she did in this moment.

  Nick was getting closer and she couldn’t seem to stop herself from running down the stairs to greet him as he returned. She opened the castle doors just as he entered the courtyard. His eyes met hers and they shared a moment of recognizing the other’s heart and knowing what they both wanted. He vaulted down from his horse, handing the reins over to Jed, the stable boy, with barely a look in his direction. His eyes never left hers as he approached the doorway. Kat’s heart beat a little faster and the butterflies in her stomach frantically fluttered their wings in an attempt to get out.

  * * *

  Nick strode to the castle entry with eyes only for the lass waiting in the doorway. Katriona was a vision and she took his breath away. Her sea green eyes were pulling him in and he was helpless to stop himself from what he was about to do.

  “Katriona.” His voice was husky with desire as he swept her up in his arms and kissed her passionately. He felt her soften and then pull him closer as she placed her hands behind his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair. He was surprised that she didn’t balk. Had he been thinking, he might have approached this differently. After her experience with Calhoun, she had not wished for him to get too close. At least not in an intimate way. The kisses they’d shared at the feast had been sweeter than he’d imagined they could be, but he also thought they may have been just for show. And yet, here she was softly returning his kisses and caressing him with her body.

  “Ahem,” Lettie said as she approached from behind Nick. “This is neither the time nor the place for that.” She brushed past them and into the castle.

  As much as he hated to admit it, his mother was right and a quick glance behind him proved her point. They had obviously made a spectacle of themselves as everyone within eyeshot was now standing and staring at them. Kat turned an appropriate shade of pink and Nick quickly turned her and led her through the castle doors, but not before he heard some whistling and good natured shouting coming from behind.

  * * *

  Kat was surprised at herself. She’d allowed Nick to kiss her again and she’d kissed him back, not once thinking about that horrible night with Bearach. Nick had been able to scale that wall and take down that barrier. She was also embarrassed. What did she think she was doing? She was in medieval Scotland and who knows what people would now think of her. She was a married woman and she had been seen brazenly kissing one of the Mackall men. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. Those butterflies were wreaking havoc today. Once inside, Kat bolted for the stairs and her room. She slammed the door behind her and stood in the center of the room with her hands covering her face. Thoughts of that kiss bombarded her with sensations she wished would go away. Her legs were trembling as she made her way to the bed and plunked herself down on it. How was she going to be able to make all of this right?

  There was a soft rapping at her door. Nick! She ran to the door, opening it to find Lettie with a stern look on her face. Kat immediately dropped her gaze to the floor in embarrassment.

  “Katriona, I’m not here to berate ye fer what happened. That was Nick’s fault. He knows better than that. Are ye all right?”

  Her concern touched Kat’s heart. “Yes. I’m fine, but don’t blame it all on Nick. I was a willing participant.”

  “I k
en what I saw. Ye obviously have feelings fer each other. My concern is that ye are a married lady until we can get it annulled.” Lettie took Kat’s hand in her own and led her back to sit by the fire. She sat across from her. “We can petition the Bishop of Caithness. We’ll tell him what has occurred and perhaps he’ll see things our way and dissolve yer marriage. In fact, I’d be surprised if he didn’t.”

  “Lettie, that would be wonderful, but even if he agrees, I must leave here. I must find my way back home.”

  Lettie appeared surprised at this, raising an eyebrow and tipping her head in question. “Do ye nae love my Nicholas?”

  “I’m not sure how I feel. I definitely have deep feelings for him, but so much has happened to me of late that I’m not sure those feeling are real. Maybe they’re a reaction to Nick saving me. I just don’t know.”

  “Where is yer home, lass? I thought yer family were all killed by the highwaymen.”

  Kat hesitated at that. She could tell Lettie the truth and then they’d probably lock her up somewhere because she was crazy, or she could continue the lie. “Yes. They were killed. I do have other family members in Edinburgh. They aren’t aware of what has happened. I should go home and tell them that the others have all been lost.”

  “Well, of course ye should, lass. First things first; we must get yer marriage to that good for nothing Calhoun annulled. Then we’ll see to it that ye get back home. How does that sound to ye?” Lettie smiled warmly at her as she stood and placed a comforting hand on Kat’s shoulder.

  “Good.” Kat thought about this and it seemed the only way she might be able to find the emerald. She hated deceiving these good people, but what choice did she have?

  “Will ye join me downstairs?” Lettie headed for the door.

  “I’m so embarrassed, Lettie. I don’t know if I can face anyone other than you.”

  “Of course ye can. Ye’ll be with me and not a one will dare to do or say anything about what just happened.”

  “All right then.” Kat rose from the chair and joined Lettie. They’d go together and set any wagging tongues to rest.

  Chapter 12

  Malcolm was pleased with his progress towards Dunnet Head. He’d been traveling for days and had charmed his way into food and shelter every night. The gentleman he’d waylaid had some coin in his jacket pocket, which he’d not had to use to this point. The horse had been a good one - strong and obedient.

  At his last overnight stop, Malcolm had learned that Dunaill was the Mackall stronghold. He wondered if it was the Mackall Clan that Nick belonged to. If so, things were certainly working in his favor. Nick could come in quite handy when he needed to find his way back home after acquiring the sword, but who could this woman be who was there and was supposed to help him? He’d know soon enough. He would be there in another day or two. He hoped she’d make herself known to him, because the sorcerer had given him no help in that department at all. So far he’d had no trouble at all and he wasn’t expecting any, even at Dunaill.

  As darkness set in, Malcolm arrived at the gates of a rather lackluster and run down castle. The man on the battlements called down to him.

  “Good sir, I am in need of some food and a place to stay for the night. Might I hope that the Laird of this wondrous castle could find room for me? My name is Malcolm Granger.”

  The man disappeared from his sight and he waited patiently for his return, assuming the guard would go announce Malcolm’s presence to his laird, but instead the gates opened and he was allowed to enter without question. He dismounted and his horse was taken from him. An obvious servant stood in front of him and beckoned for Malcolm to follow. To Malcolm’s surprise, he was led into the great hall of the castle. It wasn’t much to look at. His home in San Francisco was much grander than this place. The room was filled with men all seated at tables lining the room. On a raised platform at the far end of the room, sat a slovenly looking man who was stuffing his face in a most uncouth manner. Malcolm assumed this was the laird of the castle. It was obvious there wasn’t a lady of the castle based on the dirt and trash covered floors and the man’s unwashed appearance.

  “Welcome,” the man growled in a most unwelcoming way.

  “My name is Malcolm Granger, sir. I am passing by on my way to Dunaill and I’m in need of food and a place to sleep for the night.”

  “Dunaill! What business do ye have there?” The man appeared quite agitated at the mention of Malcolm’s destination.

  “I was told I could find a woman there who would help me in my endeavors.” He had to be careful what he said.

  “A woman! Ha! My woman is there and I need help retrieving her. Mayhap ye can help me.” He sat up straighter in his chair and let out a large belch. “Me wife has run away and has taken up residence there with Mackall. The one who’s been missing nie on two years. I want her back.”

  “I see. I may be able to help you.” Malcolm didn’t really care what this man’s problems were. His woman was probably smart to run away based on everything Malcolm had seen since his arrival. He’d humor the man, but his main goal was to find the woman who would help him get the sword, not the woman who’d married this sorry fool. Unless, of course, they are one and the same, he thought.

  “Sit,” Laird Calhoun said, beckoning him to a seat beside him. He pounded loudly on the table and a cowering servant appeared. “Get this gentleman some food, you oaf.” He cuffed the lad’s ear, causing him to curl up to protect himself. “Go on then, or you’ll feel me strap.”

  Malcolm sat in the seat he’d indicated. “I’m afraid I haven’t caught your name, kind sir.” He was good at this. He gave himself an imaginary pat on the back.

  “Laird Bearach Calhoun, but ye may call me Bear.”

  “Bear, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The boy arrived with food, which hardly looked appealing, but Malcolm was hungry and if he didn’t eat now, he’d be starving by the time he arrived at the Mackall’s. “This looks delicious,” he lied.

  “Me cook is a good one. Enjoy yer food.”

  Malcolm stuffed the food into his mouth and tried to ignore the fact that it was close to the worst food he’d ever eaten. He drank some of the ale which the servant had presented him in an effort to wash the horrid flavor from his mouth. “What is yer wife’s name? I’ll need to know it if I’m to locate her.”

  “Katriona. Katriona Calhoun.” Bear spat out. “She’ll regret the day she made a fool of me.”

  Malcolm had a momentary twinge of empathy for Katriona. It likely had not been her choice to marry this man. “Bear, tell me what ye know of the Mackalls.”

  Bear grumbled a bit to himself before speaking. “Well, they’ve long been a thorn in me side. The laird died many years ago and his wife took over his position. Her name is Lettie.” Calhoun shoveled more food into his mouth and continued speaking as he chewed. Apparently no one had ever told the man it was rude to speak with your mouth full. “I asked her to marry me once and she turned me down without even a moment’s consideration, if ye can believe it.”

  “Foolish woman,” Malcolm humored Bear while trying to hide his disgust.

  “Aye. She is. She has many sons and two daughters. Her oldest lad, Nick, has been missing as I’ve said. He is now back at home and is the new Laird Mackall. He has me wife and he wants to keep her fer himself. I rode there with me men and when I grabbed me wife and tried to drag her back home with me, he and his brothers put a stop to it. He threatened me. I don’t take kindly to that.” Bear wore an angry scowl as he rubbed his food-covered hands down the front of his surcoat. “I’ll bide me time, but he’ll pay for that insult.”

  So, Nick Mackall was at Dunaill. Malcolm was joyful at that news. Things were looking up and he had a good feeling about how this was all going to end.

  * * *

  The evening meal was served and the Mackalls all sat in their customary places at the family table. Kat had a spot next to Nick and the electrical current running between the two was hard not to notice.

>   “Duncan, I’d like ye to visit the Bishop of Caithness. We’ll see to this annulment for Katriona.” Lettie took charge of the conversation.

  “Aye, Ma. I’d be happy to go.” Duncan glanced down the table at Katriona and smiled warmly. “I can be ready to go in a few days time. Will that do?”

  “Aye.” Lettie nodded her head in agreement.

  “Thank you, but wouldn’t it be better for me to go?” Katriona asked. The Mackalls had done so much for her; she hated to cause them more trouble than she already had.

  “There’s nae need. If the Bishop needs to see ye, he’ll come here. Besides, we dinnae wish to tempt fate with Bearach. He’s an obstinate man and no doubt he’ll be waiting for the opportunity to steal ye away.”

  Kat didn’t have an answer to that. She knew Lettie was right and she was terrified of what would happen if Bearach got his hands on her again.

  “Once we have that taken care of, Nick, you will take Katriona back to Edinburgh.” Lettie raised her voice loud enough to get Nick’s attention as he seemed to be far away with his own thoughts.

  Nick’s head flew up like a shot. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because that’s what Kat wishes. She told me so herself. Isn’t that right, Kat?” Lettie tipped her head to see Kat.

  “Yes. That’s right. I must get back home.” Kat stared down at the food on her plate. She could feel Nick’s tenseness as he spoke. She could feel everything about him. She knew when he was happy, when he was angry, and now she could feel his disappointment that she hadn’t spoken to him about this first. The more time she spent with him, the more she could feel him. It was hard for her to explain, but it was as if they were connected on some very deep level and she knew him better than she even knew herself. If only she didn’t have to leave, but Kat would never feel safe here, not even with Nick to protect her.


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